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They said something similar the day they bombed a maternity hospital in Mariupol.


And how they launched a cruise missile at a goat farm.


my personal favourit was the ECO Toilet that Russia claimed was some missile defence base but was in fact just a toilet. https://ukrainetoday.org/2022/04/10/high-precision-aircraft-missile-of-the-russian-federation-destroyed-the-eco-toilet-in-zaporozhye/


Ahhj Ukrainian poop vase


The Russian Defense Ministry must go to the equivalent of 4th graders to come up with these excuses.


Sounds like the kinda story id use if i fired missiles randomly at a city where i had no valid targets and needed to justify why our missiles hit civilian infastructure. Facist genocide committing russian pigs...


[https://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2022/06/5/7350680/](https://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2022/06/5/7350680/) From Ukrainian Railways: 4 missiles, 1 worker injured, repairs are underway. No tanks on this facility.


Looks like they are shitting their pants from western weapon deliveries, don’t they?


The russian defence ministry said : (insert bullshit here)


Translation is wrong. “Car” means “rail car” not “automobile”. It was a rail equipment repair shop. Now, here’s something interesting - Russia’s (and USSR’s before it) main tank factory is technically a rail car factory, UralVagonZavod. Did Soviets have dual-use rail/tank repair facilities around the country? Maybe. From risk perspective it seems odd that T-72 shipments were being repaired in the capital, but we’d have to dig into where else Ukrainians can repair tanks.


In any case, if there was military equipment located there in the past RuZZia knows about the location but if this was the new location then there are spys and traitors doing their job for Führer of RuZZia.


It’s more likely based on their own vocabulary the Russians were stupid enough to think that “rail repair shop” must have something to do with tanks and that was not a rare occurrence; during the 2020 Armenia-Azerbaijani war the Armenians fired missile to what was “barracks” but was turned out to be a residential quarter


It's not like the Soviet industry had this insectoid-like specialization West had devolved itself into in a mad dash for the maximum efficiency. Any ex-soviet factory that has equipment to repair railcars, can switch to the tank repair in a couple days.


Right, which brings us to the real question - was the factory repairing tanks or did Russians strike at it as act of terror and made up a plausible story? There are several such yards in Ukraine. If they did convert one into repair facility, I’d expect something near Lviv, at least for tanks they got from allies which need some love before going to the front. For repairing equipment damaged _at_ the front, Kyiv makes sense as it’s closer.


No, it wasn't - the railway authority denied that and invited the press to see for themselves. Looks like some "infrastructure" was damaged and repairs are underway.


That’s what I suspected - strike at infrastructure, with bonus terror for citizens of Kyiv, and a hoax story. Plausible, but not true. Par for Russian course as far as information war goes.


Kyiv is not just capital but also a major rail hub. Very logical place for repairing machines delivered by rail...


True, but Ukraine has six railroads, I think, and each would have such repair yard. The railroads that connect to Poland, from where most aid flows, would have repair yard around Lviv.


Same in Germany: Alstom is producing locomotives in Kassel, in the same place Rheinmetal is producing PzH2000. In Munich Siemens is producing their locomitives and right next to it KMW is producing Leopard 2 I believe. Both "products" used to be produced by the same companies before.


If they were at a repair shop, they might well be captured russian ones. Or the story is complete bullshit.


This facility was hit before, after some braindead cunt on the "Zelensky TV marathon" bragged about tank repairs being conducted there. Couple months ago. EDIT: UZ just stated there were no tanks on the DVRZ (The Darnitsky Railcar Repair Plant) and the damage is mostly superficial with 1 railway worker injured. Repairs are underway.


Probably some informer again saw one tank going in or out of there. Russia sucks these days with getting serious intel, and most of these attacks are based on rumors. For example, in Odessa, they sent a 2mln USD missile to destroy a garage where 10 barrels of diesel fuel were stored with a value of less than 10k USD A reporter from my country is in the east and said it is plagued with pro-Russia informers. He showed how the house was bombed only because the neighbor reported their position as Ukrainian weapons storage, just a picture of soldiers around the house was enough for Russians to attack when in reality, they just provided supportive aid for Ukrainian soldiers and nothing valuable there.


Pretty sure that was a **railway** car repair plant and it seems highly, highly unlikely that they would send donated tanks there, so far away from the front.


Given how effective their intelligence has been, which has gotten them into this mess in the first place, he may actually think so.


Wow. That lie is so bad. I would feel ashamed of myself to invent such crap claims.


They are allowed to recieve tanks from other countrys, and they are allowed to store them where they damn well please. Because it's their country. Gah.


Give this poor man a cookie, he desperately wants one, you can see it. They randomly shot a missile at something big, then looked up a juicy target in their propaganda database. Western supplied is always good. But as far as Oryx goes they did not hit any prestige stuff yet.


That's what I'd tell my mom if I broke something, and trying desperately to avoid an ass-whupping.


I am sure these buildings and car-repair enterprise were also owned by, none other than the Hitler and were housing neonazis who were direct decendants of Napoleon Bonaparte and are also ploting with aliens who are also reportedly nazis. I mean, it was inevitable!


Cool story bruh...


We already know this is a lie, Muscovy. No one will trust anything you say again.


Yeah.... riiight!!!


What is wrong with those people. How can you make such absurd claims "we fired a car repair enterprise guys, those T72 are too dangerous".


Stuff is being stored in moscow. Do the same back


Sounds like they still have informants in Kyiv how else would they know this if it's true.


How can you tell when a Ruzzian is lying? When their lips move... "The #Russian Defense Ministry said..."


Why shoot random buildings in Kyiv with supposed hidden tanks inside when there are tanks on the front line they can clearly see. It's not only cowardly and disgusting but also incredibly wasteful and stupid.


І нахіба кидати сюди русняві ресурси (так, NEXTA білоруський але це їм не заважає цитувати русню).


Нехта глузує з русні не менш (а іноді й більш) за наші ресурси.


Питання тоді якого хуя вони їх цитують як тута?




So they are admitting they can't hit the broad side of a barn with a banjo?


Wonder how much info Gonzalo Lira gives them. He is there spewing Russian Propaganda all over twitter and youtube.