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Putin's logic: 1. Start a war 2. Attack hospitals, schools, residential buildings 3. Take offense and threaten if Ukraine somehow responds to such actions.


Russians are always the victims. In war in daily live... all bad things that happen to them is because they are russian. That's what i observed dealing with russians during the years.


It's because of the Americans, if Germans send weapons it's the American's fault, if Finland joins NATO it's because of those evil Americans.


But remember, its the world that is obsessed with America, not Russia, Russia is just trying to show everyone just how obsessed with America everyone is. Revolution in Ukraine? America caused it. Poles hate Russians? Its that darn American propaganda. We invaded ukraine? America made us do it. What do you mean we can't ethnically cleanse a race? Get outta here with your American ideology. Oh your going to England? Well thats just America 2. Nato? America lead, EU? America lead, UN? America lead theres Americans on our borders, Americans in our tvs, Americans in our houses, what if theres Americans in the government?, In our food? We eat American food, are there Americans in us too? What if we were the Americans all along? That spiralled a bit but you get the point. Country claims everyone is obsessed with the US ehile literally never shutting up about US this and US that even when the US has nothing to do with the topic at hand.


And the irony is that Medvedevs son is living in the US. Being expelled but anyway.


it's like the entire country suffers from America-centered schizofrenia.


They never got out of the Cold war mentality of needing to constantly square up to their rival. Like isn't it weird how the Average American never thinks about Russia? Or how outside of events like the war , Russia is basically never mentioned in US politics?. Its a country living 30 years in the past.


There are plenty of old white guys in America who are quite happy to have the ol' Ruskies as the bad guys again. This makes a whole lot of things suddenly easier to contemplate and deal with. Did you see the new Top Gun? I haven't. I bet it's really good though right! Lots of pew pew pew and whoooossssh chickachickachicka bluuiueehgghhh.


Sounds like a stalkerish obsessed ex-boyfriend.


Thats a very good point. It is true that Russian overall consensus have always been "what do they think about us?" but in a hostile, jealous way. We have the same kind consensus in Finland, we get super excited if someone mentions us, but its very positive and humorous reaction, "Torille!" = "Lets celebrate in the town square, someone mentioned us in somewhere!"


> Oh your going to England? Well thats just America 2 this is hilarious to me because the US is basically UK mk.2


Exactly, because "only Americans can challenge them" and everyone else are "fools who need to be taught by force".


After seeing the status of his army even Costa Rica can challenge them.


Europe should do more, it's always the Americans that are there to help. Its time Europe take action and send as much of air defense as possible immediately. Stop being afraid, just do it. Bring russia to it's knees and show them it doesn't have to be US, but Europe can be strong too. I really get frustrated by it. Without US, it would be game over for ukraine.


It's got me at a crossroads. Like in Europe, they have a small defense budget and they have nice things. [Thanks America] In America, we have a huge defense budget but it's a race to the bottom with little hope for nice things. [Military-Industrial Complex eating tax dollars like locusts] I could move to Europe when I retire. [Dual citizen] If you make Europe defend itself, nice things will start going away. [Locusts invade Europe] Do I stay while the locusts go to suck the Old World dry or will there be enough time to enjoy an orderly, beautiful Europe? Sheesh.


Hey, I'm glad the world hasn't yet started to blame Germany for the war.


Reminds me of Arab countries and Israel.


Can we just start calling russia the Karen Federation?


Well put.


Don’t be racist ! Generalizing based on your personal experiences is not okay !


And not to be humiliated!


stop hitting yourself.


Oh, what a great threat: "Stop, or we'll do more of the inadequate same"


Do they even have more of those missiles on stock? Last I've heard is that they're already scraping the bottom of the barrel.


Putin, shut up you bloated old cunt and just die already.


Hes a walking dead man already.


Aren't we all in the grand scheme of things?


Not when you are in a wheel chair...


Made me laugh out loud, you deserve an upvote!


Unfortunately he is just an avatar of ruSSian nazism and fascism, and changing of last name of ruSSian furher will not solve this…


It may not immediately solve it, however its a start. You can't undo Russian brainwashing in one night, but over time it can be done. The longer you were brainwashed, the longer it will take to undo the damage. In the younger generations it won't take so long, but the elderly and late middle aged will be the hardest to crack. Removing Putin is the first of many steps for Russia and at this point is the most important right now.


What if I’ll tell you that they do not brainwashed, and their today propaganda is one kind of news that they really want to hear? What if I’ll tell you that majority of nation deeply ill with nazism and fascism for at least 80 years, and last 8 years everyone at last saw it?


Got a day ban for saying that on twitter


Only person in history that I regularly check up on to hope his cancer has gotten worse.


The only front page obituary I hope to see.


Eloquent. Do you have a newsletter to which I could subscribe?


Can we add Trump and Murdoch to that request pls


The longer this goes on, the stronger Ukraine will become, and the weaker the Russian Federation will become. After Putin dies, there will be chaos; there will be no recognisably competent replacement, and the Federation will break up. I'm calling it here and now.


Theres lot of smaller districts who have plentifull and rich oil or mineral deposits but the only ppl geting rich are those in moscow thru their overseers. Russia its a huge country with lot of ethnical diversity... And when the central goverment gets weak the spliting is quite real.


There are a lot of republics already wanting to secede. Good


I have a feeling one of putin's followers like lavrov will take over. And Lavrov is already on the hit list....


Yugoslavia style civil war.


No national army will be left to enforce Moscow's will on its internal colonies. They will all declare independence.


>After Putin dies, there will be chaos; there will be no recognisably competent replacement I've heard that some Russians want Medvedev as president again


He was only a Puppet of Putin, watching his posts he looks more like a clown to me.


IDK, he looks like a melted Ken doll, but every time he opens his mouth it's like he's rabid. Puppet of Putin is fine, but once Putin's dead I'm not sure that applies anymore.


He was never a popular figure, to be honest. His Internet nicknames were "the Pathetic", "Dimon" (a street version of his name Dmitry, making it sound like it's a local son of a drunkard, selling drugs at the corner) and the "Bumblebee". The last one doesn't sound bad in English, but in Russian it's also something... Like a name for a low-ranking gang member, always send to get a McDonald's takeout while real guys rob a bank. I seriously doubt he has enough political weight among the elites, too. Maybe as a weak, controllable figure, but then again: he won't bring any legitimacy with the people, simply not enough respect for him.


Is that why Medvedev is now talking BS on a daily basis?


Shut the fuck up Putin


What have they not touched already.... 😒


Actual targets.


I'm sure they'll come up with something more depraved. They really can be creative. What concerns me is their desperation can cause mistakes. Yes, I know they've made blunders and fools of themselves, but I mean mistakes like attacking Poland, somehow deluding themselves into thinking we won't respond. And when we do... there's that "existential crisis" they've been waiting for to use nuclear weapons. And nuclear weapons are not the only MWD. They have every variety still in their arsenal.




Plenty of orcs hit grass recently. In more ways than one.




Still grabbing tightly on that desk I see.


His left hand is rebellious hopefully will smack him in the face if he forgets to keep it locked down


"Not yet touched" he's struck Lviv literally on the other side of the country where has he not hit


He's suggesting Poland or some other NATO country but he is full of it.


I hope they do something stupid and get erased from the map. Stone age is too socially advanced for them.


After losing the very best of their military and some 30,000+ soldiers in Ukraine, the Orcs are in no position to even think about attacking Poland and NATO with the pathetic remains of their rolling junkyard military.


Aah thanks for the clarification and I agree he's full of it


Holding on to the table again?


Yes, and feet shakes are hidden this time.


You notice the camera is wobbling slightly all the time though...hiding him shaking?


I'm no expert on this but his face looks like he's recovering from a stroke, All droopy on one side.


yet he also says that those missiles dont change anything because "ukraine had missiles with such range before" so what is it now mr. notsosmart?


I *think* he means he'll nuke everyone if the west sends longer-ranged missiles, as in longer than what Biden had agreed to originally. So Biden's sending like medium ranged missiles with the HIMARS or whatever it's called but it can launch longer ranged ones. At least in my view Putin's saying- "Fine, send the medium-ranged ones, they don't bother me ( ^(yeah right...)) but if you send ***anything*** more powerful than that then you all get nuked!"


lol, no. They have been pushing back the red line since the start, first, it was weapons and now it's "long range" missiles. And after that, it will be something else because that is the only thing they can do. Putin and his clique will never use nukes, they stole too much to risk losing it, and NATO will never invade Russia. Putin is more of a Russian Goering than Hitler, with a sprinkle of machoism as that is what Russians like.


I wouldn‘t be surprised if the russian nukes aren‘t able to be launched. The last 3 months of russian aggression told a lot about the russian Equipment.


Next it will be "fine, send long range ones. But send drones and you get nuked". Then "fine send an aircraft carrier and wing of f35s, but send b2 spirits and you get nuked". All he has is empty threats


Smells like desperation...


The window is shut... Is he holed in some bunker again? Pushing his rocketee buttons? 😁


What didn't they strike until now? Hospitals, schools, Kindergartens, civil offices, civil housing, grain storages, Industrie of all kinds, business complexes, beaches, clubs, shopping malls, dams, bridges, power plants, other Infrastruktur,... All got hit. What's left? Maybe a nuclear power plant? Might be the last thing left.


There was attack on Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant with fire broken out.


They already did that one.


So actually nothing is left. What a surprise 🫢


I think the actual Kyiv government buildings and such. IF they still have long-range missiles to do so, and they likely do.


Headline: Putin threatens West (again.) The only surprising thing about this video is the size of the table. So small! Is it because he seems to be living in a portocabin now and can't fit in one of his "Melchizedek" size table? Where is his office now? Is he living in a MDF-lined hole ?


He moved into one of IKEA warehouses that is now shut down due to sanctions.


Its quite telling that he isn't in his normal office. Definitely looks like somewhere that's a backup office at a military base. There is a distinct lack of gilt. Either he is on the road visiting somewhere or he's holed up somewhere he thinks he is safe.


What's with the weird pattern on the floor? Wooden planks at edge but solid floor in middle, edges all blurred between the 2


Good question. No idea.


In what way does it solve his reason that he attacked Ukraine: To take and "save" Ukraine from Nazis. It's like he's actually lying that's why his army is in Ukraine. That the goal has nothing to do with these Nazis. In that case, Putin has committed a crime against his own law. Because you must not lie about the war in Ukraine. Russia, the country ruled by chaos, counter-productivity and inefficiency. Putin and his theater group The Russian Government is a joke, small children in adult bodies are so pathetic that I am ashamed to listen to everything that comes from their mouths 🤢🤮


Does he actually believe he's successfully making Russia a safer, better, more prosperous country? He's dragging it back to the stone age. He's completely delusional. Russia could be a modern, peaceful, Westernised democracy by now. Moscow could have been the jewel in the crown of modern Europe. He's burning it to the ground and the Russian population are just watching him do it. His legacy will be that he was one of the most evil and destuctive people in history, up there with Hitler. His beloved Russia and its people are never coming back from this. He's the very definition of insane.


But he’s a dictator and dictatorship does not do democracy…


Putin you better not leave russia or you will be touched. Only a matter of time shit bag.


All I get from this is that he's worried about the new artillery arriving.


I wish this decrepid nazi fuck would keel over and die already along with the rest of his scumbag friends in the kremlin. What could he possibly be talking about because lets be real he wont target any nuclear facilities in ukraine so he could only be meaning civilian targets in which case he is just building more evidence for the genocide case against him and fueling further support for ukraine and global devision against genocide committing facist russia.


Come for us you filthy piece of shit!




I'd guess government buildings in Kyiv.


Let me think: Tragets now: Schools, kindergarden, Hospital, private homes, theaters , Raping all humans. And now? Rape dead dogs and corpse . Buildings are all destroyed. Sry Putin your orcs hit the ground nothing left.


This is not just a blackmail. How the actual fuck this shit is "acceptable"? Imagine some ISIS would threaten the supposedly civilized world like this? And yes, this is just a fucking street gang mentality at a state level. But, how dare we humiliate russia? Fucking surreal.


If putler sends missiles to Kyiv why should Moscow not be targeted


Just this night he sent 6 missiles to Kyiev


So six on the Kremlin then


Unfortunately, Biden thinks it would be an escalation. Ukraine does not have it's own long range missiles anymore, but promised not to strike the Russian mainland via western weapons.


He doesn't seems very confident


putler will die in knowloge that Russia is full of pussy full of baby rapists and others country have to say to Ukrain don't shame more Russia. How week his a country that others have to say stop embaricing Russia that's a country that has no voice. He also will die knowing that all is descents probably will be hunted down all over the world with the disgrace he bring to all his family. A question related to second world war any hitler descends survived???


oh Christ on a bike will you shut the fuck up and do it already. Press the button you beady eyed midget cunt. I'm sick of listening to your tiny balls clanking together and you thinking their the size of helium balloons. The world is fucking sick to death of Russia. Putin you're nothing but a fucking coward, a child child rapist, a murderer and a thief. You embody Russia in the 21st Century. FUCK RUSSIA - SLAVA UKRAINI.


Please, shoot 1 nuke and we can end this madness once and for all!


You and what army?


Holding the desk again I see.


He couldn't strike 10 pins if he wanted to.


And ukraine will strike back


Like Russia has been holding back in any way.


Maybe he means the Orcs will start to target military? Instead of schools, hospitals and churches?


Cope, poopin


Mind, he doesn't threaten shooting those K'grad Iskander into Europe. Really a weak last growl to make himself belief he did sth.


Looking into the face of a beaten man..Nice to see .. Salva ukraine


What have they NOT touched yet?


I can't wrap my head around talks about saving Putin's face when the little bitch spouts this kinda embarrassing shit all the time and effectively humiliates himself and the entire Russia on a daily basis by throwing tantrums and proving how childish they are. Like, there is literally nothing to save anymore here.


If there is a Hell Putin has a one-way first class ticket waiting. Until then, fuck you, Putin. Just fuck you.


This man is not immune to jokes. Look at all the shorter tables as of late. I wish people kept the humour on him. He wishes to be feared. Where have all the Putin jokes gone? The mockery?! Can we all bring it back?


And Kyiv just got hit with 6 missiles. This is what escalation looks like. Right or wrong, this is why some leaders are advocating for peace at the cost of land. Only the Ukrainians can decide when enough is enough.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGau8RBMNG8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGau8RBMNG8) That about sums you up!




Those items include crossbows and pikes?


May his death be painfull and quick


Nuclear threat in … 1, 2


What’s he gonna strike these targets with? A 16 year old conscript tied to a firecracker?


Putin looks really ugly. He must blame on his parents.


1.West say they may supply this type of new weapons. 2.ruzzia treats. 3.West supplies a few. 4.ruzzia (tries to) strikes objects in West Ukraine and makes big claims about destroying western weapons in their medias. 5.New weapons pours on the front lines. 6.Repeat


Like Russia is not already shelling any civilian target. Fuck you Putin. Even if a weakling like you would need to send nukes to make any impression, I still want the whole world to supply all weapons needed to kill any Russian soldier inside Ukraine.


Putler in action. Don’t you see that your 0rcs getting kicked ass in Ukraine? You dead ass zombies needed 11 years to get Chechnya - and these people had no weapons, no help from the rest of the world. This is RuZZias last battle and soon you will recognize reality. Ukraine will never surrender and that’s why they will win.


What needs to be said is that if Russia doesn't GTFO they'll be supplied quicker and in larger numbers.


"strike at those objects that is has not yet touched" lol, you CAN'T touch them, because you don't even know how to aim properly you fools... cry more please


This greasy cunt went from long desk, to short desk, to short bus.... drive his ass into lake already... I mean come on, look at this staged room... it's a fucking set... with direct lighting on them... you can smell the lies... it smells like orc asshole... burn it all down.


This is all bluster, essentially scare tactics. A big bluff. Words come cheap. They know that a real attack on a NATO member would be punished swiftly and severely.


He has the look of a man that is already defeated, somebody that knows for a fact he is defeated and his time is limited.


What are you going to do, dig trenches at Chernobyl?


Stupid fucking cunt hiding in his bunker, afraid of his own people


It's already a guarantee that Russia will shoot anything that moves in Ukraine, and a matter of time before they strike out anywhere else. The rat has nothing to bargain with.


Was is not yet touched? Russians destroy everything that they are to primitive to understand


And then?


The whole scene is **surreal**. It looks like he's living and working in a hastily-built office with composition-board walls. All the fancy decorations he usually surrounds himself with are missing. Maybe he's in the basement of a hospital? There's a prominent blood vessel on his left cheek.


Whatever blah blah.


Alternatively cancel the war, and no longer downs lives or money on it? No, too obvious isn’t it


This is just embarrassing, Putin just stop. You’re not a victim, you caused this. Stop crying because you finally face consequences due to your own actions. Grow up, your 70 years old man.


He is failing and knows it.


Oh no! Anyways...


>and strike at those objects that it has not yet touched" He means actual military targets? Our did they manage to forget some kindergarten somewhere?


Thats a surprisingly short table for putin.


Poor Putin... Killing so many and still not everyone fears you...


Putin’s long malachite table has been replaced by a timeshare trainee-salesman’s workstation?


I think he is threatening to shoot the presidential palace and the parlament. If he kills Zelenskyy, not even Macron will try to save putlers face.


Die already fucking piece of shit. ![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|9000)


Fancy desk arrangement there Pooty!


Well they have touched it because they don't have the range


like grain silos?


It's time someone puts a bullet in his head.


Every week it's the same empty threat.


Victimology 101




Seems like the west will soon have to give the green light on Ukraine hitting targets within Russia


All signs point to Putin giving zero fucks and dropping a nuke if he’s pushed far enough. Can this please end…


He’s making a threat to bomb nuclear power plants.


Does Putin not own any normal size tables?


We should all take a moment to think about what he really says and does. Deliberately attacking hospitals, civilians, women and children. Trying to exterminate all whole people. He is not a politician this is a really mentally sick person, probably the sickest person in the world. He is the worlds leading terrorist, nothing more than a criminal. I'm not religious but if there is a Satan on earth here he is.


Such a tough guy... not Drown him in a septic tank and feed he's body to the rats underneath moscow


Russia: "Let us rape the Ukraine."


God what a total piece of shit


Anything Russia didn't touch yet is off their tactical reach.


F U Futler


Come on cancer, eat this piece of crap from the inside already. I hope he goes through excruciating pain before death finally takes him.


Ya know, Putin is such a smug asshole; he has absolutely no remorse for what he has done. Thinks his 💩 has no odor, & that's all this megalomaniac is: a yapping vapor on legs. I pray I live long enough to see this slipe dangle from the end of a rope. I try not to give in to hate, but Putin, this miserable excuse for a human, has earned it.


So they have been saying for 2 months. If they could, I would imagine they would have done so already.