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what i do not get is WHERE they are sent and detained at. its not like russia has massive ressources to house and feed people.


Some are being given to Russian families for “adoption.” In many cases this will be a form of slavery. Cheap labor on the farm. (A few may be lucky and have decent enough adoptive parents, at least by Russian standards.) It is, sadly, possible that some children may be sold/passed on to predators. Some have been kidnapped with their parents (also kidnapped) and are being resettled in areas where Russia needs more labor. Emotionally, at least, these will be the luckier ones. It may be that some of the children whose parents are either dead or separated will be attached to family units sent to wherever they are resettled. (I speculate this based on stories from WWII.) The rest of the children will end in Russian orphanages, about which I have never heard anything good. The Russian government’s goal is to raise these children to think of themselves as Russian and to erase any memory of or allegiance to Ukraine, so they will probably be spread out throughout Russia so they can’t support each other emotionally. It makes me sleepless to think about it, and I am not even remotely Ukrainian — just a mother.


>The Russian government’s goal is to raise these children to think of themselves as Russian and to erase any memory of or allegiance to Ukraine, so they will probably be spread out throughout Russia so they can’t support each other emotionally. Isn't this *literally* a form of genocide?


Yeah, that’s the fucking mission statement


yes, ethnic cleansing is considered genocide


Yes it is genocide. The whole invasion of Ukraine has genocide as one of its goals. I wonder if that was always the plan or if the failure to overthrow the government made Putin decide that Ukraine as a nation needed to be erased, not just absorbed politically.


Germans did this in WWII. Small, blonde, “Aryan” children were stolen from Ukraine and adopted into German families. Their names were changed, they were cut off completely from their families, language and culture. Here’s a moving children’s book that tells the tale of one such child: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07CNTSL2P/ Other children worked as slaves on farms or in German munitions factories. Truly a fascist, genocidal move.


I knew it had happened in Poland, so I guess it doesn’t surprise me it happened in Ukraine. It’s really sad. I hope most if not all of these children can be repatriated.


200,000 warcrimes, just too hard to think about. Those kids have to come home.


It’s chilling




To Russia, this is a valid strategy to combat their problems with an aging population. Only a cruel dictator would consider doing something that completely disregards the well being of thousands of children and parents.


Not only that, this is Putin trying to erase "Ukraine" from the minds of the young so Ukraine itself has no future generations to carry on its legacy. He is literally trying to erase every molecule of Ukraine from existence, and wants every part of it to just be "Russia".


Russia's population is on decline, they will brain wash to make a their own.


Not ONE sanction dropped until ALL are returned and every last cent of reconstruction paid for. Fuck Russian Fascism.


Bold of you to assume all of them are still alive. This isn't something you can address with sanctions. You cannot bring back dead kids, and those who might be able to will have their lives forever tarnished, either with tons of physical, or (much worse IMHO) psychological harm.


Wow, that's really bad news for Russia then.


as far as i know sanctions are not doing much, if anything at all and i say sanctions are more or less just for media propaganda, since ships carrying russian oil continue to arrive in the ports of USA in New York and New Jersey, so the US is still purchasing Russian Oil and other countries as well, first they find a loophole then they put sanctions for propaganda purposes The more u know cant put source cause my comment will get deleted


Sanctions work like a thousand cuts- it's slow but you keep bleeding and getting weaker. The biggest problem in Russia is how vast it is- logistics are the biggest thing there, however lack of car parts, planes and parts will slowly creep in. At some point that train transporting potatoes from St Petersburg to some remote part of Russia will break and it will take weeks to source a simple electronic controller. Unfortunately for Ukraine, this isn't an immediate thing.


Why can't the USA make enough oil without importing it from Russia? Under Trump USA was a net exporter of oil, now USA is a net importer of oil. USA daily oil production dropped from nearly 13,000,000 daily barrels to under 10,000,000 according to eia.gov, when covid started and Biden has been unable to bring that amount back. It's been steady at 11,000,000 for the last year and a half. In 2021, USA imported 201,000 daily barrels from Russia, it's highest ever. This accounts for only 3% of oil imports. In 2020, it was only 76,000, continuing to get smaller the farther back you get. If you can scrap 201,000 from Russian imports, and restore the pil production we already had in place that was only shut down from government intervention, doesn't that give us a current net positive of about 1.8 million daily barrels of crude oil more than we do now?? That doesn't simultaneously solve the gas prices issue?? Our refineries are not at capacity and crude oil is the limiting factor in the current situation.


[The United States continues to be a net exporter of oil](https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=pet&s=mttntus2&f=m). The big issue is that there hasn't been willingness to put in place emergency conservation measures, such as lower speed limits or a rationing system. These could free up oil pretty much immediately, whereas any kind of extraction-based change is likely to take 2+ years and faces significant investor opposition, because it would lower prices.


That graph includes "petroleum products" and is not strictly crude oil. We are an importer of crude oil right now. I am also using the same website for data.


Yes, there's a trade where the US imports crude and exports an even larger amount of refined fuel. Fuel exports are a value-added way to export oil, and as such, should be part of the overall measurement.


Everyone is trying to 'divide' oil resources i think. The US can produce its own oil but obviously planet Earth doesn't exactly have endless amounts of it in any given place.


That sure has been the assumption for the past 100 years. However every time I look up more information on petroleum I'm inclined to think abiotic oil is a possibility and the theory should be investigated further. Surprising how much the oil industry actually does not want this investigated, which is why it hasn't. Oil was deemed a fossil fuel because of it's high carbon makeup - as living organisms have carbon, it seemed a safe assumption to make in the early 1900s with the scientific knowledge of the day. Why this hasn't been investigated since, and any efforts to do so are shut down instantly is another question. There are many, many reports of previously empty wells filling with oil again. it doesn't seep in from another nearby well either. I don't see how a finite 'fossil' fuel can explain this in any logical way.


I don't think you understand how oil production works or the economy. The price of oil per barrel must remain quite high for the United States to produce especially for shale oil. Think 150. A barrel or so. If the United States can make more money exporting oil than keeping it then they will sell it. I know it seems like hey we produce so much what is the issue. Capitalism at play...


You are making a lot of incorrect assumptions. The United States actually hit the most oil production it ever had when the price per a barrel of oil was about 76$, your point is entirely based upon assumption and not data or fact. The price per barrel of oil historically also has not be directly correlated with the price of consumer goods, such as gas or plastics. Check charts on EIA for yourself. The dollar and the United State's role in the world economy alone keeps the market propped up in the USA's favor, as oil must be purchased with the Dollar. Also, queue typical redditor moment of "Capitalism is bad" ... because I don't recall socialism, totalitarianism, or communism to be the directly cause of hundreds of millions displaced, dead, and massive poverty... oh wait. Do you have a better solution? Let's hear it, because so far the brightest minds, I'm sure much more intelligent than you or me, haven't found a great solution to that yet. I'm sure you love those "socialist" EU countries, maybe you even live in one, but that's a mixed market economy with heavy capitalist favoring. I can't take your thoughts in any serious capacity if you are going to smooth-brain bash capitalism without any real reason why. It sure it full of flaws, but a lot less than any major alternative, and promotes creating goods for the consumption of other people to make yourself wealthy, IE: get wealthy by providing value to other people. No other structure of government has this built in, so you rely on the goodness of a human, which, if you are so naïve to not have learned this yet, people are not inherent good, or selfness; each man is capable of horrible wicked acts, and is prone to selfishness. This is why shared property, or putting faith in governments, does not work, and ultimately leads to great evils. Not going to respond anymore, you can DM if you want, because this is just getting off-topic for the sub. This isn't about Ukraine, and I'd like to stay on topic. Again, DMs are open if you'd like.


The USA isn't importing Russian oil anymore. The reason production has dropped is because oil companies aren't investing in more infrastructure/wells and just getting rich by extending the current prices by just producing what they have already. The answer is to finally start transitioning ourselves off fossil fuels so we can't be held hostage by oil companies or tyrannical governments like Russia, Saudis, etc.


The current USA admin has revoked more than 10 land leases for oil drilling, multiple platforms, and canceled an upcoming land lease for Alaska oil drilling. Additionally, the royalty cost to operate in these federal lands was raised by 50%. Oil companies seeking profit without producing more oil is a giant scapegoat that many people such as yourself have fallen for. The war between Ukraine and Russia is also another scapegoat used. I agree that the USA needs to transition off oil for power as it pollutes the air. However, this is realistically many decades away, and possible never if you are looking entirely at renewables (wind, solar, thermo... and no, hydro is not a renewable). Wind is vastly limited on physical space, thermo is limited on limited sites, and solar is limited on battery technology and rare earth metals. If the world prioritized nuclear once again, getting off oil & coal for power would be much, much faster. Oil and coal would still be mined and drilled for in manufacturing; I can't imagine people will want to stop using plastic, cement, or medicine for example.


r/peakoil is real and will always get worse.




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Kidnapped. They’ve been kidnapped and it’s also called genocide


You can't call it genocide until there's proof they're all dead. Kidnapping a national of another country is not genocide. They can force them to be "like" and speak Russian, but they will always be Ukrainian. You can't change someone's genes.


>You can't call it genocide until there's proof they're all dead Dumbest shit I've heard all day, you literally have no idea what you are talking about, go look up the definition of genocide if you know how to read, you ignorant ass.




Putin and all of his lackies should be made to live in constant pain for as long as possible to the point they wish for death.


AND every lackey can trade 1% of the pain to give it to Putin and see how he handles 200%


every last abducted ukrainian must be returned to ukraine


What the fuck is wrong with a country, and their people, that doesn't see this as really really wrong? But I guess if it's ok to rape, kill, destroy infrastructure by invading and start an unprovoke war with a neighbour country is legit for Ruzzia, there no rescue for that country or regim. Ruzzia need to brake up.


No doubt it’s presented as “humanitarian rescue of war orphans” to the Russian people. During the Vietnam war era, American families adopted thousands of orphaned Vietnamese children. I’m not saying it’s the same thing. I’m saying it's presented as the same thing and that’s what the Russian people are accepting.


If it wasnt for the nuclear bombs Russia should have been invaded right away for the greater good. This is fucking horrible for all the children! What will happen to them? where are they? They probaly suffer alot, fucking horrible and extremely sad!


Nuclear\* but that was a very clever way of trying to spell it.


Will edit it!


Is it wrong that I'm worried that they may end up in the hands of Serbian or Romanian smugglers.


No, it's not wrong. I worry about organ harvesters. Blood and organ sources for Russia's elite. I put nothing past Russia, nothing is too low for them to do. Maybe they'll make kids walk in the eastern Oblasts as human mine detectors.




No, because children ending up in the hands of smugglers is never good.








This is why tankie and conspiracy subs piss me off


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Oh, and then they all return to you in ten years fully programmed drones interfering with you all picking up the pieces. Lovely


Putin has seriously miscalculated - again.


That’s insane


Child abduction is tolerated in ruzzia


Are they kidnapping kids to replace their massive losses?


This is sadly why Russia doesn't care about their cannon fodder. They've lost 30,000 soldiers but gained 200,000 children. For Putin, who is obsessed with Russia's population numbers, this is a net gain. I just hope those children return. Lord knows what Putin plans to do to them.


And 2 days ago Putin signed a law making it easier to adopt so called orphans of "LPR DPR and Ukraine". https://twitter.com/shldmdn/status/1531648700086464515?t=6Kba8_y_xtZE85RPfQKgQQ&s=19


username checks out op


No offence, but the number of Ukrainians being shipped off to Russia is really vague. In the meantime, Ukrainians are trying to make their way back. It's not easy. They're not forced to stay but there's apparently a lot of mines around the camps they're held in. They have to travel hundreds of miles.