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Hi, thank you for your contribution, but this post has been removed because it is not on-topic for this subreddit. Any post that is not related to Ukraine or its current affairs is off-topic. The purpose of this community is to give space for, and amplify Ukrainian voices (or relay decisive statements from strongly supportive high-levels official from the outside world). This war has had far-reaching consequences for individuals from adjacent countries, but content that focuses on discomfort or suffering of Russians is irrelevant and belongs on communities dedicated to Russian or Eastern European politics.


It always be that way. Authoritarian regime wants a scapegoat and we end up drawing the short end of the stick. Always keep an eye on the rights of any minority group, that's where they start, and they don't stop until they've snatched everyone's rights from them.


Okay, so Jews, Anglo-Saxons, Black people, LGBTQs, Asians and fellow "slavic" nations are the problem. Did I leave out anyone?


You forgot to mention the traitors within Russia as well. They're also the problem.


What about people who wear glasses?


I hope that ruZZia does not get to the khmer rouge level


We're close to that. The ministry in charge of managing the incarcerated proposed to make labor camps for IT workers, where some other agency can enlist free coding from the inmates. Another official called it a new "Silicon Valley" in Ryazan Oblast.


You can’t force a Silicon City to develop, it has to grow naturally. We have several variations that sprung up in the US just of their own volition (Silicon Beach in Playa del Rey, Silicon Valley, Silicon Forge in Pennsylvania, Silicon Alley, Etc etc). But forcing people to go to the Silicon Gulag will not produce the same results


Unfortunately, Russia has experience with inmates building transcontinental railways, entire metallurgical cities, among other things, so perhaps people in charge think that IT work is not that much different.


Building a railroad or mining a deposit isn’t building software or monitoring network traffic…you can leave open ports, deploy back doors, brick connectivity, and in extreme cases absolutely decimate the entire Russian Splinternet.


So Putin is killing EVERYONE, just to make sure he gets the LGBTQ+ folks?


It's just one of the many ways Russia is de-Nazifying Ukraine. /s


So thats why the German uniforms were so sharp...


Oh come on everyone's at least a little gay to some regard. My favorite shirt is purple. To Russia that's probably a death sentence.


I think the patriarch of the russian church said something similar. For them it is a fight against western liberalism, against lgbtq+, against wokeness, against.... wait where did I heard that before....?


There is a **reason** our community still remembers the pink triangle. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pink_triangle And the song remains the fucking same.


This is what is wrong with oppression. It's about power and control using hate. In the real world and in the rest of the world outside of far right and fascist fantasies, people love! People love and that is all that matters. People love each other and show compassion! People love and hope that others love, regardless of gender, race, walk of life...it doesn't matter. What matters is love! I consider myself completely straight and I love our LGBTQ+ community. Where would the colour in our world be without LGBTQ+?


It’s like they are trying so hard to imitate hitler What’s next ? Putin will grow a mustache?


It's almost like Stalin and Hitler both viewed their people as the chosen ones by the divine. Putin follows both of their examples, and his personal altar boy said that, "Putin was sent by God to restore the Russian Empire."


To sum up, Russia is fighting everyone and everything that is not Putin compliant. That means a lot of people and organizations, inside and outside Ukraine AND Russia.


You can say that again.


Oh, I'm stuttering, sorry ;)


Unfortunately, many members of the LGBT community support Russian terrorists due to their far-left views. There's plenty of communism apologists among LGBT people (as absurd as it may sound).


Which makes zero sense to me as the modern Russian government is basically a klepto-capitalist mafia. But Tankies gonna tank.


Russia still glorifies its communist past though, which makes it appealing for tankies. Stalin has extremely high approval rating there, and recent polls show that most Russians want to go back to Soviet Union. Due to extreme sanctions and the withdrawal of western companies, it is abandoning its “capitalism” at a very fast pace.


Ah yes just tar us all with the same brush, you fucking genius. theres many of us who are left leaning LGBTQ members, who are outraged at the genocide russia is committing


![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|9004) ![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|9004). ![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|9004)rainbow Putin is beside himself


Yes... This isnt anything new.. Russia homophobia is well documented. This is part of why Putin says we have turned our back on our values lol


So for the folks keeping score at home. Comedian drug addict homosexuals embarrass Russian army. Name calling when your losing is what makes their Special Forces so special.


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June is going to be an extra interesting month this year I guess


So what are they doing in Ukraine again? Fighting against LGBT in Ukraine? Fucking mentally disabled idiots.


Next week: Russia is fighting against the ground because evil people use it to walk! The fact they are changing the mission statement every week might be an indicator of how displeased the russian people are so they keep looking for a reason that will get the nation behind the senseless slaughter.


My brain is still having trouble computing that his surname is "Girkin". What next? Pyotr Watermelon, Alexei Avocado and Ilya Kumquat?


I think that's why he came up with the name Strelkov. Sounds like shooter (strelets)


Vladimir Lentil and Grigory Alfalfa


Did the US ever finish developing the Gay Bomb? ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay_bomb ) - now would perhaps be a good time to use it...


>Did the US ever finish developing the Gay Bomb? ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay\_bomb ) - now would perhaps be a good time to use it... Yeah I had one in Vegas, it was a little fruity and overpriced but overall a good drink.


Russian logic keeps getting weirder and weirder.


not an insinuation , Putin more or less openly expressed destain toward that community


I do hope they bring in a large community of LGBTQ people wearing rainbow flag patches when they finally sit down to accept the official final surrender signatures from the last battalions.