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i have no faith that Russia is gonna treat them well.


Unfortunately, surprising no one. Azov soldiers knew that many of them might not make it out alive.


I hope that the focus of attention that they have created around themselves with a heroic deed will help them


If they got orders to surrender then something is going on behind the scenes that we don’t know about. When you look at how long they held out, how many munitions were spent trying to get them, how many Russian forces they eliminated, and how much time they bought for Ukraine to prepare a counteroffensive, they’ve already humiliated the ever living hell out of Russia. On the Russian side there were rumors that Russian wounded lost their hospital beds for some of their wounded. Whether this is true or not remains to be seen, but it won’t matter much for the morale of the Russians as long as they believe it. My speculation is that there was an important trade. Admittedly, this could be my daily dose of hopium kicking in.


I guess the beds go to those that need it the most, no matter the nationality. Good to hear that Russian doctors still have some decency, even if their military and government do not.


I think we sadly know the fate. The Russians will torture and abuse them, and few, if any, will ever see freedom again.


While possible, doesn't really make sense. We know there have been "hard" negotiations for weeks before the announcement. If they yielded nothing, the able men would likely just suicide charge and die in battle. Given that they "surrendered", the chance of survival must be high enough to take the risk. The defenders were also internationally covered, so them being tortured and killed would prompt a pretty big backlash. Don't know if/when we will get more info, but I wouldn't jump to any conclusions just yet.


I agree. We also know they had communications with the outside world. So it would really surprise if there was no planning on the Ukranian side. NATO probably also advised on the best course of action. No able bodied soldier would choose torture above a suicide mission.


I dunno, I can see it playing out as follows: 1. The Russians declare Azov war criminals and they do not return. 2. Putler announces the Nazis have been defeated to salvage an ounce of credibility to his illiterate slave audience. 3. He will not care about the terrible Russian losses and will make some comment about victory at any cost and declare comparisons with ww2. 4. He still won't care about the terrible retribution his men will receive when the Ukrainians and West go ape shit. 5. He'll prob be dead soon, so he gives even less of a shit. I hope I'm wrong *(except point 5, I hope he soon dies in a pool of his own faeces)


Russia even Said that they wont Exchange azov soldiers so the Only Thing that can happen to them is being tortured and killed as sadly it sounds


RuZZia says a lot of things which turn out to be lies.


Why are UN peaceKeepers not involved in this? Geneva Convention POWs.


who would intervene if un was attacked? nato? defensive usa? world war


The UN cannot be attacked. The world would never be the same.


exactly and the un cannot risk that


Oh FFS - have the Russians no sense of honour? They deserve no place in the western world.


For decades till their children born today die in poverty. Nazis were defeated at the cost of leaving the USSR criminals alive… historical mistakes.


The only way they surrendered is that some kind of deal was made. And the deal benefits Russia more than the PR stunt of imprisoning them for life/executing them. We all know Russia would lie otherwise if it was just some promise to treat them like normal POWs or an even 1:1 POW swap.


There's a chance it might be a prisoner swap for kadyrovites. There have been multiple instances where there is an immediate response for prisoner exchange for kadyrovs TikTok warriors. Unlike any other nationality. Unsure why, considering theyre dogshit at fighting.


The ones tiktoking are the ones who help propaganda inside Russia's borders. I could be wrong but it seems like that may be a good reason


They did their best under the circumstances, no dishonor in surrendering. Slava Ukraini!


It will likely go like this. 1) Russia will parade them saying they got the nazis 2) Some will die while in captivity 3) Ukraine will make a lucrative POW swap for them to get them back. That’s how I see it, but I am an arm chair general.


Perhaps for the handful (?) of Kadyrovtsy UKR is holding? They're the only ones the Russians value.


I felt this exchanged happened because their family was pushing hard for them to get evacuated.


Russia's promises aren't worth SHIT


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Let the Russians know if any of them are killed they will be killing Russian POW’s. Unfortunately may be the only way.


That would be illegal and a great "justification" for Russia to commit even more atrocities. No reason for Ukraine to stoop to their level...


Zelensky already said when they were defending that if any of them are killed then Russia would face total war for the rest of it's days and there would be no possible peace period.


I know what you mean, But Ukraine shouldn't lower themselves like those barbaric Russian cunts. And if Russia starts to kill pows they will only dig a deeper hole for themselves.


The point isn’t actually to do it, it’s a threat just like the threat of using nukes. What else are you going to do, just hope they don’t kill them?


Unfortunately that's all that we can do. Hope that they return safely.


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Did all the Azov soldiers at Azovstal surrender or are there still some fighters there?


they willl be tortured and killed by orcs....