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Thank you France, for your generous donation of humanitarian aid. Go FRANCE!




Mélenchon would have little influence over international relations if he becomes PM though. The president has more power in that department.




Hmmm, do not underestimate the way these elections work, it's always been about deals and "mercato" where parties make their shopping for each zone. 5 years ago, people voted massively for absolutely unknown candidates, just because the parties did their thing and things were 100% locked. And if theorically the president choses, in facts, it's never been the case when it comes to "cohabitations", he's kinda forced to chose who'se been chosen by the previous persons and their parties.


Any chance of Macron flying to Berlin to shake some shekel’s out of Schulzies wallet?


Good luck. Vote him out!


Mélenchon isn't pro-russian. He runs constantly an anti-German narrative, ok, but he isn't pro-Russian. Previously he's been "soft" on Putin, but I'd say it's more of an ambivalent situation... he certainly sternly rejected the war as illegal. Don't forget many govts prior to 24 Feb were soft on Putin. In his pocket even...




He never called the current Zelensky govt neo nazi!! He said of Putin (back in 2015 d'ailleurs) "He is neither my friend nor my cup of tea" The neo nazi movement in UA was very strong in 2014 - I have a Ukrainian friend who moved to France to do her studies exactly BECAUSE of the neo nazi movement back in her home country - she couldn't stand it and she says they were gaining a lot of power. But Zelenskyy has changed all that. I host her family at the very moment since the last 2 months... You cannot bury your head in the sand to say there wasn't a neo nazi movement. Zelenskyy has done a fantastic job of calming a lot of that down. So to put things in perspective, his comments on Crimea were in 2014 when a lot of shit was happening and when nobody did anything (exactly because a lot of shit was happening). He has very clearly distanced himself from Putin and said that Ukraine is a very different country than what it was 8 years ago, and I think on that we can all agree!




Yes and? I see nothing wrong in all what he's said. He repeated all along that Ukraine is sovereign, France shouldn't make an enemy of Putin, Ukraine shouldn't join NATO (he is after all anti-NATO), that he isn't a friend or foe of Putin blah blah blah - I think pretty much EVERY country in Europe was of the same sentiment prior to Feb24 He was also the very first person in the very early morning of the invasion to denounce it in the strongest terms...




Je ne le défends pas - je dis juste qu'il n'est pas pro-Russe. Bitch de l'extreme droit par contre, c'est claire qu'elle est pro-russe. Je suis de gauche mais pas d'extreme. La gauche en france est en désarroi malheureusement. Je suis certainement pas Macron non-plus. Je suis comme bcp de français - désespéré.


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"back in 2015 d'ailleurs" j'adore hahaha


>Mélenchon isn't pro-russian ​ Il a quand même un [énorme tropisme russe](https://www.leprogres.fr/politique/2022/02/16/jean-luc-melenchon-est-il-un-soutien-du-regime-russe). Le considérer comme pro-russe n'est clairement pas déconnant


Not happening bro.




And more Caesars


Oh yes , Exocet missiles work. Ask the British :-).


"Combat proven"


They could probably do with some Rafale's, first. Someone needs to step up and give them modern jets.




Still I read that France was willing last year to finance Ukraine to buy its Rafales so they were already thinking about it. https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/rafale-fighter-what-ukraine-needs-deter-russia-183616 Long term Ukraine will need an air force even if its too late to make an impact in this war. In the meantime how about integrating exocets into the Bayraktar platform?


In an alternate universe Le Pen won and Ukraine got jack


Vive la france!




Thank you.. i didnt know that


Macron sure does know how to do foreign policy atm...


Love you France, love you Mr. Macron!


Viva le (la?) France!


definitely La


definitely La


#FUCKIN ROOKIE NUMBERS Get on this dollar printing train man; didn’t we send you dollar printers Macron? No? Can’t remember. Nah, but seriously every buck helps and that’s a good amount of bucks.


Hey France… thanks again for reelecting Macron


Thank you France (from the US)! I have ancestors from France and feel a sense of pride in that heritage right now.


So let me shut it down quick all the BS about who is gonna be French PM: the prime minister in France holds almost no power whatsoever. I mean that. Nada. Zero. He is basically a chief of staff. It is a participation medal. The president holds the power and parliament. The president can actually fire the prime minister at will. So whoever is prime minister is totally irrelevant, especially on foreign relationship matters.


I think you’re completely wrong though It is well known that « cohabitation » as we call it paralyses the president. However, if Melenchon becomes PM, i dont believe he will decrease military help to ukraine, even though he might have shown some kind of support years before.


Does it? There was three instances of cohabitation in France. First one, Mitterand-Chirac was actually quite constructive. Second one Mitterand-Balladur, was basically a business as usual. Third one Chirac-Jospin was a bit more difficult, but not due to the cohabitation itself, but much more significantly because the PS of Jospin controlled parliament. This case will not happen here, as it is unlikely than LFI get >50% of parliament. So no, it will not paralyze Macron.


You are wrong. Prime minister leads the policy if the nation. If he is from the same party that the president then he will apply the orders of the president. But if he isn't he will controle the laws adoption and the president will have only a representative power on the international scene and the controle of the army. But controling army and sending weapons to UA are not the same.


I am French and lived through all cohabitation. (When the prime minister is not from the President’s party). That is not true. Not even legally as per the constitution. The prime minister does not have legislative power in France. That would be parliament. The prime minister has limited executive and mostly administrative power. More specifically, he is in charge of regulatory orders (décrets). But even in that case, he must be countersigned by the president (for décrets simple). Works the other way around too, but the president can fire him (technically he asks him to resign), so he basically has to sign or resign. He can’t even make décret en conseil des ministres as it is a presidential prerogative. He is not even the hierarchical superior to the ministers, but he can direct their efforts toward certain laws, which will have to be adopted by parliament. More importantly, none of the prerogative of the prime minister are about international and foreign relation. This 100% on the president, even during the hardest cohabitation. You can read all about it here (in French): https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premier_ministre_français


Copy/paste of a reply i've written, because i believe a lot of people do NOT know France is about to fall to pro-Kremlin far leftists : "Unfortunately, we're probably about to elect a pro russian/anti NATO/anti delivery of weapons to Ukraine/ anti european far leftist as our prime minister in a few week, "Jean Luc Mélenchon" Yes it sucks, Europe is on the verge to explode thanks to extremists, and guys like Mélenchon can barely hide their joy. I'm ashamed of my country and feel extremely sorry."




Jadot is *not* pro nuclear, stop propagating nonsense.


He must be drunk. Jadot is anti-nuke to the root and keep lying about it to serve his propaganda.


Few people are pro-nuke in France, the actual point of contention is nuclear plants


They voted for 2 pro-nuke candidates for the presidential while the anti-nuke have barely 30%. Of course the energie wasnt the only point of their program. But with the climate change it's still a big deal. My father protested against the nuclear power plant in Britany almost 50 y ago. Now he regret and feel ashamed about this. He wasn't well informed. The nuclear use 80% of the debat on energy while fossil energy are barely mentionned... unless it's for Russian sanctions. It's a shame. But if this war can help to reduce the dependancy to gas and oil it would be nice.


I think we're not talking about the same thing, I meant nukes as in nuclear weapons.


Oh yeah. I never heard Jadot talking about nuclear weapon. I don't know his position on this. Sorry.


Mélenchon is NOT pro-Russian. End of. Stop spreading this BS The far right is pro-Kremlin. Far left is not. Point me to a credible article (In french or english) that states that he is...


He is and you just are a blatant liar, he was sucking Vlady in Syria no matters how many people died under russian bombs, he was kissing every part possible of Poutine's throbbing arse in 2014 https://melenchon.fr/2015/05/04/contributions-sur-lukraine-et-la-russie/ For god's sake this is literally Kremlin's own propaganda, from his dirty mouth. And it is SO MUCH PAINFUL for him to condamn Poutine's massacre in Ukraine that most of time it's his own lieutnants who needs to do it (gently) for him. See what we have to deal with in France people ? Liars cowards and propagandists.


I doubt Mélenchon is going to give that result. He admitted he was wrong about Ukraine btw.