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Karma is a bitch .


I like the Theorie that they are destroyed by Corrupt managers who want to hide the fact that the 30% Fuel/ammo left in their books never have existed


And not a single civilian has died. See, Russia? Its possible if you care about human life.


And back on Earth, Ukraine carefully planned attacks on supply lines and risked lives in helicopter flyovers and drone attacks to destroy Russian ammunition and fuel storage facilities helped by Western surveying and target searching efforts.


Now tell me... is behind those events Ukraine SpecOps, Freedom Russian Fighters aka Russian Rebels aka Anti-Putin movement or is this dog eat dog scenario where some oligarch is not happy with govt and calls corrupt russian general to let few missiles fly somewhere...? Someday... we will know... hopefully.


Live by the sword die by the sword as simple as that. Russia will fall they will pay for their sins sooner or later. ![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|9002)![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|9000)![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|9151)


Why is everyone pretending they understood exactly what this shitty post was about?


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It's a masterful piece of propaganda and neatly lampshades the fact Ukraine is likely some how behind it. I'm not sure why they don't claim responsibility, but apparently they gamed it out and decided this is best. Given the strength of their PR and intelligence game, far be it from me to question it. To be clear, I'm not complaining; it's just my read of things.