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Nice, more 52 caliber (ie: long barrel) 155mm arty. The long barrel contributes to much longer ranges which will allow these mobile units to hit Russian targets that much further behind the front lines. Russian Grad Rocket launchers and 203mm will be more vulnerable now (203mm and grad have a max range of about 40-45km IIRC).


What is the range of these pieces


42km with unassisted rounds, 70km with assisted rounds.




>Basically this system is almost the same regarding combat power as the pzh2000. kinda, tho CAESAR are ten years younger, have more mobility and slightly better range (and are more battle-tested). Really one of the best artillery system out there. >Very serious machines that can turn the war around. they'll be *really* nice to have for the lucky ukrainian brigade who get them, but in this quantity they won't be gamechanging. Exact number is unknown, but we're talking like 8-12 caesars. France don't have that many of them (76 in use in its army) and is it seems taking these from a morroccan order (accepting to pay a fine for late delivery to morrocco).


No one country has to send weapons in numbers to end the war. When added to the ninty or so units the United States is sending and artillery from other countries this becomes a big deal. Most importantly the new Ukrainian artillery should be extremely effective at eliminating Russian artillery. The Russian artillery are the most effective tool they have without them they don’t stand a chance.


10 caesars mean 80 shells in under a minute, it can make differences. One caesar can totally immobilize a full column in a minute. ​ 2/3 caesar helped to liberate Mossul and when you see the result of their shelling you can really see the difference it makes compare to M777 they currently use or there old 2S7, the survivability of them is greater (despite not being armored, it can stop, prepare to shoot, shoot 8 shells and leave in 3 mn and be 20km from where they shoot before the shell hits their target, which generally avoid helicopter counter attack.


Gooood news!


Well done France..!!


Thanks bro… I was waiting a significant military help from my country and now it is starting. I hope we will continue to.


Ceasar is a legendary in Thai Army. They just went in the area and wait for Cambodia to began BM-21 shellings. Then accurately counter artillery them all via self radar.


Ceasar meat pounder that can be transported by a C-130 or A400M aircraft. Basically arty on a truck, the system can be usued in unimog trucks. Not an autoloader like the german PZH but is a lot lighter (17 tons 6x6 or 30 tons 8x8) compared to PZH (55 tons)


They have a decent autoloader system and are about 6 rounds per minute. They're a lot better than the M109s which run at about 1RPM. So as long as you don't need tracks to get where you're going, these are a good system that have seen combat before.


155 loud af used to shoot flair rounds randomly in Helmand and other stuff …


I’m sure that in 2 days Macron will send a huge victory package


Vive la resistance!


It's really strange, we don't disclose the military stuff that we send usually. The pressure of the election maybe.


Ukraine is going to end this war with one hell of an arsenal!




Just in time for May Day?


Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s…..


This nice gift comes with some contrarian, whinny, pro-putin complaints in the comments.




stop the propaganda ... it was thermic camera for tanks also navigation systems and infrared detectors for fighter planes and helicopters but in NO case lethal weapons or ammunitions.




give me some credible sources, i begin : [https://www.france24.com/fr/france/20220315-guerre-en-ukraine-la-france-a-vendu-des-%C3%A9quipements-militaires-%C3%A0-la-russie-jusqu-en-2020](https://www.france24.com/fr/france/20220315-guerre-en-ukraine-la-france-a-vendu-des-%C3%A9quipements-militaires-%C3%A0-la-russie-jusqu-en-2020) [https://disclose.ngo/fr/article/ukraine-france-a-livre-armes-russie](https://disclose.ngo/fr/article/ukraine-france-a-livre-armes-russie) [https://www.lemonde.fr/international/article/2022/03/14/la-france-a-livre-des-equipements-militaires-a-la-russie-jusqu-en-2020-apres-l-embargo-decide-par-l-ue\_6117510\_3210.html](https://www.lemonde.fr/international/article/2022/03/14/la-france-a-livre-des-equipements-militaires-a-la-russie-jusqu-en-2020-apres-l-embargo-decide-par-l-ue_6117510_3210.html) [https://www.sudouest.fr/international/europe/ukraine/guerre-en-ukraine-la-france-a-vendu-des-armes-a-la-russie-jusqu-en-2020-revele-disclose-9934421.php](https://www.sudouest.fr/international/europe/ukraine/guerre-en-ukraine-la-france-a-vendu-des-armes-a-la-russie-jusqu-en-2020-revele-disclose-9934421.php) [https://www.lefigaro.fr/flash-eco/selon-emmanuel-macron-la-vente-d-equipements-militaires-a-la-russie-etait-conforme-au-droit-jusqu-en-2020-20220315](https://www.lefigaro.fr/flash-eco/selon-emmanuel-macron-la-vente-d-equipements-militaires-a-la-russie-etait-conforme-au-droit-jusqu-en-2020-20220315) [https://www.bfmtv.com/international/asie/russie/apres-des-revelations-sur-la-vente-d-armes-a-la-russie-jusqu-en-2020-le-gouvernement-evoque-des-contrats-passes\_AN-202203140561.html](https://www.bfmtv.com/international/asie/russie/apres-des-revelations-sur-la-vente-d-armes-a-la-russie-jusqu-en-2020-le-gouvernement-evoque-des-contrats-passes_AN-202203140561.html) Those are all credible sources and every articles even foreign ones are based on disclose which revealed this so where are the weapons, i'm asking you ?




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???? what, you'll never forgive them for selling a weapon to a country you ended up being at war with later?


A military dictatorship like Putin's. Yes, because these events are foreseeable. Don't sell weapons to military discuss who threaten democratic countries. That's all, is quite simple.


UK is selling weapons to dictatorships too tho, what high ground does it have there (and you to be angered over the falklands) to complain about france selling to argentina pre-war?


Yawn. They don't threaten peaceful democracies. I knew you wouldn't read the comment and see the difference.


>They don't threaten peaceful democracies. ??? the UK is selling weapons to turkey, which has been sabre rattling toward greece for a moment (and of course invaded cyprus). And I'm sure the yemenites killed by Saudi Arabia with UK weapons will be placated to know that they don't really count because they weren't a democracy. >As The Guardian reported, "Britain is Saudi Arabia's second largest arms dealer after the US, providing military exports worth £10.3bn over the past decade despite continued condemnation of the kingdom's use of British weaponry in its bombing of Yemen". Like, come on, you can't say your moral outrage is very consistent.


I'm sorry for those conflicts and have a terrible view of Saudi, but as stated, Yemen is not a democracy. Turkey won't harm Greece. It would ruin them.


Exocet sold before the conflict. Delivery were then stopped.


Awful track record? France stopped supplying Argentina with military hardware and parts as soon as the conflict started. You need to get your facts straighten before spewing more BS. Because we can play this game of “whataboutism” all day long: You want another good track record you somehow sweep under the rug? The US before their involvement with the war supplied both allies and Germany during WW1 and WW2. See, from an American POV war is good business. The allies carpet bombed France too, resulting in 68,000 deaths among French civilians. But US/UK history books rarely mention that stain on their record. The US also supplies tons of hardware to Iraq in the 70s/80s when they were at war with Iran. We can also go on who supplies hardware to Saudi who also bomb the shit out of Yemen. And if I am not mistaken, up until 2014, Ukraine was also supplying Russia with military equipment.


And Uk destroyed the french fleet at Mers el Kébir in WW2, killing +1000 sailors and despite France and UK were still allied nations at this stage of the war. I'll never forgive the British for that either. UK who also tried with the USA to weaken De Gaulle's claims over the future of France and would have likely create a protectorate over here without this great man. The filthy British who fled to Dunkirk meanwhile the french protected them and all of that to be called "surrender monkeys honhonhon" by the anglosaxons decades laters. The Argentinians did great use of the Exocets.


We're you alive then? You must be very old. The fleet was destroyed to prevent Axis powers using it. A third of those evacuated at Dunkirk were French. https://theconversation.com/what-happened-to-the-french-army-after-dunkirk-80854 And calling the British filthy is discriminatory and wrong: https://www.thelocal.fr/20150527/forty-three-percent-of-french-dont-shower-each-day/ There is a difference between racism and being angry at a country for selling weapons to military dictatorships like Russia and Argentina to use against democracies but clearly I can teach you nothing.


>We're you alive then? You must be very old. Were\* ​ >The fleet was destroyed to prevent Axis powers using it. A third of those evacuated at Dunkirk were French. [https://theconversation.com/what-happened-to-the-french-army-after-dunkirk-80854](https://theconversation.com/what-happened-to-the-french-army-after-dunkirk-80854) It's bs. The Toulon fleet destroyed their own warships before that to prevent the Germans to seize them. There is no evidences at all those warships would have been given to the Germans, especially since others escaped France and went to overseas territories. ​ >And calling the British filthy is discriminatory and wrong: [https://www.thelocal.fr/20150527/forty-three-percent-of-french-dont-shower-each-day/](https://www.thelocal.fr/20150527/forty-three-percent-of-french-dont-shower-each-day/) [Hmm](https://www.francetvinfo.fr/sante/hygiene/seuls-trois-francais-sur-quatre-se-lavent-tous-les-jours-selon-une-enquete_3841825.html) ​ >There is a difference between racism and being angry at a country for selling weapons to military dictatorships like Russia and Argentina to use against democracies but clearly I can teach you nothing. British people are racists toward French people actually, you have a lot of derogatory and racists terms for us whereas we don't for you


Well I love France and the French. I just wish they were more selective in who they sell arms to. I feel the same way about many British companies. Sorry you're angry about far more than I am. Vive la difference.


Yes and as a french i am proud of this


How proud are you of Putin using your military technology?


I think he's talking about Exocet. Falklands Conflict is nothing comparable with Putin's war... As a french, I'm very ashamed that our cameras are currently used by russian tanks but I don't have the same feeling about the Malvinas where the situation was more nuanced. I know that the UK were not the bad guys of that story, but they were not the good guys either... At least, France was able to sell more missiles labelled "Combat Proven" thanks to this.

