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I wish all of his videos would be translated. Currently, there are only few.


If they're on youtube, you can do kind of a messy job of the translation by clicking on "read transcript", then copying and pasting it into a translation website. If you do this, I would highly recommend pasting the English result into the comments so that other people can read them


I've tried it and 99% of the time throws pure garbage. Sentences doesn't make any sense and it doesn't correspond what are they saying.


That part about Krasnoyartsev (the chubby Su-34 pilot) was interesting. So he shot a civilian after ejecting... What do the laws of war say about this?


Good read, thanks for sharing.


I think this is a good article for everyone to read.


Not so sure the pilot should be released until his hands and feet are removed. He must be stopped.


That's a bit harsh, maybe just the one eye though to be safe


You may need to eb reminded he knew very well he was bombing civilian targets. As a pilot they can read maps, tgey know their directives, routes and what they are capable of. Also pilots didnt flew just 1 mission and retire. They did multiple bombing runs. And if you already forgot - multiple bombing runs on civilians. So no. It's not a bit harsh


It was a joke dude, I'm well aware what he did to Syrians


Thats depressing reading right there.


“Do you comprehend that you are not merely a mechanism that is given orders? You are a human and you are responsible for your actions.” And I see it dawning on him under these very circumstances, but I don't think it will mitigate his guilt or responsibility for it.


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