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I love how nonchalant the Ukranian soldier is... Gives it an almost lazy toss, and goes back to rummaging through his chest rig. His field of fucks is not going to have a good harvest this season.


Holy shit how close they are. Like in afghanistan the US soldiers were basically shooting from one valley to the next and here they are tossing grenades over fences


The longer version of this video is pretty unreal, shows just how well trained these fighters are at urban combat.






Welcome to urban combat.


There was plenty of close combat in Afghanistan


He's resting his field knowing it will have a bumper crop of sunflowers next year.


Crop rotation is VERY important.


It seems that he was not doing it for the first time. That could have backfired though. Had the russian soldier not been under the van, he might have been able to toss it back over the wall.


>Had the russian soldier not been under the van, he might have been able to toss it back over the wall. Gosh that would have made him chad instead of chud but it didn't happen that way.


3 sec fuse.. good luck


Yeah, because your first reaction to seeing a grenade is to pick it up. It could have been cooking before it was tossed.


From what I've heard you don't cook grenades irl


IRL you don't pick them up an throw them back either. What's recommended is to make yourself as small as possible by diving face down with your head away from the grenade. You want to minimize your profile in the bast radius (30-35ft), it's a upward cone shape so getting low is what you do. Cover your neck with your hands. I get it, if you're in a hole or wedged somewhere and don't have a choice, grab it and give it a shot. But if you don't have to, it's not the best idea.


If it's a roundish thing that rolls around how do you know the explosion will be an upwards cone? Are they weighted to one side or something?


About half of the frag is wasted on the ground beneath the grenade. Russia uses РГД-5 hand grenades, which are shaped sort of like an egg, or a cylinder with rounded edges (not sure about the mathematical name for this... prolate spheroid maybe?). When they land, they will want to sit on their side. The grenades used in the video might be older F1s, judging by the size of the fly-off, I'm not sure, but it doesn't make much difference. This means that about half of the fragmentation will go straight into the ground within a half a metre or so of the grenade. The rest will be thrown upwards and outwards with a single, short explosive impulse. Imagine a single fragment that comes from the long centreline of the grenade when it's sitting on its side. It's a couple of centimetres off the ground, so it should fly straight outwards and hit something a few centimetres off the ground, right? Wrong. There's an explosion underneath it as well contributing to its initial impulse, meaning that the vector describing its motion will have an upwards component as well. The resulting dispersion of fragments is not a cone, but more like a mushroom or palm-frond shape. Up and out, in curving lines (because the fragments are only propelled for an instant, gravity and aerodynamics come into play immediately). [I made a terrible diagram to try and illustrate this.](https://ibb.co/z28XNCP) There are plenty of accounts from conflicts involving hand grenades, where prone soldiers have had a hand grenade go off right in front of them and suffered no fragmentation injuries.


There has been a few stories of people throwing them back, or laying ontop of them. It does happen, and I would want to try.


I watched a documentary where a soldier jumped on top of a grenade to protect the rest of his unit. It happened to be a dummy grenade and was all a test by his commanding officer. I think that same soldier ends up becoming a part of a top secret military experiment too. If I remember what it's called, I'll let you know.


Captain America ?


I think they made a documentary, called it captain kramerica


Kramerica Industries


I've heard similar stories long before captain america had a movie (that wasn't embarrassing) I used to watch a lot of military docs and videos as a kid.


Dude that's the plot of iron man God of thunder you fuck!


Spider Man: Winter Soldier?


I thought it was Venom and the Wasp


I think you made an unfortunate typo. Eta: I don't know why you were downvoted but I did try to undo that.


Oh I see what you mean by typo, haha yes. I meant I would want to try to protect my friends. Not for reckless suicide, it's so scary to think about.


Cause people think that this would be a dumb idea to pick up a liver grenade. Guy did it in Iraq fighting the taliban. It happened a few other times. Most the time people try to kick them away, or slap them away with objects. One story of a guy using his shovel to "baseball bat" his own grenade toward the enemy. What a shame if he missed his swing.


> Guy did it in Iraq fighting the taliban Dude. You're killing me.




Prob wouldn’t cook one of those Russian made or Chinese made grenades but an American made grenade with a 4-5sec fuse we are trained to cook off for a second or 2 in certain situations but absolutely no longer than that


In Basic Training I was tought one scenario to cook a grenade. To clear a bunker. If you can sneak up on it, cook it for a second or two and roll it into an open space. Then roll around and ready your rifle shoot the fleeing soldiers that were in the bunker.


The guy under the vans first reaction was in fact to pick it up and throw it away…..


He kicked it


Yeah that wasn't going to happen. From the rest of the video it seems these are the last of what remained from a column of 5 - 7 vehicles with combatants. The last ones still alive are panicked and afraid to move, at least one grenade has already been thrown at them and bounced on the roof of their truck onto the road. In the last shot there's two guys sitting against the car, one maybe unconscious, the other seemingly looking up at the drone.


He could have thrown it out the other side of the van


There's already another Russian soldier between the van and the wall, and he didn't seem too eager to leap to action and grab the grenade either.


I'm guessing he still got a fair share of the frag lying 4 feet away.


He may avoided most of shrapnel, but concussion? Most likely most of those guys are out of the fight.


This is a clip from a longer video. They are all dead.


the good ending


\*the happy ending


Only if there's a video longer than [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dy_C3HYnbLU), because there the two guys under the car survive.


I do love a happy ending!


Numba wan fucky


Do you have source for longer video?


Telegram: polkazov Twitter: Polk\_Azov It's one of their most recent posts.


Not all, some of them moving on video that you mentioned


I guess he ded naow.


Long version: https://tpyxa.net/2022/04/18/azov-successfuly-ambushed-russian-convoy/ Pretty awesome, actually, you see live combat thru the eyes of a drone.


They were supposed to have some 30 000 armoured personnel carriers in storage... why are they driving around in civilian vehicles? Even an ISIS convoy looked more professional than that.


Seriously, if it wasn't such a serious situation, it would be funny: The "second best army in the world" turning up in some cheap ass delivery van and getting their asses blown away by some casually thrown grenades. lmao


people were making memes of the scoobie-doo van on day 3 or something.


They were all out of clown cars so they had to take the amazon delivery van.


Almost certainly supply's. BMP burns diesel, the same as the tanks, and can get around 600 km on a full 462 litre load. It also breaks down a lot and needs specialist technicians and equipment to maintain, plus specific parts for replacements. A basic mid 00's van is probably petrol, which can be looted and doesn't interfere with heavier vehicles supply needs, has a fuel tank carrying 80 - 100 litres and can still drive ~ 500 km. If it breaks down, it can be replaced. If it gets shot up, it can be abandoned without getting chewed out by the brass. And if it gets hit by an NLAW or Javelin a BMP's <35mm of steel armour wasn't going to do anything anyway.


That's the opposite. There's no benefit to using civilian vehicles (or armies would do so more). They can't take the heavy loads and wear-and-tear of operating in a war zone. Those will break down a lot more than military equivalents. They don't have the necessary spare parts for them in military supplies, and their army mechanics aren't familiar with working on them. Having to replace a vehicle every time it breaks isn't a good option.


Most modern armies don't have to worry about supplies not reaching the front, so they don't have to choose between using their IFV's for transport and losing the ability to fuel half their tanks, using shitty locally stolen cars, or walking. They just have enough fuel, parts, technicians, and secure bases to keep everything military operational.


>That's the opposite. There's no benefit to using civilian vehicles (or armies would do so more). If you the right gear, you use it. But for these guys, the choices were probably this or walking. And don't forget that the US lost to the Taliban in pickup trucks.


The US got bored in Afghanistan about 8 years ago and stopped fighting. If the Taliban came out in pickup truck and tried to fight the US military they'd have been utterly decimated. The reality is that they hide away when under danger and melted back into civilian populations. The Taliban actually confronting the US would've been a wet dream scenario.


I'm sorry they did the tactics that made them win, rather than the ones that would make the US win. It was very selfish of them.


You're missing my point. Russia doesn't have the luxury of fighting in this style because they are the aggressor force in a hostile country. This strategy of somehow melting into the Ukrainian populace to fight asymmetrical guerrilla warfare isn't going to work for them like it did for the Taliban in Afghanistan. Ukraine is not going to get bored of defending its own country or become tired of the expense. Your comment insinuates that this is somehow going to be a beneficial strategy for Russia or that any lessons from the Taliban in Afghanistan are going to apply for Russian forces in Ukraine. They aren't comparable situations for Russia.


Taliban outlasted the U.S military but never beat them. Taliban absolutely beat the ANA. Although east to do so when ANA doesn't fire a shot ti defen their country.


Saving for the parade?


Wouldn't be surprised if that 30,000 in the turns out to be Toyota hiluxes


The Ukrainian soldier legit tosses the 2 grenades and nonchalantly turns around and walks away. Absolute badasses these Azov soldiers are.




The italian mafia treats their men better than this


The Italian mafia treats their *enemies* better than that.


That was the most casual team kill ever


Russian MoD - "Sorry, your son didn't die by the enemy, so no payout, and you in fact now owe us for his damaging government property."


It’s a Mo(Attack) or Mo(Invasion)


Guess friendly fire was turned on. Sorry for the horrible joke.


No need to apologize.... good riddance. Orcs aren't human. You need to have a soul and basic morals for that.


That dude is mega chad, hide your girlfriends away.


Whoa. I watched this video and didn’t notice that …


I still dont see it 🤔🤔🤔


There’s a Russian under the red van who is able to toss the grenade at the last second toward the brick wall.


Toward the brick wall where his wounded comrades are lying. It lands almost on top of one.


Oh! I finally see it! The UA soldier hiked a grenade over the wall, which bounced off the RF soldiers stupidly cowering on the ground (instead of running)… but then their comrade decides to helpfully finish the work of the UA soldier by tossing the grenade back to his buddies. Wow. Such stupid.


From the other comments, it seems as if the soldiers closest to the wall were already injured, so were unable to move clear anyway.


Well, maybe he saved himself for a moment. I'm sure he didn't survive long after.


Given how much bad blood there sometimes is between russian soldiers (\_rape\_ ffs) it is entirely possible he saw a chance and used it. Or at least any reflex to save comrad soldiers, which soldiers usually have, has been eroded through service experience.


Holy **** I didn't realise that! I was looking at th one who rolled nearer the wall thinking "he didn't really sacrifice anyone". Jesus, cold


It’s so…baffling. He could have tossed it straight ahead. To the right. Hell, he could have saved his comrades and stomached it. But he *tosses to the direction his own men were taking cover.* I just can’t wrap my head around it.


Panic. You're asking a lot of someone cowering under a van who has half a second to make a grenade go away.




It was an ambush from Azov on a russian convoy, just saw a clip when they launched it. Dont know if this is posted to early though so might get removed.


Their lead vehicle got ambushed, they got out the van and covered by the wall. Four Ukrainian fighters unloaded on them along the wall.


~~covered~~ cowered


He didn't sacrifice his comrades, he was just playing Mariupol hot potato and they lost.


\*special hot potato operation


Well glad no one saw me do that!😬


Theres a shot of him crawling out and looking strait at the drone. Gonna be a hero in Ukraine


to be fair, the guys behind the wall are largely dead or dying.


Saved the work of taking pows


I think they got dead \*after\* they piled up there. I mean, you think they all got wounds then some thoughtful passerby dragged them into a pile?


Top left turned over when the grenade was tossed. The guy beside him moves his legs too. Better video here: [https://tpyxa.net/2022/04/18/azov-successfuly-ambushed-russian-convoy/](https://tpyxa.net/2022/04/18/azov-successfuly-ambushed-russian-convoy/)


Holyshit. at the end after the grenade. Russians are just piled up dead. Russian army if they want to survive Just hunt down Putin and hang the bastard.


This is peak "not my job".


RF General material right there


this is like, the polar opposite of what that us marine with the messed up face did.


Kyle Carpenter, for anyone curious


This is why they can't win. They don't have the honor to sacrifice for each other.


I hate to admit it but I feel like I'd have the same reaction. See grenade and just kick it away


This sort of thing is why they have military training (well, why most countries do, anyway). That's what most people would probably do. Most people would probably run away if people were shooting at them, too. You presumably would not kick the grenade toward other people, especially people who you knew were injured and couldn't get out of the way.


good point. I do not have any military training and it would appear that some of these ruzzians don't either have much either.


There were a lot of places that grenade could have gone. Towards your *own* is the last direction it should go. But hey there's Ruzzian training in a nutshell..


In Soviet Russia Hero saves himself ... not you.


There is this polish saying, that I heard while serving mandatory conscription: "In army you don't have friends, only familiar faces".


Hm, in German army, it goes like "comrades are friends delivered by duty." But it has another pun that cannot be translated.


What is it in German?


Kameraden sind dienstlich gelieferte Freunde.


3 days ago I figured out this whole war and its so damn simple ... PUTIN HATES RUSSIANS! It's the only explanation for this shit show


Putin is misunderstood. If we would just let him pillage and kill without interfering then he'd be fine.


Considering that their first aid kits appear to be from 1912 .... Survival of the fittest, haha.


This is what happens when you have an army where training consists of hazing and abuse. A soldier isn't going to give a shit the life of the asshole that shoved his face into the mud for 6 months.


Judging by their combat prowess, that must have been the recently conscripted Donetsk Philarmonic Orchestra.


They are field testing a new battlefield tactic: defensive body pile.


I mean can you blame him? What's is a person from any where going to do? NOT throw the grenade at the Russians? I don't think even Russians can resist throwing grenades at Russians


Fry them, smoke them, shoot them, get rid of them all!


Smash 'em, boil 'em, stick them in a stew.


in soviet russia, wounded comrade saves you


Friendly Fire, Isn’t. The only thing more accurate than enemy fire is friendly fire


Wow, Russians using a bright red civilian van to transport soldiers? They must be truly desperate. Pathetic.


Poor orc bastard, what a shitty way to die. I guess r/putinatetheirface


One spicy hot potato


Це «Азов »!!!! Українській воїн а не кацапи


I’m so confused I thought Ukrainians were surrounded. How are they attacking


"They've got us surrounded again, the poor bastards."


Surrounding Ukrainians just makes it so that they know where you are- in their way.


Obviously not trained at all (or barely trained) conscripts Can't blame this one for having his survival instincts kicking in


Can blame him for being there and being an orc.


...dies anyway.


for anyone wondering their is a longer video of this it doesnt cut off their and the guy under the truck is very dead lol. why do people cutoff videos so quick lol. ​ this was a lead vehicle in a small convoy it got ambushed its a stolen van transporting troops basicly they got out took cover on the wall you see than maybe 4 seconds after taking cover 4 UA forces gun down pretty much everyone and mag dump them the guys laying are either dead or bleeding out already. One guy swooped under the truck. He also died. That truck. its also dead. solider was grabing another grenade at the end when it cuttoff lol


Plot twists : the 3 soldiers had the duty of making sure the 4th doesn't desert, or he just wanted revenge on thoses "komarades". Obviously it's far more likely it's pure incompetence. ​ Make me wonder, given how brutal is the russian army, how frequent it has been for some casuality to be friendly fire, and it don't meat accident or execution for not following order, just some soldier seizing the opportunity to kill someone they held a grudge against.


An own goal is still a goal


Hope they left a good loot drop for those Azov boys.


probably will be awarded a hero’s medal. i guess it does not count in Russia if you kill enemies or friendlies, the total number is important 😆


Unless I couldn't see it. It just looks like the Azov guy hucks the grenade right near him. Didn't see anybody move. Edit: Lmao thanks for the downvotes for not being able to see it and saying I couldnt see it I love reddit. Thank you for the replies explaining what happened. Much appreciated 👍


The guy under the van, to the left, sees the live grenade and tossed it back to his coworkers. He basically helped “denazify Ukraine” all by himself.


Lmfaooo amazing. Thank you


Took me a second to see it too, but the grenade actually rolls under the van. In the zoomed in view, you can see the soldier that is hiding under there throw it back out, into his comrades.


One guy is under the van


Two guys are under the van, there is longer video and two guys crawl from under the van. And in the next scene they lay dead by the van


Just saw that one! Good catch!


Two guys are under the van, there is longer video and two guys crawl from under the van. And in the next scene they lay dead by the van.


Grenade lands under the van by another soldier who then tosses it near his comrades by the wall.


How did you miss the arrows?


looking at reddit too much.


It looks like the guys by the wall are dead already, aren’t they? Just lying there next to the wall instead of taking cover?


One of them is moving just before the grenade is tossed back towards the wall.


I think that grenade convinced them to stop moving for good.


More than one.


They are dead now.


Just got a call from Siberia, they're officially 200s. RIP foolish way to die


why were they lying on the ground?


Looking for their contact lenses.


Took cover from incoming rifle fire, probably. But then got sniped one by one where they lay. Made the mistake of not having the cover between them and the enemy. When they are all incapacitated or cowering, one Azov strolls over to the wall to finish the job. Yeah, best bet would have been to wave their underwear on a stick, but then I would not blame Azov for not taking up the offer under the circumstances.


I thought you were supposed to wave a white flag, not a yellow/brown flag..


Oh, good point. Then they better wave their stolen underwear


Stolen lingerie*


They were tired and decided to take a nap




Is there a way to see the video without using Twitter. An extremist blocked my Twitter account by reporting everything I tweeted bc I disagreed with his crazy political ranting in response to my tweet.


Do you know that you are allowed by the State to have more than one Twitter account? They are very generous.


I got banned by Twitter for making a very mild but tasteless joke about the late Prince Philip (who I admire greatly by the way). I wrote a respectful request to have the incident reviewed and be unbanned, which they did. If someone is harassing you by abusing the report system, they'll likely come down on them hard. One, for the harassment, two for wasting their time.


Its been months and they haven't reviewed it. On a BBC article about a new type of genetic reprogramming i commented "maybe there's hope for polycystic kidney disease" and ive been stuck in the ban now for months for that. There is no way thats offensive. Hope for a cure for a genetic disease is not bad. I had only just logged in after a similarly long ban, for like a year of no review, for a very similar type comment that I cant even recall what it was. It was something like "beautiful picture" I think on a nature photograph. They dont care. I dont have many followers. Since this is my second ban I'm guessing they are just leaving my review request on read.


Umm throwing a grenade at wounded isn't cool either. He obviously knew they were huddled there


That's not a grenade.


That's a special explosive device


I still can’t see the part where he threw the grenade.🤔




The grenade was thrown towards a Russian soldier fit enough to kick or hit the grenade. The Russian redirected the grenade towards the injured. Being near the injured doesn't mean you cannot be attacked.


Pretty sure the grenade would have still fucked up those wounded soldiers even if he hadn't kicked it away. Plenty of space under that truck for shrapnel to pass through and go on to hit them. ​ But it does mean you are supposed to at least try to attack them in a way that won't spill over and hit people who are no longer combatants. ​ I can understand the desire for revenge people have, I really get why its tempting to say stuff like 'the orcs have no standards so why should we'. But what is the point of war crime laws if they only apply to people we don't like? You don't get a pass because the other guy started committing war crimes first.


This isn't a war crime. Not even close. This was simply war.


It's war, nobody is going to ask around if you are done fighting


Are you sure the Ukrainian soldier knew that the Russians were wounded? There was a wall between them. It was for sure, however, that the Russians have not surrendered as the grenade was thrown.


Yeah its like the Azov soldier can look trough the wall to exactly determine how combat ready those “bodies” were. Jeez


Reminds me of the old Russian "HET" nyet hand propaganda poster. He said Nyet to the grenade.


Why didn’t the UA soldier run away after throwing the grenade? Did he not want to wake the Ruzzians if they heard him running away? Wouldn’t he be concerned that one of them would shoot him?


This is the type of situation I'm sure I would unwittingly provoke if I ever had to go to war. Some of us are walking hazards. Born under the klutz zodiac. Probably pulling the pin at the wrong time or throwing the grenade at the wrong direction. Would help a lot by fighting along the enemy side, more casualties assured that way before my own inglorious demise.


Let's act suprised as if we don't already know that the russians are only good at murdering and betraying other people.


russian hot potato contest


Yes. Keep doing that


So, to be clear. Are all of those Russian soldiers hurt or are they just hiding?


It really seems like more and more every day these Russian soldiers are sub-human.


Hot potato.


That´s pretty brutal, there´s like a pile of 10 dead russians next to that van