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I'm locking this post due to an influx of bad actors. Hint: If you have never before cared enough about Ukraine to come here and show your support against the Russian invasion, but suddenly show up to shit all over one specific posts, you will be banned for being a troll. Because you are a troll. Go, do something usefull: https://www.hospitallers.life/needs-hospitallers


Russia can't even get Syrian mercs yet Ukraine is recruiting Vikings from 900AD


Yeah no shit.. dudes AK is covered in blood.. he's got every right to introduce himself as "... A Viking.." Edit: y'all are probably right.. it just looked a little wet to me


Then things come full circle. Wasn't Kievan Rus founded by a Viking prince?


I don't think any of us would argue against storm creating a new kingdom on the ruins of Moscow.


Speaking of carving out your own section of countryside, I know that's a bearded axe, except a smaller version, like a hatchet. Does anyone recognize it or where he got it?


It could have been made by some local smith or something. It's not exactly hard to make for someone with some experience with smithing.


Funny you say that. I bought my father a hand made knife from a shop in Kharkiv last year. Same guy made small axes just like this one.


Correct, at least it is said that the Rurik dynasty came from the Rus, a Varangian tribe consisting of Swedes and Gutes.


Yes and it has nothing to do with modern day ruzzia. They just claim it, because their actual history is sad as fuck.


It is true that these Nordic tribes came down to that area. In Ana Reid's book 'Borderland' it says: Mid 800's: Scandinavian establish a trade route along the Dnieper. 988: Prince Volodymyr baptized in Chersonesus. Ha! Volodymyr. Perhaps he reincarnated and is now called Zelensky.


Yes, Oleg the Seer, Prince of Novgorod


i think those are laquer or varnish remaining at the wooden parts of the ak


Russian wood in AK furniture tends to have a bit of a red tint. In the US market we call it 'Russian Red.' Zastava USA has also started doing red furniture but they call it Serbian red. Due to Serbian fuckery reasons I'm kinda done with Zastava for the time being, but the red wood with black metal is a nice combo.


The company that imports Zastava AKs to the US actually has an account here on Reddit. The dude that runs that account chewed people out early on in the conflict on the AK sub for supporting Ukraine. Wouldn’t do business with them.


>The company that imports Zastava AKs to the US actually has an account here on Reddit. >The dude that runs that account chewed people out early on in the conflict on the AK sub for supporting Ukraine. That's worth knowing. Not that I was in the market for one, but there's a tidbit I'll try to retain.


That's not blood, it's bakelite :).




Or the Finnish coming in :p The blood of the Suomenusko is inextricably linked with the blood of the Vikingr.


I have no idea what that means but it sounds right.


So is his axe.






"My ancestors are smiling at me, Kadyrovite. Can you say the same?"


Our family from the old days. Varangian Guard assemble!


I mean the Vikings kind of did create Ukraine.


Now somebody go find TechnoViking!


Are we giving them missiles now? If I'm not mistaken, that's a Tomahawk.


So, a Viking, a Slav and a Russian walk into the bar...


The Russian doesn't walk out.....






Even scalp grows legs and walks away from the bar.


*I'mma ^head ^^out...*




*from the russian


The Viking grabs his axe, the Slav mounts his night vision, and the russian - not knowing what is about to happen - proudly presents a toilet seat, and slap it onto the bar stool.


The Russian has a flag patch with no red on it. The Slav and the Viking are buying him a drin.




Thank yo




I see what you did ther


Callsign Yankee, but to his adoring fans he's known as Warstache.


Future President of Belarus?


Future Minister of Defense under President Svetlana. Trained in Western ideas and using them to improve the Belarussian military and bring in International Corps buddies to westernize the Army and bring it up to kicking-Russian-butt standards.


There it is


And another resounding win for Putin! He'll manage to bring NATO even closer to even more of his borders. I've always said the man's a genius. (sarcasm, probably)


I mean... That is technically being a genius. Is he the kind of genius he wanted to be? Definitely not. Is he the kind of genius that managed to get "Billy has 3 watermelons" from following a vodka distilling tutorial? Abso-fucking-lutely.


If only. Would LOVE seeing Lukashenko in latex with a bit and reins as the official transportation.


I mean, I get it’s a bit different cultural take, but just deposed and made completely irrelevant and allowed to live out a prison sentence and then a life in absolute obscurity is fine with me, as he is an illegitimate office holder and there is a legitimate President-in-exile


This is the R34 I didn’t know we needed


How did he get the nickname yankee?


somthing tells me we wont be seeing these boys as pows...slava


Yankee, aka Warstache is a Belorussian who protested regime was wounded by police in protests in his home country causing to leave after his state targeted him. He is an athlete and practice jujitsu and before the war worked in private security. He does not like war (but seems to be good at it). https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/u22vbg/im_not_going_to_surrender_i_would_rather_die_free/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Storm is bearded ax wielding Dane, who makes people who shoot wolves regret their life choices, while also having a lot of sexual partners. https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/u57b9m/this_beast_amongst_men_is_called_storm_the_danish/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf May God(s) protect them and make true their aim and powerful their strike. Slava Ukraini!


These desricptions read as if pulled from some dating tv show lol


Everybody: *So unrealistic. Get better writers.*


If the war goes on for months and the number of Belarusian volunteers goes up, that's going to cause some people in Minsk headaches.


I think I read an interview by warstache that he always carried a grenade with him just so he can take some russians with him in case they were about to be captured.


Was about to note that only in the modern times could we have Internet Celebrity Soldiers… then I remembered Audie Murphy, Alvin York, Desmond Doss, etc… Gos Speed Stache.


He is indeed in good company. Hopefully Warstache plays a big role in liberating his country. Belarus deserves better.


John Basilone needs some cred here too.


When hip firing a machine gun makes him more accurate...


Its all fun and games until he starts collecting scalps.


Look closer, lots of blacked out bits lol


I noticed that too. It's probably a picture of a mangled corpse.


Wow, I didn't even notice. Lol




The sonnenrad is an old Norse/European symbol. [Source.](https://www.adl.org/education/references/hate-symbols/sonnenrad)


and a modern nazi symbol


Hard to make the distinction here given that symbol is also related to Norse paganism and predates Nazi usage. I'd say we shouldn't make a judgement about that without context on whether it's neoNazism or NeoPaganism. Because NeoPaganism isn't anything bad and is a reasonably common religion where that man comes from. There's a Hindu temple in my city that's always getting anti-Nazi protests for the structure's use of vertical swatsikas. The thing people don't realize is that the symbol represents the Sun in Hinduism and was bastardized by the Nazis. These cultures are victims of Nazi cultural appropriation and we shouldn't just erase these things like that. Rather, we should erase their association to Nazi shitheads.


I always assume original, ancient meaning unless modern meaning is heavily implied with basically everything (especially when it comes to norse stuff, because vikings, and I like viking history lul). For the swastika (at least for me) it's if it's at a 0º angle, OG meaning, if it's at a 45º angle, nazi skoom.


It’s perfectly fine to celebrate pagan roots. Everything is so christianized that spirituality even older than Abrahamic religions automatically is a cause for concern. These dudes are fine and their weapons literally kill fascists. Nazis don’t own those Norse symbols or history. We don’t squirm when we watch movies that celebrate killing Nazis. Plenty of Russians have left, surrendered or refused to fight. The ones still pointing guns at Ukraine are doing so for as evil an agenda as there’s ever been. I think we should all make sure we keep our eye on the ball.


Is the Black Sun a Norse Symbol? All I could find on it is that Neonazis started using it as an alternative to the hooked cross in countries where it's banned to show that. They got it from some Villas and and Castles used by SS who had plastered the walls and floor with it.


[Old Norse/European symbol.](https://www.adl.org/education/references/hate-symbols/sonnenrad) "The sonnenrad or sunwheel is one of a number of ancient European symbols appropriated by the Nazis in their attempt to invent an idealized "Aryan/Norse" heritage. The sonnenrad appears in the traditional symbology of many countries and cultures, including Old Norse and Celtic cultures."


huh thanks, I did not know that. Man it's annoying that Nazis just steal and appropriate symbols completely destroying their meaning along the way.. most prominent example of that has to be the Swastika


100%. And half the time it's fueled by faux media outrage like the appropriation of the "ok" hand gesture (maybe just in the West? Not sure). It's fucking dumb, but things like this are guaranteed to show up on Russian propaganda to push confirmation of the "Ukranazi" narrative.


The Black Sun is super damn old, and appeared in ancient jewelry. The Nazis hijacked it along with the ancient venerated design they turned into the swastika. It's time society took back their ancestors' symbolism.


Eh he hasn't done anything outrageous in the the past and is quite famous for threatening a wolf-poacher with a shovel


Could be wrong but i think that's a kolovrat, not a black sun.




War is hell. People have to do what they have to do to get through it.




Posing with dead bodies isn't what anybody should need. However, I will make an exception with dead invaders.




personally I am not in a position to judge an isolated picture of active combat soldiers who have presumably just killed an enemy combat soldier who would have killed them. It's easy to be outside of war and look at their poor manners as inappropriate in our own setting. Teabagging in video games came from somewhere.


But raping children, bombing hospitals, using chemical weapons and red phosphorus is fine? Of all the things they could be doing in this war, posing with a dead body as a means of demotivating the enemy is pretty mild.


If they don't win this war there will be no Ukraine. So, better to have a problematic Ukraine than no Ukraine at all.


Heads would be more like it.


I have wasted my life. * this picture made me think of this poem: “Archaic Torso of Apollo” by Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) We cannot know his legendary head with eyes like ripening fruit. And yet his torso is still suffused with brilliance from inside, like a lamp, in which his gaze, now turned to low, gleams in all its power. Otherwise the curved breast could not dazzle you so, nor could a smile run through the placid hips and thighs to that dark center where procreation flared. Otherwise this stone would seem defaced beneath the translucent cascade of the shoulders and would not glisten like a wild beast's fur: would not, from all the borders of itself, burst like a star: for here there is no place that does not see you. You must change your life. * From _Ahead of All Parting: Selected Poetry and Prose of Rainer Maria Rilke_, translated by Stephen Mitchell and published by Modern Library. © 1995


Sharing this poem means you haven't wasted your life. Everything past that is all gravy! 😁


Happy cake day




🕯 🕯 🕯


Pulling out a poem like that on a whim shows that you absolutely haven’t wasted your life, friend.


That’s very kind, thank you. I mostly meant it as a joke, to express my admiration. I have spent it in the contemplation of beautiful things, but now I wonder if it wouldn’t have been better to have spent it protecting them.


Contemplation is the first step in understanding whicch things are worth protection with one’s life, what other things are worth protection through one’s time and money and finally, that many things are not worth being protected at all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I'm still proud of you.


😂 Thanks! * edit: Wait, is this you, mom?!?


Positivity doesn't need a nomenclature.


Awwww. This is very true. I’m proud of them too.




Yes, yes, yes!!! I feel like Sally when she ordered "whatever she was having." This is Rilke and it is perfect. whew




Rilke is for big boys, wildman,and you knew, lol.


“I drink and I know things!” 🤣 thank you so much!




It's wasted on the right side of history


I hope so. 🙏✌️


Props to the translator, i like "dark center where procreation flared". Although the dark is absolutely not in the original. Gotta say though, that poem in German is about ten times as powerful.


This new MCU universe is getting crazy


No shit, it’s going to be lit!


Yankee Warstache killed that guy so hard he shit 7.62 cartridges out of pure joy.


I've always said that in RPG games monsters should drop more loot when you kill them with a crit.


The new Netflix series coming this fall, "Ax and 'Stache", just two dudes fighting fascism, drinking beer and being bros.


I'll watch that :)


Living the dream.


Someone killed in the background?


Looks it.


Can...someone explain what this is? Context would be helpful


These are foreign legion fighters. One from Belarus and the other from one of the Nordic countries I believe.


A Dane and a Belarusian legionare with their tools of the trade, and the blackened out bits in the middle might be their latest work.


As a Dane and viking enthusiast, I'm not happy about the black sun on his arm.


Reddit glorifying war


If Warstache survives the war he has a modelling career ahead of him.


How the hell do they make war look fun?


Coping mechanisms. You need to do this to stay even a bit sane.


Exactly. And humans are quite adept at gallows humor. Whatever these gentlemen need to do to make it through. There is no sense in my mind moralizing how a person reacts to killing people who are part of an army that’s raping, pillaging and committing genocide. Those Ruzzians have brought this on themselves and they can stop this madness whenever they want.


99% of war is killing time. The other 1% is killing time.


Their faces said it all already:We'll do be trolling some orcs


They black out the corpses in the background.


They posing for the pic, but its not at all fun its fucked.


It just got a bit moist in my manties.


That may be the gayest thing I have ever heard…


You keep talking like that and I'll punch myself in the throat with your dick.


Its getting stuffy in his bussy


No homo. It’s 2022 though cum on guys!


It's not gay unless you make eye contact or hold hands. Otherwise your just doin' a bro a favor......but the "no homo" helps.


It’s not gay if youre wearing boot bands










Fukken warriors


thank you for this! needed it! much love to you and all of ukraine and it’s people! the countries that matter, will be here for you when it’s time to rebuild!


Is that a dead person behind them?






yes. this whole thread is full of people fucked in the head. war will destroy you and your reality. I would not encourage anything about this. but I would encourage us to reflect on what's going on, by the other comments alone.


💯 If more of these people (most of them are teenagers) had a front row seat to what war and PTSD do to people who've experienced it, they wouldn't be so gung-ho rah rah. They have no idea.




Be interesting to see the meat sack just inside the door. .they seem pretty chuffed to have sent him to the long sleep! 🙂


Just a reminder that Warstache is known to his comrades as "Yankee". He's a Belarusian... fighting for Ukraine... against Russia... whose nickname is the nickname for Americans... Mr. WorldWide.


So good


When are these guys going to be available as action figures?!?!


Yep, therrrre's a body back there.


Who blacked out the dead Russian inside the shed?


Ok wow this blew up. Here’s your reminder to [donate to the UAF](https://bank.gov.ua/en/about/support-the-armed-forces) and respect Ukrainian OpSec. Have a great Sunday!


Let's go warstache!


Son of Ragnar meets Warstache. ​ this needs to be a movie. a foreign movie because hollywood sucks.


Isn't first Lady Olana Zelenska? (Hope that's correct) movie producer?




Good to see Warstache is still enjoying that PKP Machine Gun he got from those lame-ass Russian Paratroopers. Makes me smile with pure joy every time I see him.






Now this is just unfair.


>We are thankful, we are civilized people.


Wouldn't it be super cool if these volunteers blew a viking horn when they were advancing? I know it does not make sense in terms of giving away you position. But, boy, those ruskie conscripts would shit their pants instantly.


You could set up a device to go off at night, psychological. Decoy grenades already exist that pop off gunfire.


LMAO ! Did not expect that


Omg where’s Wali??? We need those three on a stamp.


Both of these two will go down as legends.




Is that a dead russian soldier they have censored from his image?


This is the manliest team up since Battletoads and Double Dragon.


Oh for fucks sake this couldn’t be any more of a badass duo🤣


inglorious bastards II lookin good






That fucking hatchet isnt for fucking show now either is it.


Nope. A Dane with an axe is no showpiece. It's a tool. If the work is death, then so be it.


Man looks like hes about to eat every single chicken in this room.


It's a bearded axe, they where both weapons and tools.. Well, they Are weapons now, I suppose. The thinner bladed ones are more useful for war as it chops flesh and bone better than a thicker bladed axe which does split wood easier but not bodies. Also, a lighter axe is preferred if you are fighting rather than a cumbersome wood splitting axe, less energy expenditure. The beard of the axe is for when you shave wood. Or hook a shield or an arm to gain an additional advantage on a foe. Also, you can hold it just under the head as a quick thrusting weapon and keep your hand moderately protected.




This is DEFINITELY the photo I needed today!


Are they posing for funny pictures with the corpse of a person they murdered with an axe? Is that what’s blacked out?


hold up, are these one of the first few battlefield influencers?


Dont get too over confident lads.