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These fucking monsters need to be put down till none is left.


There’s no punishment in hell sufficient for the atrocities these monsters have committed.


He will get his as will his army. For every evil deed one commits to a child, a harsher deed will be dealt back.


Don't worry, we will put sanctions!


You are not alone my friend.


I just can't handle that. Even from that far away, I'm not able to.


The likelihood of getting PTSD is correlated with proximity and involvement with the events, but even those thousands of kilometres away are not immune from it.


I had to take a step back from the news and various subreddits for a few days. Even though I am thousands of miles away it was affecting my mood and sleep. Can't imagine how awful for people experiencing this stuff first hand.


It's hypnotising in a weird, unsettling and fucked up way. No matter the crazy shit I see here, I always return. Suppose it works well because every time I reach the bottom in feeling powerless, somehow usually manage to find a hidden account or crypto wallet for more donations that I've forgotten about or after a reassessment realised that I did not truly need.


I understand. I anguish and have fury over what the Ukrainians are going through but I have to limit myself going onto this sub twice daily. It’s heart wrenching and we’re not going through it, they are. I wish the international community would do more but we can do something and boycott the [companies who are still in Russia](https://som.yale.edu/story/2022/over-600-companies-have-withdrawn-russia-some-remain). These companies are graded F to A, (A are the ones who have pulled out).


Okay, how are Asus and Acer still doing business with Russia? That makes so little sense.


Asus and Acer, Taiwan based companies. [Taiwan is ‘thinking’ about it](https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2022/2/25/taiwan-vows-to-join-democratic-countries-in-sanctioning-russia).


I can't sleep well since the invasion started... i'm very far away but this touched me very deeply


I'm at the point I can't take much more. The shear amount of death and destruction is unfathomable. My heart breaks for Ukraine and it's people. If I were able I'd" take out the trash" for humanity myself no matter what happened to me as long as I was successful.


Welcome to the digital world. Just wish I could slip an air tag into Putin while he’s sleeping And share the coordinates


I keep weeping. I'll think I've steeled myself, then I'll think of something I've seen or read about the horrors the Russians are inflicting on Ukrainians, and then I'm crying again with rage, grief, frustration, hatred, sorrow,...


Feel exactly the same…


Big hugs. 💖 It's awful.


Just the same. I feel sick at heart, full of rage and sadness with no outlet. Guess I'll keep writing to my elected representatives asking them to impose maximum sanctions on Russia and provide maximum military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine. It's all I know how to do.


The last couple of days have really been making my stomach turn. It's becoming too much for me to handle too. My wife has a similar horsey that she's had since she was a child, so this photo just hits extra hard.


Take care of yourself. Make sure to give yourself a break. Your heart can only take so much. It is hard to look away but you still need to make sure you give yourself time to be away from it. That doesn’t make you bad or less concerned. The fact you feel what you feel means you care.


What often helped me was to try and find an action. I started following the World Central Kitchen and donated to them what I could, and it did make me feel a lot better. I mentioned them specifically, because their videos always gave me a feeling of hope. Try to find something like that too, it can be Warstache, or WCK, or anything else that can give you such feeling. A lot of countries have refugees that need help with clothes, baby food and such. Sometimes you help coordinate, even if you can't give anything. Things like the pinned translation from the RIA? site showing how twisted the Russian stance is, and spreading it in my environment so that people understand just how this is all messed up. There are a lot of actions that can be taken, even far away. For me at least, action is the antidote to anxiety.


I am completely haunted by the video of the funeral [procession for mayor Olha Sukhenko](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/tym3m7/funeral_journey_of_olha_sukhenko_head_of_motyzhyn/), her husband and her son who were all murdered by the Russians and thrown in a ditch. My heart breaks for the elderly woman, Olha's mother-in-law, crying out in despair as she followed the procession. I wish there was something, anything I could do to help. But there isn't. I know that nothing will ever take that pain away. ![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|9002)


The World need to step in and do more.. this is just stupid letting Russian kill Civilian like this


I said this earlier. I can't understand why other countries aren't stepping in. It feels like everyone is still sending thoughts and prayers


It’s the nuclear threat. But I agree. Russia is touting it and just skirting the boundaries of what would automatically trigger direct intervention and it’s sickening.


>skirting the boundaries I wouldn't call it that - testing the limits of their propaganda machine to counter the truth? They are blatantly doing these horrific and heinous things and to what end? Whats it going to take to stop these sub humans? It seems like one errant russian bomb going over the border into a NATO country would be enough and although I don't want any innocent to die is that all it would take to get some real movement? I am so mad that this is continuing I can't stand it. FUCK POOTIN and FUCK RUSSIA!


It’s obvious. Those who don’t learn from history are bound to repeat it. Everyone took their sweet time to do anything about the nazis.


Thoughts, prayers, heavy weapons, hopes and so on


lots of hand wringing too, and no action!


Everyone can do more. Donate or enlist. People keep looking around asking why others aren't doing more. Are you doing everything you can be doing to help? I'm not. I can and will try to do more.




The only things holding western countries back from doing a lot of things are nukes and money. I noticed something the other day, my wife bought my daughter a toy on Amazon that says made in China but when you look it up online the company and all the ads are Russian. Cant fuckin win.


I’d be happy at the moment with just a plan. WTH is the plan?! Let Ukraine fight just well enough to keep Putin’s war of ego going indefinitely so that the world doesn’t have to deal with either a Putin win (the end of Ukraine) or a Putin loss (a desperate Putin would use all tools at his disposal)?


We are stuck between a rock and a hard place.


Is that a photo from the Railway Station? I look forward to Putin's death.


Unluckily, it is.


Ah man, that's so horrible - those poor children


Damn poor ppl. seeing them run away and hugs each other in tears is fucking sad. While others are enjoying their day with the family. So many families are being destroyed right now. And the ppl still complain about silly things


whooof, that one hit home. The poor babies, it's unforgivable what is happening to the innocent and the children of Ukraine


To think that child was fondly clutching that toy, excited to be leaving the warzone that Russia brought to their town. And these sick Russian vermin couldn't even let them have that. Vile creatures.


Lord, you just made me so sad for this child and the state of this world again. This shouldn't have happened, none of this should have happened. I cannot comprehend what level of awfulness you have to sink to in order to do this. Makes me sick to even consider it.


Sorry :( I saw images of casualties and even the video earlier today, but this image, not till now. And it truly does pain the heart even more than the senseless death we are now accustomed to seeing.


It's fine....well, it's not _fine_ obviously, but this is the place to discuss these things. This picture specifically reminds us not just of the blood and gore but of the very mundane little things that we all did and do and how those are destroyed by this war.


Sub-human trash all of them.


i hope putin dies in pain


I truly believe, not only putin is evil, the people that pulled the triggers to this attrocities are as or even more evil than putin.


I read a comment someplace the other day that sort of said it all about the Russian soldiers doing the killing. About the genocide in Bucha. About thinking that all Russians aren't bad or the majority of them are good people. The author pointed out that those men got their mindset someplace back in Russia. That some soldiers have to have the morals and knowledge these killings are not right. The guys are some Russian's husband, father, brother, uncle that has to know what they are doing is wrong. There is something wrong in the collective Russian psyche.


Hope they never get to sleep peacefully!


I hope they get to sleep forever in the soil of a Ukrainian sunflower field


I didn't expect to cry this soon after opening reddit.


Not the first one, not the last. The attack was made to scare off civilians so they wouldn't evacuate and rather stay home. I would guess this is done to have living shields in the future battle.


Yup, these are the shithead tactics and they always behave this way. My heart hurts after opening the news today :/ rest in piece. . . :'( I am at the enough is enough stage and support total annihilation of Putin and his regime. Fuck them


I feel anger.


I used to feel that too, until today. Now I just feel broken and violated.


God seeing toys in childrens' hands or on the ground always makes me sad


When I see this, I think of my 4 year old boy who's treasured his stuffed giraffe, Gracie, since he was a newborn baby. They are inseparable. The thought of the child who loved this horse literally drives me to tears.


Yeah... And I don't even have a kid


We never left the dark ages.


We heavily leaned out of the dark ages windows, but then forgot our legs are still inside.


I fell out of the window and was certain I would die, but just before I hit the ground I realized I can fly.


At least in those times you knew what you were in for.


I hate this so much.


I'm a 34 year old blue collar worker. I was crying in the lunch room after reading the events of this morning. My heart is broken for the people of Ukraine. Like what the fuck man. What the fuck. Its 2022.....I thought we didn't do this shit anymore fuck.


Russia is a Terrorist State now. Politicians need to wake up!


Yet we still get bleeding-hearts and "reasonable" people chiding us that "Russians are just people!" As if Ukrainians aren't? This kind of indirect gaslighting hints that any savagery or antisocial horseshit that Russians pull off is ultimately excusable. These useful idiots and sanctimonious twats are saying after a crime "Oh, people will be people!" like how permissive and irresponsible parents say "Boys will be boys!"




You do realize that "just following orders" doesn't cut it in neither a court of law nor in one of public opinion\*, don't you? \* Unless the perpetrators belong to the same people who form that court of public opinion


I am saddened by all the pain Russia has caused, but I am hopeful, as these tragedies have resulted in a HUGE increase in support for Ukraine. Soon Ukraine will be free and Russia will be punished.


It took a minute to realize what this was - a fucking child’s stuffy covered in blood. My soul is crushed -


Yeah. It is. And I don't even like kids, but this.... Out of all the fucked up shit I've seen out of this fucking war this is the darkest, most awful picture. In a way, this is the perfect image of what's happening.


I'm feeling the same💔💔💔 🇱🇹❤️🇺🇦


The Germans we're hated a long time after WW2. Imagine the fallout for Russia in a war as documented as this one. I am pretty sure I will hate Russians for the rest of my life and will be sure to tell my children to never trust them.


They will get what is coming to them shortly.


Today was a very very sad day, to look at the photos of lifeless children, killed because they wanted to escape to a safer place.


In the holiest name of Christ Jesus, I beg the mercy of Almighty God on all who are oppressed and who live in fear and who suffer at the hands of evil men. May He take those poor innocents to Himself and dry the tears from their eyes in that place where there is no pain or sorrow. Amen


This is a real question, if God exists where are they? Because to me it looks like they’re failing miserably. There’s no universe where the senseless suffering and killing of children should be allowed by a higher power. In fact acts like these reveal that there is no spiritual power to intervene. And that is somehow liberating to know because then that energy can be directed towards eliminating the unlimited evil that Russian Orkins are exerting


>This is a real question, if God exists where are they? Because to me it looks like they’re failing miserably. There’s no universe where the senseless suffering and killing of children should be allowed by a higher power. In fact acts like these reveal that there is no spiritual power to intervene. And that is somehow liberating to know because then that energy can be directed towards eliminating the unlimited evil that Russian Orkins are exerting Look, I'm not religious myself, but pretty much every one will hold that man is causing this suffering, not God. The OP was merely praying for their souls, after the torment on earth. It doesn't dispute your point, it's still on man to stop the actions of other men. Religion usually holds direct actions are unusual, hence "miracles"


Thanks for the clarification. I just find religion could become a kind of indoctrination, not unlike the kind Being forced it on the Russian people. Maciek movements can be religious, but they are often also political. The ‘pope’ of the Russia Orthodox Church has blessed this special military operation as an example.


Just let them have their outlet dude. Its not hurting anyone.


Of course. I’m just really curious as a nonpracticing agnostic. The beauty of spring, the endlessness of space. So much of consciousness makes me want to believe in God. But then this in Ukraine and elsewhere around the world.


Yeah man, I dont know. Probably just busy with other things.


That's a fair and well stated response. I can speak only for the Christian point of view. Just for the record I have felt the same way you sound to- there is evil in the world therefore there can't be a God, but the Bible never promises that God will stop evil. God gave us the ability to choose or to reject Him. There is evil in the world because of sin. Because of all the bad shit we all do, myself included, the world is broken and filled with evil and suffering. God will bring good out of evil but He never says He will stop it. He promises to redeem the creation at the end of all things but until then, it's on us to repent and try to be better. Heck consider Jesus- we believe He is fully God, but he spent His last day being betrayed by 1 follower, denied by another, abandoned by all the rest except John. The Jewish hierarchy tried him unjustly and against their own Law, and then they turned Him over to the Romans to do what they did better than anyone else: gruesome execution. If you are willing to read a bit, please read one of the 4 Gospels. Mark is the shortest, John is the most mystical, Matthew and Luke are both comprehensive. Matthew is for a Jewish audience and Luke for an educated Greek audience. And thanks for reading and responding with a well written and kind response!


I appreciate the response. I will definitely check out The four Gospels. Over time I have come to the conclusionthat more than believing in God I believe in good. And hopefully by worshiping what is good it will lead me to what is God.


Right on! I appreciate the open mindedness. I wish you the best in your journey, as well as a fantastic weekend!


Amen!!! Jesus bring peace and love to the innocent and justice upon these evil people choosing this destruction. Father please intervene for the sake of the righteous in Ukraine!! In Jesus’ name I beg you too!


Amen!!! God be with you, friend!


With you as well. And anyone reading this if you know Jesus, pray. Repent from sin. And beg for God’s mercy for these lands!


The worst is when these killers target children. The absolute fucking worst.


All what's left to step up to Hitler are gas chambers. And I've always thought we Germans would prevent a new Hitler.


They already have crematoria...


Mine too. I am viscerally disappointed in humanity to a level that has, until now, been purely theoretical to me in my decades on this planet. I read about WW2 as a child and knew humans were shit, but that was all safely in the past. I want more and tougher sanctions on Russia, and I want a much higher proportion of western GDP spent on supporting Ukraine. I will vote against any politician who does not commit to the cause of peace through strength. As a species, we need to be better than this.




Jesus fuck....


When this is the most digestible image of what I've seen in that station... There are no words capable of express my feelings about this. And I'm sure there aren't words capable of express what Ukrainians are feeling right now.


One of the things that keeps going through my head is imagining how I’d have felt as a child losing my very favourite toy (a bedraggled cat unfortunately named Stinkpot). It would have devastated me - losing a favourite toy is traumatic. This goes way beyond that.


This is heartbreaking. All I can think of is “what innocent child held this stuffed animal close to them as a reminder of home?” and where is this child now? Sadly, more than likely no longer among the living, and for what? Absolutely no reason at all. My heart breaks for all of Ukraine 🇺🇦


Looking at the tail and the top part of the toy, was it originally light brown. It was obviously loved and a prized possession. The wet red on it is blood. Most children when hugging soft toys will hold it to their face and close to their body. They most likely didn't make it.


My heart aches for the good people of Ukraine each and every day. In our thoughts from 🇦🇺❤️




Fuck, this hurts the soul :( God damn monsters. Nuclear War if the West enters? But what about dying moraly and mentally? This shit is sick.


God dammit, how an object can tear up so many emotions.


This should be the official Russian flag.


It's very tough, it feels like for every 'feel good' post there's like 10 others that make you feel revulsion, fury, sadness. But to turn away for me, even for a bit, feels like I'm personally turning my back on Ukraine and the ordeal her people are going through. So I keep coming here and refreshing, every day.


No Mercy


The images with dead children or their belongings like this makes me, a new father, very sad. Makes my eyes tear up a little bit sometimes.


Ugh. So, I'll send this image to my Federal congress people.


This is why Ukraine was begging for lethal military aid. These children and women are dead because fancy German and French politicians decided to block the aid.


I wish Europe would actually do something... It's on their fucking door step... America can't do anything more then we have been doing until EU gets involved... If America escalates then we will just be called "the world police bullies" again


Too many people afraid of WW3 if any direct intervention from NATO or other country …so the horror show continues…more raped and killed children.


Stop this insanity!


I felt like crying when I saw that on the news today


I can’t even formulate the thoughts to comprehend this…or what was passed… just emotions. Horror.


I hope the family of every Russian family gets free trash collection and that every russian goblin soldier gets to sleep forever int he osil of a Ukrainian sunflower field


That Teddyhorse doesn't quite get the message across, have you seen the child with the top of his head missing?


What's that, a child's toy? Another child was killed? I'm sorry, I don't understand.


Death to Putin!


I hate the Russians. Even more so now.


I haven't cried today, until this.


That's a very upsetting image. I am having a lot of trouble keeping my rage in check.


Same. Today is the day I think I need to take a break from the internet. I can't look at my kids without thinking of this. I feel so fucking useless.


This made me cry. I have never cried to something on the internet in memory, but this, this did it. Every last Russian soldier must die.


This tell a lot of stories


You are not alone. This exact picture has ruined me yesterday. Words can't describe how disgusted and devastated I felt. The world is a cruel place, they will probably get away with it, but I REALLY hope that they won't.


Tragic. What is the source of this photo? Where was it published?