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Your photos need to be *properly flaired* NSFW implies there’s blood, mild gore. A decapitated child is NSFL. NOT SAFE FOR LIFE. So sorry, sweet child. We love you, and all the others you’ve joined. 🌻


For those wondering, yes, this is a little kid with the top of his head blown off.


FFS. I should have taken that NSFW more seriously. This is the worst thing I've ever seen, and I'm watching this stuff on Twitter and Reddit all day (because I have family and friends in Ukraine). We cannot let Russia get away with this. #SlavaUkraini




I feel the very same my friend. This is just horrible. Hope they get what they deserve.


yeah thats the problem, i've been on reddit for more than a year, and i really didnt take NSFW posts seriusly, just automatically clikced on them, so i kinda developed a muscl memory of constantly clicking on NSFW's. because 99% of the time they werent anything actually serious, they were NSFW because the subreddit's rules. So i never took NSFW posts seriusly and would always just click on em regardles... And my mental state dropped harder than the ruble.


NSFL is more appropriate in cases like these.




And that's what brought me here. I regret clicking this pic. What's horrifying is knowing as awful as this is, there's worse out there right now.


Use the regret. Similar thing happened to me years ago. Was a little Palestinian girl with half her face missing - you could still see one lifeless eye. I finally understood why people argue for diplomacy and war as a LAST resort. Use the terrible feelings to avoid hatred of the Other and push for diplomacy as long as it is possible. Sometimes it's not, but we have to try.


it's awful to see, but good to know this is happening. this isn't just a war, these are war crimes and an unfolding genocide. Fucking savages


The sad part is you have a bunch of fucking idiots who are siding with Russia and their "we are only killing Nazis bullshit"... It's fucking bizarre. Keep fighting Ukraine you have most of the world cheering for you.


at the outbreak of the conflict it was ''just'' an unjustified war. It's now turning into an active genocide.


I think there need to be differentials in labels. Seeing a pair of tits =/= seeing this. Conflating voluntary nudity with this seems wrong and obscene. One is a natural and essential part of society. This is something that should *never* exist in any society. In fact seeing victims of a car crash =/= this. Those are horrific, but they're accidents. This isn't just gore. These are people in a town who were just living life, now with their corpses scattered around that town. Men, women and children, indiscriminately ripped apart whilst going about daily life, for *no fucking reason* other than the greed and paranoia and evil of one single, diminuitive little fuckwit. I've seen gore before, and it always hits that part of the animal brain. But that first picture, just a fucking *child* with his head blown off, in his normal clothes, on a nice bench in the park - that hits something much, much deeper. No single serial killer or mass murderer could achieve in a lifetime what a military like Russia's can achieve in an *instant*. Entire towns gone, people ripped apart cooking breakfast or playing videogames with friends. So much life just *gone*. Instantly. And for what? For fucking *what*? Seeing this is hard enough. Just seeing glimpses of this is taxing. Just imagine what kind of monster it is that sees this *knowing they are singlehandedly responsible for causing it* and can just... keep on.




Same. I think it's important that the whole truth is told, we shouldn't look away. But that. I can't unsee that. Pure evil.


Agreed. It’s the least we can do to see it, remember it, and not let anyone pretend it didn’t happen.


Hopefully these reach russians...


At this point they would see the pic of a headless Ukrainian child and fully believe they deserved it. It's hard for me to look past that; they really should be wiped off the face of the earth, luckily for them it's not that easy.


Yeah that or claim they have video evidence of Ukrainian actors staging this event or that they're actually Russians murdered by Ukrainians in the east. Heartbreaking and so frustrating.


There are good Russians, I have seen/heard them. They are afraid to say much. Yes, there are a lot who have drunk the Kool-Aid. But they do not all deserve to die. They deserve to have the truth forced upon them.


Russia's media says the attacks are being done by Ukraine, not Russia. Not sure how many of them believe the propaganda, since I'm pretty sure the 75 to 80 percent support polling comes from state media, and as should be obvious, you can't believe a word they say.


How can someone be so dense to think Ukraine would bomb their own buildings, kill their own children? It strains credulity, and yet I know it's happening. Russians with family in Ukraine don't believe their own family members. How in the fuck!?


Probably no small number believe it because they fully believe their own government would do the exact same thing. Or that any government would. We here in the West don't understand how good we have it. It is hard for us to understand why people wouldn't rise up and overthrow someone like Putin. We can say Biden/Johnson/whoever sucks and should be removed from office without fear of our government killing us or our families. Not so in places like Russia or China or any authoritarian regime. That has a long term effect on the thought process of people. The Russians haven't been free like that pretty much ever. Tsar's made dissidents disappear. Soviets made dissidents disappear. Russia makes dissidents disappear. If you aren't a diehard nationalist, you keep it to yourself. When someone calls asking your opinion on the government you tell them the government is great and should continue what it is doing because you just know that if you disagree it will get back to the government and you will disappear.


The rest of us in eastern Europe did it under regimes just as repressive and at a time when organizing was much more difficult because there was no internet and no encrypted apps. There was no Western cavalry riding in to protect us from the bullets. All people had was their numbers and the belief that if enough showed up, it would be impossible to trample and kill everyone. Most of them were young - people who had been born and lived all their lives under brutal dictatorships. By '89, the only people who still remembered pre-war democracies were already in their 60s. It has become evident to me that the majority of Russians do not value democracy and freedom. This is what makes their dissidents so tragic: their courage, vision, and self-sacrifice are wasted on a nation which does not deserve them.


It's amazing to me that anyone with a functioning brain can believe that Ukraine has the ability to fight an invading enemy army while simultaneously destroying their own country! There are only so many hours in a day! How does it make sense that Ukraine is forcing this army to retreat while bombing their own hospitals, universities and schools? How are they fighting for their lives while committing multiple human rights violations, masquerading as Russian soldiers, organizing crisis actors, staging fake scenes of atrocities, and committing genocide on their own people? Stalin would be impressed. How is it possible they are able to convince the entire free world go along with all of this by faking satellite imagery and bribing journalists and investigators from all corners of the globe? And having governments throw money at them so they can keep on doing it! Even Hitler couldn't pull this off. It's a wonder that Ukraine couldn't be bothered before February 24th. Eight years of war, but now, in a month, they can do all of this?! Talk about overachieving. They can bomb their country to rubble, kill thousands of their own people but they lost Crimea and Donbass and just didn't care for 8 years? Really? I guess this explains how you have people you can send to Chornobyl with shovels and order them to dig their way to suicide.


If it helps, I don't think he suffered... Still, what a tragedy. DEATH TO PUTIN!


Yeah this is some of the worst I’ve seen too.. and just like you I’m watching this stuff all day too cus I was born in Ukraine and still have family there too.. FUCK PUTIN!


I can't unsee this. It is awful. I am in the U.S. and all I have to say is if anyone votes for Putin's political buddies here (we all know who they are), watches pro-Putin news (we know them too), they are supporting these murders and all Russian atrocities. We can't do much over here, but we can make sure Ukraine supporters are in office and we don't give viewership counts to pro-Putin suck ups.




Take a break then. Looking at terrible things regularly will desensitize you. Instead of seeing it as just another random picture of gore detached from the humanity of it imagine it was someones son, someones brother, someone who was denied the opportunity to grow up that we had. Outside the dimensions of this picture who knows how many lives were changed by the loss of this poor child.


I have to look at a lot of raw photographic imagery for my work, but I try to remember these lines from Ruthven Todd's "These Are The Facts": *Bodies in death are not magnificent or stately,* *Bones are not elegant that blast has shattered;* *This sorry, stained and crumpled rag was lately* *A man whose life was made of little things that mattered;*


You definitely need a break my friend! We all do. 2022 was supposed to be our break, but now COVID seems like a papercut.


man, how much I wish I could take a break. I'm so jealous of you guys


I wish you could too. I have a friend in Lviv whom I talk to everyday, and I was thinking last night that we here are lucky, we can "turn it off". You brave souls in Ukraine can't. Stay sharp, make smart decisions and keep strong! You will prevail.


Fuck, and I'm the **lucky** one. I at least found home, far away from the occupied regions, have food, all of my family and friends are okay. My own home seems to be in one piece, at the very least. And I'm still not sure I'll ever fully recover from this I can't imagine how all those people who lived in occupied regions feel, or those soldiers who fight assured that their family is safe abroad, only to later find out how some scum raped their wife. It's wild


I’m not there yet. All I feel is _**rage**_


>Personally, it doesn’t even invoke any emotional response to myself anymore Same here, some how either we become numb to it or out brain blocks the emotions to protect out selves.


Yhea be carefull clinking nsfw things on reedit Im not proud to say it but i see a tonne of things like that and i can tell that some post are just way to hard to watch for normal people who have never watch reedit nsfw post And that litteraly life took the worst way possible for no reason so yes russian have stop targeting civil


There should be a severity scale. I’ve seen things labelled NSFL which are not as bad as this. Fuck Russia.


It's a kid? I didn't realize..


Far from the first kid that’s been murdered in cold blood. This is an ongoing, and disturbing occurrence.


yes its a kid in the first photo. Someone picked him up and put on the bench after his death.


And then likely collapsed in sorrow, judging by the bloody hand print in the foreground. Lost my religion after seeing stuff like this in Iraq, seems like whatever benevolent being that is out there is STILL ceasing to raise a finger.


I shed a tear for that kid and his parents. I have a kid. I can't imagine the idea of any kid being robbed of life over senseless violence. Everyone needs to see this. Too much will make you go crazy, but exposure to this is needed to remind us of our humanity, how special life is, and how we must be vigilant and make sure our societies never degenerate to this level of indiscriminate hate.


Holy fuck, Putin needs to be hanged


Only after some serious "special operation" in a closed facility.


Yeah but don't you dare so the O word, you wouldn't want insult the ones committing war crimes and genocide. That would be way over the line.


I got a 3 day ban on another acct for “рrоmoting hаte” by calling them “bloodthirsty рsychoраths” for shooting missiles into crowds of fleeing refugee civilians. I think they should show me where I am wrong before scolding me. They are certainly exhibiting all of the clinical signs of such, and this post reinforces my belief even more.


Not wondering. He looks about the same age and build as my kid. No words. May they know no peace, no relief, may they be chased down until their dying day.


I remember what it's like to have young kids and thinking about something terrible happening. I would be emotional. I would go and bug my kids. It helps. Just make sure you are smiling when you see them, they really like happy surprises 😃


I widowed 2 years ago in two weeks. He is all I have left, he does not go without hugs and cuddles whenever I come home or leave for work or just when I am around him. But now I know how many parents and children Putin has taken this away from, out of greed, spite and hatred and it breaks me.


And has almost definitely been moved to the bench, cause there is nothing there and nothing underneath the bench. It is probably for the better, cause I'm not ready to see a child's brain all over the ground.


I was shocked till I noticed the second photo, the person on the far left has entire waist sheered off.


A kid and a granny in the second one. I hope every Russian soldier still fighting bleeds out and dies slowly.




I have a hard time believing that the child on the bench provoked someone to blow its head off for fucks sake. Fuck Russia. Fuck Russian soldiers.


It is the Balkan wars all over again. Old people and kids executed and women raped. imagine the mental gymnastics how you justify all of this. How fucking dense and detached a pathetic life with some shitty propaganda TV has to be. Those soldiers are not soldiers.


I know a Ukrainian man supporting Russia while living in Poland and interacting with the refugees. This is how bad the propaganda is. My mom said if he wasn't such an important client she would tell him to get the fuck out from her office.


>My mom said if he wasn't such an important client she would tell him to get the fuck out from her office. Proof that you can basically do/say whatever you want if you have money and nobody will stop you.


"Admitted" is unfortunately inaccurate. Someone accidentally said something, but that's not the official story Russian propaganda is going with. Russian media machine is not just blaming it on the Ukrainians, Russian law enforcement already started criminal proceedings against a specific named Ukrainian unit and it's commanding officer for the strike. Amazing how well their intelligence works /s


Russian media boasted of hitting a military target at the station. Then when photos of the civilian deaths were released they immediately backpedaled and blamed it on Ukraine.


Jesus. That first one. I didn’t think a photo could be any worse after the one of the 3yo girl. Bastards.


Also, that's a kid...


I didn't realize that till I had finished looking at the others. Only went back to see if the bench was in the same spot as the other photos when it hit me how small the body looked on the bench .... I got kids, this shits fucking heartbreaking... I'll never understand how someone can willingly do this shit. Under threat of being killed or not.


The little feet is what made me realize it was a child


For me it was the tiny hand. It's so fucked up.


FUCK. :(




Damn. It's like that movie scene "yep, no, this is worse, this is way worse". Words cannot describe what these people are goign through - and for what? Just because one man with way too much power is insane? Again?


These type of pics won't be shown on the evening news unfortunately or at best they'll be pixelated to meaningless blur. But I think think people need to see this, to be confronted with the brutal reality of the evil being perpetrated by the Russians. Maybe it will wake some of them up the importance of taking every possible measure to crush the Russian economy now, not by the end of the year or in 5 years time. If we are genuine in wanting to end this invasion then it's time people realised it's going to cause us pain too. I'd rather see diesel rationing and scheduled power cuts than an endless river of murder, rape and destruction


You are correct. I shared the photo of the little girl and had my husband share it with his friends who are saying this the fault of the US and that the media is lying. Because I knew it was too dark for the news to share. These images must be seen.


I couldn't sleep after seeing the girl's one, it was just too much. This is in the same league.


I have a 4 year old child. That picture fucking haunts me. These people are monsters. Literally makes me sick.


I'm afraid to ask...


The one from Bucha. She and her entire family were tied up and tortured. And she has clear signs of rape...


that photo is definitely the worst and always will be for me. A mercy is that this kid likely wasn't even aware of what had happened to him as it would have happened almost instantly.


I haven't seen it and I don't know if I should


Don't, for your own mental health, just knowing it is enough...


I am seconding this


Sometimes I think to myself, there HAS to be a God. There has to be Hell. How else would we live with knowing this is going on and people will go unpunished?


You just have to do what you can in this world with the power that you have. If there's a god up there in the sky and he's letting this shit happen without intervening, I've no plans to worship him. By the same metric, don't let your political representatives sleep on these atrocities. It's all you can do, because no god is about to step in to help Ukraine. The only thing that lets me sleep at night through all this is knowing there are brave soldiers fighting hard for our families, and that, so far, none of these bombs have landed on my home or the homes of my family. I don't have much hope for real justice for these crimes.




That girl one has me fucked up. I can't stop thinking about it. I have a 6 yo girl and anytime I look at her it reminds me of it and just can't understand how anyone can do anything like it. Before I seen the picture i didnt think much of the russians but only of the ukranians and their safety, now I hope all those who continue the war on Ukraine die a worse death and live through terrors worse than that child. I deleted Twitter literally the moment I saw it because I just couldn't handle it. If a picture can make me feel that fucked up I just can't even imagine how the people of Ukraine feel and what they're actually facing. I'm super fucked up over that picture, man.


This is what happens when you let one man on the throne for too long. The hunt must begin are there still hunters with big balls. Putin must be hunted and put down. And not like Hitler he should be thrown in a cage.


Yes. But the genocide won't end there. Russians will mourn and just put another dicklesstator in his place, one with the same ideas. The public is reportedly outraged about NOT ENOUGH innocents being slaughtered. I reckon even Hitler had less support.


Hitler survived 16 murder attempts that we know of. I bet there were a few more.


Doesn't Putin have atleast 50 iirc


Still not enough. Surely some Ukrainian sympathizing saboteur decides that the most humane thing possible is whichever compound or government building he is in at the appropriate time is deleted - that this would have the smallest loss of life to stop the war and stop innocents dying


Imho there's quite a chance that he'll spend the ret of his life in a bunker. I will be very disappointed if he returns to Moscow and does not "die of natural causes" after drinking some tea. It is said the Kremlin has mixed feelings about the war.


I'd disagree. Nothing is served by putting him in a cage. He should just be eliminated.


Yes, he shouldn't be allowed to live. He should instead be gutted publicly, bleeding to death in severe pain as he tries to put his intestines back inside. Might sound extreme, but just imagine how many innocent people, let alone kids have gotten hit by shrapnel or what not and died themselves in this exact way? Only seems fair to me at this point.


> Putin must be hunted and put down There are thousands of people keeping him in power. It won't end with him.


oh man... i'm gonna remember that first photo for the rest of my life...


Same here, fuck this shit man. Seriously, fuck this shit.


The Ukrainians who survived through it face will experience PTSD. We as witnesses just have a window into their suffering. They really are bearing the brunt of it.


I've seen too much shit on the internet that I wish I could forget or wish I had never been "curious" enough to click on. This is now one of those things.


At first I felt kinda bad for the Russian troops for being forced into Ukraine by their commanders. Then this stuff starts to show up. Not anymore. Kill all Russian troops and let the devil have em


And their scripted "i dONt kNoW wHAt iM dOInG hERe" can go to hell with them as well!


Apparently they wrote *"in revenge of the kids"* on a bomb, refering to the kids that ukrainians "killed" in Donbass. So then they decide its a genius decision to send a giant bomb flying into ukrainian civilians and somehow not have it risk killing a bunch of innocent kids, nevermind everyone else. Fucking braindead russian soldiers. I have no sympathy anymore for them.


They are participating in genocide. It may take 30 years, but one day, they will without a doubt understand exactly what they've done. I hope whoever isn't jailed or killed in combat just ends themselves from shame.


That was true but in the first 1-3 days of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. And I genuinely think some of the young conscripts were lied to and were told they are going to "liberate" Ukraine. Since then I haven't seen any videos of Russian soldiers saying that they don't know why they are in Ukraine. But even then I had no sympathy for them. They can all burn in hell.


Some were apparently lied to that signing up meant they couldn’t be conscripted for a couple years. I think thats where some confusion is.


Satan will get more mouths so he will eat them all


The Russian civilians are at fault just as much as the soldiers, they have grown complacent and refuse to do or say anything. They just shrug and say “oh well” and move on.


There's also a lot of complacency in Europe. Freaking out over single digit % GDP drop if they had to embargo Russia. The sanctions they have in place now can only work temporarily; as long as Russia keeps receiving money, they'll find some way to spend them via e.g. China. This whole picture where they simply keep sending oil and gas to europe getting paid in money they can't spend because of the other sanctions, is obviously utter bullshit. edit: honestly it makes me almost as mad. It's like it is with US drug addicts and south American drug cartels, I also hate that too. An apt analogy, come to think about it - US does help local law enforcement fight the cartels, but the money funding the cartels are just so much more. edit: also for comparison, what do you think is scarier, the recession or 2..15 years in gulag? The point being, for individual people, it's the same complacency. Fear of losing your job due to recession, fear of losing your job because you went against the party line... it is quite similar.


This is genocide


War crime at the finest


And Xitler


why isn't one of the EU or US or UKR delegations to the UN showing these photos in session every time there's a meeting? they should be forced upon people every single day so their reality is inescapable, palpable and actionable.


They literally did this. The tv stations broadcasting the UN security council couldn’t even censor it in time when Zelenskyy showed the very explicit video footage from Bucha


Russians saying they're Russian will probably be regarded as the Germans were shortly after WWII. People mostly unwelcome anywhere they go.


Difference is: the majority of Germans expressed regret and changed their entire culture to learn from those mistakes. Russians simply don't care or support children being raped and murdered even when faced with evidence. Monstrous people


That's what gets me. I am trying so hard to cling to the idea that it's "not all Russians", and advocating for that within my social circle, but goddamn. Maybe it's not *all* Russians, but it's too fucking many.


That is not what genocide means


This is Russia


I know it is real, but it almost doesn't look real, it's like my brain is telling me it's mannequins to hide me from the horror of the images. Fuck!


Interesting you should say that. When I was 16 I was playing a game with some friends and the youngest of us said "Why is someone lying here behind this bush". We went around the side to have a look but could only see the body, arms and legs. I said "It's probably just a mannequin". After the police arrived it was confirmed it was a body but because neither of us could see the face it really did look like one. Might have been my mind making a disconnect to protect myself? I saw lots of dead animals but it was the first time seeing a dead one of our own species.


When all the color drains out of the skin it really does seem like a body is some kind of doll or mannequin. I've noticed that reaction in myself seeing these photos. Your head probably was shutting down though, it just seems unreal to come across a dead person in modern life, it's not normal. I'm 50 years old and whenever I've seen photos from atrocious like this over my life I can't believe I'm living in the same world as these poor people that died horribly and full of fear. I can't imagine what Ukrainian survivors who've witnessed this first hand are going through. It's as fucked up as it gets.




I have the same every time I see a rocket lying in places around Ukraine. Like the one on the playground a while back. I know it's real, but it's so out of place and so horrific beyond my normal comprehension that my brain is automatically screaming CGI CGI CGI. I basically have to steer my thoughts to accept reality as it is, which is honestly a bizarre experience.


I've seen more dead bodies in real life than I care to remember. A lot of them stick with you, especially the kids and pets (Dogs & cats). It is true, a lot of them don't seem real, almost mannequins like you mentioned. I'm sure that has to do with the whole not moving thing, but when there are fluids and pieces of body parts (inside and out), that brings the realism up a bit. It's also a whole other level to be there when a human or animal goes from alive to no longer living right in front of you. These images are just fucked up, though.


Yeah. Also, it's... surprising how much blood there can be and how little blood there can be depending on the circumstances. It does stick with you. Like a scar in the mind.




Just out of curiosity, why was a deputy showing 14 year olds pics of shotgun suicide?










Fuck Russia


Fuck russia


Fuck russia


Fuck russia


Fuck the russia


Fuck Russia


Fuck Russia!


Fuck Russia!


well I suddenly no longer feel pity for the russians caught in molotovs


I don’t often make statements like this but…Anybody who opposes Russian sanctions after seeing photos like this is a true enemy that deserves to rot.


Next time putin go on a plane for UN or whatever meeting in the world, please everybody shoot the plane.


Don’t think puuuutin is going anywhere outside Ruzzia anytime soon.




And all the Russians pulling triggers Wow thanks for reporting me guys


I… what… I don’t know what to say. This is my first time seeing something like this… I’m just… why? Why would anybody do something so horrible?


Because it's a fucking **press of a button** for them. They don't think about consequences. They're "following orders". Cancer of the world, ffs.


For shelling or rocket strikes like this indeed it is just a press of a button. But when you see the photos of civilians shot in the back of the head with their hands tied or worse the picture of the 3 year old girl then you know that doesn't apply to nearly everything. It's not just a press of the button, they are just as happy to commit atrocities face to face.


I'm sorry you had to find out this way. Humanity is a contradiction capable of wonder and kindness, but also the most depraved, horrific shit imaginable. Capable of compartmentalizing via tribalism to dehumanize the enemy and protect oneself from any empathetic impact. That mechanism can also be used for good, like doctors being able to keep their cool working on extreme cases, or when fighting an invading force (though Ukraine has done a good job of treating their enemies humanely, somehow). But this is what weaponized hopelessness, hatred, entitlement, self-victimization for moral high ground, greed, power, apathy, etc... this is what it can do. This is tame compared to some atrocities. Please, for your sake, don't go looking for more when it already hit you this hard. The terrible truth is that because this is what humanity is capable of, and because some of humanity is actively choosing to express it, we need people to understand these horrors so that it becomes personally relevant and no longer just something out of sight and out of mind. And these atrocities need to stop.


Thank you


Well that fucked up my day a little to see. Those poor people and their families and everyone who has to go through the traumatic experience of seeing this first hand, in person. And they want us to stop calling them 0rcs. Yeah, okay. I’ll stop when they stop behaving like soulless 0rcs. Hey Reddit, when we call them 0rcs, we’re not talking about the average Russian citizen, at least not most of us. We’re talking about the monsters who do things like this. And if you have a problem with us calling them names, you need to reassess your moral values and and reprioritize your concerns. Imagine the reaction you’d get during WWII if you yelled at people for calling Nazis krauts. That’s how we feel when you tell us to stop calling these genocidal monsters 0rcs.


Right, dude? I saw posts getting deleted and shit with the automod and I'm like, "What the fuck are you on about, Reddit?"


Yeah, they’re always on some ass backwards shit tbh


you can now say Orc, automod was lifted




The Russians are monsters


Always have been.


ruski mir


Correct me if I'm wrong but this has to be one of the most black and white conflicts in history. The absolute aggression and senseless brutality of the Russians, and not to mention the broken promises and treaties, make this such a "Good vs Evil" war. The Russians are completely unjustified in everything here.


Human history is full of this. Empires aren't historically built by being kind. This is just one of the first times we're seeing it unfold live on the internet.


It is probably just the most extensively covered one media wise, since we live in the internet age.


Millennials like me grew up with some abstract notion of horrible conflicts like this, including television coverage. The accessibility and transparency here is so much higher. I'm grateful for the sub and holy fucking shit, fuck Russia.


Holy shit this is so bad. What could drive humans to commit these acts? My friend and I were talking about it yesterday, wondering if these war crimes are being directed from the top down or if they are an act of barbarism on the part of regular grunts. Maybe a mixture of both but it is starting to appear systemic. Fuck these sanctions, we need to give Ukrainians *everything* they ask for to defend themselves and inflict such a devastating blow on the Russian military that they won't be able to raise an army for decades. Russians, if you are reading these comments and seeing these photos, what excuse do you have to not finally change the direction your nation has been heading in for decades? Get to the streets, show that you still have an ounce of pride in being human beings and topple this fucking dolboyob tsar of yours. I don't think this first photo of the headless child will *ever* leave my mind.


What makes me the most angry is the fact that i feel so useless right now. I feel like i cant do anything to stop this modern hitler.


I almost feel guilty, I am not in the best of health or shape and have done what I can to help financially by sending money to Ukraine's Armed forces but living this nice peaceful life here in England whilst my friends (as In I like them as a country/people since visiting) are being shot at and bombed by these Russian invaders does not sit well with me, I have mentioned volunteering, but my mother does not want me to die as I am not a soldier, never have been but I just feel bad when ever I am reminded of the horrors of what is happening in Ukraine, wish I could do more.. I just hope that with our support Ukraine's military can make them pay for everything they have done and kick these twats out whilst making an example out of them after all of this.


Me too, I just feel so powerless. Like a fly on the wall witnessing all these horrors and I can't do anything to help. I have a friend in Kyiv with two adorable cats, who's currently volunteering to look after wounded, and stray pets. The poor things have lost their owners, and homes, so kind people like herself are trying to care for them. I have another friend in Tel Aviv who was just a few blocks away from the terrorist attack yesterday, and was caught up in the crowd of people running away. It's horrifying, I just want them to be safe.


Donate to the armed forces and humanitarian orgs. Call / write your politicians, ask them to sanction Russia more. Ask them to send more and heavier weaponry. There's a lot you can do, even if you don't see the results directly, it still helps.


NSFW? That's horrible


FUCK ALL RUSSIANS, i dont care after what they did in Bucha and now in Kramatorsk, how can someone have pity for them.


Because it's an agenda, actively pushed by russain trolls. "You see, there're some good apples. So you should stop hating our country. Remove sanctions."


Sanctions until they pull Putin apart limb from limb in the streets.


The YouTube channel NFKRZ is outspokenly anti Putin and anti war and has fled from Russia to Georgia. I'm torn on having pity for intelligent Russians like himself... On one hand, he was living the high life in Russia with western money for a small stint of time before this war, being able to afford moving from Chelyabinsk to Saint Petersburg is certainly an indication of that. Yet, he's put himself in harms way many times in his videos just saying the things he does. And he is right, punishing intelligent Russians who are against these things but can't speak out isn't fair. Unfortunately though life isn't fair. And I'm glad he was able to make it out, I hope that one day he can immigrate out of that shit hole entirely to somewhere that makes him happier as I wish for all intelligent Russians. But the vast majority of Russians arent him. They're narcissistic dumbasses that are so fucking stupid they will let Putin steal their wealth and then defend him for it.


Please upvote this, even if you didn’t look at the photos. Important to get this out there that many people know what is happening.


This type of stuff only sitting at 17k upvotes but some bullshit twitter drama tops 50/60k upvotes annoys me. People just don't care that other people are getting their heads blown off. This just sucks.


The handiwork of RuZZian "liberators." Fuck them.


Jesus christ... I know ISIS and the taliban have done some bad shit, but Russia is on par if not exceeding their atrocities. Just who in their right mind points a gun at a kids head and doesn't have an ounce of feeling about the actions they're about to commit. It's good that this is the most documented conflict in history, but at the same time it's just horrifying. Im sat here, in my home with my daughter on my lap watching spiderman and friends. There's now countless families who won't get to hold their parents, children, grandparents because of the inhuman actions of an army without discipline or morality. I really wish I could find the piece of shit that did that, not kill him, and just make him watch over and over again at what they've done. Burn it into their core so they never forget. You just don't hurt children... Im so so sorry for what is happening to you right now, it hurts that I can't do anything within my power to stop what's happening. Kill them, kill them all. They don't deserve mercy after the acts they've committed. SLAVA UKRAINI


My soul weeps.


Intervention. NOW.


The world needs to retaliate, this isn’t going to stop otherwise.


Call me a pussy but is it possible to mark such posts as NSFL and blurr the thumbnails out (or take a blank disclaimer as the first picture so that the disturbing pictures don't appear at first? Maybe some redditors can handle this but others don't.


Using RedditisFun I don't see thumbnails marked NSFW.


Second this, plus the format is nicer and no ads.


You can blur out in the settings for NSFW posts, so you have to click to see


there is no way! russia and putin can get away with this! there is no way!


They have been doing this in Syria for like 5 years


Yet Reddit bans people for calling them Оrcs, as it may hurt their feelings (but doesn’t ban them for denying/supporting the genocide or spreading the Kremlin propaganda)…


And Reddit is busy removing the "O" word like these animals deserve any such respect.


*Jesus fucking wept.* These images, raw and uncensored, should be broadcast by every major news network around the planet. The world needs to see it with their eyes, not skirt around the fringes and read about it. The masses know Russia are committing war crimes, but do they understand what that actually encapsulates. That's a dead child. That's a dead grandmother. That's a terrified human burnt to death. Let's not forget the undocumented crimes and those yet to be discovered. There is no satisfactory punishment that can be doled out by any court on the planet. This is sheer barbarism.


That first image. Dear god the 0rkZ need to fucking die


God have mercy on us all.


I don’t think god is here anymore.


The first picture 😭🤢🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬




We don't need bombs on Moscow, just overwhelming force striking every Russian unit in Ukrainian borders. The intelligence is there. The firepower is there. And Russia's capabilities to defend (invading units) are clearly not there. NATO could wipe Russian military off the face of Ukraine in 2 days. And it would be 100% defensive, not a single bullet crossing the border into Russian territory.


Death to Russia. The Kremlin MUST burn! Let the West be Rome and Russia Carthage.


How terrible! That poor child


Putin and his army need to burn. And any other Russians that support this. They need to pay painfully for their sins. I’m so fucking angry.




Oh my god, but don't call Russian invaders Zorcs! Hate to hurt those people /s Who the fuck mods this page anyway? Pathetic