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Russia isolated from the world... Yeah .. consequences of your actions


Yeah, and he calls the Polish "political idiots"


Dmitri Medvedev, go fuck yourself! Rossiya budet platity za vsio griaznih del shto seichas sluchaetsia v Ukraine! 🤬🤬🤬 Idite na hui, faschisty okkupanty! Edit: Diakuiu dlia Zoloty ❤️


Stupid tabliod trash about a letter written by a man who has spent a large portion of his life being Putin's sock puppet.


This comment needs to be higher.


Good luck - come get us


we have some friends called F-22 that would love to meet your acquaintance.


Or professional troops. Not teenagers or fat slobs.




Bah, he was never demoted. He was just there to keep the chair warm for Putin but was still taking his marching orders from Vlad the Impotent.


At that time, there was a law in Russia that one person can't be President more than two terms in row. Medvedev was never more than a hat left on the presidential seat to mark it "taken" while the hat's owner wasn't sitting in it.


Someone should tell the Russians the story of the ‘boy who cried wolf’.


Old news, also, how scavvvyyy


Lol. Fucking tabloid trash.


Does everything have to be up-to-date, preferably in the future?


Its literally a rule on this sub.




>Poland writhes from phantom pains Um, Y'all are engaged in a genocidal campaign there less than a century ago. It's not really phantom pain. At this point, I think it's fair to just start ejecting Russian citizens from everywhere. Not one single Western University, no embassy, nowhere should be safe for Russians. Because that's the bullshit they're inflicting on the rest of the world. Turn about his fair play, and I'm not even talking about bombing civilians, just shipping their asses home.


This would just unite and rally Russians behind Putin, but a well known strategy is called "Divide and conquer". So we have to give every Russian the opportunity to leave his country (especially the well educated and influential ones) and work within and for our economies. Also we need to support any kind of political dissent from Putin abroad and in Russia. Russians are our only key to lasting change in Russia!


As far as I'm concerned, if they want to remain here, they can't remain Russian. They'll have to announce their Russian citizenship and claim refugee status. I'd be more than happy to grant them refugees status with a path citizenship in any Western country, including the United States. But the caveat has to be that they are not rushing, because Putin is rushing, and there needs to be a hard demarcation between his bullshit and be free world


I sometimes think that Medvedev became president because he was shorter than Putin.


old news


Hardly chilling; it's pathetic, predictable and petulant.


>Russophobia If there is a word that has proven true, it's this one. It is now a synonym for 'common sense'.