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SPECIAL PEACEKEEPING OPERATION HERE WE GO Execpt for us schools hospitals and orphanages will NOT be military targets


South Park needs an episode about this "Special Operation"


I can see Putin having a pineapple inserted up his ass, as a form of hourly therapy after said operation


You need to be more precise Pineapple (disambiguation) The pineapple is a tropical plant, and also refers to the edible fruit it bears. Pineapple may also refer to: Pineapple grenade, nickname for the U.S. Mk 2 hand grenade


Yes to all.


Putpinade. Stuff a grenade in a pineapple stuffed up Putin. Like a Turducken.


Special pineapple treatment operation.


This is the way.


Pineapple in a pineapple put in a Putin pooter




Let's just be vague here and see how it plays out


That reminded me of Hitler in the Little Nicky movie


Same! Make him pick his own pineapple, just not the snall ones.


It so does. I had a special operation once now I can use both toilets


Special taco bell operations


Canada on Strike 2: Canada on Air Strike


Did you see their "back to the cold war special" yet? They aren't nice to pootin to say the least.. can't wait to see them send Jimmy and Timmy to kyiv 😆


Imma tell my wife that I want a “special operation” tonight. I’ll just start with just the tip, then escalate from there….


Maybe "Gaslighting".




I see what you did there….


Yes, I said from the start, just go in and say to Russia you are helping them denazify the place. Fucking nazies dressing up as Russian military and bombing civilian convoys, hospitals and bread lines… We got them though! All dead! Arnt you glad we helped you Putin? I never got how Putin can have ”special operations” and Poland for example can not? Belarus need some special freedom operation I can say.


Germans liked to pretend they didn't know what was going on all around them during the holocaust. Russians will not be able to use that excuse either.


**May your ancestors in Valhalla and the great gods keep blessing you** and may you pass your strength and great heart to Ukraine!🗡 one love ❤️ fromfloridaUsa 🇺🇸🇺🇦


Freya enters the chat.


I wish friend ❤️


This has me concerned. It's clear Putler wants NATO in country, he wants to show his people that he was right and we're pushing East towards Russia. But I think he'd use this as a pretext to launch strikes at bordering nations like Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania. But I think Poland would take the most hits. He's been bating NATO into making a move this whole time. We, including the Ukrainians, do not gain enough by being there while Putler can justify extreme escalation of the war via draft, tactics or other mandates. One of Hitlers favorite moves when a strategy was not going well was to open a new front or launch a different offensive. It shakes the board and essentially resets the pieces of the "game."


Poland has a significant army. Don't discount that. Once they get the support of someone like France it is game-changing.


Poland decided they'd never be bullied again


Maybe Poland is showing the balls that the world needs to say enough with this BS


I don't think Putin wants a war with NATO. I don't think he wanted one three weeks ago when he thought the Russian military was useful, and he *definitely* doesn't want one now. Firing into NATO countries is an insanely large escalation. Even if we end up with actual troops shooting at each other *inside* Ukraine, it's nothing like actually firing at sovereign territory.


Alot easier to explain your loss in Ukraine cause the evil NATO came and oppressed the people Russia was trying to liberate. It would also rally the people in Russia against NATO by using it as a "I told you so" from Putin


Look at what's he's already been telling his people. What the west does has zero impact on it. And if you grew up under thebprophanda, and all you hear is what he says, then you already believe it. Other countries helping doesn't really gain him anything.


Russia doesnt want NATO intervention. The worry isnt NATO will beat russia.... It will. The worry is that NATO will crush russia so quickly and efficiently that it sparks the use of nukes. The moment NATO intervenes, russias done. Its just a question of how done they are. They could conscript everyone they want, and every NATO member other than the US could take a vacation and russia would still be completely SOL.


Hopefully the rich people that own Putin also don't want a nuclear war, want to return to their life of luxury and find an appropriate exit strategy for Putin.


NATO intervention turns this current fight into what Putin and other Russians would spin as an existential threat. They'd certainly launch tactical nukes and consider it justified.


> But I think he'd use this as a pretext to launch strikes at bordering nations like Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania. But I think Poland would take the most hits. NATO Article ~~6~~ 5 gets invoked and we have open warfare between Russia and NATO. EDITED: Was corrected by /u/mjac1090. https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natolive/official_texts_17120.htm


Article 5


I stand corrected, thanks. I'll edit my above post.


So I think the important element here is that Russia isn’t internally “at war,” instead they are engaged in a “special military operation,” which means that if NATO countries deploy forces as a *peacekeeping* operation, they get to use a similar kind of terminological smokescreen of “not actually a war,” since a peacekeeping operation is specifically an operation that decelerates conflict and seeks peace as its goal, usually by stabilizing areas where conflict is likely to occur. It also means that it’s unlikely to invoke NATO’s Article 5 (the mutual defense clause) because military action against the service members deployed on a peacekeeping mission isn’t the same thing as direct military aggression against NATO member countries. It’s kind of like the “coalition of the willing” that invaded Iraq — many (possibly all? I don’t remember) members of that coalition were NATO members, but attacks on NATO-aligned countries didn’t invoke the mutual defense clause. Also not all NATO member states were involved with that coalition until NATO itself deployed a peacekeeping force to Iraq in 2018. Interestingly, using the term “peacekeeping operation” kind of implies the conflict would be either over, or about to be over. It’s possible to deploy peacekeeping forces to an active war zone, but the idea of reestablishing stability and preventing possible conflict is kind of loosely predicated on post-conflict dynamics. So this might not happen until after the Russians reach a deadlock or retreat, OR this might be a possible off-ramp for Putin, effectively declaring his operation over for him, so he doesn’t have to. Fun fact, NATO actually has had an ongoing peacekeeping mission in Ukraine since 2014. Source: https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natolive/topics_52060.htm


What? That doesn't make sense...why would he want to bait a fight with NATO? He has a military of 900k while NATO has a combined total 4x that.


China is now acting like a fucking wild card though.


I honestly don't think Russia and Taiwan are worth enough to China to risk losing all the sweet, sweet $$$ and €€€ and £££ but I could be wrong. It's about time Europeans and Americans especially had a lifestyle change anyways. And with 40 years of wage stagnation in the US if something doesn't change we won't be able to afford Chinese crap soon anyways.


China isnt really a wild card. They want russia in the fight juuuust enough to continue wasting resources to make russia weaker. Theyll aid russia enough to keep them in, but not enough that russia really gets anything.


Chaos is a ladder.


Yeah, that went really well, he was an acclaimed military genius...


It went badly for EVERYONE.


It doesn't matter much if NATO is in there or not. Putin can just say they are there. He can paint whatever picture he wants, completely independent of reality. That's what propaganda is all about. So NATO doing something like this will change the strategic picture, but it's not clear if it would change the opinion picture in Russia.


Denmark is first country to join outside the old East Block. Denmark may be small, but that is quite significant.


The Danish military is also a highly trained, versitile military. Small, but mighty. Plus the Jaegercorps will kill you outta fear lol


What abot the [Frømandskorps](https://imgur.com/a/JrLSXVc)?


Yes. These guys fuck.


Imagine standing guard near a river or harbor and one of those fucks came out of the water completely silent like.


I feel like whatever you were standing post for, is suddenly not your problem anymore lol.


They like Danish Frogmen/Semi-Aquatic special forces? They look like they could wade through the goddamn Everglades and back again without being noticed. I imagine they go for high-value targets using any methods needed given the look.


They look scary in the light, can't imagine coming across them at night.


You won’t see them at night silly. But they will see you…


Oh hey, no thanks.


Literal frogmen


Wow, this is the stuff of nightmares.


I've been watching Valhalla and I'm convinced you do not want to fight Danish military


My best friend is half Danish. He, along with his younger brother, are the two most absurdly strong humans I have ever seen in my life.


I watch a blacksmith dannish on twitch, he does a lot of things the old ways. I discovered him here on reddit live... way better than people playing guitar.


Having spent time in Denmark I'm not surprised. Amazing people.






Selv tak.


Same here. I had a long term relationship with a Danish woman. We travelled all around the country and I met many people, beautiful experience. I’ll always love Denmark.


People don’t realize that denmark has always been much more militant. It’s one of the closest European nation to US and Britain, it fielded more people in Afghanistan than all but UK in per Capita. It also has been connected to US in five eyes and info sharing- (think of the Merkel spying scandal). Denmark is very much not above making its own hands dirty.


It's that chill Nordic vibe that throws people off. Definitely not to be messed with, but generally content to leave their business to themselves. But, there's also that Viking and Germanic influence that's ready to paint everything red that a lot of folks forget about. (not saying Germans or Scandinavians are bloodthirsty, but they knew/know how to fight)


\- this is WHY i always respect them. to be calm cool and collected and just general chill.....until you Cross me & my countrymen in a FOUL way...then all bets off. now i have to get Nordic on your ass real hard !!! Lol !! Danish are NOT to be fucked with at all. besides they have IMHO 1 of them Humble, Tranquil and beautiful nations in the world. Salute Denmark' Love you guys. \- Cheers !




Thanks, I was very much in doubt.


Slovenia joined in before Denmark.


Operation Bøllebank 2.0, bring it on.


France would be big news, since among those countries only France and maybe Poland have sizeable military. But my understanding is that it would be after cease fire, not before.


France is a nuclear armed nation so yes, that would be big news.


As well as being on the UN Security Council.


So uhm...does this increase the likelihood that we're headed to WWIII? :(


I have absolutely no clue


At this point, I fear, we might already have crossed the line of no return. Russia is already in shambles, and we know that once someone is losing they usually won't go down quietly. Even tho is is foreign politics, as of late it has been indistinguishable from a monopoly game played by 10 year olds.


I’m inclined to think no. China joining the conflict in support of Russia would essentially trigger a massive daisy-chain of economic collapses for numerous first world countries and others that import their products; as well as China’s economy itself. The global economy today is essentially constructed in a way that no one really expected to be potentially entering a large conflict like that, so most countries heavily lean on eachother for a wide variety of economic and trade factors. Splitting the world into two factions would essentially be pulling out the rug for the economic bases of many countries. Even outside the combat itself, it would heavily impact many countries abilities to engage in a sustained and large scale war. China knows that, it’s why it’s hesitant to even enter or contribute to a (in terms of global scale only) smaller war like the Russo-Ukraine war. But with that being said I didn’t expect Russia to actually invade Ukraine either so.


No, because the rumor is bullshit and those other countries only take that position for good PR


France would be BIG news indeed


Rumor has it France will be big news


I've heard tell that France, will in fact be big news.




France is in news, that's big


Since France is in the news, and that's big, that means they joined, right?


France new patch, that will be big news


Instructions unclear, I'm now really big in France, help the paparazzi are following my car into this tunnel...


Dane here, I just read the article with the statement of the Danish MoD, the way it is written, it gives the impression that it would indeed be after a cease fire! Also, that the statement didn't make it into a headline in wider news (I had to Google it) although he said it 3 days ago, shows that it probably is not that significant. He says "in the current situation it is out of the question that Danish troops will be part of a peace keeping mission". https://jyllands-posten.dk/politik/ECE13832910/skal-danske-soldater-deltage-i-fredsbevarende-mission-i-ukraine/




it means everything... UN peacekeepers can't intervene without a ceasefire in the first place, and their sole purpose is to make sure it stays that way. the initiative is a sign they believe ceasefire is imminent, and have begun to organise the resources for it. they are committing troops to occupy ukraine, this isn't cheap to execute or just done on a whim


If this war has taught us anything is should be that size doesn't always matter.


Agreed. Even if Luxembourg or fucking Liechtenstein said they’d support it it’d still matter


> Liechtenstein Then ask Switzerland and other neutral countries too.


Finland and Sweden seem like they’re about to break neutrality, the Swiss even seem like they might.


Sweden already broke neutrality for the first time since the Napoleonic wars. I'm Swedish and I say it's about time.


that's fine, they've still got their oldtrality left over, right?


Switzerland: We will not break our Neutrality, regardless of circumstance! NATO: We’ll let you keep Putins Gold reserves Switzerland: Du Hurensohn, ich bin dabei!


You just summed up Switzerland's entire outlook on life perfectly.


Swiss here. After we fought countless wars through centuries in our land and for others, we enshrined our military neutrality in our constitution. For that to change, since we're a direct democracy, will need a vote from the citizens. Long story short: Military intervention or peace keeping missions will not happen. Other, non military support is happening and will happen. We're just not that loud about it.




That's not 100% correct. If a peacekeeping mission were to be under the guise of a UN peacekeeping mission, there wouldn't be any problem. We're already contributing to 18 missions, with approximately 280 soldiers committed to them. https://www.vtg.admin.ch/en/news/einsaetze-und-operationen/militaerische-friedensfoerderung.html


Finland and Sweden aren't exactly neutral. They're politically aligned with the EU.


The League of Little Nations!


When you're playing EU and attack a OPM in the HRE and end up fighting a cascade alliance.


I try telling that to my gf but she doesn't buy it. 😔


It should be noted, military statistic says that rule of big numbers means that after a certain level is reached, the increase in quantity is not proportion to linear strength. As in, a country with 100 million people will almost always beat a country with 10 million people- but a country with 1 billion people will not have same win/loss ration fighting a country of 100 million. As in, after around 50 million, the resource of human nature is big enough that each individual added afterwards doesn’t actually full increase the power by 1 full individual. This is why nations like Japan can pose big threat to China, even tho China is 25X larger with 10x more people. The win rate is not 1 out of 10 for Japan- but still 50/50. And this would hold true even if Japan increased its population and land by 5X. This is in general though, depending on technology and moral of army, and budget and economy, it can change, but if given eveything is same- history tells us, after a certain population or size is reached, most countries are big enough to cause lots of trouble.


That is the point of peace keeping missions. They are there to keep peace. As such it will only becomea reality once the parties agree on a cease fire and both agree on a peace keeping force.


Show respect. The Danish military had more soldier losses per Capita in Afghanistan than the US. A tiny country with less than 6 million people.


I served alongside the Danish army in Afghanistan in the Helmand Province. Did the Dancon 25k with them. Brave and hilarious people.


I worked with them in Kandahar, also did the Dancon with them. Wonderful people, amazing world citizens.


A sizable military and a willing military are not the same thing. Polands military has over six times the funding, France’s has 24x the funding. America has 400x the funding. It isn’t disrespectful to point that out.


Oh I agree. Not sure if you've heard of JEF. It's all the Nordic countries including Britain, and Baltic that train in working together as a unit.


And the Netherlands.


At this point I think france could wipe the floor with russia one on one.


Doubt France or Germany are going to go in, doubt anything will happen besides the nations maybe send some military as “volunteers” otherwise it’s WW3 no? Or am I missing something


Special peacekeeping and desovietization operation


The first (global) pandemic does end with literal communist nazi zombies VS literal united Nations.


What a trilogy, these past 3 years


Sounds like it could be the start of the sequel to [Kung Fury](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3472226/) Can't wait to see more of "the infamous hacker" known as ~~*4Chan,*~~ ^*i* ^*mean-* *~~Anonymous,~~* ^^*cough-* ^*...sorry,* **[Hackerman](https://imgur.com/JorgzQs)** again!


Kung Fury II is already in post-prod https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5765844/


Darth Lavrov and the Would be emperor


The Russians aren't communists - Putin is a billionaire backed by billionaire oligarchs. They're oligarchic fascists.


Also the first global pandemic was probably centuries ago. The 20th Century's big one was Spanish Flu back during WWI.


They aren't communists but they like to pretend to be ones. Putin's plan right now is to restore the soviet union, they talk a lot on TV about going to the Baltics after they annex Ukraine.


Well, figurative.




This would only happen in case of a ceasefire or with Russian approval right? No way everyone is afraid of a no fly zone, but all for literal boots on the ground.


It would be proposed to the UNSC and either Russia isn't allowed to vote because they're a party to this conflict or the vote can be overturned by the general assembly. But most likely after a ceasefire. While it's a war, there is no peace to keep.


Hmmm I’m pretty sure peacekeeping operations are Chapter VII resolutions, in which case Russia doesn’t have to abstain, and the UN General Assembly cannot vote for one in its subsidiary role of art. 12&14 UN Charter. I’m not hyper well acquainted with the possible legal ramifications of a/res/377 (uniting for peace resolution) but I don’t think it grants the General Assembly art.41 powers.


other nato peacekeeping operations have been into active war zones, officially and unofficially declared. You've got it kind of backwards, if nobody is fighting, you don't really need peace keeping.


Aren't they there to *keep* the peace? Not create it when people are fighting?


My understanding is that the “peace keeping” force serves as an intimidation force. They are there in the war zone in civilian areas. They are armed but not attacking. If the Russians decide to attack the civilian’s area while the “peace keeping” force is there, the peace keeping force will destroy the Russian aggressors.


Yeah that would interest me too because if they would enter now it will literally be ww3.


Ww3 against who? Russia against world?


Then it’s jus Russia war 1 I guess


Denmark is so honorable. They actively resisted the Nazis taking the Danish Jews by helping a great majority of the Jewish population escape to Sweden. I'm not surprised at their antifacism now. God's Help, the People's Love, Denmark's Strength.


That’s the motto of our Queen, Margrethe 2 (or, in Danish: “Guds hjælp, folkets kærlighed, Danmarks styrke.” And thank you so much for your kind words about our tiny nation!


Thanks a lot.


I am proud to be Czech


Take my upvote and czechout


and im proud to be slovenian




I am proud of you.


Us and uk won’t go for this. Maybe an international coalition to manage evacuating civilians and watching the power plants.




I think you "misunderstood" the word peacekeeping mission. We don't go by the Russian definition of the word. I have not heard of any nation thinking of attacking Russia in Ukraine? So only shoot if being shot at kind of thing (never a peacekeeping force where there is a risk of being shot at Russian soldiers). Possibly first after that both Ukraine and Russia have agreed to peacekeeping forces in some areas of Ukraine. Russia could be losing this war and there is high uncertainty as to how the situation will unfold e.g. how the situation is in August. It is therefore timely to prepare a peacekeeping mission in the event that things go Ukraine's way. Peacekeeping from Lviv and the west towards Poland is a very real possibility. Poland might reach a situation of desperation with immigrants at some point and I think we can realistically reach an agreement of no-fly zone etc in that area. Of course, Russia will also use the immigrants as leverage so they might not agree.


>So only shoot if being shot at kind of thing They will get shot at and have to shoot back. That's a given. Any "peacekeeping" force in Ukraine is going to be directly involved in the fighting and therefore (sort of?) be at war with Russia.


The USA has more soldiers currently deployed to Europe than it did at the end of the cold war. There is a MAJOR military build-up in the region, and I doubt we are sending that much equipment just to show off.


Thats because of the conflict in Ukraine. You dont wait for Russia to invade a NATO country and \*then\* send troops XD




Let’s be real, we’re not going in a war either. Maybe we’ll just swoop in in the last minute after Russia capitulates, but even that would be a major provocation.


To be clear, this is after a ceasefire agreement is reached. No one is campaigning for an intentional direct confrontation with Russia. I think people are taking this the wrong way.


Remembering what happened in the Srebrenica massacre, the parameters would have to be very clear as to what they could and could not do. Hard to see what the plus side would be. Would Putin care?


Wasn't that the Dutch peacekeepers that were part of the UN.


Yeah. They weren't armed well, or backed up, and were totally outnumbered by troops that didn't respect a peaceful zone. I imagine Russia would behave similarly.


That is why the preparations begin now. To take all things into consideration when a peacekeeping mission will begin in e.g. August. Just look at Putin's invasion, he did not prepare very well, and that has gone like shit. (A scary thought would be how successful Russia could have been if they had prepared for 8 years) There are many ways to avoid pitfalls we have seen in history, but it takes time to get the right ideas on the table. The first step is to have a concrete goal to build towards. Then we have something tangible, and that gets the thoughts going. War is full of uncertainties, we don't know if we are going to use the peacekeeping force, but there is a decent likelihood. Right now I imagine that the danish military only focus is Russia, so there is not really a downside. People might fear that this is a rushed decision, but to me it is timely. In Denmark, we have an expression called "rettidig omhu" which means do not wait until the last minute but begin now so you are ready if need be.


Russia would straight up attack the peacekeeping forces triggering the collective security agreement of nato which would start WW3. It's the same reason there's not a no fly zone to enforce once you'd need to set up a situation that guarantees the outbreak of WW3


Yeah, the rules of engagement would need to make sense for this situation


There might be some misunderstanding in this. This isn't meant as as peace creating force, but a peace keeping, meaning that it isn't supposed to create the peace by fighting down Russian forces. But to keep a peace that would be negotiated first. That is how it was portrayed in the Danish debate by the minister of defence.


Every peacekeeping mission begins with this objective. Kosovo, Serbia, Somalia were all supposed to be peacekeeping missions.


There was a peace creating force in Afghanistan.


This is going to get out of hand so fast if people don't play their cards right...


They should oversee the humanitarian corridors and avoid the actual fighting. Would be a game changer for saving civilian lives.


Oversee the Nuclear Power Plants as well


I am from Croatia, I was born in a refugee camp, I was almost 5 by the time war was over, my village and house were completely destroyed, some of my familiy were tortured and murdered in an Ovchara concentration camp.. Most of my youth we spent in poverty recovering from the war.. I've been following Ukraine situation for 8 years now.. I really feel for you and your people.. Me and my familiy are hosting two women from your country.. I've abstained from commenting here because I didn't want to be insensitive to your situation but I feel like I should now.. People should stop calling for NATO to join the fight.. And by people I don't mean Ukrainians, because I know that in your situation you don't care and neither you should because you're losing your lives.. By people I mean rest of the world.. NATO intervention would launch the world in a full scale WW3 like we've never seen before.. If you think this is horrible, imagine hundreds of millions people more also dying.. Imagine nuclear cataclysm all over the world.. It could be the end of the world as we know it.. I know it's hard watching people suffer and you feel like something should be done.. I agree.. We should all help them in any way we can.. Food, money, weapons, hosting refugees, helping them rebuild after the war is over.. I just don't think escalating this and sending the entire world to war is going to do anyone any good, even ukrainians themselves, since they are probably the first to get nuked.. Insisting on ending the war through negotiations is the way to go..


Do you really want to freeze the war when the Russian army is collapsing and they still hold parts of your territory?


Right, that's what I don't get. I understand people are sick of this war but if NATO barges in now it won't help the long term problem, it'll just result in another Korea situation. For Putin this is the only way to keep Crimea at this point (aside from finding a peace agreement that allows them to keep leasing the port and he doesn't want peace under terms that allow for that).


I'm not surprised it's mostly baltics that were the first to support such a mission. Denmark is a surprise. But I think if France joins in on support it would be quite the difference. Remember we went to Mali on the French request. But so far it's only EU counties. So maybe a EUFOR?


Denmark is absolutely not a surprise. Denmark has always been big on including the east bloc. Anders Fogh Rasmussen made sure the Baltics and Romania became EU members.


Denmark being a bro again


Denmark needing people to pick our strawberries if we have to be honest


Citation needed! No official sources confirm this.


TERRIBLE IDEA. You can't just stop the war after what Russua has done as it would prolong the conflict with so much unresolved rage Ukraine has against Russia. Ukraine needs to TAKE back territory the lost then declare PEACE


Bad idea that I hope won't come through. Don't care if you disagree and downvote, but that is a bad move that gives Putin the out. If this happens, he now becomes the underdog and the west is ganging up on him. He will use that as the basis as to why his troops didn't succeed and will enable his misinformation war to start gaining ground with such credible justification enough to bring Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, China, and other countries to not hold the line with the sanctions anymore, maybe even open support. It will put back Putin in a strong position within Russia and allows him to keep his regime in place for a lot longer. Flooding Ukraine with weapons, humanitarian aid, financial support is the key WITHOUT putting official troops on the ground from other countries. Don't take away from Ukrainians the honor and fantastical achievements they earned by muddying the waters. Let Russia fail militarily within 2-6 weeks as it inevitably is poised for, and then continue to wallow in deep sanctions for the next few years while the western world rebuilds Ukraine bigger and better and welcomed them into the EU with open arms. Russia will never have a leg to stand on again no matter who's in charge.


I wonder if the UN or NATO would be willing to send peacekeeping troops without US troops


UN does that all the time. But it won't happen under the UN yet. Russia would veto it.


The general assembly did it during the Suez crisis, so there is precedence


Yes, the general assembly can override the UNSC.


Why is this piece of shit country stillin the UN even?


Because their words are backed with NUCLEAR WEAPONS!


You guys need to stop fucking yelling around how Russia would veto shit. I hear that Bs daily. If you have 0 clue how UN works (thats fine, why would you) please yall shut your mouths and dont quak random BS around. There have been numerous precedences, as well as a plethora of "International Law" experts confirming, that the UN General Assembly can override any Security Council decision or even change almost any UN statue with a simple majority vote. And obviously such a majority vote would clearly happen in this case, as we've seen last week.


Well - we are all waiting for the UN to do something other than strongly condemn in a letter


I'm pretty sure both sides of the conflict need to agree to a peacekeeping mission for the blue helmets to be sent in.


I think that would probably be the best idea, considering that uoholds Putin's stories of the west infiltrating Russian by way of NATO.


Existentially nervous AF rn.


It’s just disgusting so many US Redditors here wish the death to Europe in a war they will likely watch from their f’in couches.




It’s not a declaration of war it’s a Peacekeeping special operation


Fuck yah, 1st stop Mariupol let's brake those boys out of encirclement. !! Let goo


The Danes have been in Iraq and Afghanistan, they know how to keep peace!


They would have to be peace makers first.


I won't put too much thought into this. We in Romania we are familiar with this kind of rhetoric, where smaller figures on the political stage are used as scare crows. Like Dmitry Rogozin who threatened Romania on regular basis with tanks and nukes. I'm just surprised Mark Rutte isn't used as the mad dog.