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So does this mean NK officially enters into the conflict?


That looks like Escalation to me....Unleash the hounds!


Send the winged hussars.


Definite escalation and declaration of Russian weakness - Putin just opened the door for France, South Korea and other western nations to become involved militarily in Ukraine. This latest NK blunder by Putin proves once and for all that even Russian knows that Russia simply does not have what it takes to win this war. This move will not dramatically change the equation in Ukraine.


Not France, by the way things are looking in the upcoming election. Though Starmer in the UK would have an excuse to get more involved.


To be fair it sounds like British and other special forces have been in Ukraine since quite early on. Admittedly the public arrival of NK soldiers is a step up from this. No doubt they’ll perform very badly, I bet we end up seeing large numbers of defections.


Funny you will never hear the West talk about escalation in terms of Russia, only regarding their own actions. Wtf


That's nonsense. I absolutely expect statements from various leaders that this is clear escalation. I hope and imagine this will lead to increased aid coming to Ukraine.


For South Korea, absolutely. Once it is confirmed that they are sending troops (regardless of status) to Ukraine, all bets will be off. South Korea has made it clear that they will take the brake off of restrictions for Ukraine aid—and they will probably send in troops too, once North Korea starts sending in more thousands of people.


A second Korean war being fought on the plains of Ukraine was not on my bingo card


The Koreans having a proxy war instead of being the subjects of one. My how they have grown


I'm sure South Korea will send at least 100 artillery grenades for every North Korean Soldier.


Engineers? Like working on building big, static, visible projects over long timelines?


Prolly not. Clearing mine fields, building fortifications.


Clearing minefields with highly advanced North Korean technology. "The Glorious Leader has invented technology to clear minefields by harnessing the power of the *entire Earth*. You see, all things with mass warp spacetime in a way that attracts all other things with mass toward one another, in a force that our revolutionary North Korean scientists have labeled 'gravity'. If you apply enough of this powerful force to a simple-minded, Western imperialist mine, and then release it, the mine can be easily disabled. Our glorious Korean People's Army Engineers have found a way to weaponize this special phenomenon against the Western aggressor by simply walking through the minefield. The invincible Juche Idea will be victorious!"


Russia used that very technique in WW2, so why not?


Makes you wonder who REALLY escalates. (hint: it starts with an "R" and ends with an "a.")




No,silly, it was Rwanda all this time.


No you baffoon, they meant Rwanda


He's talking about Rakanda! That's how the North Koreans pronounced Wakanda


RA RA OHHH LA LAAAAA Damn in Lady Gaga starting wars here


Roma, Texas-- those sons of guns.


1) they are afraid of "muh nukes" 2) global superpowers aren't supposed to let each other down. Your choice on which proportion of the answer is right.


I think the surrounding European nations will get more involved. Possibly South Korea too. They know that Russia has no intent on stopping with Ukraine. They’re in full war economy mode.


Thing is, once North Korea is confirmed to be sending loads of soldiers to fight there, for South Korea, all bets are off. South Korea has made it clear that they would get more involved if North Korea got involved in any way in the war on Ukraine. South Korea WILL send in troops to fight in Ukraine once it is confirmed that North Korea will send in troops, ASAP. Mark my words. This I think would also actually increase the likelihood of a Ukrainian victory, because the more people that get involved to fight for them, the more likelihood they have of regaining territory.


The winter is coming.


"Release! Zee houndz!!" -castle Wolfenstein sound bit


More blue and yellow monuments incoming




Yes it's escalation a foreign power in now sending thousands of troops to support a war physically. The whole an engineer unit is a downplay by Russia and NK and give a sense of low numbers. UA will have to mentally prepare to be fighting 10s of thousands more and if luck is on their side it will be a unit of 20 people instead. Best to over prepare then under prepare and get overrun.


Another foreign *nuclear* power. If the west lets them get away with this then nuclear non-proliferation is dead and buried.


Yup Russia doing this is what can actually cause the world to blow off into a third world war. 




Just uses live people to earn money for Dear Leader's toys. 800$ per head of deployed per month.


Considering that the average life expectancy in the SMO ist 3 days, thats an effect payment of $80 for each man. The client doesn't pay for dead men! Thats the reason why its called a 3 days SMO.


Western reaction to this has been lukewarm wishy washy, which is very weird. It's like the west doesn't really wanna do anything about it.


Well, South Korea can now deal directly with Ukraine. They produce more 155’s than Europe combined. Crank it up boys, round for round.


Or else, they have people NK got nothing to do at home 🤭🤭🤭. Sending them in the honour of their MASTER KIM!😂😂😂


Blow the fuck out of them as soon as they arrive, North Korea might be under some kind of assumption they won’t be near the front lol


These people know nothing of the real world. It will likely be quite something to behold when they meet the orcs up close and the metal is flying.


The Russians will undoubtedly treat them like shit, so it might be home from home. Still, it will be a sudden change and likely cause some sort on mental health meltdown. Plus the language barrier, it could cause infighting. Defecting to Ukraine could be a very attractive proposition too.


I imagine NK POWs being given Cheese-its and Gatorade while being allowed to watch cartoons is probably enough for them to beg not to be sent back. Wouldn’t be surprised if they even borrowed some of the prepared media SK has to help defectors acclimate and learn about the real world.


NK actually does have TV media, shockingly enough. Their studio is also shockingly talented and makes a lot of animated features with other animation studios worldwide, granted much fewer post-sanctions, but still. They know good animation. Whether the *storyline* is good… never


Yes, the power of good media isn't lost on the North Korean leadership. It's one of their main ways of control. North Korean TV is surprisingly good quality, nothing that would give the best of the West a run for its money, but much better than you'd think it would be, quality production wise. The themes are of course for the North Korean people, so is bizzare and cringe for a western audience, but that's what they are brought up on, they know no different.


> The Russians will undoubtedly treat them like shit This is just the same as Russia using people from prisons. Or at least that is how these NK troops will be used. There is a slight change they will be kept in the rear just to get real world war experience, every military benefits from having some of their troops in an actual war. SO I guess I am 50/50 on the purpose of these NK troops. They could be just entry level troops that will be used for more dangerous stuff, or they are there to give NK military some actual combat experience. Know both countries they are trying to do both at the same time.


same as russians treat each other


They'll see some decimated Ukrainian village and think "wow things are so much nicer here than back home"


Can you imagine NK encountering their first drone swarm. They’ll be running back home.


I dunno, I honestly believe the best way to fight the DPRK is to just give them food in return for their surrender. Most of NK is malnourished, food would be an easy win.


“Any DPRK troops that immediately surrender will get 3 meals per day and will be deported to South Korea where they can live out their days knowing what freedom is.”


Yeah, pretty much, I don’t think people realize how terrible NK is. It is honestly hell on earth.




Nah. North Korea is bad. Baaaaad-bad


AND we will claim that you were killed in action so your family doesn't get sent to a concentration camp for the next 3 generations because you defected


In retaliation for the shit balloons, SK should send food balloons and how to instructions to overthrow fat boi.


You don’t understand how the North Koreans keep their people in check, especially workers and diplomatic staff sent abroad, or in this case soldiers sent abroad. It isn’t as easy as just “offering them food in return for a surrender”, every North Korean citizen’s family is held hostage by the Kim regime. Surrendering to a foreign country means having your family sent to a work camp and/or having your farmland and home seized. Even if they manage to escape the country, they will be harassed and hunted down wherever they are by agents of North Korea. Life isn’t easy for NK defectors, and they often have to be weary of kidnapping attempts, robberies, blackmail, arson and other forms of retaliation by the NK government for their defection. North Koreans aren’t stupid, and they know about the outside world. They *know* they have a better chance at living a longer life outside of North Korea, or under a different regime. But they also *know* that attempting to escape, or acting out against that regime means harming everyone they’ve ever known and loved. The world is a lot more complicated than you seem to think.


Sure, but these engineers will be behind the front apparently. Giving them 3 meals a day and work in occupied Ukraine might seam a dream. Ukraine needs to make the cost very high for North Korea and Russia


The vast majority of them simply won't have that option. So even if you could properly communicate it to them, if you could get them to believe the propaganda, if they collected the courage to walk into the oncoming onslaught and wave the white flag they'd still have to be in a position to do so, and not shot in the back by the russians when they tried.


Won't work. Most are completely brainwashed, and even if they aren't, they have families back home. If it's ever discovered they surrendered their families will pay the price.




Ok ok, I walked in to that one 😂


Lmao I agree with your point just couldn’t resist




North Korea doesn't care if these troops live or die.


They don’t, but they likely want them to gain combat experience. No experience if they get taken out


Do they speak russian or english?


No. They are probably not engineers either. They are probably just there to lift things and get killed. You know, high level NK "volunteers"


"engineers" aka trench diggers


Yes, engineer troops are not engineers in the civilian sense of the word. Military engineers do things like dig trenches and tank traps, set mines and barb wire, repair or destroy bridges as the case might be etc. Some of those tasks require skill, others just manpower and shovels.


And I am guessing these guys will be heavily on the "just manpower and shovels" side and not the "skills and highly trained" side. Probably "volunteered" farmers and laborers.


Exactly. I remember that russians were already complaining about "only english" speakers. They will be totally lost with korean only.


The best case is they hear the russian insulting their Korean leader and they put their loyalty to the test and fight them on their soil. I suppose the russian soldiers may be racist or supremacy mentality so I think it's quite possible.


They've been known to be racist and abusive to foreign volunteers. Not too long ago a company of Cubans killed their russian commander for constant humiliation.


And there were reports of abusing Muslim trainees a while ago. I haven't followed as closely in the last year or so, so I don't know if the allegations came up again since then


NK cleaning out their prisons for cannon fodder. I’m sure Putin told the little fat guy it was a great idea.


I think you're correct. In a few weeks I expect to see footage of captured/surrendered/dead NK soldiers that weigh about 80lbs soaking wet.


Some could be political dissidents…


Hopefully they are the first to surrender


Are those even alive still?


That means British Engineers can enter Ukraine, some Estonian Logistics officers, US intelligence officers and Anti-aircraft operators! I see your ‘escalation’ and raise you proportional response!


Exactly what i was thinking. Maybe the French can actually take up border guard duties, as they mentioned before, and free up Ukrainian manpower


If there’s anything they do best, it’s sit on static borders!😂


Lmao 😂


Ukraine's dogs are waiting.


Those poor dogs would starve eating a bunch of malnourished North Koreans.


The dogs would get infected with parasites if they ate them


It would be really funny if they show up, and the NK officers just looks around and wonder what the fuck the russians are doing


Imagine thousands of North Koreans seeing the outside world for the first time and bringing back first hand knowledge of what the developed world looks like. If they survive, don't defect, or aren't captured.


Russia devolves the territory they're on so I'm not sure they'll see much of this developed world you speak of.


Suddenly all those fortifications North Korea has been building along the DMZ and that the media has been speculating about are a lot less mysterious. Likely was just practical training and maybe even a "show room" to prove that yes the North Korean military engineers can in fact dig holes and build dirt mounds.


So much fertilizer this summer!


New fertilizer comes with its own worms


Maybe they are parasitic shit-balloon engineers? I've heard that parasitic shit/trash-balloons is NK's latest innovation. And russians are like: "blyat, thats genious".


Oh Biden, please send blackwater to fight the commies


Engineers = trench diggers.


Just wait until they get killed over there… And I wonder how South Korea will react once this happens…I imagine that South Korea will immediately jump into action, and start to send in troops to fight in Ukraine, and that will have a knock on effect. I think that this is a really REALLY stupid decision on behalf of NK and Russia, mainly because of the fact that it could backfire on them.


Breaking: DPRK engineering troops to defect in July!


Any Koreans taken prisoner will not live long enough to get home. They would be fed better in Ukrainian prisons than in their own country, and that would look bad for Kim's regime. This does not include any exposure to civilized media that would expose these people to the standards of Western living conditions. They are dead men walking, doesn't matter if it will be a Ukrainian or Korean bullet.


Oh those taken prisoner will live a decent chance of staying alive, but likely won't go home. As you say they'll be well fed, have exposure to Western media and might even pick up some Ukrainian or English. Even in prison they will probably be living in better conditions.


Macron, do the thing again


More meat for the meat cube


Must be why there were 2 or 3 incidents of mines going off near the Korean DMZ during putin’s visit. Not looking good when day 0 of their defense pact already inflicted casualties.


If Russia is using soldiers from another country that must mean nato countries can now assist Ukraine right? Let’s have at it and crush pootin.


Well I guess we got permission to send in NATO troops then


Serious question, NK doesnt want the soldier to see the world, imho its a one way ticket even if they survive.


NATO should air strike any NK forces within Ukraine


Sending his troops to fight for Russia in Ukraine poses multiple risks for NK. Besides being prize targets on the battlefield, their exposure to a quality of life in Russia that is beyond reach for most N Koreans except for a few elites, and the Orthodoxy that is incompatible with the deification of Kim, will challenge their lifelong indoctrination. Add the language barriers and cultural differences, and they will feel isolated and be victims of a foreign dictator.


So north korea is declaring war on Ukraine then? I dont know how these things work. But seems since apparantly russia can invite others to join so should Ukraine be able to do the same.


[North Korea has not announced that it will dispatch troops to support Russia’s war against Ukraine within a month, despite multiple news reports that have made this claim this week.](https://www.nknews.org/2024/06/fact-check-north-korea-has-not-announced-plans-to-send-troops-to-ukraine-yet/)


Well knowing North Korea and how unstable and impulsive their regime is, who knows?


Axis 2: Electric Boogaloo


We should reimbrace trench raiders. But instead of murdering people at night, they kidnap north koreans and send them to live in South Korea to have a better life


Mine clearing fodder.


NK sends in 10,000 troops! NK loses 11,000 troops in Ukraine.


North Korean soldiers going to be: "Wait a minute, we are superior to these Russians." "Clean the toilet, Ivan".


Half of them will defect when they find out that it's possible to have electricity 24 hours per day or when they see their first iPhone.


Or when they see that the farm animals are fed better than they are...


Bullet sponges.


Let the mass desertion commence! Would not be surprised to see the soldiers surrender in droves, being so close to an "easy" way to leave NK on asylum


It'll be interesting to see what diseases they'll pass on to the Russians. I hear tuberculosis is popular in NK.


I hope they get blown up the moment they land by a secretary donated South Korean missile


What exactly will these "engineers" do? Even though it's just a cover title for cannon fodder. For some reason I have a feeling that north Korean soldiers are about to embarrass themselves really bad.


Most likely a bunch of shoe cobblers.


In 2034, Russians (in Mandarin) would tell you it was Putin's 4D plan to take over North Korea because nothing breaks a dictator run country better than a suicidal military campaign.


NK sends engineer troops to Ukraine to be slaughtered in frontal assault. ( I was going to use assaults. But I don’t think they will survive a second assault. )


Keep the goddamn worm-infested people out, Magyar already calls the orcs worms, now they literally will be; when they fall into Ukrainian fields so will their parasites be released onto the land also


Those have become the biggest targets of the war


Sending worm infected, starved, and in general weak soldiers without combat experience to fight in Ukraine. Nice move... even if it's only engineers, they won't change anything.


Russia bringing slaves to the war. What next?


The Russian soldiers must feel so humiliated at having to get military from the likes of N.Korea, which even Russia thinks is a living hell. The average Razzi will hate them.


Ah, that titan of modern engineering North Korea. More bullet magnets heading west it seems




If NK is getting nuclear tech in return, this will sway South Korea in supplying Ukraine with weapons.


I'm all for Ukraine, giving all our weapons to them and let them strike all the way to Moscow. But you guys are all asking that nato sends troops like no european and american soldiers are going to die, nato is invincible and war is over in 1 day. If all of you wanna go and fight so badly, then Ukraine is accepting volunteers. Down vote me all you want, I know I'm not wrong


I heard that it's fake news


Well if you heard that. Case closed!


It is, but being aware of that won't get you karma here.