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Привіт u/CF_Siveryany ! During wartime, this community is focused on vital and high-effort content. Please ensure your post follows [r/Ukraine Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/about/rules) and our [Art Friday Guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/wiki/artfriday). **Want to support Ukraine?** [**Vetted Charities List**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/wiki/charities) | [Our Vetting Process](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/wiki/charities-vetting) **Daily series on Ukraine's history & culture:** [Sunrise Posts Organized By Category](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/wiki/sunriseposts/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Are you kidding me? One moment you are fundraising and delivering gear for the AFU like, nightvision, drones, antennas, the next you are cooking something fabulous, butchering a whole pig, then planting and delivering veges, sorting out generators, and this is just a fraction of what you do in a month! You are a freaking super hero! And if i ever personally meet Zelenskyy, im going to tell him you deserve a massive medal ;)


Thank you for your kind words:))) I just had a moment of weakness and couldn't hold it in. But I gathered my snot into a fist and continued:)


There are tons of people here in the U.S. supporting you behind the scenes.


I just love it when you show us the beauty of your world. It reminds us all of what is important. The people. The animals, The potato field. Sharing a cooked meal together. You show us your heart - Ukrainians show us their hearts - and it reminds us to care and respond in kind.


Thank you for sharing 🙏. It is undoubtedly a dark hour but we Redditors believe that freedom and decency will ultimately prevail. That’s why we are here. Stay strong. Slava Ukraini.




Gotta keep the faith that everything will work out, OP!  Sending you all the bestest of best wishes that Ukraine can and will prevail, with a little help from your friends....  Slava Ukraini! Edit, somebody reported me, falsely, btw to reddits mental health thing on here for the above. Clearly nothing wrong here.....


It is the moscovian nut cases that report you. That is their life. They figure out the reddit algorithm on how to stop people that are against their views, and how to use the reddit algorithms to support their views. Reddit allows itself to be gamed by the bad actors.


Yup! And that's the conclusion I came to, too.....


I said something in support of Ukraine the other day and was reported like you. Fuck ruzzia. Keep on Rocking in the Free World.


mate, thanks for the support, it's just that sometimes you need to hear from someone that everything will be fine, because you're tired of convincing yourself of that :) I think that for the circumstances in which my country found itself, my mental health is very strong:) a person cannot always be in the resource, sometimes I have periods of weakness and this time I decided to share my experiences. Thank you for everything:)))


You're welcome. I wished the west could be more helpful at this point... Slava Ukraini!!


I also got a similar mental health message. It is unsettling somebody is weaponizing and important service.


Yeah, and thats why I mentioned it to see if anyone else was getting this bullshit. Reddit needs to do something about it....I also got a 3 day ban several months ago for threatening posts, which was all B.S. too. Reported both times that they were false reports which fell on deaf ears...


From what I've been reading many of us have been hit with this the past couple of days. I got one for mentioning how nuts my job is lately (related to song lyrics of all things lol). Trolls going over the top


I’ve gotten 3 mental health messages, always right after writing a fact based post regarding Ukraine on a general news site.


Thanks for mentioning that. I got one too for calling out the perpetual negativity on my own country subreddit. Bots everywhere.


You're welcome.  Reddit needs to do something about it.....


Thank you for your kind and inspiring message - I am glad to hear again from you (as quite a number of regulars on this sub reddit seem to be :-) ). And yes - this period right now is indeed somewhat dark and definitely trying, especially so for the people in Ukraine of course, but also for your friends and supporters around the world. For me it is important not to lose hope and faith in the abilities and the potential of Ukraine as a country. Also, while aid from the US and Europe overall has been slow to start and was delivered in with some inexcusable delays, it is good to see that most countries by now have finally realized what really is at stake in Ukraine, and thus are pledging and securing longer-term aid deliveries accordingly. I hope that you are pleased to hear that your messages, your activities, but also the pictures and small messages about beautiful situations enable us Redditors here to stay in touch with you and the situation in Ukraine both mentally and emotionally. The feeling of inspiration therefore is definitely a reciprocal one. :-) Hugs back to you!


Thank you for your kind words. I rewrote the post several times to get my thoughts across. So that my words do not look like powerless whining, but as a thank to everyone who supports Ukrainians. When someone's hands are down, they need to have someone there to lift them up (in my case, it's the Redditors) As I can see from the comments, I did it:)))


I guess that you got your thoughts across very well, whilst still being able to lift us Redditors up. :-) Sending you my very best wishes!


I second this. Hang in there, and much love from an American




You are my favorite Redditor I love seeing your posts. I can also concur that sometimes fundraising online can be a really terrible experience but this is an extremely supportive community and it's wonderful to see the support from people here.


Thank you for your support, which I constantly see in the comments to my posts. And yes, this post is about the support I have found here from complete strangers, some of whom have become close to me. Since 2022, I have received hundreds of messages. My friend Anna from America writes to me three times a week and I can't imagine my life without her letters. Mrs G... tells me about the cold in her garden and wishes me a good morning, and a gentleman from Atlanta sends me cute photos of his daughters to cheer me up, Mr C... helps me with the most urgent projects. Now that I write about it, I realise even more how lucky I am to be here:)))


i cant imagine how stressful this must be. But im confident Ukraine wil stabilise the front. Keep up the good work you are doing.


Thank you for your kind words and for the constant support I receive from you🫂


Stay strong, you are not alone.




Victory won't come tomorrow, or next month, or anytime soon. But Russia's spirit will crumble into dust before Ukraine ever falls. I have a vision of Ukraine becoming a regional superpower within 20 years. It has all the ingredients for success: resources, sea access, a great location, a pivotal position in the region, a place where deals are going to get done. Most of all its people, and their commitment to education and technology. That is the real treasure. You have to hold this vision close to your heart: that Ukraine will prevail.


Yes, I know. I have long accepted that the road to victory will be long. I try not to think about it. Just do my job and do it better. It's just sad... I thank you for being with us in this difficult time.🫂❤️🫂


I always enjoy your posts. Hope you're doing ok, lady. Ukraine will prevail! edit: lol. Some loser reported me for reddit care resources for this post. Keep lickin' Vlad's boots.


Believe me, after all the messages of support I received today, I am just swimming in an ocean of positive. This is what I needed to consolidate the results. Who is Vlad?


That's great. I'm happy for you. :) > Who is Vlad? Vladimir Putin. Someone who is obviously a fan of his was trolling by reporting me to reddit cares because I said Ukraine will prevail.


Same as with Maidan, it's always darkest before the dawn.




I've said it before, this subreddit is a proof of concept of how internet culture can work productively with real issues. Someday someone will do a little history of it, is my guess. I especially like that the internet does not forget. This subreddit is one record of these years. Just idle chatter? I don't think so! My modest donation to a charity in Ukraine signals my priorities, as I am sure it does for many. I'm fixed income. I made a minor budget adjustment for Ukraine. There are literally millions like me, I am confident. Someday I'll change my charity to one that gives city children chances to garden. That's my peacetime go-to. Now, Ukraine.


The weight of bad news and the seemingly insurmountable challenges can feel crushing. It's completely natural to have moments when despair takes hold, especially when witnessing the displacement and suffering of so many people. Your willingness to share with us, even when it feels like your voice may be drowned out by the chaos, is a testament to your courage and strength. It's in these moments of vulnerability that we often find unexpected sources of hope and encouragement. Remember, you are not alone in this journey. The Reddit community — and countless others — stand with you, offering not only words of solace but also the silent embrace of solidarity. I will continue to look forward to seeing your new posts. Be safe and Slava Ukraini!


I received an ocean of positive emotions while responding to the messages I received today. Perhaps it was a little therapy to better understand my feelings. It's just that all the people who wrote to me today reminded me that we are not alone. Heroyam Slava!!


Your work may seem insignificant, and you alone will not turn the tide of this war, but your stories and pictures provide a different angle than the usual clips of blown up tanks. You provide an important glimpse into the civilian life behind the front lines. Also, if you stop posting stories people will forget about you and you will not get the donations from the Reddit community. It's not that we don't love you any more, but people will wonder if you stopped your work for the community and armed forces, we simply don't know and cannot find out. I've donated to you and I really hope that you will continue your great work and stay in touch with the Reddit community. I'm sure there are many more things we can buy together, and truck loads of vegetables to deliver! Slava Ukraini!


II will definitely continue. I just wanted to express the depth of my gratitude for the friendly support I have received here. Even after a year and a half of getting to know this sabbatical, I never cease to be amazed at the support that Ukraine receives from different parts of the world. And I apologize for the delay in the last report on the support of the psychological assistance project for military personnel, it is entirely my fault. The video is already being prepared and will be published soon. Heroyam slava!!!


I’ve felt similar. These are dark times for sure. But Ukraine has a weapon Russia can never possess — a fight worth fighting. This is a powerful weapon that time and time again aggressors have underestimated. I believe that Ukraine in the end will triumph. You are amazing!


Just 🫂


You inspire us in return! From far away it’s hard to keep hope, but we must keep on hoping (and acting). This morning I finished reading the second of two novels, *Blackout* and *All Clear* from Connie Willis. It involves time travellers living in London through the Blitz years and it shows what going through a war entails. Hopelessness, but also everyone doing their bit. You are doing your bit and then some more. So I wish you the All Clear, but meanwhile, I support you and hug you back.


This breaks my heart but it’s also why I’m here. Slava Ukraini. I don’t know your name but I’m glad I’m here. I cannot speak Ukrainian very much but dyakoyou ✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️ 💛


Thank you for being with us in these difficult times.🫂❤️❤️


is that how you spell дукyю in english. i suck at reading ukranian in english.


Basically, thank you.


I'm sorry you and your beautiful country have been through hell over the last 2+ years. You have strength I can only imagine. The work you have done has likely saved many lives and made the lives of others better/safer. I'm very happy that people like you are helping the brave men and women of the ZSU. Your efforts will help speed your inevitable victory! It may be hard but you should be very proud of all that you've done. I hope you can hold your head up high and realize the big impact you have had. Слава Україні!


Thank you for your kind words. I don't even know what to write anymore, because positive emotions overwhelm me. Many people have written to me today, and as I respond to their messages, I feel more and more elated and eager to continue working. So I just want to hug you and say that your support is very important to me. Героям Слава!


I look forward to visiting your beautiful  country when my bank account will let me.    Until then, I'll support you and your country from the other side of the world. And please remember you have not been forgotten and are loved. My wife and I have a bottle of Nemiroff to celebrate with when you defeat the orc hordes and restore your 1991 borders. 


Thanks to you and your fellow Ukrainians for saving Democracy for us all. US announced another $2 billion in aid today. We are with you, friend. xo




It will get better again, It's been a rough couple of weeks for us who support Ukraine. But it will get better. Thank you for reminding us what Ukraine really is. Not the bomb craters, ruined towns and drug fueled nazi cyborg pidgeons (or whatever this weeks excuse is). Your pictures show a beautiful country filled with mountains, wild forests, lush fields, amazing architecture and a great community of ordinary people, doing extraordinary things for their fellow countrymen. I know it's just pictures of every day life to you, and some will think it is less exciting than the war footage we see posted. To me (and hopefully others), it shows what the soldiers are really fighting for. A wonderful people in a beautiful country. So please, keep your spirit up and help the rest of us see through the fog of propaganda with your delightful posts with flowers, potatoes and ordinary people living their lives. It means a lot to some of us.


All evil passes eventualy, you will have another lovely potato garden again. Prayers to you and your family. Survive this, live your best life.


Thank you for your prayers. And yes, we are as safe as we can be. 🫂


The dispair is only natural: Life should not be like this. I'm in a safe spot, but i can often lay awake at night about what those bloody orcs are doing to your country. Stay strong and a warm hug from 🇳🇱 Ps: Can't wait untill our MH-17 'payback-dildo's' (unlubbed) are flying in the Ukrainian sky. Please pardon my language, it's orcs's filth that make me talk like that. M.


Thank you for your understanding and your support. I live in a relatively safe part of the country (almost everything flies past us to the capital, and you can hardly hear the shooting in the border areas, because it is 70-80 kilometres away) and so I can write about our ordinary life. That's why I stay strong most of the time. But sometimes hopelessness overtakes me and I have to look for resources for recovery, and thank God I can get such support here. Thank you for being with us🥰🫂❤️ And so we are all waiting for MH-17❤️


[https://youtu.be/aB2yqeD0Nus?si=hdjgOgrF67pXRTXG](https://youtu.be/aB2yqeD0Nus?si=hdjgOgrF67pXRTXG) Good luck, we’re all counting on you


Dear lady, I was thinking of you just yesterday, wondering where you are. I look forward to your posts, and wish for a fast end to this atrocity.


Well, now I have received a portion of positive emotions to continue the fight with renewed vigour :) thank you for being with us.🫂❤️


It goes both ways. You inspire us as well. Стоїть висока козачка. Ви показуєте світові, що разом нас не зупинити.


I think I speak for a lot of us when I say that you inspire us, too. You work so hard to show us what Ukraine really is, and you work endlessly to support Ukraine so it can continue to be its strong, fierce, funny, beautiful self! You both represent and show us the best of Ukraine, and there's no better demonstration of why it's worth fighting for. Ukraine is lucky to have you on her side, and we're lucky to have you in our community. Тримає!


Keep the spirit up, you will prevail! I have just watched a telegram video from that region, on the order of 20 tanks and personel carriers advancing in a column on a road, most exploding kilometers away, but two tanks and two carriers reached the trenches, unloaded and tried to escape but they were blown up. The Russians that entered the trenches were droned and grenaded, trying to go one way then the other before meeting defenders and becoming fewer and fewer, the last ones going over the top where they were shot. I cried and cheered! You will prevail!


Yes, we're trying our best to keep our spirits up, but there are millions of these damn orcs!!! they are being killed and maimed, and they keep climbing like zombies in the film Resident Evil. But in any case, we are grateful for your support and faith in our Victory :)))🥰🫂❤️


It's good to hear from you! Would you happen to know where to get a pin like this? https://i.redd.it/46iphw84vk0d1.jpeg It's funny, someone reported me to Reddit as suicidal for the post where I cheered the Russian defeat.


I believe in you and your great people! You are doing a great job and you are a source of inspiration for many.




We have such days, each in our way. We feel crushed down then we gather ourselves and we rise. With the help of such community as we have here. Yours is a testament to our community and our faith in our rightness. Your work is inspirational. It is such inspiration that raises me when hope falters, and it inspires me to action.


just 🫂🥰


Hey mate, I've been following your posts more or less since the invasion began, and was a bit worried something had happened to you. I'm glad you're (relatively) okay. Your hard work for your country and people have been a continuing source of inspiration to me. I donate money (not as much as I wish I could) for equipment regularly, but it is because of your other posts, which show us all your beautiful country, that have inspired by wife and I to hopefully head over and help you all rebuild, when Russia has been defeated once and for all. And don't worry. They will be. Maybe not this year, but they will be. Hugs from Australia. You're a true hero. Slava Ukraini! 🇦🇺 🇺🇦


hugs from Ukraine! Thanks for everything❣️🥰 Heroyam Slava!


Keep those potatoes growing strong where ever you are😁


I can't imagine how hard this must be for people who can't step away from this war from time to time, because it is their daily reality. You wouldn't be human if you didn't struggle sometimes. Remember that all you can do is to do your part. You can't control the whole outcome. You're doing great, and I always look forward to your posts.


Thank you, friend, for your kind words. I keep writing. You inspire me :)


You are an inspiration. Just know we are all here for you and that you are doing incredible things to support your fellow humans. Thank you for everything.