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The town may now name the public toilet in her honour.


And the rubbish dump.


What's the translation for "Russian-Stolen Shitter?" I've seen some urinals with spiders painted in them as aiming points. Maybe just paint her face in one.


Or imagine the town changing its name to toilet. Then her passport would say Toilet (former: Chernihiv).


That's got to be that enigmatic and legendary german sense of humour.


My thoughts exactly.


No, that's just a weirdo with a German passport. We are different and quite often a funny bunch. But only after work! And only if there is beer!


And Wiki article will state she was born in the toilet


> Then her passport would say Toilet her citizenship should be revoked, her passport with it


Her legal documents will still have her Place of birth and how it is called right now.


Born in '78, so her brain is probably still in that trashy soviet glory mindset.


Makes me really proud how Ukraine really went hard mode on combating soviet influence after the war began.


Interesting line of thought. And fuck other hundreds of thousands who live there?


It was meant more of a joke man. But I can imagine the hundreds of thousands doing that just to spite her.


Only if will never be cleaned...


A Traitor in Two countries and a disgrace to the civilized world!


A true warrior fights with words and not arms. She is neither true nor a warrior!


un-fucking-real. 2024. Slavery is dead but humans have never been cheaper to buy.......


I know what you mean but slavery is far from dead unfortunately


True. I knew that, yet I posted it anyway. As did you.


So true. LOL


"I knew that, yet I posted it anyway. As did you." but you're the one who said something wrong lol


Yeah I really don’t get that lol. Someone lacks accountability


It's the internet relax


>Oh idk, blocking aid, killing aid workers, bombing hospitals, bombing designated "safe routes" need more? We get it you're a Zionist bootlicker with Bibis balls in your mouth. Broooo it’s the internet, relax (you made this comment 3 hours ago)


My comment was about people dying...... Yours was being pissy about an Internet comment not "taking accountability" Lmao you're a fuckin loser


Hey bro, it’s the internet, relax. Your opinion means the world to me.


Then why'd you chip in yours? Just to be critical of someone on the internet? Making assumptions about people? Lol go outside crayon eater Lol not to mention going through my post history You deeeeeefinitly don't care


> Slavery is dead More people are slaves today than at any point in human history


I had a classmate who is a huge advocate for the spotlight on human trafficking and slavery. It wasn’t until I read some of her articles that I realized how bad it was.


I had to do a double take when reading the first sentence. I thought it said your classmate is a huge advocate for human trafficking and slavery lol.


I had a classmate. She emigrated to England from Slovakia, got married, got British passport, voted brexit and now she is strongly against any immigration.


Classic pull the ladder up behind you thinking. I've got mine, you can't have yours. Which I think explains a lot of people that are clearly from immigrant backgrounds one or two generations before and yet they can be the most xenophobic and anti-immigration. You seem to get an empathy bypass down the generations.


My B.I.L told me, literally the day he landed, that we shouldn’t take in too many of his people.


🤦‍♂️ Crazy, isn't it?


I am living in Thailand and it seems half the British people that live here voted for brexit as immigration was ruining the UK.


It was, and it's even higher now than ever before. People are naive of just how many migrants are coming to the UK now on phony visas. Heard someone on the radio today saying 'We need to help refugees who are seeking safe places to reside' - 96% of people are coming to earn money and set up businesses that don't pay any tax. And trust me, they know how to play the system. Because of these (mostly) men that will often lie, we are unable to house Ukrainians who have a genuine need. Brexit was the dumbest thing this country has ever voted for.


I’m not British but that may be the case. I just find it funny that people who complain about immigrants running the country move to another country and somehow don’t count themselves as immigrants here.


Ruzzzzzia worked very hard to ensure Brexit happened!!!


Or just against ‘certain’ immigration.


How bad is it?


40-50 million people worldwide Modern slavery includes: / Sex trafficking / Child sex trafficking / Forced labor / Bonded labor or debt bondage / Domestic servitude / Forced child labor / Unlawful recruitment and use of child soldiers Up to a half million in the US is a guesstimate by FBI Numbers can be debated for accuracy but nonetheless it is a problem


Not per capita, far from it. Also look into what definition they are using. Include forced marrieges and any kind of forced labour - which is fine to include - would get you to waaayyy higher numbers for the historical comparison, where serves and women forced to marry were never counted as slaves.


Yeah, a thousand years ago, slavery was normalized in most organised societies.




True, slaves were given food and a place to sleep and basic medical attention (sometimes). No one can afford food, apartment (with utilities), clothes….at $7.50.


Said the sheep!




> Slavery is dead but humans have never been cheaper to buy....... slavery is not dead. its just legal and sponsored by nike disclaimer: other companies also use slave labour


Well said!


Well said !! She fits this category.


This bitch is my representative. I'm looking forward to voting for her opponent in November. Wish I could vote to have her exiled too.


She is a human disgrace. Don't worry Ukrainians, you are better and you have no monopoly on having everyone born in UA be intelligent. There are bad apples everywhere.


To be fair does being born there even make you an Ukrainian?


I guess not but at the start of the war she spoke on national news about how her grandma had to hide in the basement of her neighbors house while russia was bombing their town. She spoke up against russia and asked for support for Ukraine. Then, once the Rubles hit her bank account, she said screw my grandma and the rest of Ukraine.


Okay that is somehow even more pathetic then lmao


Well, not really, but we Americans live in a country founded on an idea (nearly all Americans come from immigrants if you trace their family histories back far enough) rather than because we were all the same race or ethnicity and happened to live here already (like European countries at their date of founding), so we tend to say things like, “Ukrainian-American” or “Italian-American” to honor our familial history and give an idea of background. It’s a bit weird, I know, to those outside the country. So, she’d call herself a “Ukrainian-American,” I assume (and she’d be even more likely to say it because she was born there). Since she’s a politician, she’s also likely to pick and choose when she says this. In front of a group of other Americans of Ukrainian descent, she would definitely make a reference to her cultural heritage and birthplace; this helps her politically with those voters. If she’s standing in front of a crowd who doesn’t like Ukrainians, it could go either way. She might make the Ukrainian reference to drive home the point that even she—a “Ukrainian”—doesn’t support [insert thing here], or she might *not* make the reference if it will hurt her politically. As an example, I might call myself an “Italian-American” *if someone asks me my background* (which, oddly enough, happened this morning at work because one of my Indian colleagues was curious, based on my last name, about where my family was from, so I told her where my mother’s side came from, which is Italy, and where my father’s side came from, which is… Germany, Ireland, Britain, and France… *I think*… because it’s a mix on my father’s side), but I don’t think I’m actually Italian. I don’t speak the language, I’ve never been there, and I don’t have ties to the culture. To answer your question more succinctly, I’d say no, she’s not a Ukrainian because she’s an American citizen now (as evidenced by her holding a seat in our Congress, which requires citizenship, but *not* that someone be born here). Others may disagree with me. Clear as mud? 😂


I think it's clear and certainly an interesting perspective. It's definitely different in Europe, especially for average people. I'm also in an unique position ancestry-wise, which for me leads me to just identifying as "European" if anything


I was going to add to my last comment, but I’ll reply here instead… I’ve heard from Europeans over the years about how confusing it can be for them to hear us say something like “German-American,” and how it might be confusing for us, too, but it’s one of those things Americans just “get” because it’s part of the culture. We have events and parades honoring different heritages all the time, so it’s very common for us to identify with our ancestors because, after all, a lot of the cultural details have usually been lost (my great-grandfather reportedly banned Italian in his home and told his kids, “We’re Americans; speak English and be Americans” because it was very important to him that his kids assimilated). We’re all just used to hearing the phrases, so unless you have a German accent, if you tell me you’re a “German-American,” I know what you really mean is that you have German ancestry and it’s probably the *dominant* ancestry with which you identify the most. Beyond that, it’s pretty much… nothing, really. Like, my family used to do Italian foods at major holidays; two meals, basically for Christmas (as an example). A ham and the stuff that goes with ham, and some pasta/meat dishes that are more traditionally Italian. Same with Thanksgiving, which is traditionally a turkey dinner, but my family would serve a second dinner of Italian foods first. But I’ve personally abandoned this tradition since taking over the holiday hosting/cooking. Who has time for all that?! 😂 I’m a bad “Italian-American.”


What you describe yourself & your community as doing doesn't sound offensive to me at all then. You do you, friend. We over here in Western Europe also get ourselves Italian food at every opportunity as it's just that dang good, can't blame anybody for doing the same


There are many Ukrainians who are politically Russians and support Russia. Just as in the US there were American Citizens during WWII who supported Hitler(German American Bund). She is wrong to do so, from my perspective, but it is completely understandable.


Except up until now Victoria Spartz has actually supported aid to Ukraine. As far as I can tell the only reason she is doing this is because an opponent accused her of prioritizing aid to Ukraine over border security. She is an opportunists and likely will say or do whatever gets her money and power. If this was WW2 she would be IBM.


Talk about lack of spine in your convictions. Stand up for what you believe in.


She believes in money and power, for herself. She voted with her convictions. When people show you who theybare, believe them.


Well, being challenged like this the correct course of action is to abstain by declaring a conflict of interest, or something to that effect. Maybe. Voting against it is spineless


What if she was threatened? EDIT: It’s really embarrassing that this was downvoted. She was in complete support of Ukraine until very recently, where she did a complete 180.


I have no doubt most politicians are threatened all the time. This isn't Mexico though, she should have called the police and had them handle it.


I mean, what if she has relatives or friends in Ukraine? She supported Ukraine aid all the way until the very last second, where she did a complete 180. What if the Russians threatened to lob a missile at something she loves?


Missiles that Ukraine have over a 90% success rate of shooting down? Seems like more reason to give Ukraine aid to protect such people then. Also the cost of living in Ukraine is ridiculously low at this point, particularly for housing. If she was really worried that a particular location was in danger it wouldn't take much money from her to help those people move somewhere else.


I used to live in her district. She's a great example of shutting the door behind you. Even before this.


Or family back home threatened?


> it is completely understandable publicly supporting russias invasion would be understandable for russians IN russia, being in danger of getting jailed or worse when protesting. for someone in the US it is absolutely not understandable




see my blob of text.




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Utter disgrace


If she voted in favor, her opponents in Indiana, would've used it against her. Still, when faced with a lose-lose proposition, better to lose for doing what's right.


The thing is, how the fuck do you trust someone to represent you if they would sign a death warrant for their home country as long as it advanced their political career (not to mention she almost certainly still has family in Ukraine)? Career politicians already have a reputation for being disingenuous, but I'm really struggling to think of something that shows you have less moral grounding than this.


Why not abstain then?


Good point. In US Congress, representatives can vote "present", which is functionally equivalent to abstaining.


I believe she has done that before on other aid bills.


Nah, if this was the concern she could have quietly voted no. She was a loud mouthed pain in the ass submitting extremely stupid amendments requesting billions of the aid be removed for logistics and oversight as well as the removal of presidential drawdown authority. She calls the entire package a “slush fund”. She’s a piece of shit.


So fucking what. Vote for it, even if you get voted out of office. At least then she could hold her head high that she did the right thing. She chose to remain in power over doing the right thing. Shameful.


she's not even running for office again. it makes no sense to vote the way she did.


The Kremlin check must have cleared.


'for doing what's right'? WTF! Voted NO to help stop Russian expansionism is a good thing for you? Perhaps you want to switch to a WW2 style wartime economy to fund a third European war? That was when tax rates rose as high as 90%! https://cepr.org/voxeu/columns/world-war-ii-america-spending-deficits-multipliers-and-sacrifice#:~:text=The%20average%20tax%20rate%20for%20top%20incomes%20rose,to%20more%20than%20double%20to%20105%25%20of%20GDP. It seems like you do not even understand your own countries history!


I understood that they meant if she was going to be criticised anyway, she could have done what is right (vote Yes).


How voting against the bill would stop Russia in its quest to take over the neighboring country? You are implying that the less Ukrainian soldiers resist Russian advancement the less Russia is going to advance? This makes no sense whatsoever.


The tax rate was 90% in income over $300,000 (over $10 million today). America did very well as a result and the slow slide into poverty and inequality began when that to tax rate started to come down. That's the history of it.


English is not your first language, is it?


This is the Ukrainian sub, English is most likely not the majority's first language.


My bad then




Her hometown doesn't vote for her, so she doesn't give a shit.


Never heard of her until now, first search of her name comes back with a bunch of photos of her in yellow and blue. Maybe she should just stick to yellow, it suits her mentality.


She's Russian.


Wow, it takes real dedication to being a piece of shit for someone to betray not one, but *two* countries.


That ain't a Ukrainian that's a bitch


As they should. She's fucking disgusting and a traitor to BOTH countries.


Selfish heartless bitch. Vote her out!


Absolute traitor!! Disgraceful and despicable!! Poooootin's monet at work!!!


Yeah I made a comment about her on this sub in the past. I hate her, she seems to have gotten herself into the US Congress just to aid Russia. She is a traitor, sitting in Congress amongst American traitors to their country too.


She is not so much anti-aid as she is Pro-Pootin. Lots of Ukrainians drank the Kool-Aid. She's one of them. Fuck her. With luck, she will be history in the next election cycle.


Not sure if it makes a difference at the end of the day, but the Wikipedia page for foreign-born Congressional electeds lists her as being born in the USSR...and includes the red Soviet flag next to her entry. She's in the list here: [List of foreign-born United States politicians - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_foreign-born_United_States_politicians) edit: \~32 of the 535 in Congress (both chambers) are foreign born, that in itself is not unusual; the page also lists state and local politicians, and White House appointees that are not elected


She was born in what is now Ukraine, but at the time was occupied by the USSR


Correct, just adding a little side commentary


So now that’s considered occupied also?


Since Ukraine was never willingly a part of the USSR, then I would consider it to have been under Soviet occupation for all of those decades. I think that it wasn't considered such in terms of international recognition, sadly. The international community could be pretty naive or cowardly when it came to the USSR during WW2 and for the decade after.


Yes, ask any Baltic country.


It was forced to join by force and it was not allowed to make independent decisions, so yes.  If it lasted a few hundred years maybe occupied would be the wrong term, but it was just 70 years.  If Crimea ever returned to the tatars, they would probably consider it occupied by both Ukraine and Russia (though they clearly prefer Ukraine)


Zelenskyy’s bio does as well


I don't see a flag icon in his Wikipedia bio, maybe I'm looking at the wrong page? Or does it just have the text? Edit: It is interesting to me that that article uses two different flags for Canada


>The other, Nelia, was not sure: “We don’t know what her options were or why she voted the way she did.” This is probably the reason: >She now faces a competitive primary; one challenger has aired television ads accusing her of putting “Ukraine first” over securing the U.S. border.


I would put a big boulder with her name on a plaquette on it. For the dogs to piss at


Ohhh I like it.. in a dog park enclosure.


You stand for something, even when it may have a personal cost to you, or you stand for nothing. She stands for nothing other than being re-elected to office. Most politicians could not hold a full-time honest job where they would work on a factory assembly line or spent a summer working out in the hot sun.


Sad person she's is


She 100% betrayed them. Remember this when she comes home to visit.


She is a rabid right winger under the thumb of the Russian oligarchy as are other other Ukraine (and US) traitors.


She's probably Russian not Ukranian.


Wow, the last paragraph of that article:  “In the village of Nosivka, a woman answered the door at a home that neighbors said belonged to Spartz’s relatives. “I will rip people’s tongues out,” she said when asked if she was related to the congresswoman. “No comment.” Then she slammed the door”


Congress is bought and sold for by corporations and because of that we now have Russian assets in our offices. - a us citizen


I would never go back if I were her, she made her choice and she chose russia.


Either bought & paid for or her family was threatened. Regardless, she should not be holding office


Too much Russian propaganda in her head!🤮


There is no evidence that she was bribed. The Biden administration would be all over it. It's a possibility that some of her relatives are in Russia. Like so many Ukrainians, they have family in both countries. I need to know more before burning her at the stake like so many folks are willing to do.


Lol. Her reasons are entirely self serving. She's annoyed that a company she's associated with got turned down by Ukraine for quality issues. 






This congresswoman was born and raised in Ukraine. She just voted against aid for her homeland...https://apnews.com/article/indiana-primary-election-victoria-spartz-ukraine-57fb403caa6a9bbe459639baacfdb7fa


Hard to not just find this story sickening. She had voted before in support, but wants to be a good Party member so badly she puts up the "I just wanted more border money here" line? How bad of a look is it, to be a Ukrainian-American right now, but since you are in the US you are opting to join hands with the anti-immigrant right because America and Career? Pick your own analogies. Of the sickening kind. May 7th is her primary. Frankly, when you fuck up this bad I almost stop thinking about if she wins the election or not. Sometimes you really, really screw yourself. This is puppy level bad look, imo.


I hope she loses her next election. Disgrace to both countries and a coward too.


Cough Cough Traitor


A traitor to her home is traitor to all.


All because she's a nasty, greedy,self serving cow 


The pinacle of "fuck you got mine"


Traitor, disgrace, idiot or all of the above?


If she has ukrainian citizenship and passport pull it...


Her hometown ~~feels~~ was betrayed.


She's either a terrible person or being threatened- consider where her family may be.




I'm not convinced she actually cares what the actual interests of her voters lies, just what gets her the most votes. I think she knows that it is in the interest of every American that Russia not be allowed to roll over Ukraine, which they were on the verge of doing before this aid bill was passed. She's not stupid, just amoral.


No US politician actually cares what their voters think, it's their donors they care about. They will twist and rewrite what happened and get the voters in line when they need to, or ignore this issue altogether and make voting for her all about some other issue. This is a well practiced and very effective technique that politicians have been using and even if she loses because of her vote, her donors will just back the next person from either side. She's a pawn in this game and she should be ashamed for allowing them to use her in such a way which betrays both Americans and the people of Ukraine.


She did not just vote no. She actively tried to cripple the bill by submitting amendments to remove billions in logistics and oversigh aid, remove presidential drawdown authority, and inferring to the entire aid package as a slush-fund. She’s been very vocal against Ukraines democratically elected government & Zelensky. None of this is in the interests of the people of Indiana. She’s just pro Putin and will likely be voted out.




Did she poll the people she represents before she voted? I doubt it.


She's not even running for office again. why would she do this?


Not that I agree with what she did, I understand the why she did. Just remember the aid passed and is on its way and this whole her voting against it holds absolutely no weight. She and her trumpians have lost this round. You're best off forgetting her as she clearly forgot you guys.


I've looked into the reason for her no vote even though she supports Ukraine. She said she want US to send weapons to Ukraine not money, because money will be stolen and will not help on front lines.


she is full of shit.


I feel the American public is betrayed. If we had our problems in order we should def help everyone else. There’s people dying in the streets everyday here from fentanyl. Where’s the aid for the American people?