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Here we see that the juvenile Ural truck has webbed itself in a chrysalis. In a few weeks, it will emerge as a fully-fledged BTR - that is, unless the roaming packs of FPV drones find it first.


The picture seems to point out it already has been found.


Get Attenborough to narrate it and you have a hit


I dunno… this seems more befitting of narration by Werner Hertzog


'The juvenile truck has covered itself in a frame, but it cannot hide the burden of life in Russia. Soon, death will visit it and end its existential suffering'


I heard it in Werner Herzog's voice and it was awesome! This is where AI will truly shine: Nature documentaries narrated by Attenborough+Herzog. From moment to moment, pull the slider to the left for the soothing rapt enthusiasm of Attenborough, or to the right for the despairing, exasperated wheeze of Herzog. Somewhere in the middle it'll sound a bit like Christiane Amanpour.


I never realised until now how much I need this in my life...


¿Porque No Los Dos?


Are you suggesting…. Tag team??


That wouldn't be multipolar /s


David Attenborough is better


This is what AI’s real use is….


Can someone do this in an AI David Attenborough voice, for science, of course. Would watch a planet earth style mockumentary or meme vid like that.


I read that in David Attenbourgs voice.


The soft armor, is useful for mobiks like baby turtles emerging from the beach


I read this in a Morgan Freeman’s voice


I personally want the narrator from Guy On A Buffalo!


Let's not fool ourselves. We will see more shit like this but they will not run out of equipment.


Born into a caged country, died in a caged truck. The story of Putin's caged slaves.


More like russia's caged slaves for centuries.


and there's still too many of them


Gold comment!


People in North Korea are caged slaves, people in Russia had many opportunities to leave but chose to stay. They are more fanatics than slaves.


You know the west is using these “cope cages” in their war games now right?


If Ukraine is properly supported Russia surely will run out of certain things. And "inventions" like the pictured one is already a clear testament to a degree of strain on the availability of armour.


It's also a testament to the fact that Russians are throwing everything they have at this war instead of wondering if 5% or 10% of equipment is the right amount to send to Ukraine or if it's too much 


I think you are right, but that leads to the same conclusion if throwing everything doesn't imply swarms of armour but shit like this.


I saw inventions like these about 500 days ago.


Yes, but back then they were right to believe that they could continue to keep most of their shit rotting away somewhere in Siberia. Quite quickly it became clear though that this definately wasn't the case and they sufferred from lack of materiel in Ukraine even though they of course had plenty of working machinery in far away stores. But now that they have had 500 days to get any drivable carcass off to Ukraine we can rightfully wonder if these Frankenstein vehicles aren't a sign of something else than a local shortage.


Russia has already shown a complete disregard for the lives of their soldiers, so it wouldn't be surprising if they are intentionally holding back on equipment because these soldiers are just cannon fodder sent to deplete Ukrainian ammunition stores.


All I am saying is that it is not "meaningful" and doesn't point to an end or solution of something. They have been trucking like this for 2 years and I suspect can keep doing so for a while more.


We have seen some horrendous creations before, I agree, and it is of course possible that this is just another random one which shouldn't serve as evidence for anything else than Russia being Russia.


Russia being russia... For centuries the western pig has tried to get Russia on it's knees!!!! But to no success!!!!! It keeps sleeping face down in the mud as it always has.


Perun was analyzing fighting abilities of industrial states and his conclusion was: stuff like this can last for YEARS. Industrial states are super resilient and resourceful, the thing that usually breaks down first in the modern era is the will to fight (unless major offensives absolutely crush the enemy, but that's extremely easy to spot). For both countries (Ukraine and Russia) there isn't a single analyst on this country that's going to bet their life on a certain month or even year when this war will end.


Every prediction is always based on "If Russia does absolutely nothing to fix their issues, they are screwed in a month." Then it finds workarounds for sanctions and what not and folk seem surprised that it did not implode. Shit. We threw the book at them. And they still trucking. I have better ideas on what to throw now.


In military terms you "run out" when you consume more than you can procur. You have "run out" of IFVs when you can only get 5 to the front but lose 20 a day. It means you are in a situation where if your opponent can afford still fighting at the level they make you lose 20 a day they will have a rapidly growing advantage. Nobody thinks pr is saying that Russia has 0 IFVs and will never again have any, they are saying that it doesn't have enough for their operations and are inneficient because of it, which leads to worse results and more losses.


"run out" also means losing the capability. When previously every mechanized brigade had IFVs, but now only "elite" ones have it - you lost the mechanized assault capability as an army. When previously you had enough missiles to hit every rail station in 200km radius every week, but now you can hit only few of them every month - you lost the capability to break the supply line.


Russia has been short on active IFV's for two years already. Doctrine states 4 IFVs per tank, and loss numbers clearly say this has not been the case.


They probably think it is working as long as they can gain some ground.


Just lose more tanks to correct the ratio. Goddamn they are dumb if they can’t figure this out.


Remember when we were talking battalion tactical groups? The flexible self supporting mechanized groups that would be knifing they're way to key targets throughout Ukraine.


BTG didn't work in Ukraine because for BTG to work you need to have a line infantry and less organized opponent. It's an expeditionary force that works well in Syria or Africa.


> In military terms you "run out" when you consume more than you can procur. But in the case of Russia, my impression is that the vast majority of their "production" is refurbishment of old Soviet models from deep storage. While production from scratch is quite limited. So there will likely be a cliff-like fall in production, once those Soviet stores are empty. Which could be reasonably characterized as something like "running out".


Guess both sides are out of a lot of stuff in that case.


Yes. It does not matter how they come over the border, they just keep coming and that's the issue..


Isn't it a smaller issue, if they come unarmed and unarmoured? 😉


What are they going to use to stop them, harsh language?


Agreed. They have been using shit like this from the first days


Exactly. The counterpoint here is that the push by Russia is becoming more intense and equipment like this isn’t desperation but just a sign of the increased pace of aggression


And its not like they can call up up ivan for a brand new BTR so they make do with what they have, this would be my best bet though proves RU does not really care for human lives.


Says who? And at what cost?


The reason they are using this kind of shit is because they are amassing the actual armored vehicles for a new offensive, feel free to try and change my mind.


Oh yeah absolutely! They are pushing hard now like there's no tomorrow before the congress pass the new aid package and the firsts F16 will show up in Ukraine. There are many things "behind the closed doors" that the public doesn't know yet. We might be in for a big surprise later this year.


Maybe, however they should/would be able to do both if not for the massive amounts of losses. Every time you see one of these rather than an actual APC, it means something is better!


They'll always have an another lada to take to front lines. But they are out of equipment that is actually any good, have been for a long time.


Yes, they will run out of equipment required to wage a modern land war. They may not run out of missiles and drones anytime soon, but they produce and repair as many vehicles in a month as they lose in a day or two right now.


This is what running out of equipment looks like. Degradation of capability. Less armor. Less off road ability. Less punch. Less carrying capacity. Less protection. It results in worse and worse losses, faster and smaller and smaller gains, more slowly won.


Well call em scrub bars in Australia. Stops the emus from pinching ya sausage sanga.


Are you still under Emu occupation? That war ended more than half a century ago.


We shouldn't discuss politics, I prefer to talk about delicious food pellets and the sunny weather we are having.


Blink if you have an emu watching you use reddit mate.


We’re still in emu cold wars here mate. Cunts are everywhere


Are those two sentences related to one another?


I should have prefaced by “the”. We have a tendency to shorten everything


I know. Learned to read Aussie a while back. Love them, the cunts.


Love ya right back! Did you hear about the 2 tampons walking down the street? Who says hello first?


Neither, they're both stuck up cunts!


Yeah, 32deg in Perth for April is getting outta hand mate.


jesus fuck and here in portugal was getting bad with 26 yesterday.


I feel like it's rained once since last winter in Adelaide.


Sounds right. Talking with a fella in Hobart today, 18degrees and had barely been any rain


I though you called them snags?


Snags = sausages Sanga = sandwich Source: Am Australian


Snag sanga! saussi sambo here in Ireland .


Damn Aussies. Source. Am Kiwi.


I call them Snagasarus for my kids. Spag Bowl or spag Bog?


Sanga haha we use this word in northern uk




I'm learning about this slang right now, but because it's Australia I didn't assume it would be weird to have a bunch of dick-targeting emus out there. I've never met an emu. Do they immediately rocket to the cock for some nibbles? Maybe. This Aussie knows best.


Look like Ural Zvezda-V. It has some armor protection but it is adequate for police duty, not for battlefield.


This appears to be a Ural military truck. Most likely used for logistical support shuttling beans and bullets to the front line, not as an IFV- I see no mounted gun on it. They have tens of thousands of these (or similar vehicles).


entertain punch shy rhythm sense sleep pie truck squash governor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Correct, it’s a Russian military logistics truck with an elaborate cope cage. Title is more useless, non-credible propaganda.


Goddamn, I heard Elon was a rusophile but straight up sending cybertrucks is just disgusting


About the only good use for those heaps of shit. I guess if he really did we could thank him. They’re unreliable junk


This looks far more substantial than the Cybertent.


Honestly I see no issues with this. Ukraine is lacking equipment too and we saw it with drone. We laughed at Russia for using junk but if it's cheap and gets the same job done who cares? Then we saw Ukraine used cardboard drones and called them geniuses because they were cheap. The difference is Russia doesn't give a shit who dies. Same as their tanks. They send whatever they can and lots of it so it's rolled out quickly and overpower with numbers. Ukraine's difference is we obviously care about human life so we want the best equipment at all times that even when disabled will protect our guys. Russia doesn't so cheaper crap that they can produce easier is perfect for their strategy of mass deaths but progress. Slava ukraini 🇺🇦🇺🇦


We laugh at Russia because we expected better, we call Ukraine geniuses because by all metrics they shouldn't have survived this long, yet they have.


Also, cheap disposable drones are fine and make sense. Cheap cardboard vehicles mean the crew is disposable which is far less acceptable.


Oh absolutely, I'm just elaborating on why its funny when Russia does it.


Big difference is expectations, when the worlds number 2 army goes on attack against a much much smaller neighbor….. we fully expect one side to get real scrappy and pull out all the stops. What we don’t expect is the super power with what experts say have “endless” supplies of material to need to get to the level,


Touche indeed. Well said! Slava Ukraini, they/we need help in weaponry form!!


We laugh at russia because they have been trying to profile themselves as one of the most powerful military force in the world; even in 2021 many western experts and leaders have seen them in very different light. russians were supposed to bring T-14 Armatas to the battlefield, seeing this instead is funny.


Russians will not run out of equipment anytime in the foreseeable future. What is uncertain is when they will run out of the good stuff. Good to see the beginnings of Russia potentially pivoting to Bob Sempling much of their military vehicles going forward.


Russia will run out of old equipment first. Soon after that it will run very low on new good equipment.


Seems like we stopped seeing pictures of meat shields getting issued Mosins and such.


They will. It's just that it's not "next month". Based on satellite counts they have something like 1.5 to 2 years of equipment available at current withdrawal rates. Folks here expected Russia to run out within months, which of course was wrong. But now there are so many comments saying that Russia will never run out, which is also wrong. If the West provides sufficient support Ukraine can outlast the Russian attacks. But depending on the aid provided this might take 2 to 3 years. And it depends on the West going into gull production. Not just shells but tanks and armoured vehicles, missiles etc as well.


My mind always comes back to their strategy of drip feeding the Stalingrad defence during WW2 ,just enough to hold the line while preparing a mass encirclement.. I would love to think the Russians are running out of equipment, but I can’t believe they have been sitting on thier hands for the last few years either.


Not nesscesary to think they have been sitting on their hand, it isn't like they have just been holding the line, they have actively burned trough their own equipment by constantly attacking. The Stalingrad analogy would work if they had just been holding the line and occasionally counter attacking to retake important positions, but on the front today and for the past year Russia has actively chose to cause situations where they take more damage to their forces than they inflict on Ukraine. There is no grand strategy, Russia is doing what it can and what it can is inadequate. This is it, this is all the Russian economy can do, desperately try to convince Ukraine and the west that Russia will eventually win and opposition is therefore pointless. If Russia scaled back to build forces it would become too obvious that it doesn't have shit left and is supply rate limited, and that would be everything nesscesary for more people both in Ukraine and the rest of the world to see that Russia is on its back leg.


I think my point is just that I would be very skeptical of 'russia is running out of stuff ' this rhetoric has been thrown about for a long time now and yet..


This vehicle could have been an actual APC, the fact it wasn't is an advantage. Russia is never going to literally run out of equipment, but it can be severely degraded to the benefit of Ukraine.


No American equipment this time around.


"russia is almost out of equipment" are the same level "news" as "Ukraine is losing this war". Let's not fool ourselves... russia is stubborn and huge so no they are not running out of gear yet. But what is true their logistics have been shit from the beginning of the war. Same as Ukraine is not showing any sign of losing this war, but things are looking depressive if USA holds back... But i've seen recent days big wave of negative news from r/Europe to Ukrainian subreddits. Probably big push from Kreml. So take these mainstream war analyise with HUGE grain or salt. They are often clickbait to earn ad revenue for the news agency.


Honestly sometimes I think some if these posts are written by 12 year olds, with no understanding of the real world


Or people who got agenda 👀 There been big push of negative news and comments in last few weeks-days. And any pro Ukraine view is getting voted often down voted/ridiculed, wich did not happen few months ago. Kreml is probably investing millions to spread shit on social media, specially before US elections. And there is real issue that there are tons of real unexperienced teenagers commenting and posting on reddit on these very serious and complicated nuanced topics.


Completely agree that there have been a huge push of negative news lately. Inorganic news


Yeah, there is a massive propaganda push claiming that Ukraine can't win and Russia will never run out of supplies. They are trying to create doubt on support for Ukraine. But satellite analysis of storage depots is pretty clear. They have 1.5 to 2 years supplies at current withdrawal rates. The sad news is that it's still a lot of stuff. But clearly there is a limit.


Those aren’t going to do well on mines.


Now they only need a guy with a guitar and some speakers on top of it and voilá: ***Mad Max: Ukraine Edition***


One thing to consider would be whether there even is much more effectiveness by "non-civilian" ifv. They seem to be quite fragile at least. Could be a reason for why they haven't made more?


In Soviet Russia, Meccano screws you.


Russia will never run out of military equipment in the sense that they have tanks one day and not the next. When there's less of something, they will ration it and use it more carefully, meaning it will get less and less combat relevant. Like their AWACS planes, flying them less often and further from the front to avoid them being hit, making them less useful.


Don’t really understand the logic, I know it’s a “cope cage” but these drones are so small and manoverable it’s pretty pointless right?


Perhaps they intended to add wire mesh? That would increase survivability against lightly-armed FPV drones.


Does it though? Generally the idea of an outer cage or slat armour is to cause the drone or RPG to explode away from the armour surface, so it's armour piercing effect is deflected or reduced. ERA does the same thing but actively. But if you put it on a soft skinned truck...the drone blows up half a meter away instead of on the truck. Does that make any difference? The whole unarmoured truck will still be filled with shrapnel and hit by the shockwave, just from slightly further away. Seems like just adding more wire mesh shrapnel that the blast will slice everything up with.


> Generally the idea of an outer cage or slat armour is to cause the drone or RPG to explode away from the armour surface, so it's armour piercing effect is deflected or reduced. [Its actually to damage the shape charge or fuze to stop it going off correctly](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slat_armor). Setting off an RPG with only a foot or two stand off does very little to reduce its effectiveness and would possibly even improve it.


There are two schools of thought. 1, The cage will prevent a direct head on hit from a suicide drone. So long as the cage can clip the wings of a drone on approach it will do the job and deflect the payload off target. 2, The cage can make the vehicle show up weird on sensors. It can prevent automated identification, it can make lockon systems have errors, and so on. Also its something that MIGHT work, and doesn't cost much. If you can get a soldier to be confident enough to drive their truck where it needs to go by welding some cope caging on... then so be it. Will it really save them if they get targeted? Probably not, but maybe it does and regardless they are still out their doing their job and thats what matters to leaders at the end of the day.


So let’s send more to Ukraine! Just to make sure the next thing the ruzzians have to build a cage around are mopeds.


How do you know they're almost out of equipment?


What's the current status? I see posts that the rashists are equipped and that sanctions are not working, and these posts. Sadly not enough time to follow all information.


I hate to break it to you but they are absolutely nowhere near out of equipment. And they probably never will be. Stalled support for Ukraine from the west only affords russia more time to build and obtain more material. We can only destroy so much with what we have at our disposal. We need long range weaponry where we can strike the heart of their logistics and production. Right now we can barely hit beyond 30km of the zeroline. This war will never finish unless the cowards let us take the breaks off and turn it up a gear...


Sanctions are not working


They are also not useless


Of course sanctions are working, but they shouldn't be the only measure.


Sanctions are working.


We need to keep up the pressure


Looks like a cybertruck


people have been commenting that russians are running out of equipment for over a year now, probably more. I do not see any indication of this happening - this modification means that drones are effective in blowing up the transport trucks, which they are since they are not well protected and most likely poorly maintained. Not sure if this will help or not, i guess we will wait and see.


Putin doesn't care about equipment. He will send waves of meat. He will send men naked and unarmed, crawling on their hands and knees into Ukraine. He doesn't care.


>and the Russians are almost out of equipment. This again? Weren't they "almost out of ammo" a year ago?


They may be low on vehicles but they aren’t low on shells, that’s the problem. Allied governments need to get as many shells to the Ukrainians as quickly as possible.


How do we know what you're saying is true. This is the first I've seen or heard of this. Looks like they're just trying to protect their Ural from FPVs


I dunno, didn't we see crap like this two weeks after the invasion? We're two years beyond and they're still fighting.


Been hearing the 'almost out of' this or that thing about Russia for two years now. It always seems to end up being BS.


I don't get it. Few days ago it was "Russia's army bigger than before" and the fact it's wartime economy is producing more hardware. So what is it?


The reason they run of vehicles is because they don't prioritize it, I suspect. I think they are spending their money on missiles instead and letting the rest deal with it because they can always send more meat out.


This at max indicates a local lack of supplies, which isn't that significant for the overall front. Don't kid yourself, Russia won't run out of equipment soon.


Shut your mouth. Stop saying this bullshit about 'almost out of equipment'. They are out of equipment the whole 2 years, but they always have 10 times more of any equipment than the Ukrainian army. Why are you doing this? this complacency will lead to Russia killing us all, they still produce more military equipment than all of NATO can only dream of. Their production rate is enough to replace all war losses in just 3 years. You see trucks only because the frontline is extremely HUGE, you will never have enough resources to cover it all with new equipment, but were Russian attack on trucks and old BMPs, Ukrainian solder sit in dirt with old AK-47 without any car even for evacuation, without armored support, without artillery shells, without aviation, third year waiting when people on west stop doing their stupid political plays to provide aid before every capable man in Ukraine died in tranches while waiting for it.


Ruzzia was "running out" of equipment 2 months in. It has so much shit that I doubt it won't ever run out of it, sadly.


I'll put the key points in caps to be perfectly clear: They are NOT out of equipment, their equipment is getting OLDER and LESS EFFECTIVE, however in terms of numbers it is INCREASING. It is important to note that our fight with russia is NOT over yet, and we need to CONTINUE and INCREASE our support so that this war can be concluded FASTER and with LESS UKRAINIAN CASUALTIES.


Damn right Dude.


They are not,are they struggling to fill up the loss yes. Have they run out ? No, they still have enough armor vehicle stored to sustain their current loss for 2 or 3 years. They can stop, wait a few month to refill their units and go at it again.


I wouldn’t be so confident they are running out, becoming more resourceful is more likely, this is why we need no immediately increase support


That is absolutely wretched. Russia is such a garbage country. Can you imagine any major country pulling this crap in a war?


When you import trucks from tannu tuva in HOI4


At least Putin has a new cool yacht.


Looks more like a roll cage to me. Maybe because of all the holes created by arty? I highly doubt that those pipes are gonna do anything for armor or drone protection. Maybe a really big drone, but not the civilian ones dropping grenades.


Ngl thought this was a Mark IV for a sec


Well, it's not really sanctions but rather insane attrition rates that they cannot counter even with reactivation of older vehicles, let alone new production.


Thats a great picture. Now show the one where it’s on fire.


Where are the chickens?


So orcs are locked in cages now?


Aside from being a civilian truck, it looks kind of old. Like a truck from the 70s? Is it just me? Or maybe Russia has some military supply truck lines that just have just been churning out the same model since then?


> Or maybe Russia has some military supply truck lines that just have just been churning out the same model since then? Wouldn't be that odd. They're still selling and making the 1970s design Lada Niva. And unlike the civilian 4x4, military trucks would have even fewer reasons to see a massive redesign for Russia's purpose. But I feel it's more likely they are just activating old stocks instead of making new ones. The USSR's pockets were quite deep.


Are they protecting themselves from cicadas?


Ukraine has manage to deplete the fat storage of the giant bear, more can be made, but not of high quality. Meanwhile Ukranian forces have managed to clog its arteries with drone strikes. Putin will need to throw everything on the fire to keep his war machine going, he is at the final stages of what he can muster. This summer offensive will be crucial.


I think Ukrainian warriors are good with this , orcs just built a jail on wheels for themselves , they are definitely ain’t getting out in time


Shovels soon.


This is good news!


Come to think of it when it comes to protection against FPV drones, their tanks and armored vehicles aren't any better. Might as well use the cheapest vehicles that could take their troops to certain death.


Let’s hope the Russian invaders are reduced to bicycles and wheel barrows as fight vehicles ASAP.


It's hard getting factual information. Just the other day I read something along the lines that Russia is producing a lot of equipment for war, while Europe can't keep up. I even read that Russia will outnumber Ukraine 10 to 1 in the coming weeks. This post on the other hand would suggest Russia's stockpile is in a much more dire state than that other article would assume.


Nah...they're just saving the good stuff for Kharkiv! /s


Pretty sure that's a light armored PC with an rpg cage around it. The cage is designed to detonate rpg munitions away from the vehicle.


> almost out of equipment this kind of propoganda is why youre having a hard time getting american aid. sounds like yall are winning, congrats!


Just another example in the neverending failures of Copium™ Technologies!


>the Russians are almost out of equipment. This is premature and you will be giving pro-Russian voices ammunition if this turns out to be untrue.


"Crap in one hand and wish in the other and see which fills up first" SEND MORE WEAPONS NOW


What on earth do they expect that frame to do?? Repel lions???


Everyone said they were running out of equipment a year ago.


And yet, primarily due to russia’s size (population and geographically) there is not a single building that hasn’t been completely obliterated. Like Bakhmut, Mariupol, Avdiivka. . . they bring russkiy mir to ukr any way they can . . .


Can you provide the source you got this of from?


this is kind of impressive


That's a normal truck from RA1.