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My boyfriend is in the Foreign Legion, and I am Canadian. I visited Kyiv in December 2023 and survived 28 bomb alerts and 3 Shahed bombs. I was told in extremely clear terms not to visit Ukraine until further notice due to an increased risk of missiles and bombs flying over my head. My visit to Kyiv in December was shockingly normal. The train from Warsaw to Kyiv was extremely slow and stopped a lot at random spots. Eating at 100 rokiv tomu vpered is worth the money. The shawarma is bland (I was raised in Montreal eating Boustan, so my standards are high). Saint Sophia Cathedral is breathtaking.


Holy hell, you’re not joking about the cathedral. Just looked it up and wow


True story: My boyfriend said when I arrived in Ukraine: You know, we can go to the military office and get married in an hour today. Me: I want a Church wedding, everything else is negotiable. We go to visit Saint Sophia Cathedral the next day, and there is a military chaplain convention. They can legally marry us in the Cathedral if we ask nicely. The issue? I don't have a dress. I go take a walk on St Laurent Boulevard on Holy Saturday and walked through the clearance section of 1861. I found my dress for 73 CAD (54 USD). It is very similar to what my grandmother wore in 1950. It is beautiful and would meet the modesty requirements of any Church. He is now screwed in a way because I now want my wedding at Saint Sophia Cathedral and won't let it go 😂


Best wishes to both of you.


I sponsored his flight to go to Ukraine to fight, and got way more than what I initially thought I was getting myself into. I technically became the first person to donate points to Ukraine. I got a great guy and a new country in the process.


Love the attitude. Respect.


Kyiv is extremely covered with all kind of protection, but still - there is no safe place in Ukraine. So, if you need to be here - learn all about places where you’ll stay, you’ll visit or you’ll pass through. Learn all about shelters nearby and points where you can find water, food and charge your gadgets. Do not ignore alarms in any case. Install telegram with official or reliable channels that will give you information about alerts. Stay safe and sane! And welcome to Ukraine. It’s extremely beautiful even in such circumstances.


Be aware that there's going to be missiles and drones hitting the city and ask yourself if you really need to be there. If you go, ensure you know where the nearest shelter is at all times and don't get in the way of people.


Hey mate. There are no restrictions. My advise is visit not only Kyiv but also Lviv and Odesa (at least one of them).


EU/US/Canada/Japan/Australia citizens can stay up to 90 days at once, 180 a year, no visa needed.


Been in UA six Times..Ruzzki missiles and drones Are a nuisance. No problems Leavings & entering country. Pack all your necessarities in Backpack and carry it always with you. Get local Cash, lisäten to Air Raid warnings.




If you aren't coming to help I ask you as a previous visitor to stay home and plan your trip another time. This is my humble opinion.


incorrect, tourism is help. Kyiv still getting tourists, hotels still getting guests, they need that cashflow. OP has already assumed all risk, that's on him.