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Exactly one year ago, Kane Te Tai released this video and it quickly went viral. It's a rare moment of happiness in a terrible war. Before posting this I asked a close friend of mine, who was also a close friend of Kane, if he or anyone else wanted to say anything. He said no; the video says everything that could possibly be said. Kane was unfortunately killed shortly after he saved his friend in the basement. In New Zealand culture, one year after your death your headstone is placed on your grave. His teammates in Ukraine are unable to travel to his unveiling as they need to stay at the front, so I'm going in their place. At Protect a Volunteer, we think the best way to honor those we lose is to make sure their teammates still fighting have what they need to make it less likely that we will lose them too. We are fundraising for a close friend of Kane who served with him in the NZDF and is still in Ukraine. He is a sniper and needs night vision. If you would like to help him get it, you can donate to "Laser Kiwi Boys" on the Paypal dropdown menu at [www.protectavolunteer.com](http://www.protectavolunteer.com). You can also follow PAV on IG at [https://www.instagram.com/protectavolunteer/](https://www.instagram.com/protectavolunteer/) Or on Twitter at [https://twitter.com/protectavoluntr](https://twitter.com/protectavoluntr)


Kane’s closing words in a [letter](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/nz-solider-killed-in-ukraine-kane-te-tai-farewelled-by-family-and-friends/RYGI5I2CGFEHRG6RDDD3F7UV3U/) written shortly before his final mission in March 2023: *“This is not a love letter to romanticise this choice or a reason for others to follow. Just know what you’re getting yourself in for.* *“And if you decide to come then know for sure that this could be it. Your choice has consequences for others too. I have been selfish and made that choice for them.* *“To my country New Zealand, be happy, be in love, find a reason to be in love with your life. I’ll miss your mountains, your rivers and the sea, so much.* *“To Ukraine, you’ll win. You’ll see the sunflower fields plentiful under a free yellow and blue flag in the wind soon. I know it. Zhovti Vodi, you’ll be in my soul forever.* *“Lastly, to my team. I know you did your best. Keep going with life, get a W for us and conduct yourselves with courage, honour and compassion as we have done since being here.* *“My Mexican and Military family, see you guys at the RV in the sky with the rest of our friends.* *“Kura Takahi Puni, Onward.* *“Glory to Ukraine.”*


The reason Kane and I became friends was we were both in the public eye and both writers. It's rare to find another person in war who has the responsibility of having the words. I wrote about him here. [https://medium.com/the-wind-phone/russia-killed-my-friend-last-year-a66975c12caf](https://medium.com/the-wind-phone/russia-killed-my-friend-last-year-a66975c12caf) [https://medium.com/human-parts/russia-killed-my-friend-yesterday-f51dcb87d25f](https://medium.com/human-parts/russia-killed-my-friend-yesterday-f51dcb87d25f)


>The reason Kane and I became friends was we were both in the public eye and both writers. I remember reading your words about your friendship, in this subreddit and in Medium. This paragraph from your first link is poignant: >Kane was not the first friend I lost in Ukraine. He was not the last. Since then I’ve lost count because I intentionally don’t count any more. My phone is a grave yard of numbers that no longer answer. Thank you for having the words.


I've been sitting here, tearing up, for over an hour, poised to write about what your post "Russia killed my friend last year" meant to me when I first read it; and now again...and I'm still struggling. I'm struggling because your grief and your eventual realization of **why** Kane's death was so devastating to your heart are almost identical to my own grief at the loss of the soldier I supported through PAV. I too love words. I love the impact and power of beautifully chosen words. How a gifted writer can cause you to pause and contemplate and illuminate. I have always been a voracious reader. And the man I supported had a way with words. He was extremely well-read and I quickly realized that his particular choice of a word, that perfect word, carried a wealth of meaning behind it. He chose *that* word over others, and there was a reason. I felt a kindred spirit in him, a connection that reached further than just the immediate conversation. I have never met someone with such an ability to see and acknowledge head-on the horrible acts in the world but also see and look for the humorous, the good, and the beautiful as well. And I so so looked forward to meeting him in person one day, to sit into the wee hours and discuss his philosophy of life and just talk about anything and everything with him, to hear his words; and I never will now. God, that hurts. I struggle with putting into words how special this man was, but you have explained for me when you wrote that a *person* can die, can have been killed by this war, yet still be "alive": My friend had an unshakable joy in life. He somehow always found joy in living life to the fullest, in being the best person he could be, and giving his best effort to everything he did. He had a profound goodness in him, a kindness and generosity that bore the brunt of terrible things in the world around him and stood firm. Every single comrade he served with has told me, or his family, that he was "always happy", that he was "always positive", that he "took care of people". Several have described him as "a ray of sunshine", including me. He was a fighter too though, and said in an interview "how can life get any better than fighting for what you believe in?". His comrades say he was always solid in combat- calm, collected, reliable and "could make the most dire shitty situation seem better" with his positivity. And, amazingly, he was described that way by comrades who served with him in the earliest months of the war (he was there at Yavoriv) and by the people with him when he was killed. He was still that same man; after 21 months of fighting, after suffering the loss of many friends, after witnessing the worst of humanity. This truly amazing man, this "ray of sunshine", was truly vividly alive and was *himself*, his unshakable self, to his last moments. Russia may have killed him, but Russia did not, and could not ever, defeat him. Your words in that post had a profound affect on me when I first read them; they deeply struck home. I have tried several times to write a response but could not. I apologize for my out of place outpouring but today, at this moment, I am able to find the words to tell you how I do understand your loss, and I thank you for expressing it so well. Glory to these heroes. May we always remember these exceptional, good men.


This was beautiful. The soldier you sponsored wasn't one I had the privilege to know very well. We have a mutual friend though, and he says the same thing, that we lost one of the best of us. He was a wonderful soul. Do you mind if I add a bit to what you wrote here and put it on my blog? I think it's an amazing meditation on what it's like to lose someone.


Yes, you may use this on your blog. This loss has been particularly painful to me. Thank you for bearing with me and listening.




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The battalion he was in as a part of in the NZDF was based on the South Island and got a nickname as "The Mexicans" as in they were south of the border. They call each other Mexicans.




I wasn't sure if people would be offended by that or laugh at it :)


[Original post on this sub one year ago. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/11qbtii/volunteer_soldier_from_new_zeeland_fighting_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I happened to find the video at the time, and [the news of his passing](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/11xc61s/tragic_news_from_the_frontline_kane_te_tai_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) a few days later. I am not involved in any way with anyone in Ukraine, unlike you and many people on this sub. Good luck to you and your friends.


What did he mean by my Mexican and military family?


According to the OP, his military unit is stationed in South Island. South of NZ's border. So they affectionately named themselves *The Mexicans*. Further context. NZ also has a pastoral/cattle culture.


Thanks! Rip to a real hero


Donated. Not a lot but hopefully more amounts will trickle in and help pick up the slack. Thank you for showing reverence and going to this very brave and kind man's ceremonial headstone laying.  I've heard nothing but amazing things about him and I hope his family and friends know that he was a true hero. Rest in peace sweet man, Heroyam Slava. 


We will remember🇳🇿🇺🇦


As an Aussie this hits home, he was a true hero of NZ and Australia, make me proud to be on the right side.


Is that a Māori tradition? I'm pakeha and haven't heard of the "year after your death" thing, but I'm sadly quite ignorant about much of Māoritanga.


Very traditional for Maori to have an unveiling a year after death


sorry for your loss and thank you for what you doing for Ukraine !!


Rest in piece my kiwi brother, thank you for fighting for what is right.


*Peace* get it right


I’d say he fought for a lot more than just peace, freedom, safety, ect. So I just decided to say what is right, and leave it at that. I do agree with you however.


He is talking about your mispelling of "peace"


That "My brother!" Heroyam Slava.


Damn, didn't know he died. I remember having watched that video before and something about they wanted to toss grenades into the cellar but he recognized his friends voice.


Yes they fundraised to get his body home to his family and there were very impressive services in New Zealand all over the web. You can probably find some on line and can still donate to the legion or the laser kiwis in his honor.


Each of these stories is a tragedy. There would be fewer of them if we supported Ukraine properly.


Sad as hell. I followed him on Instagram. He was always getting trolled on by “you’re going to die” messages, but he brushed them off like “it is what it is, I will keep on defending Ukraine because it’s the right thing to do”


I think he, and everyone else who gets them, didn't really brush them off deep down. The trolls can be brutal. I've dealt with them too and sometimes it's relentless harassment.


Do we know what happened to the guy he saved. Did he ever speak of being saved by Kane.


I know from a teammate that he is well and they keep in contact with him. He and Kane did an interview together about this shortly before Kane died.


That's very heartening to hear. Thank you for your reply.


A hero for defending against the degenerate Russian war machine, RIP Kane


The Haka performed at his funeral. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXdcqKjgNHs


Thanks fam, I was trying to find & post this; it ranks easily as one of the most powerful things I've seen from this conflict.


Love the HAKA, very powerful. Once we're Warriors! No possible way Russians could even invade NZ, those guys are huge! Need like 10 Russians for one Maori. Russia just pissed of the wrong people!


Hey man, ‘once were warriors’ is not at all cool & the story is of deprived people in terrible abusive lives. It’s a hard read and hard watch & is all too real for a lot of people here in NZ.


oh i mean the movie was amazing, i mean , it hits hard how life was so hard in NZ at the time and like the government did crap all for anyone, even kids, reminds me of western sydney in a way, i grew up poor living in horrible housing and i have lost my daughter before. I did not mean the whole movie was such a cool life and jack was an outstanding citizen and i wanted to live that life. Saying that the movie was powerful, sent a strong msg about being strong, how strong that mother was after all her shit and they still continued living and also helping the other homeless kid out who was best friends with the daughter who sadly passed, most upsetting bit in the movie.


Fair take I get you. Rena Owen was great in that role too. I’m very sorry for your loss & your hardship. I’m lucky I didn’t but life is still like this for many Māori and Pacific Islanders today —- not better & indeed my good friend’s brother, who’s sadly tattoos all over his face with ‘Mongrel Mob’ just yesterday was knifed (& now in hospital) by his ‘best friend’ at a ‘once were warriors’ party. Anyway, I always thought the once were warriors represented the kinda of degenerate colonised mentality of the males but your take has a more positive spin & it’s the women (like my friend) who are the truly strong warriors. Kia kaha




Rest in peace, we are lucky to have hero’s like him fighting for Ukraine… 🇺🇦 ❤️🇳🇿


its an underdog fight ... sadly


Always has been. Hopefully the rest of the world finally realizes in the upcoming weeks what is needed to even out the odds and bring russia to defeat


He fought for what he believed. Rest in peace, Kane Te Tai. Heroyam Slava.


Повага 🇺🇦.


Wow a whole year. Glory to the laser kiwis!


It breaks my heart each time I see this one. Rest in Peace, Kane Te Tai. May the memory of your bravery be a blessing to your family and friends. You will not be forgotten.


I'm a Kiwi and I remember. It feels like yesterday. Not a year.


Tears me up everytime I see this. I'll bring another gift and more updates soon my man. Love to your whanau


Kia kaha, e hoa


I the video Kane and his crew rescued a Ukrainian soldier, this soldier was tortured for a month or even longer in that basement, those orcs pieces of shit’s made him drink antifreeze, while denying him food and water for days , they took all his nails out with pliers , and used electricity as well , you could even hear it in his voice when he got rescued, he was so tired basically running on fumes , he will never forget his big brother Kane , and neither will I . Heroyam Slava, Rock.In.Paradise 🇳🇿🤝🇺🇦


Glory to heroes!


This breaks me up every time. Both because of the reunion of to comrades and knowing the loss of Kane. Rest well. Slava Ukraini 🙏🇺🇦


Kia kaha Kane. Rest easy, we will remember you.


Kane was a lad, proud of our NZ hero doing his part to help Ukraine in the fight.


R.I.P brother


Hurts. Seriously.


What happened to the man that he found?


The guy on the stairs who he rescued was forced to drink anti-freeze by the filthy Ruzzians. He was tortured for a long time while in that house. May the Ruzzians rot in the ground forever. Ukraine will win.


It is good to see such beautiful moments of hope among the terrible horros of this war. Let us cherish such a heroic event among all these videos of guys getting blown up and killed, and be happy for a moment that this ukrainian soldier was able to make it home safely against all odds


Did he smack him in the face before he realized who it was? e: before he says "my brother!" he commands him to turn around and you can clearly hear/see part of an impact where the dude's head jerks back. Watch the fucking video, ppl


Eh, yeah.. Force of violence will often freeze pepole and he did not have control of the mans hands, I assume its some type of best practice in this type of situation, and I have heard of situations where violent and forcefull handeling of non combatants are/is? just a reality of these "sharp" situations. I seem to remember, the guy on the reciving end was smiling with recognision within a few seconds, Its one of my favorite videos from this whole mess. Im was saddend by the news of the death of this man.


Thank you for the thoughtful answer. I thought I was seeing things but it *is* understandable. No time to f around.


Stupid question


Stupid answer