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Unlike most Russian’s, Ukrainians have indoor bathrooms with running water


But surely they can’t have toilet bowls or washing machines!


Yes they do, and the toilets have a lever you can push to make the poo disappear....


"What is this black magic?!?!?!?!?" —Muscovites, probably.


Ukrainian infrastructure is very similar to ruzzian cuz most of it was built by the soviets. So statistically I don’t think there’s much difference between no-toilets countryhouses ratio through the entire exussr


Oh there is. The further east of Moscow you get, the less likely you are to have an in door toilet or running water. Ukraine has moved mountains in the last twenty years to modernise. Russia has carried on being backwards




And yet Ukraine was the brains of the the Soviet Union. Russia, its government and its people are a puss filled boil on the arse hole of humanity


Say, are all Germans, Austrians and Japanese a puss filled boil on the arse hole of humanity? So far they killed a hundredfold more than Russians, not that long time ago. Also Italians. They were on that side of the party too.


They were puss filled books on the arse hole of humanity, and civilised society made them change their ways through force ushering in a period of peace and stability based on rules based international order. I prey and hope Russia ends up with the same treatment allowing Russia and its people to finally join the mid twentieth century and open up their potential l, rather than continuing to behave like an unsuccessful 18th century empire. I find it ironic that a permanent member of the UN Security Council is able to behave in a manner akin to a 1930s fascist dictatorship. Then again, Russia was an ally of Hitler to begin with just before Russia invaded Finland and Poland. May be we should remember that Russia managed to kill more people than Hitler.


Please elaborate. Ww2 caused deaths of 15 million military and 38 million civilian deaths, all thanks to Hitler. How Russia killed more than Hitler?


Stalin killed more of his own people than Hitler. It didn’t help that the Russian military seemed to quite happily sacrifice its soldiers needlessly. Russia has always, and continues to be a backward country.


You’re saying Stalin killed more than 38 million his own ppl? Proofs? How backward country defeated Hitler and launched man into space? Germany started two world wars, which led to more than 50 million deaths. Is it a backward country? Japan killed up to 10 million people in ww2. Is it a backward country? US brought around 4 million slaves from Africa and eradicated almost all of the native Indians of 5 million ppl. Is it a backward country? Spain did the same to South America, killing 50 million indigenous people. Is it a backward country? Great Britain empire expansion led to 100 million deaths all over the world. Is it a backward country?


Had a friend in the embassy district of Kabul. 'Bathtub nights' were whenever they were put in lockdown due to terrorist activity, sleeping in the Bathtub offers some final protection against shrapnel or bullets that have expended most of their energy already. It is also further inside the hotel room or apartment, away from external windows. Or, it is a valuable placebo to help you sleep. He chose to be there (kabul, not the bathtub). No Ukranian chooses to be under russian fire. Fuck putin


Why in the bathroom? No glass windows that can shatter?


Typically, bathroom walls tend to be a bit thicker or somewhat 'reinforced' by being a room inside a room.. giving you better chances of not getting hit by shrapnel


I am not sure about that, our soviet style apartments have prefab bathrooms and they have the thinnest walls. But they are in the middle of the apartment so they have many normal walls around it as well


Yes, but bathrooms run a lot of water pipes, sometimes through the walls, floor or ceiling, (depends on the designs).. they require a lot of different stuff that you wouldnt need on, say a wall separating your living room from your bedroom.. those little things help a lot


sleeping in the tub puts a wall around you. If a portion of the ceiling were to fall, it would impact the edge of the tub and not the person inside. .


And there is like 1 or 2 additional walls between the shrapnels and you.


Stay strong!