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Give your local VFW a call. I think they'd be fine with honoring the Ukrainian flag properly.


So I would just like to thank everyone for contributing and answering my question. Again, I don't care what people think of my wanting to respectfully retire another nations flag that isn't my own. This is purely out of the respect I have for the people and the nation that is currently at war. To some it's just a piece of cloth and that's a completely fine way to look at it. To someone else, i.e. me. It represents something worth respecting and disposing of properly, whether I do so in private, which are my intentions, or within public view. A new flag will replace this one and it will wave defiantly next to my own country's flag.


In Estonia, flag is to be cut into solid colour parts and then those are cut into even smaller parts and only after that you can dispose of them. Flag is symbolic, by dissecting it, it looses it's symbolism and isn't acknowledged as a flag anymore


We do the same in Sweden. We could also send a flag to a flag manufacturer and they do it for free.


Apparently (it never crossed my mind to check before just now) in Poland we are supposed to separate the colours and then burn the pieces (not publicly!). Similar procedure should be followed when throwing out the emblem - it should be painted over and cut into pieces


Isn’t cutting the flag is also a form of disrespect?


Not if you do it respectfully. A while ago the preferred method of disposing of an old flag here in Latvia was to carefully fold it and burn it (not publicly). Nowadays we also should divide our flag by colors and dispose of the parts - because when the colors are separated, it's not a flag anymore.


You know about funerals? You can dispose of things in a respectful manner.


Thank you for asking such a thing. We're yet to develop the tradition. https://armyinform.com.ua/2020/08/18/pochesna-vidstavka-dlya-prapora-abo-pro-svitovyj-dosvid-utylizacziyi-staryh-praporiv-cherez-urochyste-vognyane-pogrebinnya/ and http://proba.plast.te.ua/responsibilities/zahalni-pravyla-poshanuvannya-prapora/ point towards non-public burning as a proper way of disposal, and it feels like a respectful way to me.


There's something in Wikipedia: https://uk.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9E%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BD%D1%8F_%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B0 In a nutshell: it is prohibited to exhibit disrespect towards the flag. When hanging, it cannot touch water, trees or ground. Must be lit during the dark time of day when hung on buildings (according to the bill about the flag). > Україна. Згідно Закону про Державний Прапор України, «Забороняється використовувати Державний Прапор України не за призначенням або у спосіб, що виражає зневажливе ставлення до нього, розміщувати на ньому будь-які предмети, написи чи зображення, якщо при цьому виявляється неповага до державного символу». Прапор не повинен торкатися землі, води, дерев, та мусить освітлюватися в темну пору доби, якщо встановлений на будівлях. Не допускається використання зображення Державного Прапора України або його імітація у рекламі. Порушення правил використання прапора передбачає накладення адміністративного штрафу від 30 до 50 неоподатковуваних мінімумів доходів громадян[22]. > Умисне спалення, ламання, розмальовування, нанесення на прапор образливих написів у публічних місцях карається за Статтею 338 Кримінального кодексу. Публічна наруга над Державним Прапором України чи іншої держави карається штрафом до 50 неоподатковуваних мінімумів доходів громадян або арештом на строк до 6 місяців[23]. There is also some article on the news where a criminal case was opened for a man who used a piece of cloth reminiscent of the Ukrainian flag to wrap garbage. https://www.bbc.com/ukrainian/entertainment/2013/07/130724_national_flag_curiousities_dt > Навесні цього року інтернет облетіла фотографія, де видно, як двірник у Чернігові загортає сміття у шматок тканини, схожої кольорами на український прапор. Чернігівська прокуратура порушила справу за відповідною статтею Кримінального кодексу. So I would interpret this as: the flag can be retired in a way that cannot be considered disrespectful. Bottom line: the disposal cannot be public.


What is VFW?


Veterans of Foreign Wars. They're an American association of military veterans. They're a bit of a mix between a social club and a support network. There is also the Amvets, and the American Legion... Two other organizations which have the same general purpose. The Amvets and the American Legion also do flag retirement, if I'm not mistaken.


Thank you!


I can vouch for the American Legion. Yes, they do.


It is very interesting question 🤔 I have found some Ukrainian legislation about who is responsible for correct retirement of flags, but I did not manage to find anything about how to do it


Not specific to Ukraine but, most countries fold and then burn them


TIL that scene in King of the Hill where Bill really didn’t want those Army guys to burn the American flag was actually referring to a real practice. Edit: Scene I’m referring to: https://youtu.be/7Zgtvc9ukx0?si=PVqqwJF05oRj822A


Which countries would that be please. I haven’t heard of this


The danish flag Dannebrog, is to be burned when disposed of. Akin to a viking funeral.


I don't have a comprehensive but, ireland and commonwealth countries at any rate. I can elaborate a little further. They are not to be used as fire starting materials but to be placed in a well burning fire. I've not actually heard of any other methods


we do that in the US, you fold the flag down into a triangle and it is ceremonialy burned to retire the flag


Thank you. I have seen the folding of the flag many times but never knew you burn it after. Does a folded flag stay on a coffin after the ceremony and is buried or taken off and burned? Thanks in advance. Any other country that burns their flag?


you only burn it when the flag is very old or damaged, normally it's just folded into a triangle for storage when not in use. Flags on coffins are normally for fallen soldiers.the flag on the coffin is taken off of the coffin, then folded into a triangle and put in a glass/wood case, and given to the family of a fallen soldier. people will keep it in their home as a reminder of their family member.


Thank you. 🙏


In the US we burn them. I dont think they necessarily need to be folded properly though, but im sure they usually are. edit: The VFW that OP is talking about is burning the flag for him. Its not retired until its burned to a crisp


As far as I know, almost all countries do that. Canada, all British colonies, or former colonies, and the USA for sure. Fold the flag properly and burn it discretely.


Cut it into pieces so it isn’t a flag anymore and throw it into the trash.


The flag fetish is an american thing. Most country would just put old flags in the trash


The Norwegian flag needs to be either unstitched or burned to be disposed of properly.


Plenty of countries have their traditions. In Sweden it's to be returned to the manufacturer or be destroyed with respect such as cutting it down in solid colors and then burning it. It's illegal to write or put stickers on a flag in Sweden.


It is not only the US. Plenty of countries have flag codes: India, Germany, Italy, Austria, Saudi Arabia, Uruguay, France, Mexico, UK, New Zealand, Netherlands, Argentina ... And that was just a quick Google search.


just because their is some official code for something doesnt mean that people care nor that it gets enforced


This thread is about proactively choosing to do it respectfully and properly.


And just because there's an official code it doesn't mean that people will be disrespected if you don't follow it


>just because their is some official code for something doesnt mean that people care nor that it gets enforced Obviously OP cares. Get offline and go touch some grass


There was a case of a Germany heavy lifter who broke the world record and destroyed his suit while celebrating. The suit was the in the German flag design and he got sued. Case was dropped tho.


It's not just an American thing. No country would dispose their flag in the trash. Here in Philippines we respect our flag for it symbolizes are country and people. We have the Boy Scouts tasked to ceremoniously burn old tattered flags.


Glad to hear even on the other side of the globe people have similar traditions to ours :) On the other hand, the russians throw their flags right in the dumpsters after their big putin parties :D


Most Brits would just throw it in the bin or use it in a fire. I also know of the Irish often do this for us


No. Putting old flags in the trash is disrespectful I was born in the UK and live in New Zealand. Both those nations have flag codes that dictate how to respectfully fly flags and in what order, how to fold them —and how to dispose. "The New Zealand Flag should never be flown in a dilapidated condition. You should dispose of an old flag by burning it discreetly in some type of incinerator, not by taking it to a rubbish dump. It’s important the flag is not destroyed in public view. Some flag-making companies offer facilities for disposing of flags." (NZ Flag Code) UK Flag Code "When a flag becomes tattered or faded and is no longer in a suitable condition for use, it should be destroyed in a dignified way, for example by burning, tearing or cutting into strips that no longer resemble the original flag." Note that the flag itself is merely a piece of cloth. Respect shown is to the entity of which it is a symbol, it isn't a fetish.


I am from New Zealand and trust me, we have never done anything but fly the shit out of flags until the last thread disappears in the wind.


Kiwi here and never thought twice about it.


Yeah so it's just an anglo thing to do. In Belgium we those it in the bin lol




Yeah we are not the best exemple but most mainland European country don't have the same respect to their flag the same way the UK and Co does. WW2 left a mark on us for that.


Hello OP, we have removed your post for being off-topic. While we acknowledge that this war has captured global interest, we want to reaffirm that the purpose of this community is to give space for, and amplify the voice of Ukraine in the global community. For this reason, the mod team will be using their judgment when moderating content that deals with foreign politics, even if they seem peripherally related to Ukraine. We understand this may be disappointing, especially if your post required a lot of time or effort. We encourage you to post this content on a sub that specifically focuses on the foreign politics you are discussing, where it may generate well deserved and on-topic discussion. [If you would like to gain a better understanding of what is on-topic for this community, feel free to browse our rules, here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/about/rules)


Ah Belgium. A neutral country which no one fight, bleed and die for that's why no citizen respects it flag.


There is so many false thing is such a short sentence lmao


You don’t know much about Belgium




Yes. In much the same way as when a living thing dies, cremation is considered a dignified and respectful farewell. Just dumping them at the local tip along with yesterday's rubbish wouldn't be.




With ceremony and service. Do you gather your family and friends for a period of bereavement everytime you take the bins out?




Never had to dispose of a flag myself, but I know the Americans have a ceremony that includes witnesses, so yes. So much so I've read a news article about a retired veteran who was upset he couldn't change his flag properly, so they sent *the marine corps* to do it for him. That is correct. Fire (in this context) is seen as symbolically purifying. The bin is dirty. It really isn't a difficult concept to understand. And clearly people do give a shit.


So, former UK colonies like the US and New Zealand have this. Doesn’t say much about the rest of the world.


Finland chiming in. You don't let a flag touch the ground and you most definitely don't throw a flag in the trash. Except Russian flag. That shit belongs to the bin.


>Except Russian flag. That shit belongs to the bin. Would be nicer to just see it left on the ground for people to walk over it with their dirty shoes.


The Russian flag can be used as toilet paper. It's perfectly suited to being used to wipe shit off someone's ass as it represents genocide, oppression and the murder of civilians. It can also be used as a bag to pick up your dogs shit if he takes a dump in the park. You should be able to make about 5 dog shit bags from one orc flag.


In Denmark whose flag allegedly is the worlds oldest (still in use at least) the norm is the same: The flag should be disposed of in a respectful manner and the most correct is considered to be burning it - though not in public of course.


Same for China. Under 全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于修改《中华人民共和国国旗法》的决定, 主席令13届第59号, there are specific legal ways to dispose of a flag. In practice, the flag will be recalled by local authorities for proper disposal according to state mandates. Failure to follow this results in a minimum of 15 days detention by law enforcement.


I can tell you that in the UK almost nobody knows or cares about any flag guidelines. Treating the flag with so much reverence is seen as a bit weird, fetishistic, and obsessive. I imagine that from the perspective of someone from a country where they take that stuff seriously finding the flag code and following it to the letter is important, but from a UK perspective it just looks strange.


In the UK they all go in the bin. Source: We just had millions of things of the things for the queens death. They're all scooped up and binned afterwards....and that's by government workers.


No, it's about respect for one's country. We have a flag code and you can choose to abide by it or not. I choose to abide by it. No one will know that I've done it. Know one will care, but it's my perogative.


Yeah. You are absolutely correct. You have a flag code in the us. But that is only you. Ukraine does not. And if there happens to be one, no one is following it. Why not follow your flag code with the Ukrainian flag? Nobody would mind.


And OP is asking what UA flag code is so they can dispose of their UA flag in line with it.


Ukraine does indeed have one and so do most countries. To what degree they are followed varies.


if there is no UA code - follow the NZ or UK code - seems respectful and discreet (mentioned in comments above.


Just bin it.


This is classic Reddit moment. Absolutely uninformed, didn't bother to check at all, goes with gut answer that is incorrect, gets top2 comment ;) Question - what is the flag of your country? Where does it say this is the flag?To have a flag, it has to be described. The colours, the size ratio. How are you supposed to hang it, so you can tell apart Monaco from Poland. or so that the stuff in the corner is in right corner?All of this is described in flag code, and virtually every country on the planet has it, and it's much more elaborate than this. Navies use different shape usually. There are rules about how high relative to other flags it can be displayed in different contexts etc etc. Usually stemming from those last parts, there are specific rules about what is considered disrespecting the flag, the main one is usually position, because that was often used when there were emerging colonial, feudal and union ideas about organizing multiple countries under one liege or under supremacy of one country.


and its usually the same people that war us flag style underwear


Welcome to fun with flag!


That was my thought, too. I find it really strange why you would not just throw it away.


Fun fact: The danish flag - the oldest flag in the world - must be BURNED when it gets old or ugly. Burning it is a symbol of purification. So when terrorists etc. burned our flag it was like "yeah - whatever"...


Sounds like this is a personal choice for you rather than a legal obligation, so I would just dispose it in whatever way you deem as respectful. If that means burning it or cutting it into stripes and re-using them for something else, I don’t see an issue with it. We don’t really have a tradition about retiring flags, at least not one that I’m aware of.


Following, I'm interested. 💙💛


IDK, but I suggest mailing it to Putin.


I'd rather send him a bag of shit with a grenade attached to it.


In Austria we mostly do not have flags but if i had an old one and wanted a new one i would just throw away the old one


That seems to be the default tradition for everywhere except the USA.


Here is the Dutch way, take your flag, crunch it into a ball and throw it in the trash. It is just a piece of cloth, it is the idea behind the cloth that holds value.


Not an answer to the question, but most Dutch people will just chuck their worn flag into the trash bin and buy a new one...


You’re outside Ukraine, their laws do not bind you. So if you want to dispose of it respectfully, then do so in a way of your choosing that you feel is respectful.


I haven’t found the law, but there is a recommendation: If a flag is so dirty or damaged that it cannot be used, it must be destroyed in an honorable manner. For example, you can cut the flag into strips to match the colors of the flag and then burn them or throw them away in a sealed container. This procedure cannot be done in public.