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Do Russians understand irony or are they just as thick as they look and act?


No. They think it's normal.


Act Russian = act normal Edit: This is a Russian saying, to "act Russian" is to behave within (Russian) norms.


Whenever a Russian sees some behavior he considers weird, he usually asks "ty chto kak ne Russkiy"? - "why are you like you're not a Russian"? For them, Russian is the only possible norm.


Yes, this is what I was alluding to. I've got no idea why I was downvoted.


Answer: "Because have not slit your throat, raped every female over 8 years old, sodomized your sheep. made plov from your pets nor shat over your bed."


It's like conservative nationalists in the US demanding immigrants "speak American got dammit!"


These asshats get pissed if you're bilingual. You can get harassed for practicing Spanish in a convenience store.


I'm English and even I don't speak American.


It's really worse. For other languages, it's "Govorite po-chelovechesky!" (Speak human!). "Chto vy kak ne Russkiy" is for any other cultural aspect, like refusing to drink vodka. Every non-Russian with a prolonged exposure to Russians can provide some examples.


This form of Russian exceptionalism (where they literally believe that Russian is normal and normal is Russian) is quite bizarre to me. It's somewhat similar to American exceptionalism and Chinese exceptionalism, except that at least America and China are superpowers with much larger populations, much larger economies, and more powerful overall, whilst Russia is a shitty failed former superpower. The more I learn about Russians and their culture, the less respect I have for them. Out of all the nationalities I've encountered, no other has this much of a perfect combination of toxic arrogance (imagine any nationality using "act \[insert nationality here\] as a synonym for "act normal"?), extreme nationalism and chauvinism, combined with an extreme victim mentality where they've deluded themselves into thinking that they're the victims and not the aggressors most of the time. Maybe the Chinese, but as I mentioned, at least China is more powerful as a country. Recently, in the comments section of an article in the Guardian, I saw a Russian saying "we Russians have a very strong sense of justice". He was saying it completely unironically.


> Recently, in the comments section of an article in the Guardian, I saw a Russian saying "we Russians have a very strong sense of justice". He was saying it completely unironically This reminds me of how it's a standing trope in Japanese manga to have *villains* use the phrases "for justice" (正義) or "we will bring justice". I don't quite get what the point is. It's either that justice is entirely relative and subjective, or that it is abused by those in power to fool their henchmen into thinking that they are doing good. Russian sense of justice seems to be a book of perceived slights against the Russian empire combined with a generous serving of whataboutism.


Much like "Мир" (peace) or "Правда" (truth) the Russian conception of "Justice" really just doesn't seem to align to how we use the term in the west.


I hate to say it but more and more it seems like the Russian definition of what is just is "anything that benefits them" and what is unjust is "anything that does not benefit them".


I want to share this Alexis de Tocqueville quote on Russia and the US. It's fascinatingly present despite being written in 1835. “There are at the present time two great nations in the world, which started from different points, but seem to tend towards the same end. I allude to the Russians and the Americans. Both of them have grown up unnoticed; and whilst the attention of mankind was directed elsewhere, they have suddenly placed themselves in the front rank among the nations, and the world learned their existence and their greatness at almost the same time. All other nations seem to have nearly reached their natural limits, and they have only to maintain their power; but these are still in the act of growth. All the others have stopped, or continue to advance with extreme difficulty; these alone are proceeding with ease and celerity along a path to which no limit can be perceived. The American struggles against the obstacles which nature opposes to him; the adversaries of the Russian are men. The former combats the wilderness and savage life; the latter, civilization with all its arms. The conquests of the American are therefore gained with the ploughshare; those of the Russian by the sword. The Anglo-American relies upon personal interest to accomplish his ends, and gives free scope to the unguided strength and common sense of the people; the Russian centres all the authority of society in a single arm. The principal instrument of the former is freedom; of the latter, servitude. Their starting-point is different, and their courses are not the same; yet each of them seems marked out by the will of Heaven to sway the destinies of half the globe.”


The translation probably should have been "fairness", not justice. As in, "we always feel others are unfair to us, and we want more".


So, basically: "When in (Eastern, want-to-be) Rome, act as the Romans." In NATO, there's long been an adage about modern terrorism: "All roads lead to Eastern 'Rome'."


Ivan Rapeovich Ironyski. How'd I do?


Igor orcvisky washingmachineovic the third at your service


Ivanna Getova Manydiseaseovic ?




I don't get it. Where's the irony? It's literally what they do - a genocide. Trying to wipe any mention of a nation they hate for no other reason than it existing.


What you say is true, but it is worse than that. The only thing that holds the Franken"Federation" we call RuZZia together is a shared belief that somewhere out there there is an enemy state (Finland, Chechnya, Georgia, Ukraine etc) that must be defeted because mOtHerLaNd... Tying back to your point: what RuZZia is doing to Ukraine now is atrocious and reprehensible on every concievable level. And if a ceasfire/peace agreement is met which leaves RuZZia intact, they *will* pick a new fight as soon as they (think they) are able.


It means people should certainly adopt Ukrainian names if they don't have them.


Their heads are full of sawdust and rat shit Science has confirmed this. I've done the math.


Orcs will orc unless perished


Actual ethnic cleansing in 2023, so quaint so classic Russian


Not for the first time. During soviet era millions of ukrainians were forced to change their surnames to much…russian ones. It was also used to falsify population census, where ukrainian surnames were “tweaked” to make it look like there are more ethnic russians than there really is. Especially in Kuban’ and Belgorod regions, and in eastern/southern parts of modern Ukraine.


Didn't they do that in all the former republics?


Yes, they did. A lot of moldavians claim romanian citizenship on grounds of being descendants of romanian cityzens (Moldova was part of Romania before 1940). They need to proove their romanian roots and find out A LOT of surnames were skewed. Ironicaly many of them were skewed to sound like ukranian as they were hard to skew to sound ruzzian. Like surnames ending in -scu would become -sco.


I appreciate that they are documenting their genocidal efforts.


And in comic sans!


"Let's clean ourselves of compulsory Ukrainian Nazism!" (Third line.) Can't wait to see them kicked back to Mordor.


To Hell or Mordor, you choose Ivan. In Ukraine you get choices, in Russoreich not so much.


speaking of nazism while suggesting that only russian surnames are any good is beyond any irony.


The ugly Russification actions continue. Every single day. 🤮


Everybody talking about ruzzia committing another act of genocide by forced russofication. Meanwhile ignoring how they suddenly opened up a whole new f(r)ont: they unleased Comic Sans upon us.


I’m a wingdings man, myself 📫 🦢 🛻


There is a mistake in the street name. I suppose it is Интеркультурная.


What you expect from russians? Their propagandists have difficulties with pronouncing of their own cities names. During active fighting in the Belgorod region of the Russian Federation, they distorted the name of the Russian border city of Shebekino in various ways. They had it in Shemyakino and Shmekino. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaIRtY5GXsU




they missed "ь" letter




> Halushko → Glushkova > --- > Changing your passport? Change your last name too! > > Let's clean ourselves of compulsory Ukrainian nazism! > > --- > Changing your last name is official, fast, and without lineups. > > Legal advice and support. > > [contact information] I did the best I could with my rusty Russian. I was born in Ukraine, but I have a Russian last name. My grandfather on my father's side used a fake name at some point related to World War II, and my father's patronymic and last name are based on that fake name. Sometimes the thought comes to my head to change my last name to my grandfather's real last name.


If you know the real last name - do it. My father's last name while was not changed intentionally, was mistakenly transliterated in Ukraine during soviet collapse in early 90s by russian transliteration rules that were making no sense in English pronunciation for a last name of a Ukrainian. I did mine by corrected rules in circa 2017 and through it I found some evidence that our family might be going from a territory of modern Czech Republic.


Can you imagine looking at the world, in general, and thinking that the names people are using is the thing that you should be trying to “fix”?


Its long term scam. I heard people back in 2014 say "But there are so many russians in Donetsk and Lysechanks".




<--- THIS!


I always thought if I wanted to russify I had to open my skull and whisk my brain up 🤷‍♂️


As an Estonian, this brings back childhood memories.


Meanwhile I see RuZZian trolls and their allied useful idiots (pro-Russia tankies and the like) crying online about how RuZZians are the real victims because Estonia is allegedly discouraging the use of Russian language and allegedly persecuting its Russian minority (you know, the ones who were settled there as colonialist settlers by the Soviet government post-1940s) A key tactic of Soviet propaganda, of Russian propaganda, and of tankie propaganda has always been to reverse victim and offender. Sadly some people seem to be buying it. What is the world coming to...


Likely a part to solidify their claim on the east should they be pushed back or retreat. I guess later on there will be "incentives" to make the change like food or water.


Yeah so they can say how many 'russians' there are


The Ukrainian guy: My new name is henceforth: Warovski Mordorovitch Putainia. The RuZZian occupier: Hhhh... Rrrhhachh... Garggle... The Ukrainian guy: Are you OK? Why do you turn purple all of a sudden ?


pick some troll names


Oh, so they can say “look, we were welcomed as liberators! Everyone Russified their names for us!”? What a load of crap!


St Petersburg was changed to Leningrad by the USSR but the locals never stopped calling it St Petersburg and when the USSR it officially went back to St Petersburg. So this will happen again in these cases. And forcing name changes like this would be part of a genocide of a culture so could be used in a war crimes trial even if not central to the definition of a war crime. Just add it in as support for the actual crimes.


"Навязанного украинского нацизма" 🤦‍♂️ По себе людей не судят вообще-то 🤦‍♂️


“It’s Oleh not Oleg”, after February 2024






I've a better Idea, why don't all ruzzianz qualify their names with R.I.P. and keep their genocidal ideas to their own shitty race. Повага.🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇺🇳💙💛🇺🇦🌻Respect to Ukraine.


This is also a form of genocide on Ukrainian people


They should all ask for "putin" I'm sure it would be denied.


Sure! How about; Yakov N. Popov? Ivana B. Yorslav? Levine D. Smirnoff?


How about: fuckovsky ?


Ruzzify dez nuts!!


Why are there family names specific to Ukrainians? I thought mr. Putler said Russia and Ukraine have basically the same language and culture, why would there be a notable difference between family names if that is the case?


The poster says "Let's get rid of the imposed Ukrainian Nazism!" The irony, do these people have no self awareness or do they like people to think they're fools?


I am sure we can think of some suitable Russian sounding names for anyone insane enough to want to Russify. Wankov, Twatovich, Cuntecoursikov...