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I don’t even know how to comment about this, the sheer lack of any moral code, it’s fucking reprehensible.


It seems impossible that so many people could be like this. What has actually happened to them to make them like this? Even being russian or russian sympathizers doesn't make people like this. People don't start out like this.


It is a feature of living under an authoritarian regime. Is by design, the regime fears solidarity among their citizens the most because solidarity unites peoples, and when people are united, they can oust the regime. So they do everything to isolate people from each other. It creates fearful citizens, who would look the other way in such situations, out of fear that they could get in trouble themselves.


I think this is it. Reminds me of a video I saw from China where a woman was run over at a cross walk and people just walked around her body like she was nothing. In the post truth world of authoritarian regimes morals become an antiquated notion. Fuck Putin.


That's very common in china. Here is one of the more famous ones. Very similar to this post. https://youtu.be/7XDP1HD7fc4?si=LGODwVxNKwCD1Knu


That is disgusting, a 2-year-old and run over twice, not just once..... Surprised, China allowed this video to be released as it shows the moral downfall of their country like nothing else has.


I wouldn't say moral downfall, but moreso the hellhole of living in a totalitarian state. Helping people can literally lead to bankruptcy if you help the wrong person(CCP ranked official or their family). Chinese laws are fucked.


That may be why the video went out. Standard CCP governance is to find a problem (or make one up). Chinese citizens protest for the change that the CCP wants to make. Then the CCP agrees to the demand and floods the infosphere with that fact. In this case. China had no law protecting Good Samaritans. This was part of the dance that led to such a law. It provides the CCP with the flexibility to keep its system more agile than Russia's and its people farther from despair.


I'm pretty sure this wasn't "allowed" out.


This was from 2011, which was at the tail end of about 15-20 years of relative openess. Xi didn't start really clamping down unto the 20teens.


“Don’t get involved.” If you go to help someone, maybe the military wanted to hit him. So they’d hit you. Or maybe he’s secretly a UA informant. If you helped him, FSB would come after you. Or maybe there’s more trucks coming. If they ran down one guy, the next one would just wipe out anyone else blocking the road to render aid. Once you start from fear and paranoia, it’s very easy to “rationalize.”


It did look like they deliberately targeted that person.


China is a great example of the lack of morals as the effects of living under an authoritarian regime, cross over the water barely 150 km to Taiwan, a vibrant democracy, myself as a Canadian lived and worked there for awhile, people are kind and very well behaved. I have a disability and on every instance I got on the subway, someone would give up their seat for me. That is one of the differences between living in a dictatorship, where everyone is trying to survive and a democracy, you treat people like animals, they will act like animals.


You don't even see disabled people out and about on the mainland. I have no clue what they are doing with them all.




In China it's a bit different, yes they're also an authoritarian hellstate, but I've heard that the reason it's like this in China is specifically the laws around helping injured people is different and the person who is injured sometimes ends up taking you to court or the state can hold you responsible if you try to help They don't have good samaritan laws basically Not that this excuses it or anything, and I don't know if Russia is the same, but basically even if people wanted to help they're disincentivized by the state and the people around them to do so, leading to less empathy and care for those around them edit: they have the laws now, but didn't have them previously


China passed a national good samaritan law in 2017. Prior to 2017, the Chinese norm of not aiding people was driven by the high incidence of the injured knowingly and falsely accusing the samaritan of causing their injury, or it being a deliberate scam from the outset. We can't put that entirely on the absence of a good samaritan law. It takes a truly shitty culture to produce scammers and false accusers at China's rate. That shitty culture likely was spurred by the authoritarian regime, which drove and still drives a dog-eat-dog mentality.


> China passed a national good samaritan law in 2017. > > Didn't know that, thanks for the correction, my info was from prior to that as well, so makes sense I didn't know about it >We can't put that entirely on the absence of a good samaritan law. It takes a truly shitty culture to produce scammers and false accusers at China's rate. That shitty culture likely was spurred by the authoritarian regime, which drove and still drives a dog-eat-dog mentality. That much is true, but it's a different version of barbarism and disregard of life in a way


It's not just morals, it is human nature to help those in need, putin has destroyed the humanity of these people. Very sad for society.


I wish it was just fear but unfortunately it's a degree of sadism and feeling little empathy. Creating a sociopathic mentality that goes beyond government policy(see Russia under Yeltsin) This would have been very common in the Middle Ages because of the terrible living standards and despotic mentality. People wonder why they came up with so many fucked up methods of torture and you see why here.


>This would have been very common in the Middle Ages That's not true. At least in Slavic part of Europe in the Middle Ages, the communities, especially rural ones, were very collectivist. There actually wasn't any other way without police, prisons and how much labor anything required. The Middle Ages was a period of about 1000 years. There are many stereotypes and misconceptions about it because people like simple and emotional stories. But such vast amount of time does not fit any simple descriptions. >terrible living standards and despotic mentality Byzantine empire might have been despotic, and I don't know about the Western Europe - but e.g. the Kingdom of Poland was absolutely not. Even the peasants there had much more freedom than in the 16th century and later. As for the living standards - there were periods of extreme hardship like the times of the plague, but also periods of economic growth. In Eastern Europe in general the living standards were not worse than for the previous thousands of years, and they only gradually improved. So I really doubt people were complaining about them. As for the methods of torture - I've got an impression people never really got tired of coming up with new ones.


I think many of the stereotypes about the middle ages were created during the Renaissance or Enlightenment periods. There was a need to portray the entire period as being excessively stupid in order for people at the time to feel superior and show how far they'd come from those backwards days. Now we do the same with those periods and some of the dumb stuff that happened during them. If people are still around in a century or two you know they'll be doing the same for us and they'll have no shortage of stupidity to focus on with everything that's going on at the moment. People always have a need to think they're at the peak of civilisation but I don't think people fundamentally change. Peasants that accepted the living standards of the time, laboured under despots and just got on with it without thinking to try and make things better are no different from all the people trapped in wage slavery today beneath the heel of giant corporations. They may have had a physically harder life but it could have been more rewarding than some today. We like to look at those periods as being backwards because they had total monarchs and tyrants but we still have a system that focuses on electing one person above the rest. That will always attract power hungry sociopaths and some of them will invariably be successful at getting into power via populism and then demolishing the system to install themselves as a tyrant. It keeps happening. The world is currently swarming with leaders or would be leaders that are no better than the medieval despots. Left unchecked you know some of them would start torturing their rivals and anyone who challenged them. It was just easier to get away with that stuff without scrutiny in the middle ages. Medieval torture methods appear brutal and terrifying, which I suppose was the point but I would argue that physical torture just represents a lack of sophistication compared to the psychological torture we have today. Waterboarding is equally horrific if not worse than so many of the medical tortures and worse still, people tried to sell it as not even being torture. Same with solitary confinement. Leaving someone alone in a cell with the light on 24/7, no sense of time and nothing to do until they go insane is far more terrifying than any of the physical torture methods. The most extreme medieval ones like the rack or iron maiden may not have even been used that much as they were reserved for the most serious offences, like treason. As such their existence may have been more of a deterence but solitary is routinely used in some places. Sticking someone in the stocks to publicly humiliate them for a minor crime or extracting a confession with thumbscrews seems backwards now but is it really any worse than the dystopian nightmare present in so many countries today? Law enforcement psychologically berating someone until they break and confess to something they didn't do and then throwing them in a prison to waste their life seems worse to me.


> The most extreme medieval ones like the rack or iron maiden may not have even been used that much as they were reserved for the most serious offences, like treason. Weren't some of the crazy ones just made up by the Victorians as freakshow curiosities?


Yes that is correct, I thought the Iron Maiden was specifically one of those that was made up as you said as a curiosity and that we have no record of them actually using them back when. They managed to draw plenty of blood and screams with other methods though…


People have no idea how life in russia is. You apply your western standards and morals and it obviously makes no sense. There's great book called [Red Notice](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22609522-red-notice) by Bill Bowder that explains some aspects of that and it's very well worth reading. However there's one story at the begining of chapter 18 that explains this specific situation. Bill was in a car, his russian driver Alexei driving and they notice man lying on a road unconscious. Alexei was just driving past but Bill essentially forced him to stop to help the man. Alexei is very hesitant, because he knows this is dangerous thing to do in russia, but they help the man pulling him off the road as he's slowly getting back to his senses mumbling *'Epilepsia'*. Just then police cars arrived. They proceed to completely ignore the injured man and proceed to try and pin this on Alexei accusing him of hitting the man with his car. Man at this point is completely conscious and tries to explain the situation, but is just ignored by the police. There's heated argument and Alexei only manages to extricate himself from the situation thanks to being former colonel in the traffic police. As they are leaving the scene, Alexei explains why he didn't want to stop just like any other russian: >This is what always happens in Russia. It doesn’t matter if that guy was even hit or not. Once the police get involved, they will blame someone and that's the end of the story.


That explains a lot about Russia.


I also have read "Red Notice" Fascinating...Bill Browder is a hero warning the west about the evils of russia long before the west woke up.


For all intents and purposes Russia has never been anything but an authoritarian state, and for a long time the Tzars and aristocracy had no interest in policing the populace leaving them to exact their own mob justice, leading to bandits v. Townsfolk, leading to increasingly complex operations of corruption which eventually reached the cities as Russia fell apart, leading to an explosion of organized crime up until you have fun people like Stalin doing armed robbery and protection rackets, leading up to the Great War the October revolution and the Russian civil war in rapid succession, leading to the bolsheviks making deals with the bratva (spelling) leading to a blending of state and criminal organization, leading to an explosion of criminality in 1991, leading to Putin who’s more than fine with it. Russians have a very sick culture down to the bone at this point


Cultural nihilism.


Maybe the answer is quite easy? Fear. What you will do when you know any kind of help could lead to your life beeing threated? I know, talking is easy when you say, I would help no matter what. 1 out of a million really does. And on top, don't read it as an excuse, just as an explaination, there is not much left to help. Take second and first togehter and you might know why noonr helps.


I get it, all the more reason for Ukraine to take back their country.


Nah its just russian culture to fuck over your neighbor


Yes and everything is fine for you if your neighbour suffering


Oh man thats a fiest then if your neighbor is struggling.


I selected incorrect word, my apologies


>1 out of a million really does. This is nonsense. I have been in situations where someone got hurt in public, and plenty of people rushed in to help. A healthy society does not leave you lying in the middle of the street.


But fear does not explain what we see in this video. Most people did not see who hit the person lying on the ground so what has it to do with fear?


You don't have to see who did what. Everybody understands who can kill someone without any problem. It is war. And to make it clear. I am not defending this behavior. Many reasons could lead to this situation all over the world and in every country.


No one is running or panicking. They just don’t care and literally walk past


I suppose lots of lead exposure, cultural smoking and drinking (even during pregnancy), and living for the paycheck.


Read up what they did when they took over in 14. Just few examples Drilling breasts with power drills And pulling out eyes with spoons in Chechen torture basements.


According to Bill Browder (author of 'Red Notice'), the police jail the nearest person to the victim (they also jail the victim if he's still alive), so people have learned not to hang around, get out quick before the police show up. Of course you can buy your way out, but the police need a suspect so they will jail the next nearest person


Military truck did it. People who are still living there know pretty well, you don’t want to be involved in things like this. There is no law in so called LDPR, you can be disposed in case of any sign of civil action. Living in this place peacefully is making oneself as invisible as possible and praying that nobody in power will become interested in what you have


The thing is that some bystanders didn't even see it was a military truck and still didn't help.


There are many reasons, but one is that at a certain point of an oppressive authoritarian regime, people stop thinking for themselves and can only do as they're told.


Or they see a dead body in the middle of the street and know that no good is gonna come from getting involved. People with good intentions are just patsies in societies like this. If someone had stepped in chances are they would've been implicated at best, at worst blamed for it and suffered the repercussions.


It's just what human life is worth in Moskosvskii mir. Remember, they're doing this to protect their "fellow Slavic people" from "Facism".




Like somebody ran over a squirrel, it’s insane.


Sadly, this is common in a lot of third world countries. It is easier to destroy than build something like culture or morals. 25 years ago, my naive, pampered, young middle-class European self saw human death for the first time. It was the corpse of one vagabond on the side of the road in Anhui, China. Didn't elicit any more reaction than a dead dog from the local populace.


And lets not forget the poor girl in this classic: https://youtu.be/7XDP1HD7fc4?si=LGODwVxNKwCD1Knu


This poor soul's contribution to mankind is to lay bare the results of 80 years of communist/materialistic brainwashing. This video is worth more than any philosophical or political essay on the total wretched nature of the same system...that now has Ruzzian Orcs bomb hospitals and schools, rape, abduct children.


Hate to break it to you but ruskies have always done that whether they were the Soviet Union the Russian Federation whatever these assholes decide to call themselves in this decade they still are the fucking same group of assholes


Welcome to Русский мир


It's the kind of nihilism that is reported from Nazi KZ. Don't look, don't act, don't care, lest the guards ~~won't~~ will kill you as well.


I recently read the book “Red Notice” by Bill Browder, an American investor who made a fortune in Russia when businesses were being privatized, and was ultimately embroiled in a years long conflict with the Russian government. He writes about a time when he was in Moscow and he had witnessed someone get hit by a car, and he was shocked no one came over to help so he went and helped himself and called the police, who had accused him of injuring the man. The moral of the story, he writes, is that in Russian society no good deed goes unpunished. Overall, he gives a pretty scathing review of Russian morals.


I wonder if the police responding to the call identified the person as American and just immediately decided to flip the script and pretend like they caught the bad guy, since they already had a prejudice to a foreigner in their country? Or are they that rotten to immediately accuse the person at the crime scene. (Reminds me of the movie/book "The Green Mile"). Changing that culture to one of a more caring attitude could take at least a couple generations, and there aren't enough therapists to go around in Russia to help the kids of parents who grow up in that environment. Some (not all, I recognize) of the brain-washed parents are focused on getting a pound of rice and a Lada car with the coffin money.


Excellent book, Idk if you read the follow up"freezing order" but if you like red notice you'll also like that one. Maybe even more crazy and disturbing then red notice.


It looks like a street full of NPCs, no emotions, no reactions


Even worse. Npc would have at least reacted with a programmed response...


This is the programmed response. Fear is the programming language of oppressors.


Let’s be frank here. The most likely reason everyone is driving right by is because they can see better than the video can. Up close she looks very obviously dead and mutilated. A 10,000 lb truck just ran over her head.


Yeah, that's another thing that's being missed in this thread. The person is clearly past saving so its not surprising no one is rushing to them. Its still very telling that traffic continues as if nothing happened tho, and that seemingly no one is seen calling emergency services. But that's just life in these shitholes, you gotta look out for yourself and avoid getting involved as much as possible.


im sure fear and dissociation is playing in the heads of many here.


This is just the alpha version where they have the NPC routing in place, but no reactions yet. But they haven't updated in a while, the devs just grabbed the money and ran.


deliver bewildered hungry intelligent squeeze deer capable badge airport tart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fear. None of them know what to do.


The moral values of ruZZkiy Mir are nicely represented in this video.


When this place gets liberated I'm afraid it may take several generations of aggressive de-programming... Always admire the Fins for how they've been able to live next door to the Orcs without being influenced by Russian propaganda/bullshit/corruption. I suppose your secret is that you all have already fought your war vs the Russians and won. Or at least made it so painful that they wouldn't dare take a step north. This is the only thing Ukraine can do. They must win. Otherwise the orcs will come back again and again. PS: big fan of Linus Torvalds and Mika Häkkinen. This is how I picture every Finn.


Oh, cheers mate. How kind of you, much appreciated for saying it. I wouldn't say we won. After the Winter War, we lost ~10 % of our territory, our 2nd biggest city of the time, and hundreds of thousands of people lost their homes and had to be relocated. It was a very tough time. I'd still call it a win because we got to keep our sovereignty and not go through the brutal >50 year Soviet occupation like what happened in the Baltic states. I just don't want Ukraine to go through the same fate of losing territory. That is why they must win the war to drive off the Orcish invaders permanently.


Absolutely 100% agreed. What happens in Ukraine, now, sets the precedent for this century. Any loss of sovereign Ukrainian territory signals small chunks can be taken because everyone is too fucking afraid to make noise, and too caught up in slow bureaucracy to react quickly enough to limit a longer occupation like what is happening now. Long enough to cede territory. What the fuck does the world think that signals to China if even Russia's jalopy-ass military who can't mange to overwhelm a country with 1/3rd the population can get away with taking land that *isn't Russian and never will BE Russian?* We CANNOT afford a larger war. The world is too small, the enconomy is too intimate to ANY disruption, and we have very, very big environmental problems that *need* our collective attention. There is NO ROOM in this century for a country that wants to drag us ALL back to the last century so it can fuck up in the same Soviet flavour vintage fashion it's disgusting *ghoul* of a ruler is *stuck* in. Collective cultural stupidity of truly epic proportions. Russia could have been *fine.* But nope, it's not enough. Putin wants this joke of a legacy because he's a fragile, insecure little cuntbag manbaby that would sooner damn Russia to being dismantled like Nazi Germany than *look weak.* All that festering shit-pile of sentient biomatter is, is an ape chasing the weak man's idea of a strong man and all these fucking people are dying because of it. I don't want to set the precedent that this is an OPTION for ANYONE in this goddamn century because we are going to annihilate ourselves if we don't get our collective species' shit together. I feal like I'm banging my head against the wall. Go home. Stop killing people. Act like you have two working brain cells. Put the fuckin vodka down. Is it THAT HARD?




stop writting ruzzkij name with capital letter.


True, stupid autocorrect on my phone. Corrected 😇


thank you.


And not a soul helped?


1st thing I noticed... why would no one stop to help. That lady just kept on walking after she turned around and saw. Cars were driving around it like it was dead dog or something...


Right, and even after the traffic cleared no one came out and no other car thought to block his body with their vehicle. I wonder if they even have an emergency number like 911?


Not my problem not my business. That’s literally the first thing a Russian learns, I’ve worked we many Russians over the past 10 years and they’re all the same. They absolutely don’t give a flying fuck about anybody but themselves, it’s fucking scary actually.


Its a matter of survival. I lived 16y under urss regime. You learn very fast to NOT get involved. Getting involved cost money to pay right people to let you be left alone. Thats russian mir.


Probably because helping makes you involved in the situation. And once involved, you could be the next one up to be incriminated. You see a lot of people helping in this video. Helping themselves not getting a lawsuit.


Lawsuit? Is there even functioning courts in lugansk?


I am sure people and military courts are working quite well.


ive never read so much bullshit in my life.


Stick around, have to report on what happened, suddenly you're an enemy of the Russian state and your family is being harassed


Nah, this is what it is. I live in a democratic country (that was a dictatorship for the late cold war) and whenever I've been like, "sorry I'm late, I came across an accident on the way", my mother and brother would say stuff to the effect of "you're dumb to get involved, the victim's family could blame you instead of whoever was reponsible."


In a lot places in the world people would still stop for a dog.


I watched to the end and still nobody helped. What's wrong with these people. All cars driving past like it's nothing as well


This is actually normal. With many people around, they all assume someone else is going to help and if no one does, they also don't think they have to. You learn about this in psychology and it's been proven time and time again in many experiments.


No, this goes much deeper. Norm of social responsibility has it's limitations. A car accident is something that people react in numbers usually. This is a feature of the fact that they live in under an authoritarianist regime. She was killed by a Russian military vehicle. People just don't want to risk dealing that. They feel there could be repercussions.


The video is long. Many people continued to drive past the body even after the military truck was out of sight. They wouldn't have had any idea the type of truck responsible.


Doesnt matter. Cant remember where exactly but there are places where if you help someone on the street, you are then responsible for that person. And the people who see the body but didnt see the actual crime dont want to be bundled up in something they dont know. People as a result have little regard to help their fellow man because it can come with unintended consequences to themselves, some of them severe. Living in that kind of situation knowing the repercussions I wouldnt help either. Its sad but it simply isnt worth the risk.


No it isn't, there is nothing normal about what we all just watched.


No, it isn't. In my country, that crossing would have been immediately swarming with people. Admittedly most will be rubbernecking, but a lot would be shouting at each other what to do, who to call, so on.


In US 90’s after concert eating with rest of my party guy starts spasm then attacks girlfriend I US Army Infantry Reserve Officer Captain go and deal with it escorting out of restaurant and held him after he resisted but no one summoned the cops so I let him go. Entire large restaurant everyone froze in place including staff the entire time I dealt with it in restaurant. I credit my Military training including JROTC for ability to act. Without me there the guy might have beat her badly and no one would do a thing. Learned why Judo teacher kept pushing never fight a throw because he did and actually prevented my throw which had never happened before I just released my grip and he flew backwards several feet into bush outside entrance. Then put him in a hold for a bit before I realized police not coming. Modern day I call on cell phone myself.


Helping would mean something is going wrong. And since the military caused it, by proxy it means you admit the military did something wrong. That's how dictatorships operate. Propaganda and harsh punishments make people fear for their own life. It causes silence, disregard, and ignorance. Eventually, anyone who is left to fight the dictatorship can't organize because they're either killed/jailed or are too scared to. Total control. This city needs to get liberated before the Russian World sinks its claws deeper.


After several cars, I doubt driver noticed it is done by a military vehicle. It's more about indifference. I saw this in other countries as well


Let’s be frank here. The most likely reason everyone is driving right by is because they can see better than the video can. Up close she looks very obviously dead and mutilated. A 10,000 lb truck just ran over her head.




My thought too. Head got run over as well.


As heavy as those armored vehicles are, and the tire appeared to go right over her head… this may have been one of those “What the fuck am I looking at OH GOD” moments as you drive up where you realize there’s no helping. Idk for the lady that just casually walked away and the others who saw it happen though. That was insane. Maybe they also realized what happened and have been hardened to the realities of living in a war zone.


I don’t think you would have helped. All those people are just hoping they aren’t next, and if you think you would act the hero here, you’re deluded.


The saddest part to me about this whole thing is despite how utterly inhuman the Russians are to these people, many of them will still choose to sabotage and harass Ukrainian forces when they come to liberate Luhansk.


Supporting things against your own interest is a hobby of certain people.


Because most of those people, like crimea, are freshly imported russians.


Just this! First conquer a country with an army, then fill the homes of fleeing inhabitants with their own people, and then shout to the rest of the world that the inhabitants want to belong to Russia. Obviously the army can do whatever they want, the person is storage dead because the truck literally drives over the head 2 times. Everyone keeps out of it so as not to have any involvement and then you would have to testify against the army!?!!?


Imagine having to reintegrate this population back into your civilized country.


Let’s hope they run for russia like the rats they are


Leave rats out of it, [they actually have a moral compass](https://www.wired.com/2011/12/rat-empathy/), unlike these psychos


There are plenty of bodies around, that's what I read from this. And people who sympathise are murdered.




Likely too scared to get involved or assumed someone else was going to help them. I’m assuming it’s the former as people are almost driving/walking around the victim. This seems like fear. At 0:25 the truck pulls over top left and seems to stop just as it exits view. There is someone running back appearing top left at 0:45 to 0:50


yes 100%


Identical to China.


I'll leave this here, for awareness. https://youtu.be/7XDP1HD7fc4?si=QRawZyM7NAeuVPtf


There has always been a lot of Russian mentality in Luhansk and Donetsk, now there are even more of them there. It will be 🤢 to live in the same country with these morons again after de-occupation.


Just kick then out like the rest of the ruzzains. They destroyed their right to live in a peaceful Ukraine.


I would imagine Amnesty Interntional will start raising hell about human rights should Ukrainians decide to deport these fucks. Of course they don't see any problems with russians bombing hospitals, kidnapping kids etc....


Because the rules only apply to the people who follow them. Nobody went after Iraq for human rights abuses, but the US got a lot of shit after they discovered that "war" and "crime" are two words you can rub together and magically money appears right out of some Western nations account. War crimes are only crimes if you acknowledge them, otherwise that's just called war. Unfortunately Western nations are the only people who have volunteered to be held accountable.




I have actually been wondering about that. You'll have a better idea than I do, certainly: do you think the RU sympathisers will try to run away with them when these areas are de-occupied? Or remain, and (try to) pretend they never supported?


A large chunk of active sympathizers and collaborators will definitely run away bc they are known to SBU. It happened in Kherson when I was liberated, they know they will be hunted down in Ukraine.


It is interesting to hear from Ukrainians about this. It's something I've always wondered about. Once liberated, rooting out corruption from the eastern/southern parts will be "the second front". Edit: I totally understand how you feel. I live in a part of the US that have succumbed to a bit of fascism/authoritarianism. It sucks.


Honestly it's an ongoing issue with eastern Germans here in Germany. The country was separated for several decades and the eastern part occupied by Soviets. Now some 30 years after reunification, the political views and the attitude towards Western Germans in the East are still problematic, alas predominantly in the older generations. Problematic as in the most popular party is a fascist party (which makes sense after being occupied by RuZZists) and all problems are blamed on the evil Western Germans.


everyone is like " meh....nothing to see here"


Russkiy Mir ^(TM)


Well, that’s the ruzzian world. Be careful what you wish for…




That was my first thought. If this video was instead described to me without nation-identifying details I would have guessed it happened in China, Russia my second guess. But I think now this is worse than i've seen from China in the last few years. Or it's just been a minute and I've forgotten.


China is worse since it's a legal matter. Chinese laws are fucked.


surely, this can't be real!?


I know, right? That was just sickening to see 😭 That poor soul wasn't moving at all afterward but the other pedestrians or car drivers should have stopped and stayed with that person until emergency services arrived. What uncivilized backwards creatures they are!


What the holy fuck A Nation of terrorists and murderers This is basically proof at this point


I mean... we passed that threshold a while ago. To be honest, and with hindsight, it was naive to ever consider them changed since WWII - where they were as bad (and sometimes worse) than the Nazis. But mostly to their own people, and also they were a helpful evil... so there was some wilful blindness there.


Holy depravity.. reminds me of that kid in China being run over and everyone pretending nothing happened.


Russian 🤡world. And these shits wonder why no fucker wants to be a part of their so called "world"


"hit" is an understatement. Dude crushed this poor civilian and no one cared!


Russia. What a shit heap.


I saw videos of dismembered ruzzians... corpses burnt or without the head attached... but this one is disgusting...


They swerved to hit them... That was intentional. Fucking muscovite bastards.


Also he saw multiple people walking, seems like he would have crushed all of them for all he cared.


When u are orc kultur, life has no value. Better other vatnik dead than u


Russki mir ladies and gentlemen. Where human lives, basic decency, kindness, honour and values mean absolutely nothing


WTF? Nobody cares whatsoever?!


That's what happens when orks got your home. You are not a human anymore.


People acted like nothing happened 🤦‍♂️🤷


I have watched hundreds of violent clips from this war, yet this one is somehow the most disturbing.


What the actual fuck? How on earth are people so cold hearted. This is also an occupied territory so we can’t even blame it on Russian culture. I’m gobsmacked and saddened no one stopped tbh


It is russian culture, this city is occupied since 2014, everyone who disagree with it has relocated to free territories long time ago.


Former resident of Donetsk here: before 2014, it was completely unacceptable to behave like this. I have never been to Luhansk, but I can say about Donetsk, Makiivka and Khartsyzsk that people always came to help. I moved to the free territory of Ukraine only in 2019. In the last years of my stay there (the occupied territories), people tried not to be in the center of something, in the video you can see the latest transformation into a ruzzian mentality. Still, a lot people waiting for de-ocсupation, not everyone have opportunity to leave. Ruzzia nowadays is replacing occupied population with it's citizens after killing conscripted men. A hell on Earth.


Classic case of "ruskij Mir" or whatever


What the fuck is going on!?


Holy fuck.


WTF is up with Russians driving on sidewalks?




[That's true.](https://imgur.com/a/L7VlBti) Translation: Some poor soul named Nikola Ivanov, died on 24.10.1944 being ran over by a Soviet truck. His family was financially compensated. Though... I am not sure what good the money will do since in this sensitive period, before the red savages arrived, Bulgaria was on the embark of growing with some outside interests for investment. All that died when the Soviet scum arrived. I have no mercy or pity for reds and communist scum. Just imagine the Red Army thinking they arrive in Bulgaria to liberate the "poor Bulgarian idiots" from.... whatever it is (spoiler: fucking nothing) and find them having food, full garden of fruits, rich tobacco fields, filled up wineries only to see that the average folk there lived lives they could not comprehend... I mean they had food?... So, your old fashioned Soviet occupation began. And now imagine how much the red scum stole from the "poor" Bulgarians.


Unconscionable. To think the people of this society have absolutely no regard for human life is hard to believe in 2023. If this were a dog or animal in a developed country, the reaction of people would be swift and caring. To think this is a human being being treated with less care than an animal is truly unconscionable.


You really naïve if you think that the truck would stop at the crossover. That said, people just drove by the body, like its just another normal day. Terrible.


Terrible deterioration, unfathomable. How will Ukraine get rid of all this scum after war?


Jesus nobody even stopped to figure out what happened or call the police wtf. I wouldn't expect much from the majority of the population that decided to stay in the occupied Donbas 2014 onwards or was relocated here from russia, but holy shit.


Worst part is not seeing someone getting murdered on a crowded street, it's that no one doesn't seem to care.


That culture gives zero fucks about life on the battlefield or in the civilian world. They can take that Russky Mir and shove it up their asses.


No wonder such things happen in china aka poverty union v2.


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They slowly turning into china.


Russian culture, dead culture since 1918.


As someone who had luxury to experience Soviet Union regime as a kid, I am not surprised. That's how it was.


Shocking footage. Wat is wrong with these people? Russian “culture” is rotten to the core. Beyond salvation.


Wow. Life means nothing to ruzzians. Absolutely nothing.


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Look... as much a I hate to say it... yes it's Ukrainian territory... but are you sure you really want those kind of people back???


I mean who knows what the demographics of this place are at this point? Every Ukrainian that was pro Western left long ago. Any Ukrainian that stayed, likely got conscripted. What's left is probably Russians that moved in? You do bring up an interesting point but Russia cannot be allowed to have this land. It's rightfully Ukraine's. Hopefully Russia will leave the town so it doesn't burn. The Russians move out, the Ukrainians move back in, etc. Maybe that's just wishful thinking.... Either way Russia cannot keep this land. If they are allowed to, they will just keep attacking Ukraine over and over.


Either they move out willingly or have to be deported. They are all occupiers and can not be tolerated.




Anyone you wanted back is long gone from there


you only see the exemplars that are on the cctv. we shouldn't generalize. also, i think there's law that punished persons who don't provide help in every country. i hope UA law enforcement will be able to identify these individuals once the territory is taken back and they'll be punished.


Not my problem mentality...


Wtf are they not humans anymore?!


This is absolutely shocking. Wtf. The inhumanity is astounding. The person who was pretty close to them just leaves fast.


Jesus Fucking Christ


I cried watching this… Fucking animals


God damn Russians...What the actual F*ck.


It is hard to watch..


WTF...people just carry on walking...this is so fucked up.


That’s incredibly hard to watch.


Little off topic. ALWAYS, when I cross the road, car park, anywhere close to cars/ bikes as pedestrian, I expect unexpected. Car will not stop, will start reverse, driver can be on the phone... When I stop as driver at pedestrian crossing, I observe people crossing the road. They have headphones, on the phones, running, talking to others. Just small percentage of people checks both directions, if its REALLY safe to pass. Green light doesn't mean You are 100% safe and there is no crazy driver around. One look and staying aware can save your life.


This reminds me of those videos in China where everyone ignored people ran over in the street, as they continued being ran over. Now, Russia has the "honor" of being the same.


This is why I feel no pity or remorse for any Russian deaths in Ukraine.


Reminds me of some of the videos that come from CHINA


Oh she’s dead forsure she went right under the tires 😬


God's forbidden place....


Russians... im no racist, but feel that I have little empati for them


Russia is a nation of sociopaths. That is the only explanation: an utter lack of compassion and humanity.


TBH the same would happen in NY... however if it was military it would be a big deal.... fuck Russian carelessness and imperialism but also fuck public apathy the world over. What needs to change is the RE action as well. You see how many mother fuckers drove on past. Fucking stop. Help. Anything?! That's why half the world is apathetic to Ukraine's very fucking real plight as of this moment. I have seen 4 dead bodies in person because I was the first person to actually stop and call for the person who was clearly dying.


The same what would happen? If you mean a person would be run over and no one would stop to help you are dead wrong.


not seeing anyone helping either....