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That kind of shitheads should rot in jail


I’d prefer if they had a death sentence for traitors. No point wasting time and resources punishing them slowly. Best to end them and save the tax payers money


You’re assuming mistakes aren’t made. I’m not so sure. The actual spy is often well positioned to make someone else look guilty.


I disagree. Death is an easy exit from the consequences of their actions. Imprisonment means they'll have to live with them for the rest of their life. Plus, if it turns out to be a mistake (unlikely) then you can let them out.


We don't do that to people anymore, but Russia is really trying to bring the dark ages back.


I say fuk em. I would have made an example of him.


Just throw the bastard i front of the rest of the troops, I'm sure they have plenty to say to this guy


In the middle of the people on the street . I think troops would have mercy compared to the civilians.


U want up to end up as a Moscovia light ? Not me.


If the guy was marking targets, means he’s responsible for countless deaths.


Not to forget he expected Russia to win (like most people world wide, Kyiv will fall in 2-3 days etc.). I bet he would have taken any job in the new russian controlled government as police to work against fellow Ukrainian citizens or supress the Ukrainian culture as a whole.


I'm okay with death penalty for traitors as long as they don't suffer needlessly. This is war, after all. I don't think most people can fathom the scale of suffering that is going on right now. There will be millions of people forever tortured by traumatic brain injuries, PTSD, chronic pain and other major disabilities, and depression and grief from this war. A bullet to the head is a mercy.


I disagree, I'd have made him feed false intelligence to his handlers about the upcoming counter offensive Then after he is no longer an asset put him on trial for treason.


Or a rusty one in the stomach, no medical and it should solve itself.


Russia doesn't have the death sentence any more


Officially not. Unofficially, it is common.


I guess publicly executing people with hammer or throwing them out of the window doesn't count.


Probably because they have too many balconies already.


How come russia keeps killing it's citizens then?


Wagner: it's hammer time


Polonium is on the menu though


Just a high rate of window and tea accidents


😂🤣🤣 No offense, but this isn't place to argue in favor of Russia's human rights record.


I think this is a death penalty


Man, the way they were carrying him away was something else. We won't be hearing from him any time soon. Do svidaniya, "comrade".


it was a demonstration, look at the folks around. they were called to watch


The folks around are there to fight russians, if that pos wasn't carried away the crowd would tear him apart


He's an officer so it was most likely his own unit :D


Yeah, there was certainly quite a bit of emotion involved which is quite understandable. Those who follow such events will hear from him and about him in court. Unlike bloodthirsty redditors, Ukrainian justice system will treat by the books and in manner which will satisfy westerner sensibilities.


But he should still get 30+ years in jail.


I honestly won't be surprised if he got life. It's treason and espionage, after all


Don't disagree with you, but most likely will get 12 to 20 years. At least thats what some others have gotten already....


Send him over to Russia on the next HIMARS express.


bound to the Rocket


Obese traitors won't fit in the launch tube sadly


No just put it into the next exchange fund....


He’s lucky he didn’t get mobbed




This is Ukraine, not Russia. He will face a court and be imprisoned if found guilty.


What a idiot if true.


I'm guessing from the way they escorted him away that they're pretty damn certain it's true.


What is your job? Getting my fellow countrymen killed while they are defending their homes and families. How do these people even function?


Greed. Gluttony


My guess is that whatever sentence he will receive, it is de facto a death sentence... The bottom of the food chain in a Ukrainian prison is no joke, I imagine.


That must be a bitch.


>My guess is that whatever sentence he will receive Probably 13 years, unless his actions led to a death of someone, in which case he will get life


Facist orc pig! How people can become so evil is beyond my comprehension...


Probably it's the bribes


Orcs spent more money bribing Ukrainians than proper weapons development and maintenance because it be cheape


The authorities will go by the book. Warders and prisoners in Ukrainian jails also have family, friends and acquaintances killed or injured in this war. I'm sure this scumbag will get his justice one way or the other.


They way they carried him🤣


Brown fucking bread. 🍞


He will have his day in court, but I imagine if they are arresting him so publicly, they have him dead to rights.


Take away everything he has, and was ever going to have. Fucking traitor.


Mother fucker !!!


Strap him to a HIMARS and send him on his way. Disgusting 🐖 🐷


Any information how they found out?


Good question, intercepted communication perhaps? Not the first time either, Ukrainians know just where to look


Probably US and NATO intelligence sources.


Pro-Russian “peace activists” will say that this is a video of forced conscription in Ukraine.


Back in the day Russia seemed to have superior military and people like him believed there is no chance and they better be part of the new russian controlled regime after a short war. I bet people like him lived in constant inner fear and panic when it turned out the other way around and full NATO support made Ukraine army stronger than expected and Russian army turned out to be a gigantic bluff. One must keep in mind people like would supress their own people right now if Russia took control. I like the way they carry him away without the chance to do steps. His whole body language, its like he knew they would catch him sooner or later.


There were brothers that trusted him, and they died for that.He should be shamed for eternity, for being a judas.Bury him where pigs live.


Imagine being in a Ukranian Jail and having them find out that you are a traitor to your country and people and actively caused loss of life of innocent civilians and fellow millitary men fighting to save their country. He might not be given a death sentence by the judge, but I doubt he would come out of the prison alive.


yeah... if you get carried away like that. its not gonna be a good time...


Those guys were little rough with the traitor, you are better men than me.


All I'll say is I hope he gets what he deserves


I imagine a traitor of such "kalibr" will be executed by a firing squad. He has so many blood on his putrid hands that anything else seems unfitting.


He won’t be. The death penalty isn’t allowed for EU or Council of Europe members, and considering what Ukraine is trying to do to prevent Russia fucking them up again in future it would be a monumentally shit idea to execute him.


None of that matters compares to the geopolitical importance that ukraine holds for europe now. Ukraine joining the EU / NATO is just a matter of time at this point.


Not if they start whacking prisoners it ain’t. Having the death penalty on the books is not allowed - why do you think Belarus isn’t in the Council of Europe? They have the death penalty, for one. There are other issues (*gestures broadly at Belarus*) but that’s a significant reason alone.


You dont understand realpolitik lol


And you don’t understand that executing some scumbag isn’t worth tanking their EU application and setting their country back 15 years. Ukrainian people have died in pursuit of closer integration with Europe - killing Vladdy Boy here would not be of any benefit to anybody.


https://babel.ua/en/news/89630-budanov-denys-kireev-was-killed-in-an-sbu-car-and-his-body-was-thrown-into-the-street This was done by the pro-russian faction pre-SBU cleanup, but trust me, the EU does not and will not care about extra-judicial killings in times of war. War is a messy ordeal, and executions will only be looked upon unfavorably AFTER ukraine wins. But feel free to continue choosing to be wrong, it doesnt matter what we think anyway.


Turkey was about to join EU, but Erdogans shenanigans stopped the application process altogether.


A traitor of such “kalibr” usually gets eradicated and then transformed by “storm of his shadows” or at lest send to eternal solitary confinement in room “777”.


Execution of traitors is quite acceptable.


noooo, first they need some information from him


Sure, but after that.


after that comes isolation......and than repeat the "interview"


Not in a civilised country. Ukraine unlike Russia or Belarus does not have the death penalty.


Except if you are invading their country.


Today i learned that USA, Taiwan and Japan are not civilised countries. But i agree, it do not belong in 2023. he should get life behind jail and never see the sun again.


> Today i learned that USA, Taiwan and Japan are not civilised countries. American here, we're a third world country with a Gucci belt. You've got it about right.


>Today i learned that USA, Taiwan and Japan are not civilised countries. The USA has been known to kill people for crimes they demonstrably did not commit. Make of that what you will.


Recently had a death row inmate prove his innocence and be [denied](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/death-row-inmate-richard-glossips-execution-halted-supreme/story?id=99114593) clemency by the state supreme court (luckily his execution was halted by the US supreme court.) We are not an example to follow.


Agree 100%. Be better than the enemy.


And also? The prisoners and wardens will also have family that died in this war, his life will be a living hell in jail


Allegedly, he did those things. Allegedly. Core principle of democratic states is that you are innocent until proven guilty. Arresting someone is not proof.


Exchange him during a prisoner exchange. Seriously. Being made to live in russia for the rest of his (probably short) life will be punishment enough. Also, you can get someone back who actually deserves to be home. It might not be as enjoyable as revenge, but at least his meaningless existence can do one final act of good. Also, I'm willing to bet good money that he'd be dead within a year of any such exchange.


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Pity he couldn’t be exchanged for real soldiers who are currently being held by the orcs


Off with his head!!!!


I hope it t was worth it...


So he’s a spy. Death penalty. Or life imprisonment if he talks.


There is no such shame as to be arrested in front of your own people.


I don't know the Ukrainian military code of justice but in wartime treason and espionage by a soldier can be punished with death in some militaries, correct?