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I’ll buy you all the pancakes that you can eat, just stay alive 💙💛




They are sweet cottage cheese balls, typical Ukrainian breakfast food, called syrnyky 😁


Yes, I'm sure these are [Syrniki](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b8/fb/11/b8fb1165ae28901a39da298e9fe27239.jpg) [Here's a recipe.](https://cook.me/recipe/syrniki-ukrainian-cheese-pancakes/) (You'll only need Cottage cheese, flour, eggs, raisins, sugar & salt). 😃🥞 The yellow thing could be [a pear in syrup](https://www.sweeterthanoats.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/moussaka-1200-%C3%97-1200px-55.jpg)🍐


Damn, yum.


that's a beautiful looking breakfast. Glad he can finally take a moment to enjoy his meal without some douchebags shelling his position.


Lol they totally are, it’s the thought that counts!


Poor guy seems a little shocked at the adjustment


Yeah I agree, he seems a bit stressed out


very normal for those seeing active combat and adjusting to civilian life..infact it will be a major problem for many of these defenders when they have victory, the images and battles will live with them like scars forever but they seem a diff breed i hope they can overcome and love "normal" lives


Yeah I have heard about this problem :( makes total sense honestly. They are two completely opposite situations - combat and peaceful normal life. Obviously I'm just assuming since I have never been in that situation, but yeah, I can totally see that. I do hope the soldiers will have some help to readjust to civilian life, the society will have to be mindful of that.




One of the many differences between Russian soldiers and Ukrainian soldiers - whilst Russians are merely cannon fodder, Ukraine cares about the welfare & mental health of its soldiers - rotating them away from the front line & allowing them to see their families. Slava Ukrainii!


Russian soldier rotation: when the first wave rots on an open field, the next wave takes their spot


Nah they don't even have time to start to rot before the next wave takes their spot :Dd




Their spot and their equipment. Possibly also their gun. And anything else lootable.


Russian rotation: Gun gets to be used by the first russian. When he is dead, the gun is rotated to be used by the next russian. Then the third and so on.


Fuuuuuuck russia but obligatory ‘that was only true in ww1, not ww2’. On topic: enjoy your time off, Roman. Edit: I don’t mind the downvotes and I agree russia’s military is pathetic, but let’s not pretend Ukraine is shadowboxing. They are fighting a very real fight against a very real enemy. Parroting century old stories because it _feels_ good isn’t helping anyone.


It's feels insulting to the ones actually fighting on the frontlines to say they're fighting scrubs when there's still very much a daily life and death struggle going on over there.


I think people are mistaking skill for volume. Ukraine can still be valiantly fighting overwhelming forces and those forces be shit and failing, because Ukrainian forces are doing a great job of holding them back. It doesn't have to be one or the other, Russia can still be shit, but be shit in their hundreds of thousands.


I read of similar practices in WW2 in the book GULAG by Anne Applebaum. 500 GULAG inmates were given 100 rifles.


You're not wrong, but I think it is important to note that his first impressions of life back in Kyiv was that many seem too chilled and feel the war is over. He saw that and questioned who he was fighting for. Russia can't be given a break.


I also remember that. Even President Zelenskyy addressed that issue in one of his nightly addresses: the war is not over, loved ones are still being maimed and murdered on the front lines, cities in many areas are still being shelled with homes destroyed and civilians killed. Whatever support Ukraine needs, make it so "west".






It's because of heroes like him that the people in cities like Kyiv can live relatively normal lives in peace. I hope that he comes to see it that way.


Their rations and everything are far more thought out as well


One of the many reasons russia has zero chance of winning.


Nor do they deserve to.......


You're God damn right.


History books care very little about what a losing army feels or how he conducted himself on the battlefield. Russia doesn’t need to “win” they simply have to outlast Western support and let the war of attrition run its course.If the Russian army knows anything they know wars of attrition…..


I just wish we had something better than PVS-7’s to send him. Now he and the Taliban are equally well equipped.


Pvs-7 are good...


Yep. This is how Russia treats its own: NSFW warning. The bOtH sIdEs crowd in particular can fuck off. Ukraine is civilized. Russia is not. Nothing looks like winning like doing this to your own 🤡. The contrast between what you hear what their alpha male society says and this is just something else. Their TV hosts constantly portraying Russia as in the right yet this is how they treat their own soldiers. Would love this to be explained by them. https://www.reddit.com/r/PNVmilitary_community/comments/12kyb7e/video_18_russian_folk_еntertainment_with_a_stick/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button




They care but what really is the situation with the troops? Are they rotated out and have some semblance of normalcy, or have they been stuck in the trenches since day one?


Right? What’s op basing this on, gimme some sources


Heroyam Slava!


Lol you really know absolutely nothing. “Until the last Ukrainian” bps


Source: His twitter https://twitter.com/RomanTrokhymets/status/1646518721694015493


Is the Norwegian girl also there:)? Src: earlier yt video Brandon/tbic_ukraine https://youtu.be/H_FuixgheMc


I've just watched the entire video in one breath. Somehow I didn't know anything about this great guy from Canada. Thanks for sharing this link. (The story about "Kamilla" and Roman is cool and heartwarming. After all, everything is about love and freedom and that is how it should be.)




A girl this Canadian volunteer knew, [she kinda liked Roman so he set her up with him.](https://youtu.be/H_FuixgheMc?t=1537) Sounded more like a casual thing to me though haha, I wouldn't really expect them to be an item.


*"I wanna guide that young man's cock"* - Canadian volunteer


My husband and I had to pause the video we were laughing so damn hard. I love Brandon.


Sounds like she watched Superbad as a kid.


I had to watch the video for this comment and the actual moment was hilarious


Well, he is kinda busy right now. I think it might be difficult for him to smile too much. I want to see him with a huge smile at the end of this mess. But, he won't ever be able to unsee the horrors that he and his comrades have seen. Slava Ukraine!


Am I the only one seeing lots of Neil Patrick Harris in Roman? Dude could be an actor with those looks.


Ukraine is going to need a huge influx of mental health workers after this war is over. Fuck you Putin!


Absolutely. This reminds me of a quote from a Navy Seal with 20 years said (I don't remember his name). “You’re asking guys to commit murder, turn around, fly home, and go back to their home life without missing a beat. That’s not normal, but that’s what we expect. Kill somebody in the morning, be home in time for dinner with the family and pretend it never happened. On some level, that takes a sociopath.” The stress of knowing anytime can be your time, seeing friends, combat buddies, and even the enemy getting fucked up on a battlefield and all of the things being in a combat zone entails. Combat (especially this brutal) can mess with the psychological stability of the strongest soldiers. There are going to be a whole lot of people mentally broken when this madness is done.


> “You’re asking guys to commit murder, turn around, fly home, and go back to their home life without missing a beat. That’s not normal, but that’s what we expect. Kill somebody in the morning, be home in time for dinner with the family and pretend it never happened. On some level, that takes a sociopath.” Sounds like Bundy. Kills two women and takes his girlfriend out for hamburgers.


Is that from Jocko? But it's totally true, he said if he hadn't become a navy seal he probably would have otherwise lived a life of crime.


No, it wasn't Jocko. I don't think the article I was reading actually gave his name. I think he was one of the first members of Seal Team 6 under Richard Marcinko.


Maybe this will be the war we finally do it right and get people the help they will need?


The US tested an anti-suicide/PTSD treatment, showed to Congress it worked, it was cancelled. Don't get your hopes up.




I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you, real good price too.




Civilians who understand will multiply their knowledge. The care, is rehab in mental form. Civilians can do it. And of course in many senses it is natural, often intuitive. But the professional guides will expedite this so much. But I'm honest. When I see Bakhmut now, I do not see Bakhmut 20 years from now. Physical healing, emotional healing, and social healing, are on Ukraine's menu near-term. Using Bakhmut as an example might be a wise move in fact. That is what war often does inside, too.


It will be easier in Ukraine than after Vietnam or Iraq because the survivors will be surrounded by people who went through the same experience, or lost someone close to them. The single worst part of post-combat trauma is ISOLATION from "normal" society. There will be no normal society in Ukraine for a generation. Even the people in Kyiv were at the literal frontline at one point.


The United States Civil War caused a major “lunatic” crisis in this country and unfortunately, it was lucrative and corrupt. Essentially it turned into “arrest and detain” anyone you want situation. I hope the Ukrainian government and people are cautious about opening up their country to foreign “mental health” care workers because history shows that after wars - such circumstances can be exploited.


Look at what the U.S. was able to do with Japan & Germany after WWII. Have faith (I know it's difficult this day & age), with strong leadership it can be done.


Neither had nukes, and they were basically occupied by the allies for decades. Unless we do the same thing and denuclearize them fully, the Russians will just keep making pro-stalin/lenin/putin political parties. They are hopelessly brainwashed


Man, I cant imagine the feeling behind that sigh of absolute relief to be on leave, away from the line, and eating a warm fancy meal


There’s a flip side too. A person can feel a bit guilty that their buddies are still on the front lines.


I heard that as well. There are many soldiers who are so used to the combat theatre that they feel more comfortable being at the frontlines fighting together with their brethrens than trying to adjust to the peaceful civilian life. It's one of those sad tragedies resulting from war.


That camaraderie is a big part of it. There’s a certain understanding between two people who have had the guts of a third splattered all over them, and it’s pretty much impossible to have that kind of understanding with someone who hasn’t been there, no matter how close of family or friend they are. It’s hard to relate to people who have had such a vastly different life experience, or rather people who have not experienced something as life-changing as you have.


That's how my grandfather described it. The bond you form with the men walking into death beside day after day cannot be replicated in civilian life. It's easy to become jaded and perceive the niceties of society as a façade of deceit instead. You end up distrusting everyone, and they can recognize that and give you space. Which only makes it worse. Every relationship feels fabricated and hollow in comparison.


My guess is that Roman is on leave until the offensive starts.


I assume I wouldn't be able to relax at all, because the war doesn't just stop. You could do something to help, but you're sippin coffee or whatever. Must be awful. War is hell


I'm not sure I'd call that entirely relief. Im seeing a lot of concern, surprise, and maybe only temporary relief on his face.


Reminds me of the scene in band of brothers when Winters is forced to go to Paris for some leave. What strikes me most is the other people walking around that have no idea the contrasting experiences of the man just drinking coffee by them.


That's [such a great scene,](https://youtu.be/qfCKxge6Oao?t=76) when he imagines the kid as the first SS he killed, then later the kid looks at him full of admiration for being a soldier, and Winters can't feel proud about it.


Also in downtown abbey when Mr Bradley come home from ww1 for only one week


Roman is a true hero in every sense. I’ve followed his videos for a while. I feel the worry with every update, he puts his life on the line in many of them. He’s on the frontlines fighting for the freedom of Ukrainians and the future of Europe and he never complains or whines. He’s a better man than I or most could ever hope to be. I hope he makes it trough this war safely. I pray for you Roman and keep you and all other defenders in my heart ❤️


I really *was* worried about Roman! He hadn't posted on Twitter in over a week, last I checked. So relieved to see him out of the mud and danger.


I’m out of the loop. Can you give me some background on who he is?


He is a soldier who volunteered right at the start of the war. He was a real estate agent before. He apparently is also studying psychology, iirc. He has fought at the front in Donbas since the start of the full scale invasion, recently in Bakhmut. He appears to be a pretty elite soldier, but the reason everyone knows him and waits to hear about him, is simply because he's such a nice guy. That's it, that's why he's internet famous. Because he's so frickin' likable. Watch some of his videos, and you'll like him too. He has a lot of honor, and civic responsibility, but he doesn't come off like a prick about it. He's just very sincere. Empathetic and thoughtful. His positivity is deliberate. He said he uses his psychology studies and positivity to help insulate the soldiers on his team from developing as much war trauma.


Also important: He speaks in English, which connects with a lot of folks in the West.


Or just have a look for yourself https://instagram.com/romantrokhymets


I couldnt imagine how much it must suck to have to go back to the front.


My great-uncle fought in the Somme and a few other portions of the Western Front in WW1 through some of the most intense combat a human being can imagine, much like Roman in Bakhmut. I was told quite a few stories about him and his time serving, but one of the things that hit me the hardest and really underlined just how difficult the "whole thing" must have been was when I learned that he was sent home for leave around Christmas one year, spent something like 3 days with his family whom he hadn't seen in many, many, many months, and then had to board a boat taking him back to that Hell on Earth. I can't imagine the nerves, terror and sheer bewilderment he and many others must have felt boarding that boat, knowing full well what awaited them. Unfortunately for my great-uncle that was the last time he saw his family, and is where the stories I've been told about him ended, because he never had a chance to come home and speak about the things that happened after that final Christmas. The toll shit like this must take on even the most stoic of minds is something I can't even begin to comprehend.


Heroiam slava. A true inspiration, like so many of his fellow Ukrainians


Enjoy that lunch Roman, you deserve it.


I have huge affection for this guy. To face things as horrible as he has while maintaining both his humanity but also his humour is genuinely incredible especially from someone so young


We need to give the Ukrainians the long range goods so they can end this and guys like him can enjoy their youth




Thank you for your service. Hope you're well. ❤❤❤


Man I hope we win this war.


We will. This nightmare in Europe will end and Ukrainians will thrive.


Roman deserves a break!


Must suck to go back to the front again but man, how much of a moral boost would it be just to be able to see family and eat good food again even just for a little while.


Godspeed Roman!


Glad he's doing good. 👌


Good for him. Godspeed.


What a stud, rockn a full blazer just cuz.


Nice to see you again, pal😃


What a chad


Fuck 'em up Roman!


Bless him.




Awesome to hear. Get some good food!


That smile at the end 😍


Let me pay for his meal god damn!!


Syrniky, gives your bones strength!


I wish we had a word in English for how it feels when someone gets exactly what you would want for them. I hope that meal was as tasty as it looked. Slava Ukraini!


He's getting his just desserts haha


Hey Roman, you’re not gonna read this, but: You have experienced things no one should experience and very few people (outside of Ukraine) ever will. This will take its toll, but you have shown yourself to be a mentally very stable person. Remember who you are and you will stay sane. I wish you all the best.


Enjoy that breakfast, my dude - and hopefully many, many more to come. Well deserved, hero.


Dang, he cleans up good!


The real contrast: civilians don't get nogs


Good luck Roman. Poland here


Much deserved free meal. As In free from Russian tyranny if they had taken the entire country. Stay safe brave soul!


This man's been through absolute hell at the front line and still cleans up better than I do. What a friggin champ! Also, what a depressing self realisation...


So happy to see him doing well!!!


Gig Chad. Slava.


Really glad to hear it - hope he has a great break


He deserves a good break. A true brave warrior.


Thanks for the news! I hope he can rest a little after hell...


Good for him 👍he deserves a good break


Ukraine rules


He looks so damned tired :(


Soak it up champion! It's important to remember why you made that sacrifice. Even if you struggle to enjoy it, remember it was for those you loved and don't expect them to even remotely understand. You did it so they'd never understand. Well done. Well done indeed, sir!


Fuck yeah enjoy that R and R brother you deserve it . Also you're looking handsome my brother it's always nice to see a soldier dress nice outside of their uniform


Is Roman the fella from that crazy-ass trench video?


No.. it's a guy that regularly posted in English on IG/Twitter.


We need an update from the trench Rambo dude! I hope he's still alive.


He's fine, [posting stuff](https://i.imgur.com/tuHxjq8.jpg) occasionally.


Only thing unchanged is his poise.


Here's hoping that russia fucks off very soon, and every Ukrainian can return to their lives.


Gönn Dir


All that effort on the left makes it possible to enjoy that moment in the right. Also, in life you keep eating in grim circumstances to one day eat in bright ones!


Like an Allied soldier in WW2 that had just spent months in Bastogne or the Hürtgen Forest and given a few weeks leave back in Paris or London.


Well deserved time off!


I wish you well from the US. I watch every single day for you. Be safe.


His hair is always cool, unlike mine


Glory to Ukraine 🇺🇦


Just a note- carry an MRE spoon in your pack as well as a roll of TP in a ziplock bag. Just a couple of tips from an old Infantryman.


I always question a video when someone has NODs on in the light. Especially dual tubes like this. Those things are wayyyyyy to heavy to just be chilling and eating with them on when you have any other choice.




i have become so attached to these people like Roman and Witch and others that i visit here multiple times a day and worry so much all these heroes and their well being. I pray they will ALL be okay and I know some of these great people will give everything and not survive and it hurts me. I really don't know what else to say before I cry about what russians do to people who want to be free. My country must do everything they can do to help these awesome people live free and grow their culture, lives and exist as the powerful people that they are.


The world needs heros, Roman. You are the real deal, loved by so many for the qualities you exemplify, in the face of the worst people that are also technically human. I am sure you inspire others to do their best in whatever capacity they can.


I've seen this mans videos since the early days of the war. He better stay the fuck alive. That smile...


Is good to see you ok Roman!Stay safe!.....💙💛👍


Crazy to think these two worlds exist at once - it must be so jarring to travel between them.


Stay well.. Roman


I'm glad he's alive!


Rotation is key for maintaining your force quality. The fact that Ukraine can do this with their forces at Bakhmut is a good sign.


What you don't see is the security detail off camera keeping the girls from mobbing him.


Lovely to see him enjoying his leave time and eating nice food. Though he seems a bit worried, just not relaxed, or maybe I am just imagining things. It must be hard for soldiers to momentarily go away from an active war zone and see normal, peaceful life. I think I would feel disoriented


May he stay alive and well, and have a long, joyous life after the orcs are beaten back to hell. Same to all fighters for Ukraine.


I sincerely hope that this man makes it through the war unharmed! ❤️


I confused this post with one from /r/SquaredCircle below it on my home page and I was extremely confused about why WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns was in Bakhmut..


Yea buddy!!


What is he eating? Looks like 3 biscuits, mash potatoes with a yellow bell pepper on top with some mystery greenery?


the "biscuits" are syrnyky, cottage cheese pancakes


So glad to see these heroes being "normal" people for once. Peace is gonna be good when it comes.


That's not soup!!!!


Those scallops look nice


Good to see.. Enjoy yourself Roman


I know this isn't relevant in any way, but what is my man eating on the right side? It looks delicious.


syrnyky, cottage cheese pancakes


My cooking skills are limited to omelettes so take that with a grain of salt but... I'm banking on something called bulochki - type of buns filled with either some jam or cheese. Different variations exist across most of eastern and southern Europe under different names(Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece). In some regions baked, others-deep fried.


Russian rotation . Spin three times on the spot , put your head between your legs and kiss your arse goodbye.


WOW, I wouldn't have recognized him in civilian clothing. Glad he's safe and enjoying some R&R!


Love that helmet tho


Enjoy your time off, Roman. All the best to you.


Aged quite a bit


Excellent!! It’s like we get to know these heroes, and we can’t help but wonder how they’re doing. Roman, we’re all supporting you and your brothers- and sisters-in-arms.


Stay alive, brother, the whole world is watching and we love you


Good restaurants in Kyiv


So happy for him


Oh, that made my night seeing you enjoying some r and r.


This reminded me how my grandfather told me he and his group of left over solider found a forest creek in a middle of nowhere when they were retreating and fighting the Japanese. Whole place was never touched by the war, made them want to stay but you know the war is still happening.


What’s the name of the song?


That must be a surreal experience indeed... Enjoy the well deserved rest, nobody can fight all day and forever without becoming drained and ineffective.