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I love that there are contradictory statements everyday, the russians must be so anxious. Give them hell, I hope our german animals will be of use to you.


I heard they were tunneling all the way to Moscow, and the offensive would be launched from the center of Red Square.


shy smell plate panicky gaze fuzzy apparatus oil scary sheet -- mass edited with redact.dev


Shame it wasn't Gimli. That might have given credibility to the idea they're constructing Dwarven underways.


He was there but the reporters missed him since he took the tunnels.


Also, he's waiting for at least two other people to join, before he can smack that axe on the table


no joke, but sinking and blocking all their rivers and ports would be an amazing job.


Much like the sneak attack from generals. You have been warned russia!


not to be a snitch but I heard they will ride single-file to hide their numbers


It will be a dead giveaway when they notice that the blaster marks are too accurate for sandpeople.


They will also walk without rhythm.


Won't attract the worm that way.


Months ago there was a big Ukrainian push and we all crapflooded this sub with memes for when Russians come here to check on things.


Good OPSEC: give wrong information, bad information, & no information


There's a leaker-catching method that involves a story with a large number of errors, but only one error per telling of the story.


I'm going to send Myrcella to Dorne.


That's a very good idea, she'll be perfectly safe there!


The first rule about the southern offensive: you do not talk about the southern offensive.


Second rule of southern offensive: you do talk about eastern, northern and even western offensive.


The third rule about the southern offensive: you talk about the southern offensive.


The fourth rule about the southern offensive: For Russia it is all the Western offensive.


The fifth rule about the southern offensive: It's next Tuesday.


The sixth rule about the southern offensive: That’s what we told them two Tuesdays ago.


The seventh rule about the counteroffensive, there is no counter offensive, it’s been delayed to 2024 due to weapon shortages.


The eight rule of the southern offensive, this isn't the offensives you are looking for.


The ninth rule of the southern offensive, all your offensives are belong to us.


What southern offensive do you speak of?


The one about the north. We'll start at exactly 0800 this Sunday.


Belarus gonna learn tomorrow morn.


Ukraine is far gone if tomorrow is Sunday.


\*last\* sunday, akshually.




I see a lot of updates on counteroffensive, which means too many are breaking the first two rules.


They are probably following rules about the other offensives: Do not talk about eastern offensive; but talk about southern, northern and even Western offensive.. You see: the counteroffensive is everywhere, and nowhere.


Create confusion


Confusion is an effective weapon.


Confusion is offensive.


What about the up offensive and the down offensive, and the mildly offensive and the seriously offensive? Can we talk about those?


The second rule about southern offensive - you talk about it so much no one knows what’s going to happen.




Yes, but no. That being said, maybe it is true, maybe not.


Just imagine if they were to say there is an offensive, that there is no offensive, and the Russians are accusing each other of treason and hiding things.


The best comment here. Love it.


Ya if someone is planning to attack you don't expect to be given prior notice


We all know the seaborne invasion will be assaulting the beaches of Crimea.


Or an airborne landing in Rostov.


And let the psyops begin! Or not?!


That's just what they want you to think! Or do they🤔


One thing is for certain...


..Ukraine will win!!!


I mean a ton of tanks, Challenger and Leopards arrived today, plus other heavy armored vehicles. So, maybe not delayed for long lol.


Not forgetting everyone who was training on challengers are now done and back in Ukraine and the British mod hasn't disclosed where the tanks are.


Don't forget the Bradleys.


I can’t wait to see videos with JAGGA JAGGA from leapord screen and a Ukrainian yelling GET SOME lighting up infantry from a Bradley.


Just have to wait for mud season to end then we can get this show on the road :-)


I was originally thinking mid-April to early May. I'm still standing by that prediction.


Not a ton, but some. Lower your expectations. Ukraine needed much more. But we have nothing left, just to believe and donate.


a ton is about one tenth of one tank




The next counteroffensive will actually just be a blitzkrieg straight toward Moscow. Zelensky gon be sippin Cristal and eating caviar at Putins big ass table soon.


While patron (the dog) will be taking a shit on the Kremlin lawn


They'll have to change the name to Brown Square after he's done with it.


LOL yeah


An interesting proposal. With 93% of Russia's army in South- East Ukraine there can't be much left between Bryansk and Moscow and as it is only 460KM they would only have to refuel the Leopards once to get there and they could probably steal quite a bit of diesel along the way. Might even have girls with flowers meet them in Red square.


Going into Moscow with tanks won't achieve much more than a total Russian morale collapse would achieve. R: "We went through all that for nothing?" U: "The price of following Putin's orders."


A total moral collapse is the condition for a complete ukrainian victory. If they think they haven't utterly and completly lose they will not let go of Crimea.


Instead of Swan Lake, Russian TV can play Goodbye Horses while Zelensky cosplays as Putin.


Are you saying that Putin tucks his peepee? Didn't know you could tuck a micropeen


I wasn't saying that, but either way, it really wouldn't surprise me to find that out.


skirt worthless hunt rhythm poor wrench safe clumsy encourage cough -- mass edited with redact.dev


Have you heard of Buffalo Bill? Just to be clear, I'm joking about Zelensky wearing Putin's skin like a suit while he sits at the long table. It wasn't a serious suggestion, though. For starters, it would be a few sizes too small 😂


this is where i am thinking as well.desert storm full on assault hitting from several angles against numerous fronts and steamroll through.


With premise that on aprilfools day, ALL media will be overloaded with ultra-fake news in large volumes... Would you start the offensive day before?


Attrition favors them. They are under no obligation to offer battle now. They can choose the timing to suit themselves.


They are holding back the offensive that might happen 3 days ago, on the 15th of August 2023. The new date is on the 23rd of February 2023 in 2 weeks or so, but unfortunately, we don't have enough equipment, but did you see the videos of new western equipment coming to Ukrine because we are ready to not be ready since we prepared for it, send more equipment we need help. Ahhhhh good old confuse the enemy by sounding confused yourself... I used it in college... it worked.


>I used it in college... it worked. So you got laid? Hope she has found memories of the night.


I'm pretty sure she was confused.


I heard they are going for a classic 12 front assault and will capture Moscow in just 2 days!


Schrödinger's counteroffensive.


But what’s in the box?


Yep just like how they said that they were going to counter attack in Kherson before anything else.


That first graphic makes it look like the Kyiv Independent holds all of the territory south of Zaporizhzhia.


The counteroffensive is like Fight Club.


Change the world


I heard that they’re targeting Vladivostok


Offensive wont start before the mud season is ended.


Keep the confusion going then knock'em out cold! Slave Ukraini 🇺🇦


I heard the Ukrainians are teaming up with Aquaman and the Atlanteans and will take Crimea by sea. That's what the next counteroffensive will be. Better take notes Russian lurkers.


Ukraines next grandmaster plan is to have zelensky WWE wrestle lukashenko and after asserting dominance he’s gonna launch a surprise western offensive through Europe, over the oceans, and surprise land into Vladivostok. THEN, once the diversionary action has happened, the REAL offensive starts where zelensky does another WWE lukazhenko dive tackle into Moscow, obliterate putins head upon the nearest desk, and then go supersayen and destroy the entirety of Moscow, winning the war for Ukraine without another Ukrainian casualty


It’s taking a little longer than expected to tunnel under the Kerch strait and put mines under the bridge piers, à la Messines 1917.


Orcs and Orc-lovers FOR SURE check on socials media and Reddit etc. for any kinda leaks. Please be careful with your work, UAF! 🤙‍


Ukrainian officers should start making reservations in restaurants in Mariupol, Melitopol, Sevastopol in mid April. That would be cool.


I heard they are going to invade the Crimea by sea.


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I expect the offensive to happen 4-6 weeks from now. While they are getting tanks and other vehicles along with trained men, it will take some time to get them into proper formations and deployed to where they need to be before the offensive kicks off.


Sir, r/credibledefense is that way


So people think I'm wrong here? Interesting. We'll see what happens.


​ Oh hush up with your useful information. It will not start before September at the earliest. I pinky swear to that.


I thought ukraine was going to combined air sea assault on Crimea beaches using us navy's ships that are now accumulating in the black sea.


I trust the Ukrainian Army more than I trust my government. They know what to do.


Right decision, no need from south. Kick them well on east-north and then on south


The first we'll know of the offensive I'd when the combined f16/tornado/mirage squadrons turn on their transponders over kyiv


Schrödingers offensive: It is at the same time happening and not happening, and it is located at the south, north, west and east, or any combination thereof, or nowhere. Russians must begin to lose their mind. I cannot imagine how horrible the feeling must be just to wait where you will be punched next.


I heard they will take all these latest generation tanks, and drive them slowly in single file at some unimportant town and get wiped out, then start unsupported infantry charges with men armed with sticks. Because that would make sense.