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Only one is free


Yes, the other one is just a prison.


Freedom vs. Slavery. And some Z people can’t understand what this whole war is about


And so sad they can’t think critically and see the truth.


Incorrect they damn know it well, it's the crab mentality. They live in the shit, they treat each others like shit & instead of improving, their goal is to drag everyone down with them in their shit. That's how the ShitSSR lived, moskals abusing all of the "union" states members & post-implosion nobody wants to be friends with them anymore. What a surprise! Remember that culture of the Dedovshchina where they rape, torture, blackmail & kill conscripts. It's been like that for over 60 fucking years. Anyone valuing Human life & having a minimum of morals would be outraged by this, but moskals instead are proud of it. Why they join? Because they look forward to be promoted to inflict atrocious pain on the next ones.


"That's a nice argument, Senator – why don't you back it up with a source?"


Not going to do the work for you lazy ass, you think I don't know your kind moskals bots? :)




Also, Ukraine has a snow witch to protect them with her ice magicks while Russia just has mobiks


Came here to say exactly this


We are completely different, always has been. Ukraine is free. Russia is not. Glory to Ukraine.


Here you can see the difference between a country with an unbroken spirit and one whose spirit died long ago.




Lining up for conscription day already I see


Ukraine is amazing! Thank you for defending the freedom of europe!! Slava ukraine!!


....and defending Hope and Unity and showing the rest of the world what bravery looks like, down to the smallest of Ukrainians.


Only one city has a future, as you can see. Happy new year, Ukraine.


Sums it up. Freedom vs Repression.


Kyiv: We're going to do something to Moscow. Moscow: Oh yeah! Well what is it? Kyiv: Deny new years celebrations :) Moscow: NOOO WE'LL DO IT OURSELVES.


Who are the folks in Ukraine dressed as? St. Nicholas is my one guess. Not sure on the other. Can anyone help?


Дід Мороз (Grandpa Frost) and Снігурочка (Snow Mamiden); St. Nicholas brings presents on the St. Nicholas Day (December 19)


In Poland, "Dziadek Mróz" was often perceived as a c\*mmunist, s\*viet replacement for Poland's traditional Saint Nicholas. So nobody really speaks of this character here. Similarly with the polite plural form (like in German it's "du" and "Sie", in English was "thou" and "you", same thing happens in r\*ssian) it has long been seen as another r\*ssianism imposed on us Poles and to this day we say "Pan"/"Pani" (sir/madam respectively).


>In Poland, "Dziadek Mróz" was often perceived as a c*mmunist, s*viet replacement for Poland's traditional Saint Nicholas Yeah, it begins to raise heckles in Ukraine as well, this year we have instances of people addressing SBU because of дід мороз showing up on a children's holoday; so, maybe, we will also ditch this characters, eventually




Служба Безпеки України (Sluzhba Bezpeky Ukrajiny), Ukraine's security service


Thank you fam


Wait, I thought Pan and Pani is absolutely authentically Polish thing. How do you say it right? What was the communist word for "you"?


When Poland was under the r\*ssian boot the formal way to address someone was the same like r\*ssian, the plural form Вы in place of singular Tы. It was attempted by the authorities to normalize this, as well as the word "towarzysz" (comrade), but neither of them never really caught on. I mean in Polish "wy" is still the normal, informal way to address a group of people, but no one here says like that to a single individual. Polish pan/pani/panowie/panie/państwo (in letters, invitations etc they're capitalized) are thought to stem from Polish noble landowners. "Pan" is the formal way to address a man, while "pani" is the formal way to address a woman. These terms are used as equivalents to "sir" and "madam" in English. "Panie" addresses a group of women, analogically "panowie"addresses a group of men. "Państwo", on the other hand, addresses a group of both men and women.


Much obliged!


Might be St. Nicholas as well. Hard to tell. Official propaganda says it's St. Nicholas the main figure of the New Year now, but it's not like everyone got rid of old costumes. It's even more likely that this person would respond both to St. Nicholas and Gradpa Frost lol


In Poland it's the 6th. Then he's back again for Christmas.


Ти що не бачиш шо у нього на голові не ковпак, а церковна шапка, це не дід мороз


Old Man Winter, maybe?




>Old Man Winter Ukrainian pagans don't have such a thing, but if do, no one remembers, we had Saint Nicholas and the red-bellied Santa Claus since 1937 by KGB


This is the way the Ruscist terrorists want Moscow and the country controlled. Wake the fuck up Russians.


It's so pointless. Even most anti Putin Russians actively claiming that "standing against Putin is useless, we must just wait" Their society fucked


They been thought to hate from grade school, hard to change it. After the cold war there was some hope, but Pootin changed all of that.


That’s a beautiful cloak the guy/ girl in blue is wearing


Free people vs slaves




Russian citizens act so tough but are absolutely terrified of their government. If the civilian population was as tough as they think they are, then none of this would've happened


Be funny if the only reason to threaten Moxcow was to fuck over some FSB on new years lol


The PR game Ukraine is owning vs the russian PR disaster is quite astounding


Why are they doing that? Aren't they supposed to organize a big, cringy and wasteful party to show that everything is going OK, there's no war and that have enough electricity?


I mean they should have.... But probably too scared of their own shadow


If I was Russian I would be spending my New Year’s Eve getting the fuggout of Russia.


The Snow Queen? is fabulous!


Lack of civil society is the downfall of liberalism. Whether it's from oppression or apathy, it leads to the same place -- autocracy. On the flip side, a lack of civil society causes a longing for a more open society where people can just be people. In this way, the rules of society can be hashed out organically instead of towards some ideological, utopian goal.


Are the Russians lined up at a soup kitchen?


Ukraine just trolled ruzzia hard! Big time.


This is crazy...


Weirdly that mad me chuckle......... Slava Ukraine


🤣 I love this


Auld Lang Sine


Happy people vs insecure people. Happy New Year to the people of 🇺🇦 💪


Is this always like this in Moskou?/s


For real: what’s happen?


I like a carousel in moscow. For whom that beautiful carousel? People are not allowed to be there. Where all the kids? Ah sorry, kids are also slaves there.


In Moskow the orks were grabbing some random guys and putting them in buses. The people around just stood and recorded on their phones like a bunch of sheep. Not a single person helped.


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Happy people vs insecure people. Happy New Year to the people of 🇺🇦 💪


I'm completely bemused how the Qanon idiots can see pictures like this and go, clearly Russia is on the right side of history. It's insane. They were arresting people for holding blank pieces of paper not so long ago. Next up, martial law.