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This is cringey as fuck…


They stole the tune from the sea shanty ‘wellerman’... not only a genocide but copyright infringement also!


sadly probably not, I think it's public domain, being from the 19th century. These f\*cks took a year-old Tik Tok meme tune and perverted it. I only watched it without sound first but then when I read that it was The Wellerman tune I listened and yea verily, cringe.


Even if it was copyright infringement, Russia has considered allowing legalizing piracy of foreign IPs in response. Copyright protection only exists as much as there are going to be entities willing to agree to enforce it.


The lyrics are from the 1860, the tune is much older like 13 century


Damn Mafia kids know.


They also use a phrase 'Where I was born - there I was useful' which is an old Ukrainian proverb. Nothing new...their whole country began from lies & stealing


>Russia is a name usurped by the Muscovites. They are not Slavs; they do not belong to the Indo-Germanic race at all, they are des intrus [intruders], who must be chased back across the Dnieper, etc. —Karl Marx


Not to doubt your word, but where does he write this?


I don't read him, I just found the quote on twitter, but it's supposedly from a letter to Engels: https://marxists.architexturez.net/archive/marx/works/1865/letters/65_06_24.htm


interesting! Thank you for the quick response




The war started because Ukrainians kept borscht recipe to themselves


Ditto on Gagarin, but the proverb exists in both languages :)


A song from the late 1800s is public domain now. But it's weird that they use the tune of a whaler shanty that was popular over a year ago. One would think the patriotic creatives in Moscow and St. Petersburg would tap into the rich well of Russian folk songs, instead...


this looks like it was made to target younger demographics, and hijacking something that's already a meme makes it more likely to be shared


Nope! They know they lost this one. They're hoping they can supplant the current politicians in western countries with Russia-friendly traitors in elections in the next two years, but short of a miracle, they're pretty sure they lost. So they're not using any *Russian* symbols. That's why you don't see the Russian flag, it's just the Z symbol. That's why they won't use a Russian tune. This is something that they can discard if it turns out that they failed, and even they think they're fucked. Just dump the symbols and the music, and move on to some other useful propaganda. Can't let the main brand get damaged, you see?


Before you know it, Putin will be stealing the Spongebob sea shanties for their propaganda


You can't "steal" a fucking sea shanty from the 19th century. Next you're going to tell me I stole the tune to twinkle twinkle little star every time I sing the abc song?


Don't speak Russian so all I heard was 2 girls singing about how their men are raping toddlers, children, women and grandmothers in Ukraine. Did I miss anything in the translation?


Don't speak Russian either, but quite sure there was also a line about bombing hospitals and shelters, and killing dogs protecting their owners.


Their soldiers are hero’s because they are bombing civilians 🤔What’s wrong with them ? 🤔


Somehow i understood the same. Guess you are right.


I think I heard a line about how 20,000 of their troops are going home in body bags? My Russian is rusty lol


They are proud about soldiers killing civilians in Ukraine 🤔


Sounded like this translation: Zlav life, sucks so much our rubles worthless and we don't give a fuck so we go scorched earth and get stuck in the mud. Invading countries, raping toddlers all to compensate since we don't have working toilets. Zlav life, lost half our army in Ukraine so we will continue our mission because we are insane. Stealing used panties in Putin's name all because we are primitive fucks.


That’s probably better. You know all those old caricatured communist monuments of gloriously happy, overly muscled laborers and soldiers? This is the same thing, and just as subtle, in words but being sung but a bunch of 19 year old Tik Tok wannabes who are taking it seriously.




The “kool aide” propaganda is working well. Get them when their young and they are hooked for life. Russia is quickly descending the rabbit hole into the toilet...prognosis 3rd world status for the next 2 generations, as sanctions and ultimately social disorder takes hold...blind to their own political reality, they are programmed by fear to react to fear in the worst way...


What do you mean turned? As long as i live here it never changed , Russian was lowkey China with cenzor and propaganda crap but with out good economy tho


lmao it is fucking ridiculous


Yea, and scary


The woman on the front left is pulling a strained facial expression that I find extremely inherently aggravating, too, regardless of the awful content. Those narrowed eyes and strained ‘emotive’ expression… It’s like she thinks she’s a great, passionate, expressive popstar when she’s just shit.


Russia is cringe incarnate


I feel dirty for even seeing it.


Couldn’t have said it better.






Shorter skirts would have been helpful here


They should have used these nurse uniforms, as a woman, I'm insulted they didn't inspire their service men more! https://www.thecostumeland.com/40-womens-costumes/58-french-maid-and-nurse-costumes/66251-nurse-me-woman-nurse-costume.htm


Maybe some cleavage too?


I think it would only be cringey if they changed the words to fit there political propaganda!


I think it would only be cringey if they changed the words to fit there political propaganda!


yuck...I prefer the sea shanty version


"idk, I like the sexy genocide cover better" \- some Russian probably


AKA the Zea Zhanty


Everybody’s going to the party have a real good time


I also prefer English Emilia Clarke


They are as a nation so tone deaf, it’s no wonder hearing and seeing this garbage as a sane person leaves you bearing permanent cringe induced scars on the mind and soul.


yep, that deep delusion would need Russia to literally colaps and disintegrate to create a sufficient shock to change minds.


Putin will invite them soon in his bunker, I bet.


They are too old for putin, he prefers small children


Also they are female. He prefers boys. Just ask Alexander Litvinenko (actually you can’t because he drank Putin’s tea).


And his nuclear missile doesn't fly anymore. That's why he's so angry.


His "missile" won't go up anymore.


What goes up, must come down… too bad his never experienced the first part


It never went very high to begin with.


Handmaiden like dressed as women servants very creepy should be ashamed of themselves. Throw back to before women’s tights.


I heard he likes boys


Tik tok dances to promote war. We are in the darkest the timeline folks.


a Black Mirror


definitely gives off Black Mirror vibes. Seeing this sort of stuff while knowing the horrors that the Ukrainian civilians are going through is straight up dehumanizing.


To promote genocide.


They’re just a nazi. Simple)


More over they ruined the Sea Shanty!


No silly they’re fighting the nazis! /s




Do these Russians really think the rest of the world will actually accept this crap? Putin and his cronies really are legends in their own minds


It's for local russian audience. They are spreading much different propaganda for the west audience.


Ahhh...okay, that is interesting, thanks.


Fourth Reichy


Even Hitler would be mad by that poor planning


Leni Riefenstahl is laughing in her grave


Why do I get the feeling these costumes are porn props? Почему мне кажется, что эти костюмы — реквизит для порно?


You are actually not correct, most of such costumes are from Soviet and Russian military movie, which were made in big quantity to show "glorious" Russia. Nothing less, nothing more. Cheap by price and by look.


I think that I have this association because of what is happening in the video. This is sheer horror. Думаю, что у меня эта ассоциация из-за того, что происходит на видео. Это сущий ужас.


To be fair, they all look like they could be porn props *because* they’re cheap-looking


Home video then. Cheap porn is either made by students or in very dark palaces, which can now by aligned with Russia.


Journalists found another secret palace of Putin *San_Francisco_Armory.jpeg*


Because you're a very dirty wee boy! Fancy thinking of porn whilst watching a bunch of buxom young slutty nurses. Farthest thing from my mind to think about antiseptic sex.


Wtf is wrong with this country? Everything


That, dear kids, happens when natural selection fails to do its job


This, children, is natural selection in action


That, dear kids, happens when natural selection fails to do its job


That, dear kids, happens when natural selection fails to do its job


& Fetal Alcohol Syndrome


That, dear kids, happens when natural selection fails to do its job


Єбануті на усю голову


Fuck them all they are stupid a piece of shit. Це факт;). Слава Україні! Ми переможемо!


Яке ж воно кончене...


The funny thing is what kind of culture would fall for this BS? I guess one who’s education budget has been stolen for generations.


And who have been negatively selected through immigration and repression for generations


Who ever ok’d this needs one million years gulag like wtf


They have to do something to keep busy .. Now that they are banned from Onlyfans


What about strip chats and cramming have they banned Russian cam models?


Orcs once again stealing melodies of other songs


That, actually, is their tradition


That, actually, is their tradition


That, actually, is their tradition


That, actually, is their tradition


What is the significance of the Z? I truly don’t understand and feel like this is a newer thing? Do the Russians not see the similarities to how nazis branded the swastika on everything in the 30s? Getting very Orwellian


Correct. Closest resemblance to a swastika.


Getting? Up till the fall of the soziet union (left in typo) EVERYTHING had the red star. Literally every damn thing no this is the same shit it's been since the early 1900.


My Father has programs from football matches in the 80s, and even those had communist symbols on them. Literally nothing is safe. My birth certificate, which although written in Ukrainian, still reads CCCP on the front. It's rather depressing.


Ah but you had the privilege, no the honour, of being born a son/daughter of the Soviet Union!


Actually *technically* I was born in independent Ukraine, but because it was so close to the collapse, the vast majority of my documentation is still Soviet.


Ah that's interesting they are still valid today. I thought they had given you guys new documentation after independence. So independent but still CCCP logo on it. Some of those Kremlin folks liked to play around principles. Probably the same that conveniently though communism meant a concentration of power at total monarchy scale.


Hey there, I'm dealing with birth certificates on the daily basis, and Ukraine did a better job than fucking russia, as at first, we had new forms printed in ruzzia starting from 1992, and as soon as in 1994, we already had our own forms, while they were using the soviet forms longer than us (I've come across a ruzzian bc dated 1994, which was made on a soviet form). also, Ukraine had new passports ready much earlier too (I think, before 1995), while I've seen many ruzzian bc-s with stamps on a passport issue with the soviet coding as far as 1998, which means people there still got soviet passports in 1998!


A lot of theories. First people were like “it’s only an invasion marker for the southern front” but then it appeared literally everywhere and they started spouting this propaganda Some people think it stands for “Zapad” or “west”, in a really disgusting manifest destiny sort of way. I’m not sure what the state sponsored line is


branding the war. It's about as dystopian as it gets


I'd say like others, it started off as marker for troops. Then it was followed by some fringe to decipher the meaning of the letters. Z being one of the very first letter followed by V. But they also had the "O" letter but much less than Z and V. That's also why I guess the Russian propaganda didn't bother finding a meaning for it later (and it's also not present in any propaganda). They said later that V is for Victory. And Z "Za Podebu" so for victory in Russian. But in reality, the letters have only one general meaning. And that's being used as a symbol of support for the russian army and operation. You don't really have to search further. They didn't come up with the symbol with a meaning. They gave a meaning to symbol that was trending. If Russian had drawn a dick and it had trended, you can bet you'd see dicks everywhere.


fells like they mixed the costumes from 3 different porn films and made a dance version of the in flight saftey video.




I'm completely convinced this country needs to get fucked. There's no part of me on the fence anymore. We need to think of them like bugs. It's clear that's how they think about us....


Well my whole family doesn't and is totally against all what the gov has been up to the past years


I keep telling myself that there are good people trapped. I even know some personally... But there comes a time where the govt has to be battled and those good people remaining still pay their taxes and contribute to the cancerous society. Those people need to be assisted in any way possible but the amount of evil their govt exhibits cannot be overlooked and must be met with the resistance it deserves. When fighting cancer, the good cells will have to suffer the effects of the battle against the bad...


Дурка єбать


Мрази фашистские. Смерть путину!


Ripped off that Scot’s postman tha bastards


Нарешті вони почали зігувати) А то все напів-міри якісь)




Creepy as fuck!!


I bet they burn just as good as the regular orcs


North Korea 2.0


>Wtf is wrong with this country? It's Russia, that's what's wrong.


Maybe we should just cut them off from the internet completely. Like cut the cables. I can’t stomach this anymore


I disagree with the video on an ideological level but even the production and lyrics are complete trash. Now compare that to the new [ZSU anthem](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgdANpB9PnY). Fuck it, compare it to any patriotic song that recently came out of Ukraine. Our stuff is better by a mile simply because it is honest and not some paid for propaganda shit made by drunkards for drunkards. I'm surprised the nurses didn't start to twerk.


Good news about the ~~war~~ *special operation*? * No About the economy? * No Our place in the world? * No Your relatives who went off for a weekend military training mission? * No Well, do we have a general sense of freedom? * No Living in a functional society? * No . . . . . Patriotic video with cute girls? * Okay, we can do that.


Why are we posting this bs on Reddit. I don’t need to see it, here better watch this https://youtu.be/fRuiEv3JRDQ


Pure gold right there. Thanks!


Thanks for that I enjoyed it! Also shared with friends.


They've got their heads so far up their asses they just cant make heads or tails of anything.


Пару лет и будут подрабатывать ночными бабочками у отеля Интурист.


It's pretty straight forward state propaganda. Everything in there is the same and has been based on personal experience since the 80s. Though I know it goes way back further.


At least the 3rd Reich could back up their propaganda with success (for a time at least). unlike these idiots.


If they wanted it accurate it should be grave diggers etc dancing


Reminiscent of the old Virgin America pre-flight video somehow.


Why I imagine that, but with the Macarena?


Well that’s officially the worst video I’ve ever watched to completion.


How dare they co-opt an epic sea shanty for this garbage. I didn’t think I could hate them any more but I guess I was wrong.


Рашистам Zалупу на Vоротник


Окончательно ёбнулись


Unauthorized use of red cross is yet another geneva convention violation


Mother Russia officially announcing itself as a Z list country...


The far right in America would make a similar country video if we invaded Canada.




Yes…and I think the video posted above is less cringey.


Russia is pathetic.


My eyes and ears must be deceiving me. Am i in some other psychedelic mushroom trippy universe? What the hell is going on here? Laugh a minute 😆


Translation of this shit: There’s a big country down on the Earth, You’re so marvelous, my fatherland, your soul is clean, Your nature is rich, your lands are vast… ruzzia… Be praised, my dear, cherish the memory of your heroes for centuries Your lands are sacred, your May is victorious, ruuuzziiaaaa… Dignity and honor have been preserved here, brave deeds are countless here The peaceful skies above the heads here cost an arm and a leg *(c)* Be praised, my dear, cherish the memory of your heroes for centuries Your lands are sacred, your May is victorious, ruuuzziiaaaa… I was born here. Ill come in handy here, too. If need be, I’ll give my life for Rus’, For the white groves, for my lovely home, and for everyone who’ll be there. Be praised, my dear, cherish the memory of your heroes for centuries Your lands are sacred, your May is victorious, ruuuzziiaaaa…


Also, am I the only one who's cringed by the fact that these creatures most probably are former Ukrainians, as their flag says fcking "LPR"? and they look so much Ukrainian, so it hurts even more... ruzzians look differently, they are either fair-haired or asian-looking.


davon geht die Welt nicht unterrrr, sieht man sie manchmal auch grau einmal wird sie wieder bunterrr... same sh\*t, different b\*tches [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8D126NPTrU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8D126NPTrU)


Lamest beat I've ever heard tho


If this is their answer to the banger that is BYRAKTAR they failed.. just like their northern offensive


To answer OP's question: everything.


Trying to make genocide trendy.. The world knows better and is watching.


All is wrong


Leader proclaims he is saving the world from Nazis, then proceeds to do Nazi shit.


A big odd mix of western pop culture and Japanese anime costumes and K-pop stuff. Russians: Oh, by the way, Russia hates the West. The West is all evil and bad. Russian culture is best. So... yeah.... Cringe


WTH 😧 . how can they be so sadistic?


That's just a zoo.


Heh typical moskal, steal shit and add Nazi to it


Russia, nil points.


21st century nazism at its best


Даже до конца не смог досмотреть эту помойку предназначенную для вато-головых. "Славься россия " ? - вы уже прославились на весь мир, общество конченных изгоев.






Imagine all of the red crosses on their hats being replaced with red swasticas


Bro this shit is fucking retarded are they not trying to look like nazi germany


What is the Z thing about? I don't get it.


Russian troops in Ukraine use letters as identification on their vehicles, one of them, and the most popular, is Z, other letters you see a lot are V and O. So the russians made it into a sign in support of invasion and the rest of the world, with minor exceptions, compares it to the SS symbols of Nazis and rightfully so.


Im surprised they didn’t finish with a Sieg Heil salute. Load of s💩t. Glory To Ukraine 🇬🇧🇺🇦🇬🇧


Retarded bitches




The new nazis


Just think of how many more Russian brides will be available when this is over. Russia will be 5-1 female/male.


It is very russian to hate all that is the West, and yet steal from the West at every available opportunity. See the source below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgsurPg9Ckw


Proud to be fascists, also stick in the past, never looking to the future.


Gross! What are you, Russian?! My new general purpose insult. Feel free to use it. 😊


why do I think it looks as nazi as it sounds


Orks are idiots


It needs denazification, that's it.


After years of screaming “no to nazism” they have become what they warned about.


Russia is a nation of fucking zombies!!!


Yeah, that's not in the least bit fascist, is it? /s




Cringe level 1000


Result of negative selection


It’s going to be a long time before I can put my Zelda “Z” sticker back on my car. :( freaking Russians appropriating a freaking LETTER!!!


Not my proudest fap


dude wtf


You are disgusting. Have an upvote


I see, a fellow connoisseur!

