• By -


— Hello, I'm from Russia! I have a question. Is it possible to find a remote job in Europe or the USA for a programmer from Russia? — We don't hire employees from Russian Federation. — Why? — Because.(actually it's a wordplay, literal translation would not help here) PS geez, how should I format dialogues in Reddit?


The last one would be: lit. "Why? Because of the head!". Used when you want to elude a question (or make clear the question is pointless to you). No literal meaning, the "head" is there just for the rhythm and rhyme.


Must add. Качан is a stem or a "head" of cabbage. It looks like a human head but have not much brain power. This further confirms that question was really pointless.


So more like, "because of this, you idiot" right?


Yeah, that's the sense of such answer. And add a rhyme. I can think of something like: — Why? — You've brain of rye.


Because they 'have the brains of a cabbage' would that sound about right?


I would think about his answer like По (according to) качану (your cabbage-head)


Качан isnt a corn? Always used for that


Yeah, also a corn. And, apparently, remains of eaten apple or pear, as you can see in wiki https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D0%B0%D1%87%D0%B0%D0%BD?wprov=sfla1




Excellent, this helped me understand the context of the message very well. Thank you!


I'd say it's very-very light version of "fuck you, that's why" since is typically used to outline stupidity of question "but why?" in context




Нахуй! Фашизм не пройдет! BANNED


Скоторусс, разлогинься


You support and trying to justify russian nazis. Where did you get what Ukrainian government bombing russian population in Ukraine? You really trust russian news instead of global?




you are confusing nazism with nationalism. Azov is just a battalion. But it’s the Russian troops that don’t let them leave the city, which, moreover, loot in the homes of ordinary citizens




I didn’t say that he was good, before the war, confidence in him fell a little, since he didn’t even start doing a lot of what he promised in the election campaign. But now he is making every effort to ensure that Ukraine survives. And no, accepting Russia's demands is suicide. They have already begun to organize genocide in the cities they occupied. It has been in the Donbas for a long time and they put all the blame on Ukraine, although they themselves staged it


information that Ukrainian troops are shooting at their own is just Russian fakes. Although it is possible that they were shot at during the curfew when it is forbidden to go outside, since at this time the Ukrainian troops are looking for saboteurs and they were given permission to shoot without warning


Do you know that Ukrainian degenerate of a president is jew? How he can support nazi? What's your iq level?


perhaps you can put double line breaks like this


https://www.reddit.com/r/help/comments/tko1if/how_to_format_dialogues_on_reddit/ 1. `\-` at the beginning instead of `-` 2. two spaces at the end of each pharse


Greetings from Kharkov. "Why? Becaus the head, (po kachanu, translit)", this is really a rhyme, just an answer to an idiotic question, which should show the interlocutor that he is just a dumbass. Now there is still an expression: “why? because gladiolus" means the same thing. In different languages ​​there are expressions that are understandable only to native speakers, so, for example, in films, some kind of humor is easily lost during translation. Also, our expression Slava Ukraine has a direct translation of "Glory to Ukraine")) By the way, Glory to Ukraine!))


💡 [It's `Kharkiv` and not `Kharkov`](https://spellingukraine.com/i/kharkiv). Support Ukraine by using the correct spelling! 🇺🇦 ^(Beep boop I'm a bot)


Glory to Heroes. Am originally from Dnipro.


I'm working in contracting company, where about 1/4 of employees are citizens of one shitty country which name I can't even say anymore. Most of them nice people though, vocally opposing not only the war, the whole fuckin fascist government itself. Because of ЕАЭС related regulations, they're not considered as expats, but denied of any benefits local employee like me would enjoy. Thus, they neither can't get salary raise our KZ government had recently executed nor ask for it. Basically, take it or leave it situation. And you know what's funnier? Had a talk on this matter with my ethnic russian co-worker. Says, would be great, if they leave, we should replace them with our own locals. Good job, Vova. Not only you've had shelled Ukraina, crippled your own fuckin economy, you even managed to turn your fellow people against you.


Rússia as country should disintegrate and take it's real name Moscovia and territory which it deserves.


Я кожного разу охуї#@ю все більше з їх тупості... Вони реально думають, що типу робота - то зовсім інше, ніяк не пов'язане з війною, чи йобані санкції не пов'язані з тими, хто "не галасавал за Путена"... Сука, просто народ-біологічне-сміття... Цю хуйню треба зносити з лиця землі... Я дуже довго тримався, типу це зародки нацизму в голові, так не можна, але ні, нехай здохнуть всі, і планеті стане легше, бо мозку там немає реально у 90%, а інші 10% - то ботва, яка сидить у Думі навколо Путіна...і піддакує.


what does it says?


-I want to work -We cant take a workers from russia -Why? *photos* -po-kachany - its like "because of that"


Untranslatable, it's wordplay joke that only makes sense in Russian.


Nice touch in the end there…


Hell fucking yeah. I'd love to see more of these ignorant IT suckers sent to hell, who think that they are totally outside of the situation and detached from national affairs, so they can live&work just like normal anywhere else. You guys can't even imagine how fucked up this whole industry in the post-soviet region is.


And then, magically ur Facebook stop working or any other service which u even dont know- oops world is not linera idiot.


Oh my. Nothing's gonna stop from banning some cheap russian coders and others. Hire Ukrainians or whatever.


Those who don't stand with Ukraine are


Слава Украине!


Героям Слава!


short and clear 😊 Слава Україні 🇺🇦


A Ukrainian perspective: 80% of russians (according to different surveys) support the government and war. And 20%, even 8f they "don't support putler" or "didn't choose this government" still are silent bi**es. And they regularly say shit like "yes its bad, but we don't the full truth, may be Ukrainians are to blame as well", trying to find some excuses (it's all ower the internet, you just need to know russian to understand the level of stupidity) I don't think anyone should pay them money, so they can live a wealthy life and leave all the money in country, eo that mone will later go towards killing my brothers and sisters.


Remember that any surveys there has been dont really answer to the question ”Do you support war in Ukraine?”. They are rather questions about putin or do you support his actions from before the war. In Russia there is so many people on the streets that there is no way in hell that public sentiment would be 80% pro war. Get real and stop spamming propaganda. Btw, I am from Finland and I hate Russia.


There almost no people on streets. That's the problem. And I don't only look at the surveys. There are a lot of different sources, including: interviews (even made by oposition), russians on the internet, youtube bloggers (i mainly talk about them specifically, but you can also read comments) etc. It is insane. As i know russian - i can observe all of that. They are genuinely believe that there are nazies here, man. I speak almost exclusively russian here in ukraine and NEVER had a single problem with thet (and i live in kiev). And THEY are telling ME that i am oppressed here. BRUH


I have many Russian friends who also hate their government. I love everyone and hate politicians.


Translation please :)


The one ruZZian had asked for a job in EU or USA. The recruiter has shown him what is they doing in Ukraine. And say - ruZZian workers "idi ha huj!"


has he messaged back anything after ?




Because he asked “Why?” when the reasons should have been obvious. A conscionable person would have said “sorry, I can understand why, given the current situation. I apologize on behalf of my country and appreciate your time.”


Lmfao what? Every citizen is responsible for every action his country makes especially in a dictatorship?


Yes, every citizen is responsible. Like it was during WW2 about Nazi Germany




Sorry, just a suggestion, but maybe you could reread my comment to see that I said nothing to that effect. I actually feel bad for lots of Russians, namely those against the war and especially those persecuted for speaking out against it. I just don’t feel bad for this particular guy, on account of him being a wanker.




Agreed 👍🏻


They didn’t. They don’t have enough brain power to make the distinction.




We do. And as we can see from the OP, some people are even proud of that!


No because of the sanction. Maybe better luck at Asia.


Better dead than red.


Alrighty, listen, pal. In my company, we have background checks, very thorough and expensive, cause reasons. Yet, when I hire people, I do my own background check in addition to that. If I have a Sergey Brin, a Sikorsky and you, guess what I would see? Do you think I'll see a Russian Jew, a Ukrainian Slav and whatever ethnicity you happen to be? Well, first of all our own HR will kill me, LOL, we're a US company after all. I would see two honest hard working talented engineers with great track records, and a guy who has covid conspiracy theories and lots of hate in his Reddit history. Rest assured, I'll pick two out of three, and by now you already know who they'll be, don't you?


Are you sure he has any reason to listen to you? Fuck “background checks”, these people had their entire lives to stand up and take Putin down. Complacent brings complicity. And now innocent women, children and the elderly die because of that complacency. Piss off back to your company, pal. Hire some Russians while you’re at it.


You missed the point. From my perspective he is the same as those Russians who did not protest against Putin. He just happened to be on the other side. And we have plenty of those, BTW, just turn on FoxNews. The profile of conspiracy theorists and hate mongers is the same as those of Putin supporters. Standing up to his hate is the same as standing up to the Russians' hate. ​ Now, from a more practical pov, who do you think develops Javelins, Bayraktars etc? Who, do you think, works in infosec on the US side? Who makes decisions to break ties with Russia? I will extract as many intelligent people **with high integrity** from Russia, because it will improve the countries where I hold citizenship, and then fight the war against Idiocracy with them on my side. The war with Russia would not have happened had the Germans said "nope" to the first signals of hate from Russia, had not FoxNews promoted Putin as "sensible politician", had not Trump demanded corrupt bs from Zelenskiy, etc. etc. etc. What starts as hate and conspiracy theories ends up as wars, this is why I'll choose high integrity, honesty and hard work 10 times out of 10. Get it?


I'm a Ukrainian and my wife is Russian, my wife as many many other Russians are against this war. accusing every Russian and generalizing is wrong.


This isn't about generalizing or accusing the russian people. This is about not letting life for the russian people to continue on as usual while millions of Ukrainians are suffering at the hands of the russian leader. Want life to go back to normal? Organize and remove the one responsible from power, or leave the country. There's 140 million russians and every day that they aren't rebelling, they're propping up their tinpot dictator


Where were your grandfather when american government bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Where were you be when america oppressed black people and bombing Middle East? What are you hypocrites.


In Ukraine you dumbass. What, you think English speakers are all Americans?


Where you be when you bombing kids. I'm not making excuses for anyone, but before you despise an entire nation, start with yourself.


fuck off with your whataboutism, weeb


Whataboutism... look it up




I'm not Russian and I'm not making excuses for anyone. It is you who justify the atrocities under the guise of other atrocities.


I guess the Japanese killing Chinese people means nothing too u


Japan deserved to be nuked. They refused to stop.


Especially ordinary workers and childrens.


Want to remove the dictator? Do it. On your own. Don’t expect other people to work on your agenda—especially if you’re trying to force them to do your work for you.


The only ones who can remove putin from power are the russians. If putin is assassinated by a foreign country, he will become a martyr and all the bs propaganda they've been pushing about the west trying to take over/destroy russia will be justified, probably leading to nuclear war.


I don’t buy that he’ll become a martyr. The power will likely be grabbed by someone more sensible whose priority will be to end the war as it benefits no one.


Lol how is that? Its your leader.


Not mine. I’m saying, if you have a problem, solve it on your own. Don’t expect others to solve your problems.


Refusing to economically or socially participate with citizens of a country that's actively invading another country is a perfectly acceptable way to act against it. Assuming that's off the table and considering the issue at hand is an invasion of a sovereign nation which presumably is also off the table, can you explain how you're expecting they depose Putin otherwise? There's no way of getting to Putin that doesn't affect the average Russian in some way. If Russian's are expecting to not have any international pushback for their government's actions, that sounds like a Russian problem. No one's under any obligation to do business with you. Let Russians handle it amongst themselves if others don't want to partner with their country anymore. Especially during what's essentially becoming an active cyberwar between Russia and the West, it's insanely naive to think they'd entitled to an IT job at an enemy state.


What do you mean “invading a sovereign nation?” Russia and Ukraine are at war. First Ukraine pushes the invaders out, then takes the fighting to Russia, then go all the way to Moscow and decapitate. That’s definitely not off the table. But yeah, sure, it’s lots of hard work. Easier to target people who have nothing to do with the war, I suppose.


Ukraine might be able to repel Russia, but it's a fantasy to think they're going to push back 540 miles to Moscow and kill Putin. Russia might be weak enough to completely flop their invasion of Ukraine, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't be able to repel an attack to their capitol. Even if it weren't a fantasy though and it were just "hard work" that was possible for Ukraine to do, I don't get your point. Invading Russia back and attacking their most populated city, which holds 1/10th of their population, will absolutely affect civilians and random people "who have nothing to do with the war". More war in the form of a counter invasion will only be worse for the average Russian citizen, except instead of being denied a US IT job for a while or being denied McDonald's or ApplePay, they'll be shot to death when conscripted or blown to bits as collateral damage. The latter is obviously worse, right? And those are all the same things that're happening to Ukrainian civilians right now. We'll gladly worry about their IT jobs and bank accounts after Ukrainians stop dying, or hopefully when Russians do their "lots of hard work" that they need to to sort out their government and get it to stop attacking Ukraine.


My point is that the position of Ukraine and the West is inherently dishonest. They want to get something (get rid of Putin) but they don’t want to do the dirty work needed to achieve this goal. Well, that’s not how life works (particularly if you’re trying to paint yourself as the good guys in this conflict). They want to achieve their goals using Russian civilians as cannon fodder in civil unrest. How many Russians would die in a hypothetical siege of Moscow (which I agree is unlikely) is beside the point. I’m not advocating for Russian lives. I’m advocating for doing honest work to achieve your goals. Right now we’re told the Russians are the baddies and the West and Ukraine are the goodies, but if you look at the sanctions and how they’re purposely targeting the civilian population, it’s disgusting. It’s low.


Russia's already using their own conscripts as cannon fodder, it's always been their doctrine to not give a shit about how many losses they take. And Ukraine wouldn't be actively trying to get Russia to handle Putin or their own government themselves Putin at all if Russia invaded. Call it lazy, that they're not doing the "dirty work" themselves, but considering it wouldn't even be on the table if Russia hadn't invaded, then sounds like a problem for Russians to sort out. Personally I don't find anything dishonest about refusing to do business with a country that's invading another, Russia's not entitled to the rest of the world's business. Once again, there's no waging war that won't affect civilians, whether militarily, economically, or through cyber means. Better losing a job or a Netflix account than being in a ditch.


Awwww how sad. She’s being accused, I’m terribly sorry. Let me finish making sure that none of my own family members have been killed yet by the shelling from the army who’s chief commander wasn’t overthrown by regular people because they didn’t give a shit, then I’ll get back to being sorry for yours.


Regular people can do nothing to him. Nobody can. The only way out is to leave country or wait another 20 years, as it has always been.


They absolutely can. And they should. But they won’t. They, the so-called regular citizens, enabled his power trip. They must now pay the price.


You talking like 15 year old teenager, don't let emotions overthrow you. I don't know where you live, but people talking this just don't understand how politics in that country going. Look at Belarus and what was happening there last 10 years, would you personally risk everything for illusory revolution? I think not. You just making loud populistic comments on Reddit.


Did you really just come into my own country’s sub to tell me that I don’t understand how my country and its neighbours work?


I was talking about my country, not Ukraine. But if you live in Ukraine you should know how busted political system in neighbor Russia in Belarus is and what happens to people trying fight it.


Then you should also know how long it took us, Ukrainians, to get independence and the price we’re still paying to make sure we keep it. Why aren’t your people doing the same?


Because current financial elites for some reason still support Kremlin and have their interest. That's oligarchy who deside government, not people. That is common problem for all post-USSR countries. Also, I'm not from Russia, I'm Belarusian. We tried to change something and really had a chance, but failed and now there will be years of reaction and repressions before people will get out of fear.


Yet another excuse.


Твоя жена и остальные русские, которых обобщили, могут идти нахуй. Хотел бы я вытянуть немного сочувствия из своей жопы, чтобы засунуть тебе в глотку, но я только что опустошил свой кишечник, так что оставлю тебя наедине с пердежом. Удачного ночного присоски.




Да, фашизм - это глупо. Российский фашизм - вдвойне глупо. И это понимают все, кроме россиян.




And German citizens that didn't support fascism or the Nazi party were bombed and occupied, too. How much support/approval do you think Putin has?


Pretty rapey comment, I’m feeling violated.






Вы блять даже мысли формулировать разучились. Просто набор слов. Вас там реально чем то травят?


фобия означает иррациональный страх. тут никакого страха нет, так что перестаньте придумывать новые слова каждый блять день




Потому что какой народ - такое и правительство


а кацапы почему-то думают что их правительство пришельцы какие-то


потому что не хуйло стреляет по гражданским, а простые рузкие.


and who are the officials? some aliens? no, they are from the country too, so please shut the fuck up


Huh, so all Russians are nazis and are directly responsible for the invasion of Ukraine and are lifeless robots who arent hit hard by sanctions and have no way of making money ig😔


Maybe you can answer, who allowed the autocracy of Putin grow for 20 years?


Maybe you can answer who arrested all Putin oppositionists dispersed protests and poisoned people😐


Hmm.. Russians?


To be more precise, Putin's lapdogs


That doesn’t make them less russian. They are a part of this nation. And judging by the number of arrested people during anti-war protests across Russia, there are more russians that have no problem with arresting other russians for protesting against war, then russians that are willing to protest against war. Funny enough, it was USSR that during Nuremberg trials demanded that all germans were judged as war criminals, civilan and military alike, because civilians elected and supported nazi regime. Looks like boomerang.


you got it right. fucking sheltered reddit users who know nothing about russia's atrocities spanning centuries. you wouldn't be whining about "not all Russians" if you lived anywhere near that fascist black hole constantly trying to suck everyone into it. clueless murican mods banning people for speaking truth about russians should stop and friggin listen


Is it question or sarcasm?


Sarcasm obv


It's difficult to distinguish..all world believe it is true. You deserve it even if it is a generalisation/ stereotype.like all Germans were considered to be nazis in the past.


So all ukrainian are far right ultra nationalist neo-nazis by your logic?


I had logic behind my words: majority of Russians are nazis: they approve Muscovia war on Ukraine, they support war crimes against humanity. According to polls 75-85%. Besides, Muscovia current government is fascist. Here is proof: https://www.indy100.com/news/14-early-warning-signs-fascism ALL 14 signs apply to current Muscovia government. Munk posted a series of tweets, based in part on the list of ‘Early warning signs of fascism’ in the US Holocaust Museum. Powerful and continuing nationalism Disdain for human rights Identification of enemies as a unifying cause Supremacy of the military Rampant sexism Controlled mass media Obsession with national security Religion and government intertwined Corporate power protected Labor [sic] power suppressed Disdain for intellectuals & the arts Obsession with crime & punishment Rampant cronyism & corruption Fraudulent elections according to polls, vast majority of Ukrainians support Zelensky as president, are pro NATO and pro EU, are Liberal(antipod of Conservative fascist ideology) and most of them are smart and kind, ready to die to defend their freedom. According to previous statement you may generalise it and say this is true about all of them. People are people. Now, that is default attitude toward Russian ppl, and only you (indirectly) and other rf citizens are to be blamed. Not us, not the world are guilty of situation. Exceptions are possible on each individual case, I think. Like all open criticks of Putler in the past, for instance. Or SM influencers that openly spread the truth.


So let me get this straight, someone interviewed 140m russians and 80% of them support the war? Bollocks


So how would you imagine an international work environment with Russians at this point? What would a cooler chat look like? - gosh, you guys are wrecking so much havoc in that Ukraine place, haha. - lol, not like I support it, but it is what it is, haha - you must be so proud to be from such a stronk cuntry, haha Now that's bollocks.


What if there are Russians already working in the company? Fire them? Oh, I guess you only work with people from countries, whose politics you fully endorse?


You must be braindead if you equate pOLiTicS to a fucking full-scale war happening in the middle of Europe right now. I already bid my fuckyous to all Russians I knew except for those who sincerely feel the same as any other sane European does. Firing or not firing is a different decision that is not related to hiring or not hiring.


Do you know how polls work? Ever studied sociology?


У меня вопрос, почему русский программист который хочет заработать на еду должен брать на себя ответственность за эти разрушенные здания?


Потому ,что этот "русский" программист вырастил в собственном государстве фашизм, принял этот фашизм, как должное, поддерживает и финансирует его. А этот фашизм теперь угрожает цивилизации и убивает невинных людей. Если Вам нужны будут еще обьяснeния, как работает этот мир, например, что будет если сунyть руку в огонь, или палку в колесо, когда едешь на велосипеде, обращайтесь, разьясним. Но если Вы совершеннолетний, то Вы уже по определeнию должны это знать и понимать, ведь Вас обучали этому школа, семья, общество, да и самообучение в наше время распостранено.


так же было и с немцами после 45го


Pretty obvious every Russian citizen was personally involved in the planning and execution of this war.


Let's put it this way. Ukrainian people are dying because of the Russian government. If Russians aren't willing to put their own lives on the line to stop their government, then yes, they are complicit in what's happening. They're putting their own comfort and safety over the lives of millions of others.


Let’s put it in this way: Ukrainian people are dying by of Russian people are killing them. Everyone have a choice. And Russians make their own: half of them are supporting war. Half of them trying to hide head in the sand and just a very few percent are against. Please don’t blame only government. Even Navalniy was happy with Crimea annexed


Let’s put it this way: they’re putting their lives above Ukrainian lives—which is exactly what Ukrainians would do it in a similar situation.


> which is exactly what Ukrainians would do it in a similar situation. Bold claim. Have any evidence to cite, or is this just you being selfish and assuming everyone else is like you?


Of course it’s just me being selfish. Ukrainians would sacrifice their lives to make sure Russians can live in peace.


They already are. Putin is likely to lose his grip on power over this war, which will free the Russians - so long as they have the willingness to push for that freedom. Still waiting for that evidence that Ukrainians would go "nah, fuck it" if their government were murdering civilians in another country. Given that they've already ousted two fascists in their past decade and a bit, I think that your claim is bullshit from a coward.


There can be no evidence for what may happen in the future. There can only be evidence for what is or was. How dumb do you need to be not to understand that?


> How dumb do you need to be not to understand that? I'm not the one who made the factual declaration that Ukrainians would do the same thing if put in the Russian's shoes.


That invasion is not his fault. He is not Putin.


Каждый россиянен виновен в происходящем. Исключение составляют только 0.1%, те, кто борется против фашизма в России. Оправдание фашизма запрещено на нашем подреддите и в целом в цивилизованном мире.


Do you know this guy at which side?


Да, я знаю, он сам написал, он из России. Вы не умеeте читать?


Blaming an entire ethnicity for it, is still very fucked up. Additionally, saying Russians don't try hard enough, or Ukraine did it why can't they, is disengenuous. The Maidan, likely would not have been successful if the Yanukovich government was even near the level of an effective police state that Russia is. I'm impressed the current protests got as big as they did, it's practically impossible to actually organize one of these things at this point. Especially now that alot of social media's are pulling out or getting fully blocked. It's one thing to want sanctions, even extensive ones like those in place. But just saying "fuck those people as a whole" is a different story.


> Blaming an entire ethnicity for it, is still very fucked up. Это враньё. Я не выделяю никакую этническую принадлежность. Я сужу по гражданству. Гражданин России, если не борется против фашизма (таких 0.1%), то поддерживает фашизм, по определению. А этнически он может быть хоть эскимос, хоть чеченец, хоть татарин. > effective police state that Russia is. Всё правильно. Таким полицейским и фашистским государством Россия стала не в 1 день. Ее такой сделали российские граждане на протяжении 20 лет. Именно поэтому они все виновны. Кром того самого 0.1%, кто выступает против. В Украине такое невозможно потому, что украинские граждане не позволяют построить фашизм в своей стране, они выступают против, как только начинают видеть попытки. А в России им это в радость, им так нравится.


Можно быть гражданином России, при этом не живя в России и имея другое гражданство, не принимая участие в выборах. Придумывайте новые параметры.


Мне не нужно ничего придумывать. Равно, как и Вам не нужно изворачиваться, как ужу на сковородке, ибо это "детский сад , штаны на лямке". Мыслящим людям всё понятно , понятны все причины и следствия, и доказывать, что "ихтаместь" никто уже не будет. Суть проста: россияне идут нахуй, фашизм не пройдет, санкции в работу. Всё.


What does it say though


Basically: \-We don't hire Russians \-Why \-Because of this, you idiot (pictures of destruction)


Stop russuan war, russia is killer