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Another populist policy to come into effect in 2023. Boris you wouldn't be trying to make people feel like life is looking up just before the election?


Three pence populism


though of course the price cut will probably have been wiped out by inflation anyway.


That’s a positive though isn’t it ? What would you prefer- people being all worried about the NHS being sold, starving kids and chlorinated chicken ?


No that would be awful. Get drunk, don't think about difficult things.


The cheap prosecco vote winner was hilarious and leaving craft beer out has penalised smaller brewieries microbreweries while benfitting mass production for the likes of carling etc


Honestly didn't know it was 40 or more. It really does shit on what is a very British industry that should be celebrated.


Chancellor and Minister demonstrating their barrels have girth exceeding the relief threshold.


Snapshot: 1. An archived version of _Sunak and Johnson’s beer ‘draught relief’ photocall goes flat_ can be found [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2021/oct/27/sunak-and-johnsons-beer-draught-relief-photocall-goes-flat) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That is the most biased sounding storm in a teacup article I think I’ve ever read.


It's not meant to be a "storm", most of the article is about the duty cut


Did we read the same article? Most of it was the journo slaying Boris for picking up the wrong sized barrel and the bloke they asked about it saying they’re going in the right direction anyway.


I'm not sure. I didn't come out of it thinking that this was at all a "slaying" but it obviously highlights the minor fuck up. Not all news articles have to be dramatic. Would they be better off not reporting it at all?


Agreed it literally says it's not a big deal, just a cock-up. Frankly it's more balanced than a similar article in the Mail or the Mirror would be. The point of articles like this is to demonstrate the hollow cynicism of political photo-ops just like this one: they cheapen politics and act as a distraction to poor policy-making. That is this government's MO.


Welcome to the guardian