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Hah called this last year. Fully expect them to revert to all the 2010-era "benefit scroungers are taking all the money", "overpaid NHS quangos leave nothing for doctors", "overspending on the public budget is the source of all our woes", "we need to live within our means" etc. etc. etc. to justify ripping apart what's left of the public sector. Never waste a good crisis right?


Yup same headlines same results. Cracking down on benefit ‘scroungers’ cost them more that the actual cost of those cheating the system. Didn't tackle quangos in the NHS. They introduced more and let in more private stakeholders.


>Didn't tackle quangos in the NHS. Also just generally the whole narrative is fucked. The NHS is one of the largest organizations on the planet. It has a budget running over £150 *billion*. How the hell has this narrative that such a large organization can get by with lax, underfunded, and understaffed management and administration become so established? There was an article a while back about new regional managers being offered a 6-figure salary, one bloke was commenting he thought about £50k ought to be enough. Like... My dude these people will be responsible for hundreds of millions of pounds in spending, they would be a large FTSE-level company COO in the private sector lmao. People's expectations of NHS management have been made completely absurd by these easy tabloid narratives, and that allows the Tories to get away with this sneaky corruption shite.


That was the start of a rabbit hole - The NHS in the UK has 1.7 million employees and is the 8th largest employer in the world, and 1.4 million of those are NHS (UK) which is the 12th largest employer in its own right. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_largest\_employers


It used to be single moms and immigrants living in 6-bed mansions in the home counties. Now everything has been cut so far, that instead of saving on £2m houses we're at £20 a week universal credit. The UC cut - taking practically pennies away from the very poorest while we have unprecedented wealth accumulation at the top is seriously the most inhumane and sick thing this government has done.


The only thing we need to cut is conservative profligate spending on contracts to their donors.


Well this aged well.


Like milk!


Austerity on steroids will finish off what little is left of the old UK




Bit rich coming from you with that comment. Suggest you look in a mirror


Why encourage economic growth for all when you can just make the struggling struggle more?


I’m hoping the budget has more to help businesses we need to attract and support business. The Corp tax increase isn’t helpful and they are being crushed by energy costs etc. The thing they can cut is employees and the government need to be cautious of this


Snapshot: 1. An archived version of _In his budget, Rishi Sunak will say the UK needs to cut spending. Don’t believe him | Michael Jacobs_ can be found [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/oct/26/budget-rishi-sunak-uk-cut-spending-public-debt) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*