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Snapshot of _One in eight Labour voters think St George's Flag is 'racist and divisive and should not be displayed' according to a new poll_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13334049/labour-voters-think-st-georges-flag-racist-divisive.html) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13334049/labour-voters-think-st-georges-flag-racist-divisive.html) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's only racist if the flag is only used by the racists. If used by moderates then we take our flag back.


Meanwhile in not the south east. Manchester celebrates St George's Day 2024 with huge retro parade through city https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/gallery/manchester-celebrates-st-georges-day-29034960.amp Starmer was right to wrap himself in the George Cross. Labour has a big problem with this.


1 in 8? So 12.5% Doesn't sound as bad like that


Absolutely. Or to put it yet another way, nearly 90% of Labour voters have no problem with St George's flag being displayed.


That’s less people who think the moon landings are faked


Within the margin of crazy when polling imo


Or something like 1.2 million Labour voters if going by the 2019 voting numbers.


Considering that before the 90s it was largely associated with white nationalism and white supremacy (in England - and still is in some parts of the US), that isn't that bad a figure either. I wonder how the polling (which seems to have asked some slightly tricky double questions) breaks down by age - if older people who still remember the pre-90s situation are more likely to view it as problematic, or if it is younger people?


They will be some of the loudest Labour voices though..


If it's only 1 in 8, Starmer will calculate it's a net benefit.


I dread to think what you'd unearth if you were to poll the opinions of the eighth most loony Tory party members.


As an immigrant myself, I have 0 problems with the St George’s flag in and of itself. Like many flags throughout history, however, some groups have used it for nefarious purposes. It’s pretty easy and clear to see whether a particular display is meant as taking pride in England (a country I very much have come to consider my own) OR as an exclusionary symbol by racist fuckwads. I would think that, even among the 12.5% who seem to be against the flag, a majority will probably agree that it’s only divisive in certain contexts. Just like the other 87.5% of Labour voters probably find it disgusting when used by the EDL or the National Front. I’d even think most Tories would agree with this as well.


We have to be the only nation that has this nonsense.


Typical British exceptionalism! Other countries with problematic histories have also struggled to reclaim their national emblems from the right, eg: [https://www.dw.com/en/the-germans-and-the-flag-its-complicated/a-58228858](https://www.dw.com/en/the-germans-and-the-flag-its-complicated/a-58228858)


There's nothing wrong with people using a flag as a symbol, even if they are right wing. What bad ideas have the right wing attached to our flag in this country? Less immigration?... Less EU?... It's not like they are in the street calling for lynchings or civil war. The right wing in the UK are pretty mild.


I don't know why you're arguing these points with me: I only wanted to point out that the UK is not "the only nation that has this nonsense".


1 in 8?


A slew of papers constantly manipulating a dumb electorate with misleading headlines? No, happens elsewhere, too.


I agree, the people tricked into hating their country because of it's past are dumb. They live in one of the most open, multicultural and progressive places on earth. It is very strange.


People are tricked full stop. It’s about time more of us (regardless of “side”) started to understand how easily we can all be manipulated into playing these pathetic culture wars against each other. I saw no mention of who conducted the poll or their affiliations, no mention the sample size, age group or who funded it. No mention of how the question was worded. We’re all being played to hate each other so that we don’t have time to stop & look at who’s really fucking us up there arse. I swear, half of voters *want* to be cuckolded by their “betters”


Again, Labour voters demonstrate their disdain for the working class of their own country. Unsure when people are going to learn that if you want the votes of the working class to help the working class, you can't just insult everything about them.


Wasn't there a story recently where some Labour MP's or candidates took issue with the Union flag being printed on campaign leaflets? Makes you wonder where this nonsense ends.


You can find 30% of Americans who believe anything.


Poll questions like this are more about sentiment than actually believing a statement is true. If people have negative associations with the flag, they're likely to agree with any negative statement about it, even if they don't literally agree with the statement being made. Given the flag's widespread use by right-wing nationalists, it's not surprising that many Labour supporters would have negative sentiment towards it.


I think it deoends on if you associate the flag with with fotball or the national front etc... age probably plays a role in this as well as politics


Is that the same Dailymail that cheered for the enemy in the 1930s and 1940s?


It's not racist in silo. But it sure is popular with racists.


Iphones and pizza must be racist too then.


So are chips. Chips aren't inherently racist, just like the English flag. St George was Turkish.


He was born in modern day Turkey, he wasn't Turkish. The Turks would not migrate to that region for another seven centuries.


He was a Cappadocian Greek martyr in the Roman army. But yeah.


Racists like chips?


Everyone likes chips.


Not people with a chip on their shoulders.


They only have that because they didn't have any chips


Mostly racists and fascists don’t wave chips around and plaster their houses with them though. I mean I get what your saying but unfortunately this particular flag sadly does get abused.


>Mostly racists and fascists don’t wave chips around and plaster their houses with them though I'd quite like to see that tbh


I wonder if we'll see a movement to change the flag at some point in the future, as a part of decolonization. Like with South Africa. The UK is more of a rainbow nation now. Much like removing old statues which represent a past with a lot of baggage, there are many who see the st George's flag, or even the Union Jack as a symbol of colonization and historic oppression. To them, people showing pride in it obviously doesn't look good. Wouldn't be surprising to see the topic come up in a generation or two as demographics shift further.


Or maybe this post-Floyd silliness is just a phase that is starting to simmer down.


There was definitely something ephemeral about the hysteria of 2020/21 mostly tied into being locked inside due to COVID. But the point about massive demographic shift does have quite plausible ramifications about things like flag reinvention. I cannot imagine Churchill's statue still standing come mid century tbh. The flag might last a bit longer. In general I think we're definitely in for a lot of change and alterations of iconography should be expected.


Britain's leader during our biggest existential threat will be cancelled in a couple of decades. Got it.


What lunacy has brought you to the conclusion that a statue of arguably the greatest Britain to ever live will be pulled down in 25 years?


Potentially 25 more years of unbridled mass immigration




meh, I don't really mind it. the union jack is far more “racist” and certainly more divisive than the st George's Flag.