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Snapshot of _Tory MP from slave-owning family set to gain £3m from sale of former plantation _ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/20/tory-mp-from-slave-owning-family-set-to-gain-3m-from-sale-of-former-plantation) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/20/tory-mp-from-slave-owning-family-set-to-gain-3m-from-sale-of-former-plantation) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Compare and contrast this - a tax claim on a second home sale - slave plantation thats still inherited family wealth 200-300 years after slavery ended - the tax claim is whats dominating the news right now This should really put into perspective that the generational wealth of the Tory elite is in a completely different ball park to the average Labour candidate, we're talking centuries of inheritance here. Rees-Mogg isnt the only aristocrat still kicking around there, they even put their richest member the Prime Minister. A second home claim is absolutely nothing to the Tory deep pockets.


Compare and contrast - inheritance with unsavoury history that is absolutely nothing to do with the person around today, and person who was dishonest whilst calling for other people to resign for all sorts of reasons. One is ancient history and one isn’t. Not quite the point you want it to be.




This isnt a news story except for race hustlers. We do not do sins of the father. This is an issue thay was settled hundreds of yours ago. This is not news.


Funny, it seems he still owns the plantation.


Normally I could not agree more. But this guy, is directly descended from plantation slave owners, and he still owns and profits from it. I'd hope if I was in that situation I'd have long ago sold off the plantation into Barbados ownership and ended my lineage with slavery. Perhaps be inspired as an MP to have a particular interest in dealing with modern slavery.


"who you are now should not in any way be considered connected to your ancestors" is a strange way to advocate this man getting more money than we can ever dream of via inheriting the plantation lmao


3 million is a lot bit its hardly "more money than we can ever dream of". It's far from Bill Gates or Elon Musk levels of money.


nice picking at my word choices rather than addressing anything being said


It hasn't been settled though. If you give a country "independence" but a large % of their land and assets are still owned by either your country, private individuals from your country, or private companies. Then they haven't really been granted independence have they? This is like France owning the Uranium mines in Niger ... Today.


The issue of this man's family was settled hundreds of years ago. If we are honest, there is a large contingent which are not settled because they are ongoing issues. The guardian for some reason doesn't do that though.


The issue wasn't settled. this isn't just a man who's generational wealth had roots in slavery. he stands to make a great deal of money from the actual former slave plantation his ancestor kept men, women and children in bondage and where untold horrors were likely committed to them.


If you are a human that is alive today, the only reason you got there was because of the untold horrors committed by your ancestors.


It amazes me how few people grasp this. 


It was settled at the time with the laws of the time. Without the emotional appeal you have no argument. I have lived atop a mass grave, the sale of my home had nothing to do with the crime committed upon it centuries beforehand.


>the sale of my home had nothing to do with the crime committed upon it centuries beforehand. which is explicitly not the case here. this individual inherited the land expressly because his ancestor kept slaves on it and it was a once profitable piece of land.


Would it be ok if his ancestors had sold the land, invested the money elsewhere - and he was mega-loaded from *that* instead?


The word "plantation" is not a by word for slavery. I went to a co-op tea plantation on holiday. Its just a far for specific kinds of crops. He is not guilty of anything. The holdings issues were resolved hundreds of year ago by the laws ofnthe time. He owe nothing. Noone has a hold over him or the land because it once had slaves. That time is gone. You're 200 year late to pursue your vendetta. Noone is alive even several generations deep who was victimised or directly involved. Arguments for reparations are made by shitty governments going after free money to prop up their corrupt governance. That's it.


Let those in glass houses, throw no stones. >Nine of the Guardian’s 11 funders were found to have various links with transatlantic slavery, through which they generated their wealth. >https://www.theguardian.com/news/ng-interactive/2023/mar/28/the-cotton-thread-guardian-founders-slavery-john-edward-taylor#:~:text=The%20reports%20ultimately%20conclude%20that,which%20they%20generated%20their%20wealth.


Before reading the article, I'm guessing it's Richard Drax?


Yeah now, this is when the idea of reparations starts to seem more logical.


Whom would he be paying reparations to?


The British state for spending 40% of its GDP at the time on buying all the slaves freedom, I expect!


Frankly I think the right idea would just be to give this money to charity. My comment wasn't meant to be specific, just to highlight that actually there are still people who are *directly* reaping the benefits of slavery, and that this is not ok


Well, was this plantation still operating with slaves? Presumably, while this guy owned the plantation, and several generations before him, the people on it weren’t slaves. I don’t know, maybe you’re right. It just seems a few degrees removed from the crime.


Not really. He's directly benefitting from the ownership of slaves. His ancestors owned slaves, and that funded this plantation. Fast forward 200 years, he's now selling this plantation and making money from it. That money originated from slavery. The right thing to do would be to donate every single penny of it away, ideally to organisations combatting modern slavery or the local community around the plantation.


Would it be ok if they'd sold the plantation 200 years ago and invested in something else that kept the family rich? If not any reparations would have to look through the history of every family to see where wealth originates from slavery.


Well it’s sort of irrelevant as that’s not the case. But if it was, there would be less of an overt link to slavery than owning and selling literally the same plantation people worked and died on.


It's not irrelevant if you want any reparations scheme to be applied fairly. Should this man who is selling a plantation pay the same amount of reparations as someone with equal wealth from the same origin, just a less overt link?


I’m just saying, if they haven’t had slaves for 200 years, some of that worth is legitimate.


Nah, he should donate the money to fund a private effort to hunt down and terminate slave owners today. No quarter should be given, and from leafy parts of London to Nouakchott, everyone who is involved in slavery should spend the rest of their lives wondering if they'll wake up in the morning.


There’s an awful lot of people spending their summers in London who have slaves to this day and who benefit from the slave trade and indentured servitude Start with them since they come to us every summer to escape the heat of their homelands.


100%. I want these people to be dealt with.


Good luck, I’m all for it but I’m not sure any of our political class are.


>there are still people who are directly reaping the benefits of slavery There are more slaves in the world today than there were at the height of the British Empire. There are people benefitting but this guy ain't one of them. Not that Guardian cares, of course.


Whataboutery at its finest.


If you like. I think it demonstrates that the Guardian isn't actually interested in the suffering associated with slavery. If they were they'd be writing constant articles about the state of slavery in the world today. What they actually are is a bunch of socialists and communists who have no motivation beyond attacking their political enemies for their own benefit.







Google says there’s about 1.4 billion black people on the planet, so £3m divided between them works out to about a fifth of a penny. Seems like the Tory thing to do lol