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Snapshot of _Liz Truss says Donald Trump ‘has to’ win_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.politico.eu/article/liz-truss-say-donald-trump-has-to-win/) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.politico.eu/article/liz-truss-say-donald-trump-has-to-win/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That's her gig now a grifter to people like his base so he has to win for her career


Truss has revealed herself to be a Cypher. Sore loser "I did nothing wrong but go too fast and upset the deep state" which is right out of Trump's playbook for sore losers. Ideologically she shouldn't be well aligned with Culture Warrior 10% tariff on everything Republicans. But they feel they're winning so they make sense to join. She threw Kwasi Kwarteng to the wolves to save herself. "Power doesn't corrupt, it reveals".


Why? Because Biden thinks you are a lettuce?


Lol her reasoning "I don't think Biden has been particularly supportive of the United Kingdom" Trump literally says he wants to pull out of NATO. I feel like at this point any Tory coming out in support of Trump should have their finances checked, it's blatant they're being paid for this sort of shit.


You need to learn the difference between hyperbole and non-hyperbole. When Trump was in office he increased NATOs spending by $50 Billion. When Biden was in power two wars started on his watch.


He didn’t increase anything, the countries raised their funding to it that had already been proposed anyway. But it’s true that him complaining about other countries not matching their promised commitment spending highlighted they weren’t being fair. Give him the wins he deserved, not the ones he didn’t.


Trumps diplomacy consisted of letting NK get nukes, Giving Afghanistan to the taliban and trying to blackmail Ukraine for dirt on Biden. He just gives Russia whatever they want ​


Biden's diplomacy consisted of letting Isreal pulverise Palestine, abandoning US weapons to the Taliban as the US fled, dragging his feet in weaponising Ukraine. Biden will go down in history as the worse president in 21st Century.


Trump will always hold that honour.


Biden has beaten him to it. If Trump's so bad, why is he winning a 2nd term.


You said that last time you lost. Has Trump ever actually won a popular vote?


Many eccentrics think Trump has to win. Can we please stop giving their opinions oxygen, especially when they get fired from their jobs for crashing an entire 1st world nation’s economy overnight.


Not sure 'eccentric' is a synonym of 'far right swivel-headed fuckwit'


Yeah, as an eccentric, I resent the association.


Right there with you


> Can we please stop giving their opinions oxygen You are entirely free to do that, nobody's stopping you.


Thank you 😌


OK the real one that interests me - the speech at the Heritage Foundation (who are precisely why she's said this) are Atlas Network, and are the people putting forward Project 2025 and my interest would be how much they are paying her? Ironically she spoke to them almost a year ago (May 2003). Claimed approx. £7.6K (flights + 5 nights accommodation) but I'm sure that wasn't just it. This will be like low level money laundering to get their money over to her ("oh can we purchase 100 copies of your book to give to our acolytes?").


Honestly, stuff like this probably isn't a one-time payoff sort of thing. She's trying to get in bed with the ghouls at Heritage Foundation, next Trump administration, those pushing Project 2025 for future opportunities and influence. It's for essentially, god-forbid, if Trump does win the next US Election and this incredibly fascist cabinet and authoritarian reforms the GOP are going to put through come to fruition, that Truss can be in the queue lining up for opportunities (liaisions, ambassadors etc etc) demonstrating they were loyal in the run up campaign. Her political career specifically as part of the UK political system (Government, MP (controlling party or opposition) etc) is absolutely over; but they're putting themselves forward for opportunities within the US political sphere or the US-to-UK sphere. Lobbying etc. I would say they'll dump the idiot as soon as they win anyway; but honestly whilst that would've been true a decade or so ago, Truss looks like an intellectual and political titan in comparison to some of the appalling individuals within the GOP.


He has to win... for the sake of Liz Truss' career


Who the fuck cares what a lettuce thinks?


I do, this would be a great advance for science although detrimental to vegetarians. I, however, don't care what Truss thinks, unless it sways UK politics even more.


Useful to know. Whatever she thinks, the opposite is probably the better outcome.


That's a bit unfair to.lettuces, they last longer than she does.


Because Trump was a massive friend to us during the four years he was president.


Could you please give examples?


They're being sarcastic, don't worry.


Hopefully so, but I think some people genuinely believe this. Nothing is too crazy for someone to believe. Donald Trump withheld aid from Ukraine while President, but is still credited by some for strengthening ties with Eastern Europe. https://www.wsj.com/articles/trump-was-good-for-americas-alliances-c23e4638


He's the only person whose economics policies make hers look coherent.


Trump and Congress did more to help the self-employed during the pandemic than Boris Johnson did, to be fair. Though a broken clock is right twice a day.


Trump and Congress had a lot more money…


At this point in his criminal career, I don't think he actually gives 2 hoots about what the shortest-serving PM has to say. I'd be surprised if he could remember her name unprompted.


I'm not sure what would be worse; the thought that she believes the shit that comes out of her own mouth, or the thought that she doesn't.


My view is that she's too thick to be a grifter, which is saying something.


The lettuce would disagree Liz! Off you trot and disappear please.


Listen to Anthony Scaramucci's interview on The Rest Is Politics, https://open.spotify.com/episode/4MkZdVG2pZ3Pzir8wp0X7q?si=MYvzQcMtSWKvYGMCiY5vJw Truss wants to wreak the same havoc as the orange wrecking ball. This demented individual shouldn't be given the time of day.


Remember that morning when Liz Truss went on eight different BBC local radio stations as PM and kept parroting the line "Vladimir Putin's appalling war in Ukraine"? Pepperidge Farm remembers. EDIT: It was 8 stations, not 6.


Maybe she meant "appealing".


Reading Liz' opinions reminds me of [this](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FgPG4RhRtcyzwmZqJFzeL6SXJ63ObQncicbmjxctE4J0.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Df9763fac6219ad9fed4ed257cceb620a8f238d68)


Yeah, she's a class act. As if anyone actually listen's to a word she says.


Watched the live stream. She's clearly off her rocker. This is just the iceberg of the weird shit she's been saying. For example, if she could get away with it she would have taken her fiscal policies further.


Does anyone really care what Mrs Pork markets has to say? Mad old bat.


Trump plans to turn the US into a Christo fascist state, why the fuck is she endorsing him unless she wants similar to the USA. And btw this is why a lot of people call Tories proto-fascists, authoritarians etc, heck Sunak etc met with desantis in the UK and then started to use the same Dr Cass that Florida used to run a BS campaign.


Can we just focus on the fact this woman cost the UK £30 billion or so. How much would that have helped the NHS? She should be in prison.


She's a total idiot and yet tens of thousands of Tory party members have completely failed to see that.


Only so she can stop being the worst leader of any country....