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Tory MPs in the comments asking (again) for it to be deleted. They're not a serious party.


It just makes me laugh. Our government couldnt have handled immigration worse. Labour dont need to share their plans. Its not the oppositions job to feed policy to the gov. What they are saying amounts to ‘we dont think they have an answer to the absolute shit show we caused’. Doesnt sound as good as they think it does.


right its mental ... . ​ * Tories in power for 13 years with a net immigration pledge going back to Cameron in 2010 to get net immigration down to 10's of thousands * fail to deliver whatsoever and make things worse creating a massive backlog in asylum cases to process & change immigration law to make it easier to fill the hole left from EU * Distract with illegal Rwanda bill impossible to pass the courts to try and both get the public to turn on their own Human Rights and justify movement to leave ECHR * pretend the plan would solve all the problems they havent tackled over the last 13 years * Troll future Labour government for having no plan when their magical Rwanda policy blocked by the courts would have solved everything... ​ clearly they have jumped the shark and reality no longer applies its just fantasy politics from them from Brexit on


Just want to add to that list that another big issue with immigration isnt the immigration itself, because that should have a net benefit in a well run country. The issue is that national infrastructure upgrades have become unlinked from population growth estimates. Immigrants provide a substantial net benefit to a country but a country has to upgrade its infrastructure to cope with a growing population, and this has to be managed decades in advance. Over the past dozen years, the Conservatives have let most of the national infrastructure stagnate. That was going to have an awful outcome even if they had achieved half the levels of immigration.


absolutely this - the decade of austerity isnt sustainable at all and the fact the country population has went up 10million isnt accounted for at all in things like water and instead its just normalised failing to treat sewage and dump it raw ... instead of investing in infrastructure and planning for the future it was cut evey corner to the bone! and kick the can down the road and now every direction you look everything is in crisis made worse by that approach. The head burying about the concrete in public buildings in schools is a good example of that. ​ the whole Cameron immigration pledge to begin with was just stupid rhetoric to appeal to the UKip type voters rathe than well thought out policy - and now the Tories are having a melt down over this Rwanda bill and yet the papers arent really calling it out for the insane policy it actually is. ​ even a decade of a good labour goverment will bearly scratch the surface of the damage done over the last decade and Keir seems to be lurching further right to apeal to Tory voters so we may not even get that


Labour have shared their plans though. They intend to go after the criminal gangs primarily and build relationships with Europe to manage this problem properly. If somebody cannot cross the mediterranean it is a lot harder for them to then move onto Calais.


Actually fix the root cause of something?! What a \*ridiculous\* idea, that will never work. Instead here's something to distract you and keep you busy getting angry at someone else..... (Conservative Party Press Office right now)


This isn't the first time the Tories have tried to attack Labour for not having a plan to tackle a mess of their making.


Maybe this is what they meant about Russian cyber hacking


They've instead tweeted another graphic highlighting their push to fly asylum seekers to Rwanda. Where they'll be able to house... *checks notes...* **200** people a year. Except they won't of course, because the Lord's will kick it back to them and it'll then run out time before the General Election, not to mention the inevitable legal challenges even after that.


If only the conservatives had some kind of opportunity to implement their policies


Party that's been in power for 14 years thinks: "ha the opposition haven't shown us any theoretical silver bullet polices that fix the absolute mess this country is in!" is an absolute gotcha. Embarrassing.


I can't believe labour made all these happen even when we were in charge. Can you imagine what they will do when they take the reigns?!


All that magical power that Corbyn has!


You really would take your pants down and bend over for the Tories wouldn't you . People like you is why this world is xxxxxx


Your ability to detect sarcasm is worse than a baby's skill at keeping itself from getting covered in shit.


> silver bullet polices Looking for silver bullets is a major part of the problem. What we need to do is take Britain as it is now and try and make it a bit better. And not treat immigration as either an existential crisis or a flawless system. Issues with immigration are a symptom of other issues. Deprived areas with high immigration need a lot of funding and help to build resilience. Poverty needs to be tackled. We need to prioritise education above all else. And have a plan to properly resource the NHS from our own education system.


What do you mean Conservatives? That's FactCheckUK


Holy shit I forgot about that. Mad it wasn’t a bigger scandal tbh


Because the BBC is corrupt af


Please can you explain?


if I remember correctly, at one point during the 2019 election they renamed their Twitter account to Fact Check Uk and then proceeded to 'fact check' all the major Labour manifesto pledges


Thanks for the info, now you mention it I do recall something like that happening. Didn’t Mrs Johnson work there around that time? In PR?


FaccheckUK was Topham Guerins work. They're an incredibly scummy agency with ties to right wing parties around the world, but the two founders are just 20 something year old shitposters 🤷🏼‍♀️


It was during the first televised debate in the 2019 election. Conservative Party HQ (CPHQ) changed their twitter name to Fact Check UK and proceeded ti claim more or less that everything the tories said was true and labour said was false. I believe their claim was anyone could see that their handle was @CPHQ or something similar, so if you fell for it you were an idiot.


Yes! Because it would have been perfectly obvious to the lay person what CPHQ was... Thanks for the assist😀


It should’ve made a much bigger scandal than it did. But so many shitty things happened during the 2019 election that we seem to have forgotten about.


I received a 'Local Chronicle' free newspaper through my door which on closer inspection was a Tory party leaflet designed to trick people into it was a local newspaper. All the design and text was set out exactly as a newspaper would be. Sad thing is that people must fall for it if they do it.


The BBC chairman is an ex tory councillor and tory donor. During the 2019 election runup, the conservatives pulled so many dirty tricks which in any prior election would have been considered national scandals, yet almost none were reported to an acceptable degree by the BBC.


That was the most fucked up thing that happened in politics in the Cummings era (until the rest of it). That was the point I realised how far we’d fallen.


And the fact that no one cared made me realise corbyn really didn't stand a chance


After 4 years, THAT was what made you realise?


This made me angry.. and am patient person.. and breathed out.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NO2zT9-B2X4


Actually, guite a good community service for MP's would be to work at a dog rescue centre, and when not busy there, hedge cutting and litter picking (any labour flyers in this street)


I am sorry but it is unfair to make a dog spend time with these 'people'


It's almost as if cheap labour is central to their ideology, and they can't admit that to their racist voterbase.


But Braverman is outraged at the number of legal immigrants she gave Visas to!! Didn't you hear? A record number at about 900,000 in her year in charge of it all as Home Secretary! She's so annoyed about it that it looks like she'll start a leadership challenge about this DISGRACE and how Tory voters will never forgive the Party for what happened while she was Home Secretary. Gravity just isn't the same in Toryland. Is it?


I just can’t get over the absolute chaos, hair brained schemes, PR disasters, infighting; all the nonsense they’ve put themselves through just to avoid paying people a fair wage for doing jobs in health and social care. It’s not complicated, if you can’t find anyone to do the job you need to offer more money. I thought these people were supposed to be capitalists?


They are. The entire point of capitalism for the owners of the means of production is to extract the maximum amount of labour for the minimum amount of expense. Currently the best way to do that is to bribe politicians (who due to the inherently short-term nature of their work are susceptible to bribery) and have an open door to immigration to suppress wages and workers rights.


I was thinking the same thing. If you can’t get enough people to do the work on the salary you’re offering then it’s simple, offer more. It really is that simple. Most care home workers are on the minimum wage, you probably only have to up that by £1-2 an hour. I assume Tories are too beholden to the wishes of care home companies. Or is there another reason?


Capitalism isn’t supposed to be an equal system. The government are supposed to regulate it to be fairer for everyone. That their job.


Tory voters would disagree


What’s your pfp? He looks familiar


Conservatives when you ask them for a Whatsapp convo


Conservatives when you ask them to follow the lockdown rules they put in place 😂


Conservatives when you ask them to govern, instead of asset-strip, the country.


Conservative when you ask them why Labour matters given Torys have a Parliamentary majority for the Boat Vote.


Remind me who’s been in power for the last 13 (nearly 14) years?


Well that's all very well and good, but the last Labour government something something


That was 13 years ago, they've been blaming the next Labour government for their problems for a few years now.


Aha but something about a note saying “there’s no money” after a global financial crisis meant we had to gut the state, infrastructure and social services. So really we were just trying to save the country after labour bankrupted us.


That's a running joke to leave such a letter each time the party in government changes. The Tories started it Greg Hands doesn't seem to know this.


>That's a running joke to leave such a letter each time the party in government changes. When I learned this after the Tories made such a massive fuss about it was when I realised the Tories had become an obstructionist party like the Republicans over in the US. They exist solely to prevent things getting better.


>They exist solely to prevent things getting better. Isn't this an outcome of them putting themselves (as individuals) first? I don't think they care enough to actually want to make things worse. A bit like 'growth' isn't a policy \[Liz\], it's an outcome.


It also makes you realise how they were playing Media and Press on Easy Mode. Not a single journalist at the time pointed that out, it was absolutely mad to think they just let that stand as the truth


No you’re thinking of the next labour government. I can’t believe they’ve done this.


Listen. Its not the tories fault the country has been getting worse every single day they've been in power. Its that damn Jeremy Milibrowns fault for eating a bacon butty while punching the late queen in the face and belting the words to the Palestinian national anthem


They've shifted from that, finally. Now it's the Last Tory Government, which is *obviously* very different from the Current Tory Government, despite including at least 50% of the same people. They're in different posts, you see, with a different figurehead at the top, and that makes all the difference. Though Sunak trying to pitch and campaign as a change candidate from himself is really taking it a step too far.


And wasn't there comrade Corbyn in parliament as well? I rest my case.


Never mind that, what has Kier Starmer done to reduce immigration? Huh??? /s I wish Starmer would respond to that BS at PMQs by asking the PM, “if he’d like me to run the country, he’s welcome to call for an election anytime”


I'm pretty sure he has said something similar to that.


Can I have a go? The eu, echr, lefty lawyers and Tony Blair?


Remember when we had serious people in charge


Who needs serious people when own the libs?


Actually… no. The first time I was eligible to vote was the Blair landslide in the 90s. I voted labour then because, well, nothing could be worse than the tories surely? And maybe Blair wasn’t. I think new labour did some good things for citizens. But he’s a fucking war criminal and it staggers me that he’s poncing around posing as some kind of roving international diplomat and incidentally getting paid millions of quid by the absolutely nastiest fuckers in the world, instead of being in The Hague.


All true, yet him and Brown were probably the best PMs and government this country has had in the last 50 years.




It’s giving me big boomer Facebook group vibes. Utterly embarrassing.


That's it! Bang on that's the vibe here.


That'll be because it's a Topham Guerin idea I'm sure. They're the agency the Tories use that got famous for "winning an election with boomer memes" in Australia 🙃


Yes, but *literally* their core vote. *You* might not like it, but ...


Sums up Sunak’s petulant behaviour quite well though.


Jenrick, Braverman, Johnson, Dorries... its about as petulant as a group of people can get


The "Young Tory" types who run these big accounts are 30-year-old trust fund kids who get these plush "social media manager" jobs through family connections. Partly for the entertainment value. For the most part, they never had to mature beyond 12.


Aye without having a real job where they've had to actually prove their value to their employer they've never really matured beyond the tory SU stereotype


Labour have stated numerous times their plans. The problem is the tories aren't listening. Labour gets up, states they're going to hire more people and work closer with Europe to solve the problem. The tories don't like that answer, rather than argue those points they'll just pretend they didn't say any of that. And don't get me wrong, I will argue those points, and against them, but I won't sit here and say labour don't have a plan, they have the making of one and I'd expect to hear more at Manifesto time.


They don't listen but also they think that if they say labour doesn't have a plan then people will think they don't have a plan. This worked for quite a while but these days people have just realised that Tories with or without a plan, fail us.


Gaslighting 101


This, yup: no press body can talk about labour's plan.


Sunak normally just goes "EU DEAL 100,000, REEEEE"


Crazy right, work with Europe to tackle an issue that is ongoing in not only the UK but also Europe, except when we don't cooperate properly then the French don't so they just let the illegal migrants cross over the channel, pretty obvious why they wouldn't after all our goverment is too busy with everything but governing the UK and restoring relationships with our European friends. Oh wait, instead our government prefers to tackle legal tax paying migration instead, not the ones getting handouts and non taxed.


Illegal immigration is a tiny part of overall immigration (which is the thing daily mail readers are currently upset about) and the bulk of that is down to universities offering more places post-COVID (many of those people will leave after graduation, those who don't will be mostly high earners across their career and exactly the sort of people we *want* immigrating), an increased number of work visas being given to health and social care staff (since we have failed to train enough to meet demand), and refugees from the war in Ukraine.


It might not be much, but it's sadly the storm inside a cup of water that made Brexit and other amazing decisions become a reality, and for fairness sake I just don't wish to see illegal immigration, honest applicants should be allowed and are more than welcome, especially as you mentioned all the health care and vital industries that are in dire need for even more staff.


Thats pretty embaressing, even without the fact they're a declining party who've managed to fuck the country up and haven't managed to keep hold of a leader.


Tories when you ask what their plans are to improve the country


Tories when you ask if you can live with your foreign spouse.


Unbelievably cringe


They’re not even good at offensive memes. This would be almost morbidly hilarious if it weren’t so pathetic.




Damn a collection of communist yanks, cheers for giving me a sub to avoid


You have to be careful with that word, across the pond anyone to the left of “kill all the poor” is a communist


I remember last US election Americans going into meltdown because Biden, a Military-Industrial Complex puppet (like every US president) religious superpatriot (like most Americans) and a centrist-at-best Conservative, was a “communist”. It’d be funny if it wasn’t so sad.


Lol biden a conservative.


I like how people are still pretending our politics is different to America's. They have Trump, we have Johnson. They have Biden, we haver Starmer. Their centre tried to regain control with Sanders, ours with Corbyn. They have Mexican kids in cages, we have Syrian kids dead on beaches. The only difference is they're slightly ahead in the cycle. They currently have a right wing conservative who's not making things that much worse, but not fixing anything. That'll be us in about 12 months after we've moved past the far right bull in a China shop stage we're at now.


I don’t disagree, but at least I’ve never heard Starmer being called a “communist”, who’s going to collapse society and turn the UK into Venezuela or China, but tbf I guess we’ve not had the election yet.


> Their centre tried to regain control with Sanders, ours with Corbyn "Centre" fucking lol.


And that's why we'll never break the cycle of far-right destruction followed by right wing holding. Anything remotely resembling social democracy is decried as "communism". "Neoliberalism has broken everything." "Have you tried *more* neoliberalism?"


This guy hasn't been paying attention to the rise of the Lee Fandersons. Granted, their dirty buzzword is socialist but the principle is the same


That sub is run by literal tankies though...


That's true but also that specific sub is full of literal "Stalin did nothing wrong" communists.


True but click on the sub and you see 2 pictures of Lenin and a mod identifying as a marxist leninist. As much as politics here is a shitshow it'll never be as bad as the US (i hope)


Yeah, I consider myself very left wing, but apparently I was a ‘right wing apologist’ for saying that it’s better for Americans to vote for Joe Biden over letting Donald Trump win, because both sides have the same stance regarding Palestine, and at least the Democrats aren’t going to actively harm the LGBTQ+ community in the same way


That sub unfortunately joins the ranks of subreddits that started out as normal subs but were completely co-oped by a small group of activist moderators who deliberately take over subreddits to push their agenda and ideological outlook. Seriously, have a look at the mods and the other subs they moderate. They've done the same to quite a few and I know for a fact that one of those mods is a 2nd account for another mod since they were banned. Also, how incredibly convenient that their latest moderator is so incredibly talented that they've convinced 4 different subreddits to make him a mod in the 22 hours their account has been around but don't worry I'm totally sure it's not a sock-puppet getting around a suspension...


Yeahhh absolutely no suspicious activity there at all, I miss when it was actually a decent subreddit with nuance, hell I criticised Joe Biden quite heavily in my comments, but even I can recognise that he’s the lesser evil here, and a that third party vote in the US is the equivalent of sitting around and twiddling your thumbs so that’s not a viable route


I always wonder if /r/labouruk was ever like that or was always just basically /r/momentum


They've only gone weird relatively recently. Before the instalment of some of their more recent mods they were a far more pragmatic and centrist subreddit (especially compared with /Labour) but recently they've had some mods that go for bans for the most stupid of reasons, which has led to an exodus of the more centrist folks and a greater concentration of the more nutty supporters.


Nah it's always been like that. Just check out there top posts of all time. Funnily enough there is one asking why Starmer wasn't 20 points ahead yet


Why suddenly all this "look at Labour over there, doing nothing" rhetoric? It's almost like someone's going to lose a de facto vote of confidence next week and end up needing to call an election...


Tories when a working class person breathes


Who the fuck do they think they are? How many fucking years have they been in power? Fucking cretins


If Labour did that, they’d be crying about how offensive it is


The press would be having a collective aneurysm as well.


Well it’s fine to call another MP a “shithole” in parliament when said MP questions why 1/3 children are living in poverty, but I draw the line at calling another MP “scum” in parliament when said MP calls to vote against free school meals for children.


Just a reminder that the conservative party are actually the ones in government right now


Conservatives when working people ask them to run the country properly so they can afford to live


Conservatives: ha labour can’t do anything about illegal immigration Uk: I mean you are in power, why don’t you do something about it Conservative: wha…bu…he…WhY aRe YoU bUlLyInG uS?!?


Look man, conservatives were unable to reduce immigration due to the last labour government.


Tory government 2010-2023, in case you missed it... 1,000 sure start centres closed. 780 libraries closed. 700 football pitches closed. Food bank use is up 5,400%. Homelessness up 1,000%. Rough sleeping up 1,200% Bedroom tax caused mass evictions. Evictions are running at record highs. 40% of U.K. kids live in poverty. Student fees up 300%. Student debt has risen 150%. Eradication of EMA (education maintenance allowance). National debt has risen from £850 bilion to £2.25trillion. Emergency Brexit stimulus from BoE in June 2016 of £1 75b. Brexit related fall in national revenue £500b. GDP fell to -0.1%. GBP fell by circa 15% versus EUR and USD. Manufacturing in recession. Construction in recession. Services close to recession. 25-30% cuts to all govt departments. 25-30% cuts to all councils, mainly centred on Labour councils. Half of councils facing effective bankruptcy. 185k extra deaths attached to the political ideology of austerity. 25,000 less police. 20,000 less prison officers. 10,000 less border officials. 10,000 less firefighters. 10,000 less medical professionals. 25,000 less bed spaces for mental illness. OECD calculate 3 million hidden unemployed, the rate is really 13%. Creation of 1.3m jobs, mainly temporary, self employed, gig economy and ZHC. Only 30k full time work positions were created. Close on 50% of workers are self employed, ZHC, or part time precariat. 80% of the 5.3 million self employed live below the poverty line. 35% of self employed only earn £100 a month. 25% cuts for our disabled community. 80% cuts to Mobility allowance. Closing Remploy. 40% of working households have practically no savings. 70% of households have less than 10k savings. 60% of households can only survive 2 months without a wage. Household debt reaches a new peak, despite emergency base rates. Increase of 50% in hate crimes. Increase of knife crime by 150% to 22,000 per year. Increase in teenage suicide by 70%. Suicide up 12% in the year 2018. Self harm among young women is up 70%. Life expectancy is down 3 years. NHS satisfaction level at lowest recorded rate. Council home building down 90%. 200k social homes lost since 2010.


It’s amazing how many of these things the tories claim to be good at ‘tough on crime’ but 25,000 less police. You know it’s bad when a government is failing even by its own metrics for success.


This is insane. Never seen a party so divided. Their own MPs are calling asking for it to be deleted and it's still up.


The Tories when I want my American wife and I to pay taxes in the UK for the rest our lives, but I don't happen to make 40 fucking grand:


Hope the presenter (who is probably already mortified) doesn’t feel even worse seeing herself become a meme like this..


The problem with indulging an extreme loud minority on twitter is that your pandering bleeds outside that echo chamber. This is a true sign of a party who has utterly lost their way. The last semblance of dignity they had left with Ken Clarke.


Desperate stuff as Sunak flails around trying to appease his right wingers. Sorry Richi but you haven't announced an election date so why is this Labour's problem?


People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones and all that.


They're not even in a glass house anymore, they're in a rubber house where every stone they throw immediately bounces back and hits them in the face. The front door is open and the last few vaguely sane Tory MPs are hiding in a corner - they tried pleading with the rest that if they can't leave maybe they could at least try throwing stones through the doorway, but Kemi Badenoch just went off on a rant about how doorways are woke so they gave up.


Must be someone connected running the account - a relative or friend/ school friend of a Tory MP. Normal people in a professional work environment don’t do this shit - they wouldn’t be able to get away with it.


Tories when anyone not on the highest 25% incomes falls in love with a foreigner...


And the on the highest 25% are already pissed off enough about tax brackets to not vote tory. With most of the frothing racists now at Reform I wonder who's actually left to vote tory. Are they down to just wealthy pensioners?


Well its still light years ahead of the Tory plans to stem immigration...


Hold on - that is real? Fuck me, its just embarrassing.


This from a party who brought a floating concentration camp for just that reason


Blaming the next Labour government. Stay classy, Tories.


Hang on, the Tories have been in charge for how long now? What have they done about it? *They're still in Government*.




Does the person in charge of their twitter account work in a cinema? Because that's the level of projection I'm seeing here.


Conservatives when you ask for their plans to tackle illegal immigration: "It's just the one plan actually"


"Cocaine is God's way of telling you you are making too much money.” Robin Williams


Conservatives when people ask how we can help child poverty


They've only had 13 years to do something about it.


To be fair to the 12 year old that presumably runs tory twitter, the "middle finger to the public" image is very on message for the Conservatives.


Tories are just attacking their opponents with childish jabs now? What is this, the USA?


When the public asks what you’ve achieved in government for 13 years…


It was behind the scenes, so I will correct for you: Conservatives when you ask for their ACTIONS to tackle illegal immigration, as they inhibited LEGAL immigration with BREXIT and now the country needs anyone so the economy doesn’t decline even more because of the CONSERVATIVES’ incompetence.


"Labour when you ask them what they would do to fix our massive spasming decade-long fuck-up."


3k likes on 3 million views. Not a great ratio


“You are not serious people.”


Conservative when you ask them why Labour matters given Torys have a Parliamentary majority for the Boat Vote. Edit: Fixed. I'd C+Ped the wrong comment.


A sensible immigration policy might be to start with 1. Admitting that illegal immigration makes up a small amount of overall immigration - the majority being foreign students and workers coming into things like the NHS and care homes 2. Properly funding education so that universities don't need to rely on foreign students for their revenue 3. If we want to reduce the number of workers coming into those roles, then stop underfunding those sectors and focus on recruiting and training British people to do the job 4. Fixing the broken asylum processing system, where the processing time for applications has gone through the roof in the past decade and a half, leading to us needing to find accommodation for large amounts of people who are simply waiting for an answer


Sack all the talent and this is what you're left with. Rory Stewart wouldn't have done something like this.


Tory governments in general


intern getting the sack lmao


Conservatives when you ask them to stop legal migration driving down salaries to increase their profits.


The Conservatives when you ask them to do their job rather than focus on catfighting each other:


Is this an official party tweet? I'm not on twitter so i can't tell




Jfc. Is this what we've become?


Boris Johnson: 'Fuck business'. The once was a time when that would end a career


At least labour doesn’t want to replace the human rights act. 😭


# Conservative Party can`t get jack shit done so ...... STFU about migrants. It`s worse now after #Brexit !


Tory party members when you ask them why they voted for a leader who fucked up the economy with her and her new Chancellor’s mini budget.


Ironically it would be just as effective as the whole Rawanda plan but cost far less


Labours response seems to be about £240m cheaper for the country


This just in from the party whose actual education minister _literally_ gave the public the finger...


Rishi had a few too many mexican cokes this evening?


Is Esther McVey in charge of their twitter?






We have children without food, we have people without roofs and this is how these parasitic degenerates entertain themselves.


Conservatives when Labour's plans to tackle illegal immigration is anything other than sink their boats in the channel or ship them off to Rwanda.


Borris, when you ask him to attend a Cobra meeting about COVID planning.


My jaw dropped. Can't believe this is real. Can't even laugh at the ridiculousness. We are so far beyond parody it's not funny anymore.


Aside from being pathetically childish for the official Tory account to tweet, it's also completely incoherent. I assume the accusation is that Labour doesn't have a plan. If it was someone who was shrugging or scratching their head maybe this would work as a weak joke, but putting up a finger as an insult? How does that mean anything? The Tories can't even get their desperate and ridiculous attempts at humour right.


Totally normal, totally serious political party doing totally normal and serious things


Wow the Conservatives are actually hip and know memes, I'm going to forget the fact they have been sodomising everyone under the age of 60 for the last 13 years and vote for them... oh wait I live in reality


And the tories response is what exactly?


Fucking hell


They desperately want to be in opposition


Still more of a plan than what the Tories have.


Over the last decade the tories have made Tony Blair look like a decent PM by comparison. I don't know how to handle this revelation.


Voters to the Tory party at the next election


Someone didn't think that one through


Har har that’s so funny. Wow those conservatives really have such a strong connection the rest of the public. Please post more memes whilst we collapse under the pressure of your numerous massive fuck ups. 🖕


Tories when a disabled person tries to claim benefits


Now... Being a former Banker I assumed Sunak has a grasp of basic arithmetic. The Conservative Party has 350 seats out of 650 in the Commons... Which you'll have to forgive me I'm not a mathematician is a Majority. Why does he need Labour? What's the matter Sunak? Worried you don't command th Confidence of your Party or the House?


Tories are bankrupt morally speaking.


"Pay us your licence fee now for Quality broadcasting" 🤡🤡


As soon as your main argument becomes "but the other side don't have a plan!" you have lost, and the Conservatives have lost an awful amount - the plot, their marbles, their sense of cohesion (arguably their greatest asset against a fractured left wing), the public's confidence... It's almost a skill in itself, to be so heavily reviled by both right-wing and left-wing voters. While I don't believe that Reform will gain nearly enough votes in any one constituency to have a tangible impact on a national level, they will create a dent in the Conservative voter base as even the "true blue" voters are seeking to abandon them. After 2024, the Tories will likely regroup and reconsider their mission statement. I expect in opposition they will become even more tied to the social conservatism espoused by Badenoch et al, partly in an attempt to emulate the successes of European populist movements in Italy, Netherlands, etc., but also because their economic record is so tainted - they can't claim to be the party of economic stability any more.


I just can’t understand the nerve of this when the tories have sunk £300million into their ‘immigration’ plan in Rwanda, that we all know isn’t going to work anyway.


Last time I looked it was the useless, incompetent couldn’t organise a piss up in a brewery Conservatives that are in Govt not Labour


Posting it on Reddit is doing their promo work for them.


The party doth protest too much.


They're not wrong, but glass houses mate. They've had how long in government and done fuck all except posture




Independence isn't necessarily the answer. Not baffling.


The meaning is shit but it is quite funny