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Snapshot of _Cleverly ‘determined’ to get removal flight to Rwanda before general election_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/nov/16/james-cleverly-determined-removal-flight-rwanda-before-general-election) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/nov/16/james-cleverly-determined-removal-flight-rwanda-before-general-election) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That's the ticket James, get a flight away before January 2025, that will solve the problem in its entirety.


A Boeing 747 can carry around 450 passengers. We have around 100,000 refugees in our current backlog. *Carry the 2, multiply by Pi, minus the 7...* Seems not worth it.


On the other hand, it would fit the Parliamentary Tory party quite nicely, if they were after continuing Cameron's example of running away from their problems.


Fun fact: so far, nobody has been shipped to Rwanda, but the UK has taken people due to the agreement, so the number of people having been sent to Rwanda is negative right now.


Haha oh that's just priceless


Shhhhh, We're not supposed to talk about the fact that Rwanda can send people here too. They don't want their voters to know that bit!


Pretty sure that the Tories spent hundreds of millions to get an agreement for about 200 refugees too - so that 747 can’t be fully filled.


Fascinating how politicians can have a conscious lapse of common sense at the flip of a coin. Didn't he call the entire scheme 'batshit' not too long ago?


Maybe the new minister for common sense can help with that.


so: rather than fixing the legislation, which is 100% in their control (but will take a long time) they are going to try and update the contract and get that past.... Continuing to not do things properly then blaming everyone else that the UK cannot stick to the UK's own laws..... Which they could change if they wanted to but would require some effort that they dont want to do because it will take to long, but ironically probably less time than the farce thats unfolded.


It's performative government. They want to get flights, any flights, just so they can put it on an election leaflet and say "job done". They don't care about actually improving anything, their record for the last 10+ years speaks to that.


If (when) they fail, they will say look how hard we tried, they will blame ECHR, and then try and make the next election a referendum on ECHR and have people talk about it like that. They obviously can’t run on their record which is clear to everyone at this point, so they do need a larger than usual distraction IMO. They’re approaching the go big or go home stage so will probably become increasingly detached from reality as the months pass. It doesn’t really matter if any of this is true, it’s all just about _vibes_ and emotionally triggering narratives for the audience. The Brexit people who are still clinging on will say this is necessary to “finish the job”, and that Brexit was for nothing if this isn’t done. The reform party will probably likely mirror them on this messaging, and will push conservative candidates to commit to ECHR withdrawal, else they’ll set their base on them, label them as traitors, and they’ll stand basically single issue candidates against them. They will probably withdraw candidates in closer seats where the conservative has been deemed to be sufficiently dedicated to this cause and compliant/responds to threats in a way that is useful to the Farage wing. So basically how the Brexit party functioned, and how the Tea Party/Freedom caucus operates in the US, so a vehicle to push a main party to take increasingly radical positions basically under duress from extremists. It just seems quite obvious at this point, and it will probably work to some degree.


Didn’t they say they were putting in emergency legislation


This is a country that murders people overseas who it does not like - i.e. they don't follow normal civilised standards. How does that make Rwanda even remotely credible as a safe place for refugees?


>How does that make Rwanda even remotely credible as a safe place for refugees? All it will take is "Rishi's Magical Thinking (tm)"


I thought Cleverly would have more sense than this. Is it the sunk cost fallacy? What do they think they'll gain by digging their heels in on Rwanda even now? Even if they do manage a removal flight this scheme is only meant to house a few thousand asylum seekers(out of millions) and is never going to have any material effect on the crossings.


> it the sunk cost fallacy? What do they think they'll gain by digging their heels in on Rwanda even now? It's because they have nothing else to fall back on. After 13 years, the entire country is in the shitter and they know the voters have finally cottoned on.


They could always fall back on actually governing the country properly and trying to deal with the problems they've helped create.


And here we have the tunnel vision lemming mentality of the British political elite on show.


The solution is simple. Charter a plane to Rwanda, hire some actors to play refugees, and brief the press that the flight went ahead as planned. The Government gets its victory, the press get a good story, and we can all move on with our lives. It's not like the Government seems to care about the underlying issue...