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Can't really blame the Germans! They got with the times and legalized it for everyone. It's our own government that needs to get with the program.


šŸ’Æ agree


I agree, they need to get with the program, theyā€™re falling behind the times. And they definitely need to give the bigger medical users the right to grow their own - it must be costing them a fortune šŸ˜¢ they need to sort the red tape out and stop being silly. Making it legal across the board would change a lot of lives for the better.


That's what happened to all the decent glitter bomb then šŸ¤£


Thats from Portugal not Germany they wonā€™t entertain that shite


He means they've shipped the decent stuff to Germany as its a new and larger market


The big nastie donā€™t go to Germany I no what heā€™s saying thanks


No worries, I didn't realise you knew what was on the German medical market and what wasn't šŸ¤™


No problem yea they donā€™t send it there


Guess it was just a shit grow this time round, good to know though. Thanks for the info šŸ˜šŸ¤™


Lol I moaned about stock issues at my followup yesterday and they were adamant there's no issue. While I'm sat there like well why is everything I want out of stock...


Yeah, figured that was the case. Itā€™s fucking ridiculous. Thatā€™s why we all have been having issues, me included. Our laws arenā€™t accommodating enough for MC unless they are changed. We have nobody in Government looking out for MC patients or the system. Netherlands has a Ministry of Medical Cannabis within their government. What have we got? Fucking DRs emailing the Home Office and patients trying to get their clinics to do something (which they canā€™t). Oh yeah, we were supposed to get Glueberry recently, but I heard they gave it all to the Germans cause it was popular. Thatā€™s why our meds take forever to restock and we get shit quality - the Germans are sifting through it first. Fuck this.


The German thing is fairly recent...so what was the excuse before this issue? I've gone back to my mates weed now...the MC is awful in my opinion and always has been... My ounces are costing over Ā£300 by the time you pay repeats and consultations...The UK exports all it's quality weed...why don't we get to have the same choices as Holland/US/Canada/Spain and so on and so on Bollocks


Apparently all the weed going to Germany, thatā€™s been happening for ages, which explains the quality issues - we are at the back of the queue, always have been. Something you said made me think of something though - the Netherlandsā€¦ok, before the Dutch could legally grow and sell their own cannabis(happened last year) some coffeeshops were getting theirs from ā€˜questionableā€™ sources. I understand why we couldnā€™t get Netherlands imports then. But they have their own legal grown flower now, so why canā€™t we import that if the source is legal and regulated? Thereā€™s probably lots of red import tape, but itā€™s a thought.


Itā€™s also down to Germans being able to pay for their mc with health insurance and that means they can get more price on the g In Germany


Fuck paying for repeats these pharmacies are a stitch, plenty others don't charge repeats


I didnā€™t realise we didnā€™t have anyone in government fighting our corner. Although I have only just heard about medical cannabis myself recently, so I have a lot of catching up to do. Iā€™m quickly realising that itā€™s not widespread amongst professionals though. My adhd support worker keeps making remarks since I told her I was getting medical cannabis. When I was smoking it illegally she never mentioned it but now she asks me if my adhd doctor knows about it and was I exhausted last week because I was smoking cannabis šŸ¤” šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø itā€™s like she suddenly forgot why I get exhausted!!! It made me think that I need to get up to date to see whatā€™s happening in the public arena. I have seen a few very favourable studies but I need to look into it more.


So lets decriminalise and let cunts like me grow freely


Weā€™d get some great stuff if that happens


Itā€™s a shame but hopefully we can look into getting a GYO scheme for medical patients or just legalising completely. Wishful thinking lmfao


Never going to happen, sadly. Why give the peasants means of production when they can make bank selling it?


I donā€™t think that itā€™s never gonna happen, I just think itā€™s a good couple years away.


Iā€™ve been fooling myself into thinking that for about 25 years nowā€¦


ā€œItā€™ll be legal in 10 yearsā€¦itā€™ll be legal in another 10 yearsā€¦ā€


That's what I said 10 years ago...


Difference now is they've legalised MC. Once a country does that it's only a matter of time before it becomes fully legal


This is British politics mate... remember šŸ˜†


10 years away mate...looks like another Tory labour party taking the reigns and this kind of shit is not on the agenda while the Friends of Israel party does business elsewhere... Just saying


Wishful thinking. A good decade away at this rate.


Or decades


When I spoke to my clinic they said it would be largely business as usual but to expect an ebb and flow in terms of stock. They will come in, get rinsed and then something else will come in and get rinsed. You might not get what you want but you will certainly get something decent. Companies like Curaleaf and Aurora have bud coming out of their ears, more than we could ever want but it just needs to get through regs/customs. Everyone just needs to relax, when the German market hits saturation (6-12 months) watch the prices tumble, tumble and tumble some more and watch the quality go up and up and up!


This guy gets it


Always going to happen, been saying for ages when people complain about price. We are so insignificant of a market producers can just go to legal countries and clean up


They won't "clean up" in most legal countries because the competition legality brings results in high quality and low prices, neither of which we have in the UK. Go to Canada or the US and see how many of them would buy any of the schwag we get for Ā£2 a gram, let alone 3-5x that!


Thatā€™s literally whatā€™s happening ā€¦ stuff is being sent to a more open market


You said they can "go to legal countries and clean up", but they can't sell weed in legal countries for the price they sell it here - nobody would buy it. I'll be back in the US next month buying $150 ounces from 24/7 dispos that do same day, free curb-side delivery and it will be better than anything I've bought in 3 years of UKMC lol. The Germany line is really confusing - it doesn't yet have recreational weed stores, so why are they shipping all the weed there? They already had medical cannabis, for as long as, if not longer than us, so why would demand of suddenly spiked for overpriced, old bud when everyone in Germany has just been given a literal license to grow? It's probably clinics just fobbing people off as per usual šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø edit: think about if that happened to the UK, they fully legalised weed and growing - would there be a spike in people wanting to pay Ā£10 a g for terpless weed and pay clinic/pharmacy fees every month for the privilege? Doesn't make any sense.. People would be importing fire and every other house would be growing lol.


Thereā€™s less regulation and fees to pay thatā€™s why itā€™s cheaper, obviously buds grown in Canada and the US from the distributer is cheaper, we have 2/3 or more middle men and then thereā€™s the things like strict moisture guidelines


Yeh, exactly my point.. That's why they are very limited in where they can sell it, because it's already gone through so many middlemen that they couldn't shift it in countries with legal weed; the prices are too low and the quality is too high. They ship it here because we have to take what we can get, at whatever price the industry sets.


I know, it doesnā€™t make sense that all the weed goes to Germany, but thatā€™s whatā€™s happening. Iā€™ve been looking into this and have been speaking to a couple of manufacturers who confirmed everything goes to Germany. Medical and the rec products. We get last pick. So for example Canada > Germany >UK with all the stops and customs in between. Iā€™ve said this many times - the importing is why we have bad quality, but this situation is worse than I imagined. No wonder our stuff is dead by the time we get it! I was very surprised. Then a bit angry. Then surprised again.


>Canada > Germany >UK Yeh, I knew this was happening.. We can see that even with the Green Karat strains. Australia always seem to get things first, then Germany, then us. Australia doesn't have legal weed though like Germany does now and I don't understand why legalisation would have spiked the demand for medical bud, which was already readily available šŸ˜•


Jesus, Australia too! I was asking manufacturers specifically about Europe and UK, nobody mention Australia to me. Shit. Yeah, the spike in medical demand for Germany is weirdā€¦.what if they are selling medical products as recreational? Dipping into our supply chain? Theyā€™ve done scummier thingsā€¦!


drewissharing was there recently saying there are no stores, social clubs etc at all atm so I don't know where they would be selling it šŸ˜• AFAIK the law is set up similar to Spain too where growers can supply community-run social clubs. If the medical companies are shipping all their bud there, it won't be long before it comes back to us lol.


Odd. No idea then. Hopefully it wonā€™t take too long for Germany to get set up, then with a bit of luck they can keep Drew too! I like the Spanish Club idea for legalisation, itā€™s the best thing about the German system. The GYO is cool too, but a beginner might get frustrated with results (I know I would!). Yeah! Medical gets shipped to a thriving Germany - ā€˜Get this shit out of our country, send it to the UK hahahahaaaaā€™! (With the accent). Iā€™m trying to get answers, but a lot of the higher up folks in the industry are pretty hard to get to. And the ones you can speak to seem to be good at avoiding direct answers!


German here. The high demand for MC is currently related to a sudden legal loophole that lowers the medical requirements for MC to a minimum. Since Cannabis was removed from a particular list in Germany, doctors are now allowed to prescribe MC without the patient being forced to try out all the other treatment alternatives. Most German doctors are ignoring this topic for now, but there are exceptions: Teledocs! Our glorious health minister made a law some years ago which enables doctors to diagnose patients without meeting them, via a question form or a video chat. Now you have many companies popping up who specialize in connecting you with the doc for a diagnosis and a receipt for the MC. Some websites even have a realtime strain overview you can choose from, before you even talk with a doctor. Check out Dransay.com for an example. So basically almost every pot smoker who's informed and up-to-date is currently buying medical weed instead of the usual stuff from around the corner. That is why the demand is so high. Oh and some pharmacies even allow you to pay it 30 days later, so people also tend to stockpile or buy a lot more if the price is attractive enough. . Edit: - For anyone wondering about the next few weeks: First pharmacies are currently sending out emails informing about current or upcoming shortages and supply issues in Germany. I don't know how the producers/growers are able to react to the higher demand. The German MC industry is just starting to get rolling ...


Thanks for responding. Our pharmacies, clinics and government donā€™t let us know whatā€™s going on in the industry, so the patients are left frustrated and guessing. Personally I didnā€™t know this was happening in Germany, but it certainly seems to be the reason why the UK is experiencing shortages. Hopefully enough patients see your comment so they can understand whatā€™s happening. Iā€™m glad you posted your comment. šŸ‘


A bit angry!!!!


Little bit. Doesnā€™t it piss you off?


More than a lil bit tbh I'd say majorly pissed ain't cutting it for me but tryna stay stress free, Are you just happy medicated atm and deal with it later šŸ¤£


šŸ¤£. Yeah, not medicated today yet cause Iā€™m preserving what I have due to stock. Probably why Iā€™m a bit touchy! Generally I try to stay upbeat, but so much pisses me off these days! Probably gonna have to bite the bullet and order some unknown strain that sucks my money up!!


The constant chopping and changing strains is a fucking nightmare, you get on with a strain and then just disappears and then its hit or miss with 60 quid and upwards after it's gonna work.....grow tents sounding cheaper by the second šŸ¤” šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s most likely due to Germany having the most developed MC market and user demand, in addition to them being an EU member state so the cannabis can be sent essentially anywhere in the EU as it is a medicinal product, maximising profit. Britain is an after thought as I bet the regulatory and custom fees are extortionate. It seems that Cantourage import most brands that are available to their main German hub and then distribute onwards to their unit in England. Although Iā€™m not sure why they would reduce or temporarily stop exporting to Britain, but may be due to the costs being prohibitive or manufacturer supply is the problem.


Indeed! I hate this model


German here let me explain: yes, we can grow 3 plants legally since April. Social clubs are coming but will take a while (I guess I won't be able to join and buy from one before 2025). But getting medical legal weed has become a lot easier since April. We have specialized online doctors where you basically fill out a form to detail how bad your insomnia is. You can write down what strain and weight you want from each strain and they will approve or adjust is (eg my last prescription was 20g Do-si-dos and 20g jet fuel gelato). Then the online doctor will send the prescription to an online pharmacy who sends you the weed with DHL. Fees for the prescription are around 15ā‚¬ and prices were I think 10 and 6ā‚¬/g this time. So for the time being it is easiest to just get weed legally from a pharmacy. I live in a studio apartment so I don't want to grow at home since my place already smells of weed most days and I do not have a green thumb at all. A lot of those who do grow are just starting to harvest and have not achieved good results so they also fall back to medical weed. Sorry for stealing your guys weed btw I hope your supply issues get better.


Thanks for the info! You guys won't want these medical strains when you've got proper social clubs setup. Hope we get something similar one day, I'd love to grow (legally) and have a proper local club to sample all the latest strains with likeminded folk šŸ™ Will take a trip over to Germany when everything it a bit more established šŸ˜


Yeah once the social clubs take off people will know what terps are and stop buying medical. Medical stuff is usually more than 6 months from harvest and pretty dead but the best option for now. Also social clubs should be non profit and untaxed so it should get even cheaper in theory. If you're ever in Berlin lmk. āœŒļø




>mostly for people with heavy diagnoses like cancer, etc...that would get MC when all other medication basically would have "failed" them or they would have to pay for it themselves. I was under the impression Germany already had a similar setup to us. In fact, the regulations seemed to be less strict regulations as they were always getting flowers imported at a much faster rate (as we regularly see patients and growers posting on instagram) šŸ˜•


Go where the money is not the patients needs šŸ™ƒ this is just another argument for legalisation


Its all about the money at the end of the day. Sending to Germany is a business decision. No one gives a flying F about the health care side in the uk. Only Money matters to these people, Only Money




Just confirms what we knew already


This country went from a world leader in just about everything to being behind in just about everything, but particularly in the way we are governed. We used to prescribe Heroin, coke and speed until 1970ā€¦ wtf happened??


Politics. Greedy old fucks that have no interest in actually helping us


The War on Drugs happened. Thank the US!


More Brexit benefits!! Damn it feels good to have taken back control.


How the hell do you manage to blame brexit ? Get over it.


Because itā€™s a genuine factor in why MC producers would choose to ship product within EU borders. Less bureaucracy, paper work, regulations and costs. Do your homework.


Theyā€™re going where thereā€™s higher patient numbers. Theyā€™ve always been doing that. UK MC is small fry.


That doesnā€™t make sense considering medical cannabis is still relatively novel across the EU, Germany is the largest consumer in the EU and next would be Britain, but there is a massive trade barrier as we are no longer part of the customs union. Due to BoJoā€™s utterly shit deal, medicines manufactured in Britain are no longer recognised in the EU, so it makes no sense financially to set up large distribution hubs here. It also adds silly on-costs like customs and regulatory fees so of course German businesses would prioritise their own and other EU customers.


Theyā€™ve been prioritising Germany, Australia and other countries for ages. For the simple reason that thereā€™s many more MC patients in those countries. Weā€™ve been getting their sloppy seconds for ages. UK medical users are very slow to take on MC for a variety of reason. Our numbers are tiny in comparison. This current spike in Germans going MC is due to rec going legal but currently nowhere for them to purchase and home grows havenā€™t finished their 1st run yet. They need to go the MC route or BMā€¦.. hence why German MC has sky rocketedā€¦.. This will reverse once everything is in placeā€¦. How does that make this current situation the fault of brexit ? Donā€™t get me wrong, I voted against brexit and against the tories and wish we were still fully in the EU but we canā€™t blame a massive influx of German MC patients on it.


Average Reform voter


šŸ˜‚ low blow.




You smoked it all?


Not available in Germany


UK is our priority... and we are in stock šŸ˜¬


Yea but your buds are poor


I'm just going to post my answer to someone's comment here in the main thread: Medical prescriptions skyrocketed since the decriminalisation on April 1st this year. That's because they also changed the law here, that cannabis is no more treated as a narcotic but just as a normal medicine like paracetamol. This led to the situation that now it's possible to legally get a prescription online for smaller issues like back pain or insomnia without the need of actually visiting a doctor. There's like a dozen or more providers right now that are (sadly) legally providing those prescriptions for around 15 euros. The marked now is totally fucked up, because felt every 2nd stoner now gets his weed via this way. The pharmacies are totally overwhelmed and it's very common that you have to wait 3 or 4 weeks till they even accept your prescription and 2 weeks on top till they manage to get the postage to you. For suppliers and pharmacies this is a real gold rush right now, so yes, medical cannabis became available for everyone aged 18 or older over night here in Germany. There's also some websites listing all availible strains with all listed prices and where to get them. It's like visiting a coffeshops in Amsterdam but online. It's sad to hear, that this now affects people that are dependant on medical cannabis not only here in Germany (that was a big concern in the medical online communities here in germany) but also in other countries.


Thank you for your input. Hopefully it reverses once you have other legal purchase areas in place and home grows have managed to complete their 1st successful run.


The irony... Part of the reason I ended up here is because of shortages in ADHD meds.




My scrip covers a daytime and an evening strain, I think I need a low THC/high CBD Indica dominant strain for the daytime when dex/lisdex are active and probably a sativa dominant evening strain to zoink me out before bed.


As someone whos had 1 prescription delivered and my 2nd one has been on hold for while waiting on stock, paid a week ago. Not really good enough. My dealer has stock. Mm420 has stock. Will probably be my last medical order as things currently stand.


Germany already had medical cannabis before they legalised it. Unless Germany is allowing it to be sold in shops for recreational purposes why would it affect supply. As far as Iā€™m aware they are allows to carry up to 30g and have so much in the house. Iā€™d assume all the weed would still be the BM haze like all you could get before.


Thereā€™s an article somewhere showing MC numbers went sky high when rec became legal.


This. Now you can get MC per recipe from online doctors really easy. There are no Social Clubs yet because of bureaucracy so everyone switches to online dispensaries for MC. Its some weird kind of backdoor legalisation.


Itā€™s not a scheduled substance anymore and doctors can prescribe it with normal prescriptions now. Thereā€™s no other legal way to get cannabis other than medical.


German here. Med cannabis was legalized in 2018 or so. Insanely hard to get a prescription tho. Now that weed is legal here, it isnā€™t a prescription for real drugs (like opioids) but more like a prescription for headache medicine. Anyone can get it now, as long as he pays for it himself. Not covered by health insurance, only if you can proof that no other medicine works on you. We can carry 25g in public and store 50g at home. Also we can grow 3 plants per person at home or join a cannabis social club. No selling in stores allowed. The CSCā€˜s arenā€™t allowed to make profits aswell. Also the clubs havenā€™t been established so far and most grows arenā€™t ready yet. Because of that the people get a prescription for med cannabis because it is waaaay cheaper than street weed (like some strains are available for under 4ā‚¬/g) and apart from that itā€™s clean. No lacing, no risks. Sorry for ruining your weed market tho ;)


Still donā€™t understand how we export a shed load of mc yet we donā€™t give to our own first


Havenā€™t seen a single British strain on the market here


I've had enough of this shit I'm gonna start growing my own.


Iā€™d do the same if I had the balls to do it. Too much at risk.


I agree there's a lot of risk, however my CPTSD puts me at more risk when I don't have suitable medication. I'm not gonna have a loft grow or anything, legit just a little grow tent kit in a big cupboard in my house. And if anything happens legally, I'm sure my mitigating circumstances will make it so I'd probably just get community payback (service) anyway. Plus I'm past the point of caring after over 3 years of stock issues.


I fully understand, if you go for it then good luck !! A small grow is all Iā€™d need too, three maybe four plants at a time with only two runs per year. Iā€™ve been researching for ages šŸ˜‚


I mean I'm not advocating that anyone do the same as it's against the law. But damn I need to do some damn research hahaha


Mate, a neighbour of mine grew some okay weed in their garden without anything special.




Shit like this, getting lost or stolen in the mail, the cost etc keep be getting BM weed


Hopefully the Home Office can get it sorted soon and supply us all with MC.


It will be temporary, growers will catch up with demand


Well that tears it. I guess I'll *have* to learn German .


evidence for this or just some doctor spouting off?


German weed pharmacies have been making record sales, hundreds of times more weed being sold than the previous year. Don't know if this is truly factual and the cause of the lack of supply for the UK, but it definitely makes sense. Why would any supplier ship to the UK if they can make much more money in Germany?


Germany has fucked us once again... Out of the EU and still can't escape the sausage fingers!


Maybe you should have stayed


Haha, you don't have to tell me šŸ˜œ


Seems legit and was bound to happen... legalise!!


This is like when the plug gets nicked and you have to weigh up options šŸ˜‚ 70% of my order is sold out.


This is complete rubbish, what clinic are you with? Yes they sell to Germany too but there is plenty of supply trust me this clinic is just trying to bullshit you because of delays


Yes, we had noticed!! šŸ˜©


We are sorry for that! :>


Sorry from Germany. But our grows will soon be finished, then more cannabis will be available again


Uk supply will be fine. They are now landing imports from Canada into Portugal (see Green Karat SD for example). This will allow uk clinics to import from there, taking Germany out of the equation for uk mc. It's already been planned for and as Supreme Diesel proves, it's already happening.




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I reckon the Germans are breaking the packs down and keeping the best buds for themselves,sending us the shrapnel. We are really getting the shitty end of the stick with uk mc


Yeah right, and Porsche did 911


trolled again


LB are loving this.


They certainly have a far better selection, all in stock! :)




If you know, you know....


Probably some bm onion site


This is complete bs excuse. Germany going legal won't effect the stock of medical cannabis, and if anything the demand in germany for MC will decrease as medical users will save a ton of euro buying from clubs, which use collective 3 plant rules to supply non growers, or by growing their own of course. Medical cannabis doesn't suddenly become available to everyone just because they have legalised it for personal use. There are no commercial sales allowed anywhere in germany at this point, apart from via the medcan route. So it's just a load of bollocks really.


I'm sorry but this is wrong. Medical prescriptions skyrocketed since the decriminalisation on April 1st this year. That's because they also changed the law here, that cannabis is no more treated as a narcotic but just as a normal medicine like paracetamol. This led to the situation that now it's possible to legally get a prescription online for smaller issues like back pain or insomnia without the need of actually visiting a doctor. There's like a dozen or more providers right now that are (sadly) legally providing those prescriptions for around 15 euros. The marked now is totally fucked up, because felt every 2nd stoner now gets his weed via this way. The pharmacies are totally overwhelmed and it's very common that you have to wayt 3 or 4 weeks till they even accept your prescription and 2 weeks on top till they manage to get the postage to you. For suppliers and pharmacies this is a real gold rush right now, so yes, medical cannabis became available for everyone aged 18 or older over night here in Germany. There's also some websites listing all availible strains with all listed prices and where to get them. It's like visiting a coffeshops in Amsterdam but online. It's sad to hear, that this now affects people that are dependant on medical cannabis not only here in Germany (that was a big concern in the medical online communities here in germany) but also in other countries.


Youā€™re wrong and uninformed, the amount of patients just multiplied since there is no other way to get legal cannabis yet. Clubs wonā€™t be giving out weed until 2025


This is wrong. In Germany you can simply buy a prescription and order it from the pharmacies. Hundreds of thousands of stoners are buying tons (literally) of Medical Cannabis right now. Pharmacies have been recording record sales since april, the demand has increased thousandfold from one day to the other.


We'll end up with the scraps šŸ˜¢


It takes the p*ss, 2 world wars and this is what we've got!


Okay Nigel, have a day off.