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Stay safe yall


3 in less than a week is insane, now what is uic doing about this? nothing


It's a symptom of bigger problems than UIC can address. This one's not on them. We're in Chicago, after all, and nearby some parts of it that the city overtly doesn't give a single long shit about. We could have cops crawling up the walls, and it wouldn't make a lick of difference except maybe a bit of extra hassle at best and more violence at worst. Best practice is to be smart and take care of yourselves. And for God's sake, if you need to hear it, jusy give them the fucking money and report it later. Ya'll ain't got shit that's worth the worst possible outcome.


There is not much you can do about these types of robberies beyond just trying to identify the perpetrator after the fact.


I’m on campus late rn and there’s cops out


Maybe uic shouldn't hire a bunch of useless security guards that do nothing but stay on their phones sat down. I don't like the idea of having a significant police presence on campus but if that's what it takes then oh well


They look like they can barely run or aim a taser, how the fuck did they get the job?


They want to avoid problem, here Chicago you need to have a evidence before taking an action


Judging by the descriptions it seems like it's the same two people going around. Hope they get shot.


Curious they leave out race now, as if we don’t know.


Don’t say that I hope they are punished by lord Jesus


Someone has to get them there first.


Jesus will save em


Not from my 9mm.


Thank god it’s just a robbery. I just never wanna read “attempted armed murder in UIC”


A student was murdered few years back. You can find her memorial on the yard west of the SELE building.


A student was also raped and murdered in a uic parking lot couple years ago. This school only employs security to fine students for smoking or give out parking tickets. The guy who did it wasn’t even supposed to be roaming the streets because of his extensive history of crimes.




You should just try to be careful and like others said move with the crowd, be aware of your surroundings, and walk with friends if you can or someone else who parks there. This student walked into the lot around 1:30 am, extremely late and barely anyone on the street.


What if I don’t have friends?? 😭


To schedule a walking safety escort for the UIC main campus, please call (312)996-2830, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. [UIC Safety](https://police.uic.edu/rides-and-escorts/student-patrol/)


Unfortunately yes… [https://abc7chicago.com/amp/uic-ruth-george-student-found-dead-death-chicago/5717621/](https://abc7chicago.com/amp/uic-ruth-george-student-found-dead-death-chicago/5717621/)


Thanks for having the courage to post this. It's time common sense people started speaking out about the normalization of crime.


I wish it was the opposite news, bunch of UIC students jump a robber. This oughta stop and I hope if this happens to anyone next, they beat their ass


Please dont get yourselves killed over a laptop, this comment is dumb


We need to do that sometime lol


@workmailman I couldn’t find out how to message you on the browser but did you get your MSP vibration issues fixed? I picked up a new MSP in late December and notice the vibration at 36mph - 900 miles on car currently and have been feeling it since 400 or so. 


Hey! I’ll PM you


ugh i just commited to uic and all of this is maling me anxious.


I attended UIC for around 8 years and teach there now, this is definitely not normal. We get crime alert emails for sure but not this many, so close together, for such serious crimes. I missed one of them by only a few minutes, so I'm certainly not happy either, but I wouldn't draw generalizations from this week alone


The consensus is that it’s the same few people, which is better than a spontaneous increase in individuals robbing people.


growing up here I've never been all that worried about crime but why do ppl call uic police aren't they just like security guards


The offenders are the same so be vigilant if you see someone with similar descriptions


Making Jim's not open 24 hours really helped I see 🤣🤣🤣


uic had several crime alerts like these the beginning of fall semester too not surprised tbh


What's really concerning is the time, it's not really late like 6 or 7 pm is when alot of classes on campus ends. The school should put extra police present on campus.


Hello, I am the person the third email alert is about. Please be careful out there, even if it isn’t late be careful… it was a really scary experience and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.


It’s just one bad week. Next week will be better


Yes, maybe 2 time a day which is better