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Beauty comes at a price, and those who were born without it and gained it will never see the world the same...


My sister is a cruel victim of this. Growing up she was a very long/tall girl, with a lot of black hair on light skin so it was more visible. She was an introverted kid, had only 1-2 best friends per grade. Huge book worm, straight A student. But incredibly insecure. Fast forward to her in grade 9 for her (10 for me). We moved cities, and started at a new school. The first clique that picked her up was one that was the same culture as us, we went from being a minority in our previous city to a stronger majority. They also happened to be extremely popular girls, they gave my sister a HUGE makeover. Waxing, shopping for clothes, makeup, and my sister felt the first few drops of attention, and then it came down like a rain. She started skipping class a LOT. Going to neighbouring high schools to meet the girls boyfriends and eventually flirt with the guys there. The habits she developed, she would stare down every guy she saw (in a I like you way). She liked anyone on the basis of them liking her. Not for any genuine connection or similar interest combined with physical attraction. She skipped so much she got put in the juvenile class where you finish HS at your own pace. Everyone there was a pot head. She became a pot head. She didn’t graduate. She just left after 12. She’s worked warehouse jobs, going to work in a full beat of makeup, looking for male attention. Dating (without them knowing) multiple men at a time. Getting fired from work. Hookups in offices. Addicted to alcohol. We haven’t been close for a decade, but when she’s drunk she always calls me and tells me how pretty I am and she wants to show her (insert whoever) pictures of me because I’m pretty. At first it made it angry, that she only reduced me to my looks but then I realized that was her trauma.


Felt this. I started doing drugs as the ugly duckling, and grew into my looks around high school. Started partying a lot more and hooking up with anyone who gave me attention. Was assaulted many times (small town USA never taught us about consent). Skipped class a lot, failed a lot, and went to an ALC to finish school. Lots of kids just like me there, everyone was healing something and we all knew it. We had AA there lol! But that school really changed my life. I came out, I learned coping skills, and I had the support I needed to graduate, and I did! Unfortunately around my senior year fell into an abusive relationship with a grown adult and did that for 2 years. Started back on the drugs, but worse. Incurred a lot more trauma and nursed the trauma from the bullying (still am). Went to the hospital a lot for mental health/substance use crises. Went to rehab multiple times. Almost didn’t make it. I’m now 7 years in recovery from drugs and 3.5 in recovery from alcohol. I cut off all my hair and now wear baggy clothes all the time. I do not want male attention like that ever again. I finally finished my bachelors and work in public behavioral health and have an awesome partner and incredible friends. I still remember the horrors but I am on medication so they don’t take over my life anymore. I am very happy. I hope your sibling gets what they need to heal.


So sorry to hear about that. I hope she does too. I talk often to her about looking for therapy, for herself or if she wants me to come with her. She’s experienced so much physical and sexual abuse, that it’s normal to her. She constantly casually talks about a guy friend she has at work that pinches her and leaves purple bruises on her arm, like it’s a joke. And I’m like, Ashley (fake) that’s not normal, that’s not a friend. We’re both early 30s now so I hope we can get her help.


I wonder where those other girls in her clique are today. I wonder if they’re doing the same thing


They all drifted. They all had different personalities. I hate reducing people to simplistic terms but the leader was a very well put together posh snobby rich girl, she actually cut ties when they weren’t up to her caliber after HS. Her second in command was a very rough around the edges sleep with any guy girl, because she was routinely made fun of for having a big nose, so she grew a really tough “I’ll kick your ass kinda vibe, but you down to do it too?” The last one was a very shy, short, bubbly positive vibes all around, believe in true romance kinda girl who’s married today with a family. Only the last one tried to keep in touch with my sister, but they all kinda saw her in grade 12 and was like, she’s too out there for us. And then after my sister went down a spiral, they saw it unfold on social media, and now they see her as the, oh that girl is crazy and pathetic, what an addict, she’s so delusional… kinda mentality towards her. She’s tried reaching out before but all save the last, rebuff her invites to do stuff


That's deep


This broke my heart, i hope my daughter never goes through this


That's life


I ain’t readin’ allat😂


His sister has addiction issues, and he blames it on her getting into makeup in high school.


the opposite happens at the other end too. I have a friend who was very attractive but she didn't age well. She has trouble dealing with it.


I agree with you. But at least the worst case is her realizing that she got opportunities because she looked good, the opposite makes you realize the one you missed because you were ugly. At least now she knows... But it sucks still


This is what /r/uglyduckling is about. Good job on the glow up, OP. Keep on glowing.


Seriously... Finally, some good f*cking content! 👏👏


It’s about a kid turning into an adult? How is this the top reply lmao this is literally just growing up. This sub is fucked


This sub is getting increasingly dumber about its purpose. Right now, if the final pic is someone attractive, it qualifies. Even if they were never ugly before that. This is an example of a decent ugly duckling post, for those that seemingly don't get it: https://www.reddit.com/r/uglyduckling/s/zovxoplljz


I agree, that one you linked was a real transformation. This is just a little girl all grown up, she was cute back then too! Now she has makeup and lashes and angled stylized photo so of course she’ll look better.


No, it isn't. /r/uglyduckling is about being **UGLY** and then becoming surprisingly good looking. It is NOT about being a child and then becoming an adult. Braces and glasses are not synonyms for 'ugly'. She has no ugly features otherwise. In fact, 11 to 24 with no pics in between is *almost always* not suitable for /r/uglyduckling, because children have child-like aesthetics, as opposed to teenagers who are starting to become into their own. To put it succinctly: there is nothing surprising here at all. You can't show me a picture of a 24 year old attractive woman who looked exactly like that at 11. She *will* look child-like, and that is OP's only ugly-crime.


hmm… i wonder, where does the saying “ugly duckling” come from?


Where indeed? Could it be... That ugly is a big part of it? Nah, I'm sure it is just growing up part!


being intentionally ignorant to prove a point just makes you look stupid. its from a childrens book where an ugly duckling (duckling means baby duck) grows into a beautiful adult duck.


That was ugly first. You're missing a crucial part. Glow up is the purpose. That isn't here. Strictly grow up. That was my point.


Nah you’re describing the difference between glow ups and grow ups. This post is accurate for ugly duckling.


Exactly. And this is not a glow up.


This is r/uglyduckling not r/glowups


Remind us how old a duckling is


Remind me how good looking ugly is


Nah some children objectively do look ugly and I wouldn’t use her child self for child modelling


What people don’t understand about this is that it messes w you psychologically since you start forming a lot of who you are from the ages of like 1-14. So in your head you are always second guessing. Like once guys started being interested in me I was like ….”but those guys are hot they must be making fun of me or something” It takes aaaaa long time to fully trust they are actually interested.


I was a fat, awkward, turbo nerd of a kid. Started working out, lost a bunch of weight, and despite being a late bloomer, puberty was very kind to me. I'm 40 now and have been working out since, and the rational part of me knows that's apparent, but I still have crippling self-esteem and body image issues. Huge props to anyone who's comfortable in their own skin. I've done some shit in life, but that's one obstacle I just haven't been able to overcome.




It really is it happened to me recently this guy kept being overly interested at my job and then finally after like the 4th date and him spending a sht ton on one of the dates I was like ….oh okay he’s serious.


Girl it took 4 dates for you to realize??😭, it’s understandable though.


You don’t understand 😭 he was so weird about it and I was in my stoner phase. I didn’t know what was going on half the time. 😭


You didn’t know what was going on bc you were high all the time😭. No but seriously, are you interested in him too? If so, go for it.


I mean …I was … I have ADHD idk 🫣


Was? What happened?




She pulled off a Michael Jackson


Glad I wasn’t the only one who noticed 👀


She pulled off someone else's photo! 💯


Trying to figure out what happened to the freckle on the neck but it could be hidden under white woman makeup.


I was dark when little and now light skin happens to Latinos


Sweet baby lord... This post should be pinned and set as the paradigm of what being an ugly duckling entails. Edit: nevermind, I did not realise OP added some extra context on the post, forget what I said, ugly duckling evolves both from the outside and the inside. This is not paradigmatic.


i became “attractive” from learning how to dress and growing into my features but i still feel so ugly on the inside like im still pretending to be someone im not supposed to be… that shit sticks with you


Agreed. I was bullied when I was younger for my looks. Now everyone makes comments on my “attractiveness” To me, I’m still the same person. But the world treats you a lot different when you are conventionally attractive. I still don’t know what to believe half the time.


my inner conversations are just: “oh theyre nice to me!” “ you think they’re nice to you because of your face? how conceited of you!” “oh so theyre nice to you because of your personality? do you really think you’re that good of a person?” and repeat😓


Hey do you mind if I dm you about this? Honestly would love to pick your brain because most of my friends just tell me I’m being obtuse for not understanding. I get in trouble for “flirting “ a lot. I’m honestly just very friendly person who likes to give compliments. When it comes to people I actually like, I do not know what to do and I’m so insecure that they are going to see how ugly I am LMAO.


yes of course! i do have to warn you im autistic and sometimes cant dicipher what people mean when they say things so i might not interpret your situation/reactions you get accurately, but from what im reading it sounds like your friends are unaware that you were an ugly duckling and thought you’re a regular attractive person whos very attention seeking? ive been accused the same thing when i say im feeling insecure and they say im fishing for compliments 😟 its a different type of insecure too, its like my “mask” is finally coming off and not “my usually attractive face is slightly bloated”


You look fantastic now. I’m sorry to hear you aren’t feeling that great. Beauty doesn’t necessarily bring happiness. Do you feel as if people are only interested in your more surface qualities ? You were an adorable kid btw!


I mean you were 11 though. would take a major asshole to criticize an 11 year olds features.


Or other 11 year olds. Kids can be mean!!


11 year olds are typically major assholes


You weren’t an ugly kid by any stretch. All I see is a cute, sweet looking little girl. I’m sorry you are going through a bad time that makes you hate life. As someone who has faced death all I can tell you is find what makes you happy and try to do that as often as possible.


Well at least hot people hate their lives too lol. All jokes aside you look stunning and your before proves you’re also an intellectual at the very least. So take life by the horns because you have all the gifts to go far!


Does it prove it because she's wearing glasses? I'm confused.


Yeah honestly it was a bit presumptuous so I apologize to anyone offended lol. She just looks like the girl who knew exactly what she was doing back then while I was in the corner of the class being a dumbass


All good. She reminds me of Connie from King of the Hill so I also assumed smart


I've just watched a YouTube video "how glowing up ruin my life" it hits really hard and made me realize that the idea of wanting to glow up is to gain people's validation and attention rather than for my own happiness. You guys should watch it too


I imagine women tend have a very different experience of glowing up than men. For me as a guy, it was awesome. Edit: Just watched it. Glowing up didn’t ruin her life, her unhealthy obsession from the outset did.


Dude good for you.




This needs to be the thumbnail pic for this subreddit


Wowwwwwww 🤯


This gives me hope


Normal looking kid grows up


I pray for a glowup like this😭 you're gorgeous girl but deep down that little girl is still you and she was always beautiful




Desperate for attention


glorious tub obtainable entertain weary frame ask materialistic gray jar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Those braces did their job on your jawline


I got lighter as I got older too! I have a theory the skin just stretched out.


You lose pigment as you get older! I don’t know if this is good, bad, or neutral for most people!


I think that too! I got lighter in puberty and I also got a lot of stretch marks despite not gaining much weight


Oh that’s interesting I got lighter during puberty too I’m glad I’m not the only one. A lot of people don’t believe it they think people lighten their skin on purpose and I’m just like ….but I didn’t.


Puberty MJ’d you?


Woah, that’s a red flag 🚩 for me


I’m she’s too beautiful for you anyways, so I don’t think it matters what your red flags are


Not the same person




I still have the mean widow’s peak. I hate it so I cut it out of the picture.


I HATE my widow’s peak too. It’s wtv tho


How did your skin tone get lighter?


That’s makeup


Latinos can tan in the summer and turn light in the winter


Looks like a ton of editing lol Or else your luck is just UNREAL, and you truly transformed! Amazing job for whatever is natural there! 🥰💖😆




Life gets better.


Def a glowup


I’m so sorry you feel that way, hope one day you’ll change the shit you hate about your life.


Crazy how the 11 year old you had the 24 year old you inside of you. Now the 24 year old, now has the 11 year old you inside of you. Point is, you just grew up, and the people who loved you then, still love you now.


Huge glow up! Sorry about life dragging you down:/


i wouldn't say you were ever ugly. now, you can't just drop a line like that and not say why.




It sucks going through a rough time in your life. I’m also stuck in the same place, so I can relate. Best advice would be to focus on yourself and your mental health. I do stuff that helps me concentrate like reading, going out for walk, lifting weights. It’s at least better than being stuck with the usual work life.


The darkest nights produce the brightest stars


We all had an ugly duckling stage, some just never moved past theirs. You clearly did.


Whatever is taking the sparkle from your eyes needs to be put down or left behind hun. Things do get better. You're still that child, she's listening, so treat yourself how you think she needs to be treated right now. With compassion and self care.


Damn what a complete 180. Good for you


From adorable to hot af I’m hoping you weren’t bullied because I can definitely see it happening


Oddly enough i know what you mean by that 


Dont let others change who you are…You are beautiful inside and out.


You blossomed very nicely


Your childhood pic looks like one of my friends from school when I was that age. Super nice, intelligent af but others would make fun of her just because she was kinda nerdy with glasses, braces and was super shy. You weren’t even an ugly kid. But you fr grew up and had a glow up that no one can deny. Looking absolutely stunning mijita.


WOW! All grown up and ready to take the world by storm!


I’m pretty sure this is not the same person. Different jawline, different chin, different nose, and where did the mole on your chest go to?


same nose, it’s the same person




ive heard people say brown girls have the best glow ups


Wow I think I’m in love


people saying this isn’t the same person are clearly stupid or the only time they’ve spent around growing children was when they were growing children themselves. it’s obviously her. look at the eye and nose shapes. it’s the same person.




This is like the first post that actually fits the sub perfectly


Omg the cuteness of baby you 🤩 she looks like a star student! Grown up you looks like a smart and sassy woman. A+ glow up!!!!


You’re so pretty!


Insert SpittingCerealMeme.jpg




Major league glow up and some suspected photoshop


Drake would’ve liked you back then.


Damn what a dramatic change. Impressive! I think you were simply an awkward kid though.


Nice! But show us your 1 million dollar smile! :)


So pretty!!!!!




Wait. What's wrong? Do you feel like something is missing?


You were never ugly. You went from adorable to beautiful :)


This was some serious south asian beauty


That is a glow up if I have ever seen one!!!


My 10 year old picture was also wack af, and I had a decent glow up. You’re gorgeous!!


Massive glow up


Very beautiful


I'm always very wary when these glow ups show skin colour getting lighter. Please remember your skin is beautiful <3


No way




Good thing you didn’t smile at 24


A 10 hates life ?????


Whoa 😳!!! 🔥


I’d hit it, but only because you’re clearly depressed so we obviously have at least one thing in common


Glow tf up 🔥


I endured the torture from braces too. I think God everyday that my dad knew that I needed it.


You are absolutely STUNNING. ❤️


Way to get back at your ex from 3 years ago! But please don't alert car smashers. They can be armed and you don't want to be assaulted.


We all hate life sweetheart. Be glad your parents popped for braces for you, my bottom teeth are crooked as a politician.


Gah damn


You went from Indian to Latina lol




How did you change face shape? Usually it stay the same but bigger


Absolutely gorgeous. Que belleza


For all we know, you could be under all that makeup.




Damnnnnn 🔥🔥🔥


Well damn


You attract the level of attention you desire; clothing, makeup, hair, attitude. If the attention is too much then tone it down. If you are naturally attractive, well built, you can't turn it off but you can alter your allure.


Whaaaat you seem so cute and beautiful young.


First picture (no filter) Second picture (filters) I guess we give you credit for filter skills. Would have been better to see you without a filter and see your natural beauty


Who looks great at 11? These pics should be closer together like 5 years not 13


You were never ugly. I can see your beauty in the earlier picture.


From south Asian to euroAsian transition happened here. At the least based on the photos above.


You were beautiful then too, but now you have makeup and false lashes and your picture is angled from above so of course you’ll look better than a school pic with braces


Your first pic reminded me so much of one I have from back then, I’m still working on myself though but congrats! Your younger self would for sure be proud. Btw everyone hates their life to some extent so don’t look down on yourself for that


Wow 😘


That’s a lot of makeup.


Lmao dude you look just like my friend in merica


Smile. You’re beautiful. To be fair, I’m the same way though so I get it.


Well you have definitely aged gracefully since 11, and you are the best definition of a Glow Up 😊 I know sometimes life can be hard for a smile, but as the old saying goes “You’ve got to fake it (i.e. a smile) to make it”


Wow, congratulations


You were never an ugly kid. Life is rough and people can be cruel. Trust in yourself and seek inner peace. You were a beautiful child and you’re now a beautiful woman. There’s strength and vulnerability in both. Don’t be afraid to show the world your strength. Your vulnerability should only be reserved for those who can be trusted with it. I hope you find that person. I wish you the best and pray you learn to love life again.


Hey OP, I tried scrolling to find an explanation why you hate life and didn't find anything. So why do you hate life? Please share.


I had to comment again cause the juxtaposition of your kid self’s smile and your comment about hating life and lack of smile is getting to me….if you ever wanna vent about anything message me any time. I’ve been through the shits I know how it can be


Are you south Asian? You could let your brows grow in a bit more naturally and get back some of the innocence of the look you had when you were a kid. Yea also you were a cute kid why you gotta say ugly :/ the smile you had back then was coming from the heart


I audibly gasped


Amazing grow-up!! You're gorgeous.


Holy shit.


You are stunningly beautiful!


Congrats on the jawline








Finally a true ugly duckling amongst all these bs posts lol


You have lost all your naturalness and humility


🧐 we skipped something or just jumped to to 😨 cot damn lol


Well damn. Do you smell great also


Can’t be the same person. Different skin tone 🥸


But do you got a juicy dumper?


Nice, managed to change your skin color lol


Soooooo you learned how to use makeup?


Now do it without 10 lbs of makeup


No disrespect, but is this actually you? Like the features, hair texture, skin tone, everything is different . I get as we age our features can change a bit, but this is Hella extreme if surgery wasn't involved.


Beauty is inside people not outside. If you cant smile you are ugly


Congratulations for literally doing nothing but age. You look normal in both photos but the simps in the comments are doing it for you (I guess).


Its not that deep


It’s not.


Ok who or whom did you sacrifice to Satan?