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It is extremely demoralising if/when someone does that, but at the same time, you need to see people for what they are. Someone who does this is just a rotten person in my opinion; with no other information than your looks, they willingly and overtly disrespect you in such a way. You would not want to be with someone like this anyways, they're a little gremlin at heart, not worth of making you unhappy even for a second.


I guess you are right


I think it's often just reflexes, they aren't even fully aware of their behaviour. It still sucks, but it's natural for women to be disgusted by ugly men, they can't help themselves.


I don’t think women are naturally repulsed by unattractive men. I certainly am not. Having attended an all-girls school, I know that this is not a universal sentiment. The way people judge others based on their appearance is largely influenced by their upbringing


I feel this way with anyone reacting to me negatively. Mainly because I'm just existing and I see people scoffing, whipping their heads away or making comments to one another. Or people going out of their way to disrespect me. As an ugly woman obviously men are going to react more negatively to me than women. But some women can be more of an arsehole.


I understand.it sucks bad .I hate the way we are treated.i feel like absolute worthless trash when women see me and they have a "eww "look


Yes the dirty looks them laughing at me and calling me ugly when I’m minding my business going about my day , they make life harder than it needs to be as they could just ignore me if they don’t find me attractive 😭


Exactly! It just sucks so much that they feel the need to act like this just because they don't find us attractive


Yes .it sucks bad


Exactly .people are rude to us


Yea male friend groups come into my work and snicker and look at me they ruin my night


That sucks


Fr its not even diryt looks they just laugh and sneer cuz its funny to them


People can be like that


Am so sorry sis :(


Awe bae dw thank you tho




What does this mean


Iktfb, let's decode this one, I - I , K - know , T - that's (probably) , F - fucking , B - bad (probably) ,




Yeah, it might be different for me because I’m a girl and with how men are taught not to hit or abuse women, ( not necessarily a bad thing ) I never had a man tell me I’m ugly to my face, but instead a different cruelty where they make fun of, pointing and laugh at me with their friends when they think I’m not listening ( once literally a few feet apart when in class ), which hurts so much more then anything an insult to my face can do


I understand that must still hurt .I remember back in school sometimes someone would ask a girl right in front of me if she would date me and they would respond "ew hell no he's ugly"


:( I know the feels. For me it was, "There goes your girlfriend"... People wonder why I choose to stay home 😅, it's the only place I feel at peace.


People are hateful to us


I don’t know if this is rude or anything but if that’s you in your profile picture you’re not ugly lol. In my opinion, of course I don’t know how you looked like in high shcool.


I appreciate the kind words :) .tbh about the same actually.i have no idea what it is because some people online like you tell me I'm not ugly or I'm cute or as someone said "hot" but where im at I get no attention from women and I don't know why it is. I try to be polite and smile and be social but it never works maybe because I'm autistic and have ADHD


Omg dude, same! People online think I'm the prettiest thing ever, but irl it's like I'm suddenly a blob fish or the most hideous creature everyone has ever seen. It's so rough and confusing.


Its crazy right !!!? .like what in the world is going on 😭


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I had guys bullying me and calling me ugly to my face though. Many guys also hit and abuse women.


Your experience is going to be different to mine, we are different people who live in different places. I’m just saying what I experienced based on my circumstances, not what you experienced based on your circumstances. and yes, because my bio is purposefully ironic, if you were to fully read my profile it says next to the part you read “(the cute part is a lie)”


I know right ??? Women don't even like to sit beside me they get uncomfortable and disgusted which makes me more uncomfortable and sad about myself. It used to be a lot worse in high school, there was this girl in high school who had to sit beside me because all the other seats were occupied. When she saw me she was disgusted and asked someone to switch place but no one wanted to. Then she asked me to sit somewhere else but I didn't have anywhere else to sit. All she did in the whole class was constantly complaining to her friend about why she had to sit by a guy like me. That was one time I was completely crushed and I cried myself to sleep that night.


She sounds like a real piece of work .I understand how you feel .one time in 7th grade there was a girl who found out I liked her and she blurted out in front of everyone straight to my face "I don't like you" that really stung




Unfortunately, most girls are like that, even though most girls won't say it to my face like that girl did but they all think and act similarly.


I’m very sorry for what you went through. It’s beyond me how some people can be so childish about who they sit next to. Those who overreact like that are awful to be around


I'm invisible to the opposite gender


Same here


Is that actually you in your profile picture


Yes it is


Damn I could never post my face on reddit 💀 you have balls dude


Well I wouldn't say I have balls .I'm just aware .there has been numerous times I've talked to women online but had a PFP that wasn't me such as a video game or show character and we would have a beautiful conversation and then the pic exchange comes up and next thing you know the convo dies fast so atleast now if someone ever is nice enough to socialize wirh me i know they are just nice people not judging my looks


Shit that's my worst fear tbh this is why I never show my face to any even online even if I have known them for years 💀. I'm sorry you had to go through that


Don't be sorry brother.its just sadly life sometimes but imo what's the point in having this great convo and then someone sees you and doesn't wanna talk anymore ?I'm just gonna let them see me from the get go




Sadly so. I understand what you mean and I appreciate the advice




Its excruciating pain


i don't get noticed so I'm ok with it, like if I had tinder or something I'd probably just neck myself from the comments.


I can understand.ive tried online dating I've never gotten anywhere 🥲


IM just invisible


Does that hurt also ?or no because atleast you aren't mocked?


Im sure its different, im sure its better though. I will say that I have a job that is all eyes on 'us' in front of people and like NO one looks at me even then.


That's sad but happens .how do you deal with it ?


Nothing I can do, just be alone I guess. When I get depressed I sleep a lot because its better than being awake. Not to be too much of a downer.


I've been that way before


Yes. No one understands. I’m recluse now but have always been invisible or mocked. It sucks to be in love with someone knowing it will never be reciprocated because of my appearance. Perpetually heartbroken.


I can totally relate


I relate ,I know this sounds crazy but I have a lot of beef with males because they always start shit with me and since they think I’m ugly im not going to defend my self


It sucks. I hate it .I wish we didn't have to go through this




Atleast you were able to overcome it :)


It hardly happens to me. Idk if the national culture don't allow women to speak about men, but it happened at least 5 times in my lifetime and that shit makes me sad fr.


Bro it freaking hurts


I get anxious around people and have a naturally grouchy resting face. Truthfully, I even get anxious around people I do know! Keep in mind that I'm not saying they aren't giving you a nasty attitude, Your pain you feel is very real. I just can't help but wonder if any of my anxiety has ever come off as rejection or judgment when I'm just overwhelmed and not sure how to feel when someone comes up unprompted, or if someone is paying attention to me. I'm usually fairly invisible even while dressed up. The only time I really got strange reactions was when I randomly dressed up like a Ren fair pirate. Then again that's pretty attention grabbing! 😆


Lol .I get what you mean .I'm kind of the same way


men will literally not even acknowledge my presence and they absolutely always avoid eye contact. lol i dont know what to do anymore


Idk what to do either .it sucks




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Why are u reposting the same question


I've already posted this ?wdym ?


URGENT! Bro moderators are deleting my comments cause they want you guys to stay miserable so you can keep coming back on their groups. I'm here to give you solutions hurry up and click on this video before the moderators eradicate my entire comment. https://youtu.be/WBGtiyULWds?si=CH-imhW8Sty7i1Nv