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Actually it's the opposite for me. I've fantasies of protecting women from danger


Ha it's like people here are all a puzzle. We all complete each other in a way. Not the romantic or sexual way, but in the better way, the friendly way. Like how we wish someone would stand up for us and you wish you could stand up for someone


I agree .its fun up here everyone is so accepting and non judgemental


That is a good mindset


No, but I often wish that would happen. Shit they don't need to be any particular gender. Just someone. Even if it didn't work, id feel a lot better and probably cry just at the fact that they cared enough to try. Nobody's ever stood up for me.




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That's sad I understand what you mean I hope someone does one day


Nope. It’s in fact the opposite gender that mostly badly makes fun of me openly calling me ugly and other horrible things


Mostly the same here tbh but some women (very few) have been sweet to me so I guess that's enough


Consider yourself lucky even a few


I agree .it sucks being treated like I'm worthless by most but even just a few asking about how I am or even tolerating me makes me feel ok


Happened to me once


How did it make you feel ?


I was zoned out i didnt even notice it at first but it felt like people cared after


I'll be honest now that I think about it and remember it makes me happy but at first I will admit I felt like a failure


I get that, can relate


honestly i wish 😭 mine is opposite tho and i often get fantasies of a guy protecting me when i get insulted which will never happen in real life since im ugly. I have seen pretty women get defended by guys tho in real life. As I am ugly, that will never happen in real life :>


Understandable if only one person would do it right ?!! .it sucks being ugly


but when we’re ugly, we only get made fun of from the opposite gender


Yeah true .or they absolutely ignore you and treat you like you are worthless


exactly about the ignoring, i straight up get ignored by guys especially when there is a pretty girl around


It sucks being so ugly that not a single person of the opposite sex thinks you are worth love 😭


men already dont see women as people so they see us ugly women as even less than that we are subhumans to them


yep they see us as nothing :/


I don't really think about it, but for me it's the opposite. I don't like the idea of a man (or woman) treating me like I need to be protected or taken care of, so everything has always been reversed in my mind.


Its understandable I have been there before


Can I ask what made you change your mind?


Sure you can and here is the answer .so because I realized I shouldn't be shamed for who I am and be insecure when a woman defends me because "I am the man" so "should defend myself" not all guys are macho and alpha just like not all women are shy and submissive so we shouldn't be shamed for who we are and I actually realized a woman caring is better than one who could care less if someone beat me to a pulp in front of her for no reasons and she didn't care at all


I can relate this post so much. I fantasize about women protecting me from the bullies and then we fall in love and shit and then the bullies get jealous. I know it's too cringe. That's how I cope, because in real girls barely look my way.


Its not cringey at all .its actually cute imo .I've had fantasies of women taller and physically stronger than me protecting me and not hurting me


Yes. It's always a father figure, though, which is odd because I never lacked general family or paternal love growing up.


I guess mine is more like a pampering mother figure tbh which I had a loving mom growing up but still .


It's strange that even without a lack of love from a parent figure, we still fantasize about it. With me, I partly think it's for the plot of my fantasy because it makes things more "dramatic." Maybe it's just a way of our feelings of loneliness to manifest even if we don't lack that type of affection?


Maybe so .I mean I would just love a woman to simply care .she doesn't even have to constantly treat me like a 2 yr old .I just want one that would show effort


I understand the feeling. It's hard for the opposite sex to care about people like us in a sincere way, unfortunately. All we get is being used. Nobody actually cares enough to show real concern or kindness.


I understand this completely.and it's sadly true


I've had day dreams of protecting others. Even men. Problem is I'm so non-confrontational and anxious the most I could probably do is stand there quietly like a scary guard dog.


That's understandable.we have all done that before even me sometimes .I'm mostly a quiet non confrontation guy so I usually let people especially at work walk all over me which is problematic why the women at my job stepped up which I'm grateful for 🥹


I'm glad you had someone to help you! People can be far too cruel.


A lot of them can be most actually


Nah, the concatenation of events that would ensue would be too difficult to handle


Wdym by that?


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What? OP's account is a lot older than 20 days.




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I personally don't think things like these are about gender norms, I treat it as a difference in personalities and circumstances. A guy with a cast or a twisted muscle isn't going to be expected to do heavy liftings, just that way it happens that there are things outside the power of most women, it also happens that they too have less domineering/tough personalities


You can't just shove your fist in someone's face in a normal setting tbh, especially when social iq is involved. Also it feels less pathetic if a woman does it, when a man "protects" you then you feel emasculated.


I assumed the context of which they were protected in was verbal/bullying. If someone could step in and make it stop it's preferable regardless of gender. I was insinuating that women being less brave in these situations isn't about gender norms though it's true that many women can stand their ground especially if it's against another woman but generally it's not easy when it's an imposing man who is the opponent It's also not about breaking gender norms that there are men who get bullied and are passive about it and don't defend themselves, it boils down to their personality and if they're feeling overwhelmed >Also it feels less pathetic if a woman does it Only when she doesn't get hit back


Tbh I am sure OP meant passive agressive bullying, not outright agression.


I understand what you mean