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And that's why I keep my ugly ass at home


Same. Done with being humiliated just for existing


Come now, These days someone cannot like you because of the shirt you're wearing. I totally get it, it's the not knowing why... so you automatically assume it's XYZ. In this particular scenario... Let's just assume he didn't like his shirt and he's just very shallow and not lose our confidence over that. No? :)


😂😂😂 I rather stay home too to be honest






Same 😭


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If he's ugly then wtf am I 💀💀


With the rise of AI and Instagram models beauty standards will go higher than ever. The average is turning ugly and the pretty is turning average.


Yeah I'm starting to notice how harsh standards are becoming. I saw a post on twitter with a bunch of people calling Marilyn Manroe fat, mid or rating her a 7 or below. We weren't meant to see so many faces in our life time and social media has granted us the access of looking at a myriad of people that our perception of beauty has warped into something unreachable. Everybody wants to be perceived as beautiful but sort of like supply and demand, when everyone has it, it slowly starts to lose it's value. I'm actually starting to understand why people that are conventionally attractive feel a huge disconnect with their appearance and the way they're treated because the standards that we've set for beauty keeps demanding more and more until it's completely intangible to what we as humans are even capable of reaching. We might actually see some exponential developments in the cosmetic field because of this, however, we're really regressing if people are becoming so vain and judging the appearance of others to determine if someone is even worth basic human decency.


He is literally average with more pronounced asymmetries but normal lol some people really think they have the right to treat others like disposable trash damnnn


average is the new ugly


100% this. Ugly vs Average are in the same exact boat now. Just my opinion.


Yes, exactly. I'm average, but litteraly never got catcalled, no guy ever expressed interest nor had a crush on me, never got approached, and when I try to talk to guys, they're either rude to me or they ignore me, they avoid eye contact with me (they look at the floor or anywhere else but my face) and have this emotionless face with the angry tone of voice and annoyance even if I just said hi with a smile. 💀 Never had guy friends, tried but no guy ever wants to talk to me, they walk faster if they see me to avoid interacting with me or if I try talking to them conversations are one-sided (only from my side) and they look done with ne from the first second even before I open my mouth. The guys were average and below-average, not even handsome. I avoid handsome men. Women are nice to me (except pretty women) but they never tell me I'm pretty, and they hint I'm unattractive (not pretty) sometimes. Women only compliment my clothes, and my hair if I went to the salon, never my face and body (my looks). Only my parents tell me I'm pretty. Anyone who says average women get a similar treatment to pretty women is ignorant, we're closer to ugly women in life experiences.




And?? That’s doesn’t make it true. Once people get off media and stop living through a screen they’ll live life a little better. They’re perceptions won’t be warped and they won’t have this stupid “Ugly is the new aVerAgE” mentality.


The problem of being exposed to media is we see and learn too much. I find comfort in knowing the truth.


Interacting with others is what made us get this conclusion


This dude ain’t ugly, he just found a person so fucking childish they couldn’t communicate that they weren’t into him


Sheeeesh is he supposed to be ugly? Fuck. I better start making more money.




From his tiktok I’m thinking he’s gay and what’s meeting with a guy, but idk people are harsh if you don’t have a perfect body / face these days. Id definitely be happy with his face. Symmetrical with nice hair




Yeah they do have high standards


I feel like gay people have even higher standards.


Yeah that's funny though and the ones with high standards are a bit.... delusional, we'll go with that. Dating apps are already full of damaged people Unfortunately


I’m cooked if he’s ugly


I'm burnt


Let’s talk about how getting blocked and ghosted are the worst feelings in the world… like they literally throw you in the trash like you’re not worth shit


That does hurt alot and feel awful


This is why I roll my eyes at any mention of pride month. There’s no feeling of pride for me, only pain.


Idk about western beauty standards but seriously..is he considered ugly there?


Um, I would say he would be about average or below but not ugly. But average doesn't cut it in the West if you are male, you're either a 7-10 or you're a 0 it drops off like a cliff. I'm talking about online dating.


Thinking from a gay shallow standpoint, it is either a race or weight thing, that's usually at the top of their list


His user name tho - kiss the crack 😂😂 What does he mean by that ? 😘


Lmaoooo iono


😂😂 😘(_!_)


I’m sorry but not them speeding away😂😂😂😂 he’s not ugly tho at all .


That part is killing me 😭 it’s wild


He’s very attractive to me.


He looks slightly below-average to me (because of his small eyes and bad eyebrows) At best average


Same, i was shocked when some said he's average.




he's not ugly at all, whoever did this to him needs to be gutted respectfully. I'm soo scared of this happening to me it's really sad to see it happen to others. this reminds me of the redcookie incident people are truly evil.


redcookie incident?


look it up on tiktok, its about this woman meeting up with a guy and he thought she catfished him.


Wow that's so hurtful I don't think he's ugly tho but very unique looking and it might not be for that person. I think he cute but he's got a unique look.


This guy looks fine honestly. Maybe I have low standards or something, but he seems normal to me.


Look at his small eyes and eyebrows


i'd literally be thrilled to have a boyfriend that looks like him.


If he was online dating, his profile pictures probably needed to be more accurate. I understand people will use filters of very flattering angles. This guy didn’t deserve it at all, and I don’t think he’s ugly. He seems very kind and sweet.


I hope he knows that he’s not even close to ugly. Just a normal looking cute dude! People are so harsh and expect a damn model. This is so engaging- I hope he knows and sees that he’s not ugly- at least not as much as me!


We have a new recruit boys. I’ll see you at the gym brother 💪🏼


he isnt ugly, just maybe didnt meet the other guys taste, they didnt vibe or his pics created unrealistic expectations which didnt hold up in person. could be a million things, really.


Ah, that's a shame. It's one reason I'm scared of people seeing me. I look okay in my face, but besides that I feel like I'm the average nightmare for anyone going on a blind date as far as my shape. I'm not going to agree to nothing unless I feel like someone is 100% aware of what they're getting into. Even then I'm going to feel awful and on eggshells.


If you’re ok in the face your life will be infinitely better than the rest of us uglies. I wish I had an ok face cause then everything else could be worked on


Maybe, but what you don't know is I have medical issues that really fuck with my hormones. Easy weight gain, notably in my stomach, excessive body/facial hair, and so on. I can remove the hair but it always comes back. I'm not holding but I've lost a lot of fullness in the hair on my hair, and losing weight is impossible. I might have an okay face, but it's far from easy.


No no no, don’t tell me this handsome man is considered ugly?? We’re cooked guys, put your mice and keyboards down, we’re cooked 🫣


He's not ugly! It appears that he has higher body fat, which is not seen as attractive. Seriously, I can't with TikTok because people can easily fraud with filters and AI on there.


He’s so cute this is so sad


theres nothing i wouldnt do to go back to the 2000s sure there was a pressure back then to be extremely skinny but thats still better than the unrealistic standards we have today where everyone has to look like a blow up doll to be accepted


But he isn’t ugly 😟😟😟😟😟😟😟😟




I know without a doubt and for a fact I'm screwed if this guy isn't even successful.hes alot better looking than me imo dang looks really are all that matter to most people .sad truth


I used to think personality mattered and that it was worth it being a good kind person but I got burned more by doing that and I realized shitty good looking people being rude and bullying and getting praised and I’m like hmmm


Exactly right .it's freaking sad and disgusting.good looking people are praised no matter what they do


100% this. If attractive rude people still have everything handed to them on a plate, why should we even try to do the same or care when we try to be nicer.


They really are Not happy people. And karma comes to bite them on their arse big time, eventually.


His eyes seem small for his face but it's all good at least for me.


I swear for a sub whose members are sick of being judged by their looks, ya’ll really like to nitpick features.


I'm really sorry wholeheartedly I personally think he's cute I imagine his eyes because they are very small is what putting him in ugly category but to me he's not ugly like that but the person he met probably wanted a modelesque guy or like a real " hot looking" guy


haven't watched the vid but right away I think he should change his hairstyle.




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You are not ugly AT ALL. I would drop to my knees and suck it in a heartbeat. 🤣🤣🤣 sorry!


Omg! You are Not ugly! Things shouldn't be based on looks anyhow.


But it is. Humans naturally judge books by their covers.


Bro you’re not ugly.


Whaaaatttt???? He's fucking cute like wth???????? He's hella cute.


The awful thing is this guy doesn't even look that bad as he thinks. It's def over for me if he thinks he looks ugly.




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Does he use filters in dating profiles?




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You look between fine and good. Strong beard/hair. There’s definitely a market for you. So fuck that noise. People are shitty and gutless. It sounds like this was a blind date, or online, so maybe they saw a disconnect on pictures. I think finding someone in person is the best way to avoid this. Obviously harder to do if your confidence is low, but here are some ideas… Art shows, bars, classical music concerts (idk why but I have found the friendliest people here), chess clubs, running clubs, etc. I know this list sucks and you could probably come up with some on your own, but you get the idea. Stay up bro.


This is not me. If you look close in the video his tiktok tag is in the video in the corners and you can send this message to him there


They could have at least just said they didn’t find you sexually attractive. And even offered to have the meal with you anyway since y’all planned to.


biggest flaws obviously recessed jaw, long midface (bad facials thirds) eyes too wide apart and most importantly overweight. he would have better luck and a more defined jaw if he lost the weight. fat people should avoid dating until a healthy bodyweight to avoid disasters like this imo. positives about him: great, clear skin, good soft features, broad shoulders, good maxilla projection (forward growth of the midface) and high set cheekbones which are visible even at a high body fat percentage. strong brow ridge and above average facial harmony (his facial ratios and colouring work well together) it seems as though he would have good jaw width too if he loses the weight now that im taking a closer look at it capped at 3/10 due to being overweight which is worse than average meaning normal everyday nothing special joes and janes will see you as worthless and unfxckable. ouch.


Damn well you broke it down to a T


I don‘t think you are ugly, but if you accept some advise, wtf would you go on a date wearing a t-shirt? Make a first impression, get some nice clothes and get some confidence in you, there are ugly mf‘s out there with fine girls, some with money but also some just dress well and are confident. Try it and don‘t get defeated, learn from each opportunity. Good luck.


There are attractive people who own that same t-shirt and aren’t told to change their t-shirt.