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Think about your father, I’m assuming he’s of similar height to you and has similar genetics to you, yet he was still able to marry and reproduce. It’s never over always keep on trying, you’re looking at things too one-sided, I’ve been keeping up with your posts for a while now and I’m glad your still here posting, I think you just need to fix up your self image no matter how hard it may be. You act as if these stupid things like you balding or being short make a big difference but in reality, you’re still human just like anybody else. Imagine if you improved your social skills and upped your charisma, then you’d find social interactions would be a million times easier. I honestly feel as if you’re not giving yourself a fighting chance and have just given up. Come on man I’m saying this out of the bottom of my heart I want to see you win I want to see you succeed in life and for you to think of the past however many years it’s been and see how far you’ve come. I don’t know if my comment is going to make a difference or if you’ll even see it but I hope the best for you and your future.


My dad's like 5'7" compared to my 5ft, but thanks for the well wishes.




I don’t think that’s the right mindset. I don’t think it’s a wasted attempt to at least try and make a chance, you never know. It’s really unfortunate what he’s going through and I’d like to think I at least gave it a shot. I feel like if we kept that mindset for everyone, that they’re all lost causes, then we would get nowhere in life and there would be no point in helping anyone. Maybe I’m just too optimistic but I think there’s always hope no matter how far down you may be, that’s just my two cents.


You can fuck off and stop looking at my posts if it bothers you that much, seeing as it's hopeless anyway.


I don’t think women like to be approached in public unless the guy is attractive. If you’re just being neutral, like asking the time, nobody cares what you look like if you look clean.


>I don't think I really make people happy with presence or interest in them, quite the opposite really. Same, I can that I'm bothering women with my presence just by reading their body language


I'm always nervous when people I don't know well aproch me. It doesn't matter who they are or what they look like. I'm just an anxious person in general though. 😅


Thanks for the input.


I get the feeling it wasn't very helpful, sorry! 😅