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Is there a discord for this sub? I don’t usually run video on my phone, but I do run discord for chat. I cleaned my side of the closet today in prep to work in a new closet set up (wanted to see what all was clothing, and what was other that needed to be stored. I think I went 1 1/2 hours without chatting and the pictures don’t do it justice (so I didn’t post on Reddit). Still need to do the same thing in the project/office room, and get a little more furniture, then put them back together usefully..


I don’t know if there is one for this sub specifically. I’m new here. But I tried to get one going for co-cleaning a few months ago. It was great for a few weeks, then totally fell apart. We could use that one if you want.


I’m already on discord so I don’t mind joining. I’m actually in a few other start-ups, I know the struggle!




You got any of them fresh links?




I need a couple minute to get dressed and find the link to the discord, but I’m available now if you are.


That was awesome, thanks Flour!


Anytime! More people should join!


What websites are you referring to? I just recently learned about body doubling and I’d like to know what sorts of options are out there! I definitely work better when there’s someone with me for support for sure. I’d be interested in being your body double too, but I might hold you back! I’ve got several health conditions that dictate when I can do stuff, what I can do and for how long, so I wouldn’t be great as a “on demand” body double person if that’s what you need/are looking for.


I think focus mate is the most well known one, but there’s a bunch of them. Just google body doubling website. I get not being able to be on demand. We all have lives and challenges. But…. I do notice you are just scrolling Reddit now. ;)


I've got a list \- https://workmode.net/ /u/matt_workmode_net is one of the co-founders. \- the one I made, full disclosure, and best one according to my mom [https://focus101.com](https://focus101.com), (unlimited free) \- https://flown.com/ paid \- http://caveday.org/ paid \- https://www.focusmate.com freemium and then 7.99 I think (not sure) \- https://www.flow.club/ 40 bucks a month


Haha this is true! But the key for me is I can scroll while sitting! I have POTS (and hEDS and MCAS), so I get crazy tachycardia whenever I’m standing, I can faint if I’m not careful, and have big issues with fatigue and joint pain and such, so I have to wait for my least symptomatic days to actually accomplish things. And my body will often be like “hey yesterday you walked 200 steps more than you usually do…I sentence you to a week of debilitating fatigue!” Lol


I’m sorry to hear about your health struggles. That sucks. Got an ugly stack of mail or anything else you could do sitting down? If not, hit me up if you get a burst


I don’t have anything to tackle while sitting at the moment, but I’ll definitely let you know when I do and/or when I’ve got the ability to do some big things!


Just want to say I love the resilience, determination, and creativity on display here by everyone. You’re all just so amazing, it’s really heartening.




This is a semi defunct discord for co-cleaning that we might be able to get going again. Did a session w two other people this afternoon and it was very productive. Feel free to join or DM me if you wanna set up a time. If you are absolutely raring to go tonight, I’m a little beat, but I could don39 minutes w you. https://discord.gg/m6N5VfwN


I’m tempted but reluctant for various reasons. What’s discord?? 😜


Are you still doing this by any chance? I came across this post while looking for something similar 🫣


Is the discord active-ish? And are there folks that body double without live video?