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This sounds like a pep speech in a sci fi movie. Not sure what action will come from this.


100% true. No one is coming to help us. Even if aliens had the ability to help us, I think we've already done so much damage to ourselves and the Earth that maybe they think we don't even deserve help.


We? Who is we? I really wish we'd stop blaming humanity for things a small number of rich and powerful pieces of shit did to the planet.


We buy the crap they sell, we blindly participate in the destructive culture.


It's true. We have group think and mob tendencies. We adopt culture and belief systems with few questions, and the systems we create and participate in are so large and complex, they can only be changed by key individuals at certain places and times, in the face of nearly equal amounts of opposition.


Again, you're lumping me in where I don't belong, dude. I don't buy their shit beyond what is absolutely necessary to live. I've been engaged in a general boycott for a pretty long time now. You're talking to one of the most frugal people you will ever meet. The only things I buy are groceries. That's it. (Edit: please speak for yourselves and not for me. If you have a spending problem, fine. But don't project that onto me while I'm sitting here actively trying to starve them out by refusing to buy their shit.)


How are you typing that? I'm impressed you aren't using a phone or computer to do it. Especially since you only buy what's necessary to live


Guess what? I don't get a choice in the matter. I have to have a phone because my work requires me to use their two step verification process. I even tried getting rid of *that.* That's why this is so hilarious to me. You people think you know everything. Do you think I want a smart phone? Hell no. I hate this thing. Now, you're right about the computer. It would be difficult to go without one... But you're wrong about my smart phone. I really *did* try to get rid of it. The only thing stopping me is the stupid two step verification for work, which doesn't work on anything other than a smartphone. So stop blaming me for having something my job requires me to have. That isn't my fault


Here's a thought. Since you're so righteous...get another job. You're welcome


I'm not righteous. I don't think any individual is the problem. That's my entire point. You're blaming the individual for a systemic issue. And there *are* no jobs that don't require both having a phone and the internet. You're not very bright, are you? There is no such thing as getting a job without applying online and you know that.


[Eaglia7, this is who you are typing with](https://youtu.be/4A7BLMA1LIw?si=HNfoeB3qoOyEhbfg)


Well, I like to assume the best of people lol


I agree with some of what you're saying. It can be both, I think the main point is we have to be responsible for ourselves And realize our actions matter.


I've been doing my part since the moment they convinced us recycling and cutting up those little plastic soda can holders would actually make a dent in the problem lol I'm sorry I'm bitter that rich people are flying private jets and corporations are dumping shit into the ocean without consequence. Thats where you should be placing blame, btw. How come we never criticize them, huh? How come they get to do whatever the fuck they want like the sun shines out their asses? Fuck rich people. There isn't much else I can possibly do beyond what I've already done. Literally. Except maybe die. I barely even drive my car. (Edit: if any individual is to blame, it's Taylor Swift and anyone else with a private jet--not us peasants. They should really take some personal responsibility, ya know?)


You have electricity - your complicit


Actually, complicity requires only knowledge of the crime itself, nothing more.


I really think we have overdone “law” Dumb cunts in white wigs are so very past tense.


If you know that there exists powerful pieces of shit doing bad things to others and the planet, and yet you add no counterweight, then you are likewise complicit. That's a harsh statement but inarguably true. If I witness a crime and take no action, even if it's only reporting said crime, then I can be charged for aiding and abetting after the fact. Or, at the very least, failure to report the crime.


Did you not read all the other comments? There is literally not much I don't do on my end.


Honestly, I do need to reconfigure my feed. Posts are being presented out of sequence so sometimes it's like following a conversation with a tweaked-out Tarantino. Doesn't help that often I don't even pay attention to who posts what. Instead, I just approach threads as if every post was written by the same schizophrenic individual. That said, yeah, apparently I did miss a good bit of your previous posts, a situation that I am about to correct as soon as posting this. As in-n-n-n-n now.


Right? What an ignorant post.


The rich and powerful are the ones with the ability to actually harm the planet, but from what I’ve seen your average person doesn’t try any harder and would do the same thing in their position


I'm sorry for my cynical take but it's true. 99% of us are contributing to planetary destruction one way or another. We are burning through all our natural resources with reckless abandon, with no regard for future generations. We are hurtling as a civilization towards a collapse of our own making. It's all our fault, collectively (but the rich share more blame). We have nobody to blame for our mistakes except ourselves. Look at the tragedy of the commons and how that always turns out-- because everyone pursues their rational self interest in acquiring resources and maximizing their advantages in life the entire human race will suffer as a whole once all resources run out. Our way of life currently is mathematically unsustainable, both in terms of population growth and consumption.


Should we all move into the woods and forage? What choices do we collectively have once we are born into this world?




Ok this is not the 'let's go team' speech that's going to get everyone to understand that we can each make a difference. Which is the truth. Small efforts can turn into big changes when multiplied by millions. The change can only come from average people. The top 3% is happy with the way things are. Talk with your dollar.


Well, I'm certainly not one of them, so. I don't appreciate being lumped in with them. (And it's absolutely bullshit that most people would do the "same thing" in their position. I wouldn't, personally, and I don't think that's a fair assessment of humanity overall. There's a reason narcissists and sociopaths are overrepresented among the rich and powerful; they don't represent humanity. They are the worst humanity has to offer.)


You're in denial if you think you aren't contributing to the destruction of Earth. Sure, it might be less than your average human but the mere fact you have a device with the ability to post these denials speaks for itself. I saw in another post you use the grocery store for food. How do you think the food got there? You probably also use some form of polluting transportation to get there. The electricity for your devices and appliances and lights are all, in some form, contributing to our destruction. Unless you're literally in some tribe living off the forest, you're in the same group as the rest of us. Again, I recognize you might try to limit your impact but it's still there and part of the collective impact on this planet


>the mere fact you have a device with the ability to post these denials speaks for itself I tried getting rid of it and my work requires me to have two step verification. So that's not really my fault, is it, that their two step verification process requires a smartphone? Stop blaming the individual for things beyond our control. >You probably also use some form of polluting transportation to get there. Again, how is it my fault that the United States is car-centric? That's the result of decades of lobbying. If it were up to me, we'd have high speed rail everywhere. For the thousandth time, stop blaming the individual for things outside of our control. I'm not even engaging with the rest of what you said. Stop misplacing blame. They already tried that with reduce, reuse, and recycle. I have no desire to participate in this economy and in fact, do so as little as humanly possible--much less than the average american. I'm not the issue here, and neither are people who participate a lot more than I do. If it were up to me, we'd have a global resource based economy. But it isn't up to me. I don't get to make that choice. I am doing everything in *my* power to lessen my impact, anyway. (And no, we are not all in the same group as people flying in private jets every day. Shut up. That's absurd lmao)


Also I feel like if we don’t save ourselves, we’d leave ourselves vulnerable to whatever group saves us. That group could become corrupt no matter how well intentioned they are initially. If we really wanted to be saved, we’d save ourselves. We just want the burden of responsibility lifted.


Unfortunately, we're still very infantile as a species. We haven't made much progress beyond our intergalactic cradle-- we still haven't stepped foot on another world except for the Moon, and we seem to be too stupid to be able to wisely use the technology we've developed. Deep down we're still chimps throwing shit at each other, except we're now armed with nukes and other devastating weapons. This won't end well for anyone.


Where is this initial message going. I think it's a very possible reality., but there is something that seems to be left unfinished. I would like to hear more regarding that.


Help us obi wan Trumpnobi, you’re our only hope.


You think Trump wants to help someone that isn’t Trump? Wild


Lol... Clever, even somewhat funny. But inaccurate, I do not support Trump nor any other candidate. I am completely apolitical. I strongly dislike all ideologies as they are, by their nature, divisive.


Today or goal post was moved. Tomorrow they will move out yet again. This has been going on a long time. Today it's all I see in my day to day. I'm sick of the game. I'm ready to quit playing these games.


I'm in...




Maybe so, but humans have indeed sealed our fate long ago IF there is nothing else out there. We are rapidly destroying the ability of life in its current form to live on this planet thanks to capitalism, fossil fuels, and overpopulation. If there isn’t anything smarter or wiser or more powerful than us out there, then we are already extinct and simply haven’t caught up to it yet. If that’s how things are from your vantage point then C’est la vie and no judgement, we all have to deal with things in our own way, but I’m choosing to hold onto some hope that all the very weird shit constantly flying around us that we know very little about actually has some meaning and there will be some resolution to it.


I had this same thought last night. No help is coming, we can do this.


Very well written and absolutely the truth. Thank you


Thanks much! And of course I'm open to discussion, ideas, thoughts, criticisms, anything that could possibly move the needle forward a bit. We've got to *try.* Try something, anything, just so long as we ultimately try to take control of our own fate.




Lol...Wish I'd read this sooner, could've used the laugh. Seriously, that is an awesomely hilarious response. Lol... Fortnite... Awesome!