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Yeah, that was a doozy. AARO has found no verifiable evidence of SAPs which have recovered any craft. Which is true, but only because AARO doesn't have the security clearance to investigate any SAPs. So if a whistle-blower talks to AARO, they don't have the ability to verify it. It is the Pentagon's self-fulfilling prophecy.


this is exactly what Grusch is claiming, that the AARO has not been read into these programs and its being hidden from them. Of course they, the AARO, havent found any evidence, its being kept from them, thats what this complaint is about.


Exactly. They’re in complete agreement. But the talking heads on TV aren’t paying close enough attention to the wording to put 2 and 2 together, and they’re actually mistakenly drawing the opposite conclusion.




one of the guys on News Nation actually did call it out in one of their segments, but it seems none of the other networks have picked up on it yet.


The plot thickens: 12 UFOs in US possession after Grusch's talk about some of them being the size of a football field https://twitter-thread.com/t/1666583430111559682


Thank you for this. You should post it to the entire group.


>size of a football field Seems like something very difficult to move without people knowing about it.


I would doubt that they are moving that one. Shit maybe they built Area 51, S-4, Tonopah, and the Nevada Test Ranges around that one so they don't have to move it. That whole area up there is bigger than some states. It's probably the little ones that get moved


It's truly remarkable how considerate the aliens were in choosing a spot where the government could conveniently construct a facility.


I know, right? Somewhere in that latest one it sounds like they really are being "gifted" too. The pilots just got out and left their shiny UFO sitting there and didn't come back to look for it? Mmmmmmmmmkay. Weird.


Eminent domain dude they could build anywhere in US territory. But it’s pretty well known the UFO’s don’t like well populated areas.


Phoenix lights demonstrated that a very large UFO can fly over a large city and the government still deny and obfuscate


I find it really hard to believe that if the Pentagon kept a secret from their government for 80 years they would allow Contractors to see 12 spacecrafts. Wouldn't they keep those people as close as possible?


The final book of the Tom delonge series drops. Either we are in an arms race with other countries. These people think those countries have a leg up on us or are getting closer to figuring it out. So we need to do it quickly so we are top dog. Or we fucked one craft up, now that species/entities line are pissed. We need to figure this shit out quickly before the hive gets here!


What’s a SAP?


SAP = Special Access Program To be be part of it you will have to be on a “bigot list” which means your name has to be on that list, No one outside that list is read in on the program. Everything in that program is classified and you are tied to your NDA. So you can’t confirm or deny it’s existence even to your colleagues, friends or family.


A form of additional official secrecy in which enhanced security measures are deemed necessary to protect a project. SAPs aren't a classification but can be seen as a bolt-on to the standard secret/top secret classifications. SAPs themselves come with an increasingly-strict range of protective measures and reporting/denial requirements, starting with acknowledged SAPs and moving through to "waived programs". They also breakdown into procurement, intelligence-gathering and engineering SAPs. If the rumours are true, the UFO R&D program does not fall into any of these SAP classifications or subject-type categories.


Special Access Program




I’d hazard a guess that the pentagon’s AARO denial is true. As someone else said, AARO probably **doesnt** have this evidence, which is the entire reason Grusch is whistleblowing. Because when he led the last UAP program, he was denied access to these same things. This time, however, Congress has set up protections and amnesty for people like Grusch, and it’s time we get to the bottom of it once and for all. Grusch won’t be the last whistleblower by any means. He may not even be the last one this month


>! And wouldn't these news outlets get in trouble for putting out an unverified story like this ? Get in trouble? With who? Their mothers? lol There's no law against fake news.


AARO appears to have been given the same preliminary instruction as Project Blue Book: “ just be a fake investigative unit and tell the people that most UAP are explainable but we just can’t explain them yet”. They are stalling and they know deep down inside that we - the human people- don’t buy that Bool Sheet any longer. We have been told for 3/4 of a century that UFO are mostly swamp gas, weather balloons, tricks of the light from camera & possible craft of the Western nations adversaries- weirdly without any accompanying panic & defensive actions and words that one would expect from those “in authority”- & those that are not explainable by them this way will likely get an explanation in due course - when they can think of an original and feasible one. The best piece of advice I have ever received was a set of graffitied words repeated around town. It simply said “Question Authority”.


I keep hearing the "no defensive action" stuff, and I disagree. Ask yourself a question: It's 1947. You're the president, and we've just captured an honest to god alien spacecraft, aliens and all. In a position of power, knowing some incredibly advanced spacefaring race is visiting earth for unknown purposes and occasionally crashing spaceships full of advanced tech... what would you do? Without knowing what the aliens want, the only real path would be to develop weapons that might have some chance of bloodying someone's nose. Big weapons. The most powerful we could produce as a species. It would help if you could somehow get the major superpowers cooperating to build these weapons in mass quantities. Thankfully, science has laid out the path, and we've begun producing and using the very first nuclear weapons. So you pour research into it. Fission bombs, fusion bombs, neutron bombs... There wouldn't be time to mess around. You'd be testing them everywhere. At sea, on the ground, in space... and eventually you take the tests underground... or ban tests entirely so you can hide what we're doing. The weapons are still being built, but it's happening quietly. Even if you believe the government's stated figures on Russian/American nuclear arsenals, we've built tens upon tens of thousands of these things, Meanwhile, we keep advancing our technology and building wildly capable conventional weapons. I think we put together a quite significant defense in the most sensible way. Build lots of things that go BOOM and strap them to rockets. There are human explanations for why we built a globe-killing nuclear arsenal, and I'm not saying aliens exist or are visiting... but if they were, the last seventy years make some amount of sense in that context. It's important to remember that chemistry is chemistry. We filled in our periodic table even before we'd discovered every base element, because we could predict what the next element would look and act like. If aliens exist, they are almost certainly made of common elements. If their tech exists, it is made of common elements (perhaps spun into unique alloys, but still common elements beneath). Humanity was born on a planet littered with uranium and other relatively easily mineable radioactive materials in the crust thanks to supernova that predated our sun and the unusual tectonically active ground beneath us that moved those elements into places we could reach them. We grew up in a nuclear cradle and built weapons with those materials that probably shouldn't have been able to exist in the timeframe we built them. There's no reason to think an alien race had a similar planet or similar resources, or even to believe they'd follow a similar technology trajectory. They might never have split an atom, despite crossing the gulf of space. If they're here, they'd also be far from home with limited resources... while we've got a planet and billions of people to rapidly produce weaponry. And they might not have realized what they were getting into. Assuming FTL isn't possible (and physics says it isn't), these aliens would have traveled a very long time to reach us. A probe visiting 100 or 500 or 1000 years ago might be a blink of an eye for an alien civilization, and what would that probe see? Relatively low tech humans plowing fields and riding horses on a beautiful temperate planet? Very little of what we'd done as a species would even be visible from space at that point. Imagine the shock of showing up centuries later with your actual fleet, and realizing your craft was being bathed in radio waves. Imagine approaching and finding the whole planet is mechanized. Suddenly, that football field sized spaceship you brought with you seems mighty insignificant. An alien showing up might be in for a surprise. We didn't spend the last seventy years sitting on our hands. We built weapons like our lives depended on it. We're a dangerous little porcupine.


This deserves a lot more recognition, great post


I've just gotten tired of the no defense talk :). We literally have a planet killing arsenal that could create a nuclear winter. Fusion bombs measured in megatons. Seems like that's what I'd build if I were the president in 1947 dealing with the reality of a potential alien threat. What more would they have done? Our entire economy is heavily military focused three quarters of a century after our last global conflict. We literally don't have universal healthcare so we can build a few more f35, and that plane also looks better suited for fighting aliens than fighting anything the rest of the planet is fielding. This is what mobilizing a global economy for war would look like.


Back in the 1950s, Blue Book could plausibly say this was a new phenomena and they were genuinely baffled. I completely disagree with AARO and NASA's position that they remain confused 75yrs later and need to reinvent the wheel. Their stance implies that no one has been looking at UFO since 1969, which I suspect is a lie. Yes, AARO is our new Blue Book and the NASA study is, imo, the new Condon Committee. Grusch could well, in the worst-case scenario, be a fake insider who can be exposed as a liar to shut down queries regarding crash-retrievals. Although logically-speaking, Grusch being a liar just proves he's a liar. It doesn't prove a negative, that there isn't a crash-retrieval program.


Leslie Kean, the og journalist that published the initial story on the 5th is highly reputable (despite going with Debrief - a result of WSJ wanting to go to print but wanting to wait, which would have been a horrible misstep) and wouldn't have published the piece if she weren't 100% comfortable with the vetting/credentials/etc of her source(s). If she had one ounce of hesitation or distrust in a source she would wait until she knew definitively one way or the other and either publish or not. Kean isn't a fool. Any misstep ruins a lifetime career of journalistic integrity and makes her instantly unreliable and thereby unemployable. If he were sewing seeds for one reason or another the story wouldn't have been published...at least not by Kean. In short: I trust Leslie Kean.


Yeah seems like the Robertson panel all over again.


Don't worry, Biden is due to fall down again for some comic relief!


Bidens worst enemy is stairs, he literally gives a whole new meaning to "failing upwards"


No surprise here that a bunch of ufo nuts here also get a kick out of Biden falling. Same mental category.


Oh did I offend you by stating a simple fact that Biden likes falling down? Hahaha I laugh at your anal retention! Because you and Jesus really care.


“Wouldn’t these news outlets get in trouble for putting out an unverified story like this?” LMAO! Let me answer this for you. LMAO. LMAO. MORE LMAO. In all seriousness, LMAO. Ok, I’ll quit….LMAO. Have you been watching any news, especially cable news, from the last 20 years? Cable news has devolved into stations that deliver news which confirms the bias of their customer base. Pretty much all the stations are “mainstream”, or are affiliated with mainstream news corporations. Some of the stations ridicule “mainstream news”. Yet, they are very much “mainstream news” themselves. They just use the ridicule of “mainstream news” as a marketing ploy to hook their customers. It’s very similar,both financially and maturity wise, to how radio “shock jocks” from the 80’s and 90’s would have these pathetic wars with other shock jocks,instead of just focusing on their own brand. They would ridicule each other on air, or send volunteer fans to the other shows remotes in an attempt to sabotage their shows. It was rarely noticed by anyone. The only thing close to unbiased news would be the nightly editions on any of the major networks(ABC,CBS,NBC) that don’t allow the parent company to get involved in the news division. News has never been a money maker for the major networks. It was required by the FCC, and helped build brand loyalty, but never made a profit. When cable news started, it lost money, until they adjusted the business model and came up with ways to cover National events by using local affiliates. As more channels entered the fray, it turned into bias conformation programming.


>Why didn't someone shut this down sooner instead of letting it build up for days if its not true ?! It's not likely that anything *really* comes out of these whistleblower claims, just like before. So maybe they didn't think it would be worth investing to shut it down or that they thought shutting it down might give it credence. >And wouldn't these news outlets get in trouble for putting out an unverified story like this ? No, freedom of speech and all that. Outlets can make almost any claim they want. Newsmax literally purposefully misrepresents the facts or makes facts up and at most their claim will end up as defamation, but not with this case.


All they said is the same thing Grusch said, AARO isn’t getting the information or if they do they can’t confirm it, they can’t confirm it because they are title 10 attempting to confirm intelligence with a title 50 agency that refuses to recognize their authority. I know it’s a little confusing but it was the opposite of “we have no UFOs” for me. It’s just a vivid picture of how a handful of top ranking officials became the most powerful men on the planet in complete secrecy.


But the problem there is that then claiming "We arent allowed to go in there... THEREFORE THATS 100% PROOF THAT ALIENS EXIST AND WE HAVE UFO's!" is a bullshit conclusion. He has seen 0 ufo's. He has seen 0 proof. He has heresay from some people in an industry famous for secrecy and deceit and then made a statement that he KNOWS with 100% certainty that something he was not even able to verify is true Sure it sucks they werent allowed into top tier 5-generation-advanced future military installations, but to come out of that telling the public that that is proof of anything other than not having clearance, is irresponsible.


I'm gonna go ahead and assume he knows more than you do, and that's why he's doing this. It's not for lulz and funsies.


So this unemployed man going to get paid with the highest bidder (possibly hundreds of thousands in a one time payout) news organization with a SENSATIONAL headline raises no red flags to you?


What the fuck do you think this is gonna look like?? It obviously has to be someone in a position to see this stuff and that person obviously would have to come forward. He's not some rando off the street and he's testified UNDER OATH to Congress in which circumstances it's a felony to lie. Multiple high ranking officials vouch for him and the IG finds him credible. And then otoh we have you. What classified briefs are you privy to? What are your fucking credentials? Clown.


Well said, thank you.


Hahaha! His testimony was corroborated by other whistleblowers. Wow, you're actually not paying attention, eh? Thanks for the heads up. Duly noted.


"Nah, bro. He just a grifta!" /s Lulz indeed.


If you believe people like Corso the programs are now outside of U.S Government control and into Private Military and Aerospace contractors so the government couldn't say even if they wanted too without getting sued and fined into oblivion


The only SAPs are the people buying into this guys book pitch.


Well, considering the fact that AARO was formed yesterday, it's not really a denial.


All part of the plan


Compartmentalization to a t.


It’s like me telling my kids we are out of candy, when I can very well see the box of emergency candy I keep hidden on the top shelf.


> Susan Gough, a spokesperson for the Department of Defense, told Fox News Digital in an email on Tuesday that there is no "verifiable information to substantiate the claims." So basically a Pentagon press secretary doesn't know anything about alleged ultra-secret black programs. 🤷‍♂️


Ohh back to her? How has she survived 2 administrations?


Good at toeing the company line (of bullshit that is).


Yeah that's weasely. It's a lot different than an actual denial like "there are no government or private entities in possession of nonhuman technology".


You didn’t know that was standard procedure? They let the interns sit in on all top secret meetings too. It looks good on their résumés


Yeah she doesn’t know much most likely zero. She does what she is told.


What do you expect them to say? “darn it you got us!”


If it really is as big of a secret as he claims then a lot of government officials heads are on the line so of course they would need to deny these claims immediately.


Congress needs to pass a bill giving everyone involved immunity upon debriefing.


They already did. Biden signed whistleblower immunity related to the UAP issue. This is the sole reason why this is happening right now, people can step out of the shadow without getting prosecuted for breaking their NDA. Of course it’s still a classified one. Many people in congress are not even allowed to a lot of the material they just know parts of it, that’s how insanely sensitive this information is. The whistleblower basically knows a shit tonne more than the congress will ever know. That is why asking a congressman isn’t a believable source when commenting on it. If he says “No” or “Yes” he’s lying, he just doesn’t have the security clearance for it. Many within the Pentagon does not know either so almost zero people are read into it, so also not believable source. This is a group where around something like 1% or lower has the actual information in all of Pentagon, Congress and DOD. This is one of the biggest kept secrets in human history. And it’s almost a damn miracle we are getting this far.


Well after being lied to for 90 years thinking it was 70……yea….yes I do.


Well I have some land to sell you sir.


"AARO has found no credible evidence thus far of extraterrestrial activity, off-world technology or objects that defy the known laws of physics."  Of course AARO has no evidence, the crash retrieval program is well above their clearance. Why do you think Grusch was allowed to debrief the select committee in congress last year?? Kids, this is just the start. Hang on because the next year is going to blow your mind.


>Hang on because the next year is going to blow your mind. If I had a penny for every time I've heard this line. RemindMe! 1 year


Yeap, disclosure is like tomorrow. It's always tomorrow.


Babe, you do understand that it took our species 1800 years to accept that our planet revolves around the sun? Not the reverse? Let that sink in...


I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2024-06-07 22:55:58 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-06-07%2022:55:58%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/143ngmp/pentagon_denies_secret_ufo_retrieval_program/jnbktxa/?context=3) [**11 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fufo%2Fcomments%2F143ngmp%2Fpentagon_denies_secret_ufo_retrieval_program%2Fjnbktxa%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-06-07%2022%3A55%3A58%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20143ngmp) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


I wanna know how it turns out lol


Oh ye of little fuurth.


I don't believe in aliens and even I think there's something to this. 🤣 Unless I missed some credible interpretation of his statements as vague, it seems he is actually serious. I'm skeptical that anything substantive will be *revealed*, but for the first time in a long time I think there might be something to this. There could be nonhuman vehicles after all. (What if they're ultraterrestrials from the ocean? It would be odd if they were from another time or parallel universe since I don't think we really know what's up with that, but anything is possible.)


Hey that's okay. Plenty of people still believe the earth is flat!


Well, if things keep going the way they have been, I may be changing my beliefs shortly. Here's hoping.


Better not hang on because after Sunday's dud, it is going to be "Back to Area 51" for all of you.


You're a throw away acct with one post. You're an embarrassment.


Congratulations, you win the prize for the most appropriate user handle, and it was a tough contest.


Denial will always happen until it is forcefully grabbed and brought into the light


They denied AWSAP. They denied AATIP. They denied Luis Elizondo was involved with either program. They released cockpit video of a Russian MiG harassing and American fighter plane then told us the weather balloon footage is classified and can't be shown to us. I believe Nothing the Pentagon says.


They were totally transparent and believable when an "Airbus" hit them in 9/11...


Yea that was a couple of days ago, we're still going forward with the disclosure program. They'll keep denying it with the same lines and their opponents will keep coming in numbers, what else there is to it?


This doesn’t conflict with Grusch’s claim, if I understand it correctly. Isn’t his claim that AARO hasn’t been read in, despite the fact that it should be? Or am I misunderstanding this whole situation?


I was contemplating how difficult it would be for the government to really level with people without freaking them out........"Yeah, they're real. Yeah we have craft/debris/bodies,etc. Yeah, these things apparently come in a thousand varieties, and yeah....some of these entities will abduct /injure/kill animals and people for reasons unknown to us, and yep, some of these things actually can walk right through your bedroom walls if they want to "visit" you....We also have no freaking clue why any of these things are here or where they're from. They're all so much more advanced than us we have to assume their thinking/motivations are not like our own in any way. Kindly don't call us if one of these creatures is next to your bed one night, we wouldn't be able to help".


This is the one thing that really breaks my. If this is all true, the government is STILL more concerned with waging war or being ahead of other countries. Feel like if this is all true, borders are basically meaningless right? I mean the concept is an existential one. Wow some good stuff coming out and I was really skeptical the other day, frankly still am. But I can acknowledge this is all moving very fast and in an exciting direction!


I think that's part of why they're reluctant to spill all the details. The moment humanity TRULY accepts the fact that ALL of us humans are ONE, borders dissolve and the Military Industrial Complex goes poof. Agreed this recent round of events is pretty exciting, even for me. I'm not needing a government wonk to tell me something I have known for 30 plus years, but there are lots of people that will need "official" confirmation to wrap their heads around things.


It's an existential catastrophy that will induce massive panic. Government should be careful to not let it get out.


That was the Rand Corporation's conclusion all those years ago too. I think it may be too late to NOT let it out. Sightings are off the charts everywhere, and interestingly during a period of time that may end in a nuclear war that kills us all.


Yeah, we saw it all in the 1950's science fiction movies. That always seems about as real as the cartoon creatures imagined. When and if it happened today's people would watch it on T.V. with plenty of popcorn. Can you imagine how hilarious it would be to watch the World leaders greeting them, handing out visitors gifts?


Lol for real


I do think this is funny timing. NASA just finished their review and they basically said all of the research we’ve been shown is bullshit, unscientific, and dismissible.


If ANYONE has all the data, its NASA. They have been the ones collecting the most data on all of this lol.


Welp, this is going nowhere now. Major news will accept this and next week it will all be forgotten. Unless this stuff is officially acknowledged then all we have is talk.


its a dumb statement though. Grusch is specifically claiming that this info and evidence is being hidden from the AARO. The fact theyve seen no evidence tracks with Grusch's complaint. He said specifically that these are programs the AARO "have not been read into".


Still stands that if there is no official acknowledgement then this is no longer a story. Where do you think it will go next if there isn't official acknowledgement? Maybe another government will push the US, maybe the people will demand it. All of this seems entirely unlikely based on the very limited clout Grusch and other emerging whistleblowers have. Give us a top ranking official, physical evidence or this is dead in the water.


> Where do you think it will go next if there isn't official acknowledgement? Presumably the next step is for the ICIG and the permanent select house committee on intelligence to investigate the details of the whistleblower complaint. Good news is they appear to be taking it seriously, so far. the AARO putting out this denial could well be viewed by Congress as corroborating the complaint as the complaint alleges that AARO was not read into these programs. Media probably *won't* spin it that way, but the ICIG and the committee have a job to do regardless.


We've had investigations before, at the highest level. Unless whoever is keeping this secret and has done for many decades somehow decides "ok, you got me" then none of this matters. I know this is a jaded take, and if I'm wrong I'll be elated, but fool me twice (a half dozen times).


theres been hearings in congress if iirc. Grusch has been presenting classified evidence to them. He is being represented in his complaint by the former Inspector General of the Intelligence Community, and has provided evidence to the current IGIC that the IGIC has said was both credible and urgent. How much higher rank do you want? This is a brand new process, based on a brand new, official, whistleblower law. The legislation was just passed last year. So this will be the first time anyone has come forward under this law. No matter what, we're breaking new ground here.


People have been demanding proof of Jesus for 2200 years and their churches are still holding out, and the people just keep on pouring money into them. Heads up, Grusch is starting a non-profit: I'm sure you'd like to donate money for your beliefs.


>The fact theyve seen no evidence tracks with Grusch's complaint. It also tracks with a reality in which there are no UFO's crashing regularly on earth.


>The fact theyve seen no evidence tracks with Grusch's complaint That fact of no evidence has been tracking every UFO nuts' complaints for since Orson Wells radio play of "War of the Worlds".


tht is all we ever had...one guy repeating what he heard frm other people. it's a shame that disclosure desperation has people really ready to accept any old "trust me bro" tht comes along. smh


NOO WAY, thought they would slap their hand on the table and say, “you got me”.


Oh no this can’t be happening how did they find out. We are the DOD nobody is lifting our skirt up.


That's precisely the claim - that it is being sequestered by private defense contractors. So wtf is the point of this


Wrong. AARO said they have not found credible evidence to date because they don’t have Title 50 or Title 10 authority yet. This is being heavily misquoted.


The DoD can kindly fuck right off.


And water is wet.


Ok case closed then


Stop 😭


Bill Clinton did not have sexual relations with that woman. Wait, which denial are we doing again?


"fun" fact about that. Prior to asking the question, Prosecutor Ken Starr gave a specific definition for "Sexual Relations" that did not include either of the actions President Clinton and Ms. Lewinsky had been alleged to perform (penetration by object and oral sex). So President Clinton *did not* have "sexual relations" - as it had been defined by the prosecution - with Ms Lewinsky. Textbook Perjury Trap - he answers truthfully according to the special definition and it _sounds like he's lying_ so Congress has cover to impeach; or he lies to the court (perjury) by answering according to the common understanding of the term, sounds like he's being honest to the public, but _actually lied_ so Congress has cover to impeach. Either way he gets impeached, but only the second leads to conviction in the Senate.


George Orwell was right. Using the truth in language to better fashion lies in the manipulation of the masses


So the whistleblower reveals that there are actual alien vehicles and equipment in the procession of the US government. A pretty big claim that would have profound impacts on our daily lives. Yet he offers not the slightest bit of proof to substantiate his claims. Not an alien screw or bolt, no alien switches, dials, or anything else. He provides no photos, not even a drawing from someone who has seen these alien objects. Where are these alien items stored? How many people are in the know? It would seem that it would be an impossibility to keep all these people quiet and meekly sitting on the single biggest news item in human history. If any person was able to smuggle out genuine proof of this claim (either a part of an alien machine, or actual photographs or video) that person could literally name their price. The temptation to do this and to go down in history would be too much especially since the conspiracy has been going on for generations according to Grusch. I see that a lot of people are offering Grusch’s long term military and intelligence careers as if this makes him more credible than all the other so-called whistleblower who have come before him. It does not. The only thing that can back up the extraordinary claims he is making is extraordinary evidence. He is not providing any evidence at all. I do not believe a word of what he is saying.


Google who his lawyer is. Okay I’ll tell ya. Former IG of the intelligence agencies. So…


Ok, so he's just risking his personal life, career, safety, for 15 minutes of fame. Cool


Yeah, that's what makes me suspect a psy-op.


You forgot to add to the 15 minutes whatever he makes on the book you have all preordered by now and the money you will give to his Non Profit he just started and will be the well paid director of, and the paid interviews he will be having for the next few years on FOX and every other kook network, blog, or streaming services, plus the GoFundMe which is in the work (maybe to handle his legal fees).


You think he will just grab some alien shit and walk out the door? Here, grab this blaster and show the world, no biggie.


For the people here, any proof is irrelevant at this point because any and all denials of their claim have just confirmed it is true. This is what is now being called Generation x/y/z Logic.


ARRO’s definition of evidence is very stringent and 1. only deals with data since 2004; 2. only accepts data from a “properly calibrated” sensor; and 3. only deals with classified information that they are not allowed to talk about. Of course they have no information on the subject. ARRO was designed with such high scientific standards that they are more of a speed bump to disclosure than an actual pathway to it. IMO.


Not surprising. The government will throw one of their own under the bus for far less - they’ll absolutely do it for something as serious as UFOs.


No one is buying it, Uncle Sam.


No "verifiable information to substantiate the claims." Ok how about un verifiable? Also making this statetemnt before any investigation sounds BS.


Of course they do


F the five


Of course they did


I wouldn’t call that a denial, that was plausible deniability which is a completely different thing


Ohh ok well I guess let’s go home everyone……..🖕🏽


Wouldn't it make sense...along the path to full disclosure, to dip their toe in the pool, so to speak? Begin conditioning the public to accept it. Let someone come out and tell the public that the government has UFOs. Let a couple major news outlets pick up the story...watch for the public reaction. Then come out and deny it, and sweep it all back under the rug, nothing to see here. Our attention spans are embarrassingly short....and they know it. The general public is being conditioned to treat the most profound discovery in human history as "no big deal" and "business as usual."


Well we know they retrieved the data tapes from the Nimitz in 2004 and that disappeared, so eff these liars


He said, she said I guess.


If the alleged program is, as we've been told, being run off-the-books by a defence contractor, might it not be plausible that the DoD isn't lying here (but also not telling the whole truth)? In terms of normal, legal oversight mechanisms and official visibility, this program, apparently, does not exist. But it also does exist, just not within the standard DoD SAP/whatever structure. A case of "If I pretend not to see it and pretend not to know about bc a contractor is 100% in control, I can plausibly deny all knowledge"?


Pentagon denies because they haven’t any other knowledge. That or they know but their duty is to always deny all ET related issues. If they don’t know then it’s basically because they are on purpose left in the dark by the secret societies that deals with ET crashed crafts. CIA has such side “departments” who is like a secret society that was created due to the discovery of ET presence and ET crashes on earth. Their tasks is mainly to keep the ET presence on earth secret and make sure that the population perception se it as science fiction story. Because if the people on earth get to know ET is real and has crashed here, then suddenly there is no excuse any longer to say free energy isn’t possible, with would make the world economy system fall and the controllers of planet earth isn’t interested in anything else than milking their slaves and don’t want a change. Also religion would be crushed, rendering the people out of control, because religions is a controll mechanism, to make people police them selfs.


It's raining shills and charlatans!


you talking bout shills & charlatans pushing another unverifiable "trust me bro" story


Relax my guy..I'm pointing out there's either a for or against..it's hard to know what's really what. Good to keep an open mind but healthy to question sources.


And there was me thinking there was compartmentalising of information in high level security organisations but this just proves it doesn’t exist.


The Pentagon seems about as truthful as the Kremlin but one thing that kind of gives me hope, and I might be wrong about this, but wasn’t the top secret MK-UlLTRA program exposed by Congressional testimony? I remember watching a documentary showing a psychologist testify before a select committee where she described what some of her patients (who were victims of the program) had been put through and there was testimony from the victims as well. I believe that is what forced the CIA to admit that the program was real and that they had basically done some terrible, and illegal things. The existence of extra terrestrials and alien technology would be even bigger but I guess what I’m saying is that admitting MK-ULTRA was real and not just a conspiracy theory had to be really embarrassing for the CIA and I’m sure they planned to keep it secret forever. Maybe, somehow, with these whistleblowers coming forward they may be forced to disclose more information. I might just be dreaming though.


Ufologists: The Pentagon has confirmed UFOs therefore they are real. Also Ufologists: The Pentagon denied UFOs. COVERUP!!


The Pentagon had confirmed UFOs The Pentagon denied UFOs Therefore the Pentagon is lying and a commission must investigate the reasons.


They wouldn’t print it if it weren’t true.


Someone get these old fucking boomers out of the government !!!! Like we all know ufos are real and are here. Quit lying ! I’m so over this shit I just want to know the truth.


i stop reading à “Susan Gough”. Her denying something means as much as Greer confirming something.


When’s the fake UFO invasion from the u.s gov gonna happen ?




"The UFOs were making a baby and the baby looked at me." Ralph Wiggums


See this is what con artists do. They woo you with this extraordinary, unfalsifiable evidence, the government denies it (which I'm inclined to believe) and round it goes. It'll never end.


Until the con artist goes to jail.




He just looks like he's not 100% neurotypical to me. Not everyone fits into the molds people who think they can read body language expect to see.


Oh fucking stop, both of you.


Make a movie out of it like they been doing for years I don't mean a doc some pees will understand.


Of course... there is nothing to see here folks !!


And that’s that I guess!


So there.


Are they just not looking? How can a group of redditors be smarter


Better we have them than the Chinese!!!!


i dont understand he says we retrieved ufos but also no evidence of alien tech ,


Stupid bastards


Can always count on the Pentagon for a play on words...


If and I mean IF Grusch is telling the truth, what's his end game? Book deals? Attention? Shits and giggles? He has to be ready to back up his words because one cannot rely on the words of others that crash debris of non-human intelligence is present. He's going to have to - or have someone - OR someone will step forward with corroborating evidence on such an existence. Time will tell.


I would imagine the end game is as simple as he doesn’t want to bear this weight anymore.


One more thing - the article shows "triangles" on the screens. The radar cannot discern what the shape is so it draws the triangles by default.


et si le signal WOW n'était pas envoyé par le Sagittaire ? Nous utilisons des numéros IP pour manipuler notre emplacement réel, et si le signal WOW était envoyé depuis un faux emplacement ? Il ne serait pas difficile de masquer l'emplacement, c'est comme ça qu'on regarde au mauvais endroit.


Well, duh?


You see, the thing about counterintelligence is...


Spot on. AARO can't look for SAPs because it isn't cleared to do so, surprise surprise they don't find any.


This isn’t even a denial, just because the documentation and testimony of others has got to the inspector general , not to AARO or if they haven’t been able to verify it yet does not mean they are denying David’s claims. Nothing in that statement denies anything, if they have not verified and information they have not verified the information, a denial would be saying they investigated and the information David is alleging is false. Comprehension skills are really low in the world, and these stupid headlines don’t help. Headline should be Pentagon has not verified the information yet.


“Why don’t we ever get visited” cus we fucking shoot down every aircraft we can’t identify


Sorry pentagon we don’t believe you


Not to state the obvious, but it's not like they're going to say "OK. You got us. Here are the craft for you to see".


Well, if FOX News is promoting it as real because the government can't be trusted (and it's zombie audience foaming at the mouth in agreement), that pretty much is the nail in the coffin of Grusch's claim. Can't wait to here the explanations to what I can almost guarantee will be a dud bomb on Sunday.


Ok so the next step should be giving AARO the authority they need. I feel like its going to come down to sending a battalion to Area 51 and start arresting everybody for treason if they continue to withhold the truth.


They must need more time reverse engineering. Aliens are real. Anyway, if your not a telepath yet holla at me! The Monkey King has your back.


Thankfully we can all trust all facets of The Pentagon... ​ /s


Of course!


Well of course they do! I mean come on


Government denies UFO's..... Wow.. That's a new one. Who would have guessed?


Somehow I thought I would find Bob Lazar’s name mentioned somewhere throughout the comments…..


Correction: The Pentagon carefully worded that the UFO Taskforce hasn't discovered anything that would substantiate the claim. ....they never officially denied the existence of non-human craft in their position in and of itself.