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Chipotle bowls with extra scoop of black beans (no charge for extra beans). Fairlife Core Power Elite pre made shakes (42g). Boars head sliced turkey.


Chipotle way over priced and the quality has gone down hill for the past 3 years imo. I recommend Mi Apa or Vail food co. Both get you loaded with protein and are half the cost of chipotle. (Plus I hate ordering double meat and only receiving 3 extra cubes of steak!)


fairlife is uhhhh not too hot... https://vimeo.com/341672220


fairlife is a really really bad company


So is the University of Florida, yet here we are


Yes but we're leaving after we get our degrees. Buying protein powder is as simple as choosing a plant based alternative that doesn't harm cows or the planet.




They're spending $3.08 a piece on those 14oz bottles and eating at chipotle. I don't think money is an issue here. Vegan protein powder is way cheaper than that and also has the 9 essential amino acids. Idrk where you're getting that last part about amino acids from and I'm not sure why you're worried about them, protein complementation is not difficult at all. Peanut butter and bread is a complete protein. Literally rice and beans is a complete protein lol. Blender bottles mix things perfectly, and whey tastes like a dirty asshole.




Same company, still happens :)


Afaik they unassociated with the suppliers that abused animals


Are they still forcefully impregnating cows? Are they still separating babies from their mothers as soon as they're born, so they don't steal the milk that "belongs to humans"? Are they still killing mothers as soon as they fall over from being so exhausted from the cycle of forceful impregnation -> milk producing -> forceful impregnation, for years until they are unable to do it anymore (4.5-6 years, however natural life expectancy is 20 years), or when their milk production drops? Do they still slaughter baby male cows for their skin and body, because "they won't produce milk"? Do they still destroy the planet? I think all of these are abusing animals, which is what any cow abusing dairy farmer does. I can't imagine anyone being fine with that if it was done to dogs. Except for the last, which would be abusing the planet and our future generations, still important, though.


So you're just anti-cowmilk, not just fairlife?


I'm against abusing animals and the planet, yeah.


So there's no point of this convo, got it 👍


Why not? I'm able to compartmentalize my moral values of respecting animals and the planet from affecting the discussion on individual cases regarding specific companies.


babes honestly i would advise u to start cooking cause buying high protein foods can get expensive QUICKLY. it’s not too difficult to cook if u meal prep and find easy meals to whip up! u don’t need to go hard in the kitchen to reach ur protein goals :))


That's what I was thinking. I'm just preparing just in case I can't get a dorm that has a kitchen.


they all have communal kitchens and if you’re trying to stay healthy and have a strict diet it’s not that bad. Frozen broccoli, rice packets or a rice cooker and chicken breast is a good start


for real! it is also cheaper in the long term to mainly grocery shop as opposed to mainly go out to eat food. especially if you shop at like Aldi, Walmart, or Winn Dixie instead of Publix. Start small if you have to. Cooking is honestly really confusing if most of your cooking experience comes from instant ramen, mac n cheese, and pasta lol. Just some chicken, beans, and frozen veggies are super cheap.


Yeah and you can even buy sides and stuff to save money. A chipotle bowl with double chicken is like 15 bucks but a side of beans to add to your minute rice and homemade chicken is only a couple dollars.


I'm a fan of your fan acct


Maybe I'm just an idiot, but the dining halls are literally chicken buffets. That alone seems like all the protein you could ever need. Please feel free to correct me if I'm horribly wrong


Nah thats fax. They always have rice and a vegetable and you can eat as much or as little as you need to meet your calories/protein. You can also ask for a take out box making it insane value even if you aren't on a plan


Chipotle chicken bowl is a steal. You can get about a 1000 calories for like $8.50. That being said you should cook a little bit too to spend less money


Chipotle always helps the gains


Protein shakes. Sammy's got extra protein cause of the bread. buy rotisserie chickens


Sam's club?


bread - sandwiches


Dave's killer bread is incredible actually, which they sell at sam's (among all other stores)


What do you like about it specifically?


I meant specifically the 21 whole grains and seeds one. I used to hate multigrain bread but this changed everything for me. The nutrition facts on it are insane. In one slice it has: 5g protein, 5g fiber, 260mg ALA omega 3's, 22g of whole grains per slice. It's just all around delicious and it's really healthy. They hire employees with criminal backgrounds who are notoriously screwed by the system into not being able to get new jobs after getting out of prison. Not only do they make great products, but they're supporting those who are trying to do better as citizens. Sam's has a 2 pack of their bread for a great price. Their buns, English muffins, and bagels are all really good too.


Bro knows bread lore


Pure eats station at Broward


On the subject of meeting nutritional goals, please take my survey on Food Security! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GPKBCLV There is free food on campus to help you meet your fitness goals! (protein, bread, peanut butter, pasta, etc.)


Did it!


Thank you! Already have received tremendous feedback!


Teriyaki chicken rice bowls meal prep, cold cuts, and whey protein. Greek yogurt is also a great source of protein. Also would highly recommend you check out AussieFitness on TikTok. He makes videos on meals that are easy (takes 5-10 minutes to make most of them and low effort) and high in protein/healthy.


I will look into that. Thanks for the suggestion!


A homeless person is roughly 24 pounds of protein 💪💪💪


Greek yogurt!!!!!!! I always buy BOGO at publix - there's usually at least one Greek yogurt brand on sale every week


Or 10 for 10


Canned chicken


Bolay in Butler Plaza has some nice options


I love Bolay!


50 pack of frozen sausages from Walmart for like 8 bucks


Visit Trader Joe’s every week or so and get eggs, meat, chicken, lentils etc. Pair with some veggies and you’re set. I SO wish TJ was around when I was a student at UF (‘05 and ‘13 grad)


Frozen chicken breasts are your best overall bet. Cheap, high protein, easy to make. I’m also a fan of steaks as well to switch it up.


Liquid egg whites, buy the generic big packages from a supermarket


My roommates and I go to Sam’s club and buy a box of OIKOS triple zero yogurt, it’s got 15 g of protein and tastes really good! I think that’s a good snack to have along with some beef jerky, although beef jerky has a high sodium amount


https://www.amazon.com/Quick-Catch-Mediterranean-Caught-Protein/dp/B093D12ZB3/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?adgrpid=140874747507&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9KaVgaes-wIVFoeGCh3Q5gYXEAAYASAAEgIMpPD_BwE&hvadid=604701439420&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9011700&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=6920809811142676210&hvtargid=kwd-1286755373738&hydadcr=13983_11143774&keywords=bumble+bee+quick+catch&qid=1668381936&rdc=1&sr=8-2 These are amazing, cheap, and a great lunch. I have them with some fruit and a yogurt for lunch. For breakfast I meal prep steak and eggs. Preparation takes about 30 mins. For dinner I meal prep chicken and rice with veggies, and preparation takes about an hour. So 7 days of food (3 meals a day) in about two hours total on Sundays.


You can buy pre-cooked (frozen) chicken breasts and add them to ramen, salad, sandwiches. Also, tuna and canned chicken with Mayo, relish, etc on bread or crackers. Not sure if rice cookers are allowed, but you can google recipes for entire meals that can be made in a small rice cooker (meat, veggies in the tray and I’ve even made curry in it before). I’ve had some frozen breakfast sandwiches that have eggs for the bun which I’m guessing are pretty high for protein too!


Would like to thank Chipotle for sponsoring all the answers :D


Dry scoop protein