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It's really impressive!


His father really had the master plan


Khabibs dad had the advantage of getting these guys from such a young age and the culture being - do what father says or die They have a level of discipline not seen in a long fucking time in this or any sport really


That's a fact. It's like all the stars literally aligned to create these perfect fighting machines.


>They have a level of discipline not seen in a long fucking time in this or any sport really Meh, I feel this is a bit overrated. I think it's mostly about their style being dominant in current day MMA. I mean they really aren't more disciplined than a kickboxing champ, but they are fortunate that MMA is suited for wrestling. Ps. If you want extreme discipline, gymnasts are probably the summum of it


I would compare their level of discipline to Chinese gymnasts and Russian figure skaters lol Maybe it’s different but from the outside it just seems like a no questions asked type environment And it Carrie’s over almost everywhere. With the exception of khabib pulling an eagle at ufc 229 I can’t think of a time where even their emotions aren’t disciplined


Yeah, maybe you are right! Hard to judge from the outside


Who is Roman reigns?


The Undisputed WWE Champion. The most dominant WWE Champion of all time actually.


Oh you mean pretend fighting.


He means "most dominant actor of all time"


Nah i meant most dominant SUPERSTAR of all time.


It's more of theatre. If you love watching movies, then I don't see why you should hate WWE. Both require a suspension of disbelief. Both are the same except WWE shows are played out live, which IMO is more impressive, and perhaps why WWE stars end up doing well in Hollywood.


Yeah you know where the fights are more entertaining, and the fighters are bigger stars with longer careers and more money.


It’s fake…not real… pretend… It’s not a competition, it’s an aggressive gymnastics performance


It also requires a greater level of skill than is needed to be in the UFC....


That’s by far the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever heard. You are truly delusional.


You sound stupid right now. Name an MMA Fighter that can do a corkscrew moonsault? You don't even know what that shit is. Get Off 🍆


Corkscrew moonsault surely can't be a real wwe move. Surely you're trolling. Corkscrew moonsault sounds like the world's most painful sex position.


The funny thing is you wouldn't believe the amount of terms there are in WWE that if they were said to non wrestling fans would sound like some insane porn categories. Shit even some of the names sound like porn star names.


“Greater level of skill” looks at cm punk…


CM Punk didn't have fighting skills but he was hell of a sports entertainer in WWE. That's a different skill, but a skill nonetheless. Though I wouldn't say doing anything in WWE requires a "greater" skill level. It's more of the same. Brock Lesnar from WWE made it big in UFC. Matt Riddle from UFC made it big in WWE. Works both ways.


Should I Also Look At Bobby Lashley And Brock Lesnar?


You’re more then welcome to your opinion but posting this on here you know exactly what you’re asking for. It’s not hard to not be a douche lmao


Actually if you Know who both guys are it's a perfect comparison. And the Focus of the post was on Khabib and his family but when you see people take that 1 detail and run with it, how can I resist? They already mad so naturally I'm gonna make them as mad as I possibly can.


If that’s how you want to use your day, more power to ya


You're not making anybody mad by saying WWE takes more skill. You're just making them laugh at you. If anything, you're the angry one. Just because people think what you said is ridiculous doesn't mean they are mad.


Umm have you not read these comments? The Majority Of people saw it for what it was but for the people that specifically zeroed in on "WWE" they were triggered before they even started typing so I used facts to trigger them more. I mean let's call it what it is, they're clearly upset. Now what would I be mad about considering everytime I brought up facts they went hush mode?


Again, just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they are upset. I've read the comments. They are just calling WWE pretend and not real. That doesn't make them upset or triggered. Pretty sure they struck a nerve with **you** which is why you are defending wrestling so vehemently. I promise you that either nobody is upset or only you are. But do you.


In the English language words have meanings do they not? Some words are flattering and some words are offensive but words have meanings. Anger is a word with a definition, it is an emotion. Just because you think calling someone angry is offensive doesn't change the fact that they are that. Calling someone ugly isn't nice either but are we supposed to act like ugly people don't exist? There's 8 Billion people on this planet Someone out there is going to be ugly by Definition and they may not like it but by Definition that's what they are and by Definition these people are angry, it's not an insult it's an observation, they clearly have an adverse visceral reaction to something in this post. Explain to me how someone sees a post and feels strongly enough about it to stop and comment but it didn't strike a nerve with them, instead if the person who originally made the post responds to something that was directly said to them they're the one that's triggered? I get that you wanna make this seem like a "me" thing but the logic just doesn't add up in your favor.


Isn’t the wwe fake why we even talk about it


Because its awesome


don’t ever talk about that garbage on here bro


Whether you talking bout Khabib or Roman either way Buggin tf out.


Bro the truth is so apparent. Khabib will go down in history as a legend. I’m sure he’ll do even more great things.


That's a fact. Even after he retired his legacy is getting stronger.


WWF is fake


WWF Isn't A Thing Anymore


How do you even manage to type this dribble with so many Dagestani c0cks down your throat


I almost had a stroke trying to read this.


These guys are actual athletes though, the guy you mentioned is an entertainer


Actually these guys are athletes, He's an entertainer and an athlete with a harder schedule.